コード例 #1
def setLines(desiredlines1, desiredlines2):
    from HltLine.HltLine import hlt1Lines
    lines1 = [i for i in hlt1Lines() if i.name() in desiredlines1]
    Sequence("Hlt1").Members = [i.configurable() for i in lines1]
    from HltLine.HltLine import hlt2Lines
    lines2 = [i for i in hlt2Lines() if i.name() in desiredlines2]
    Sequence("Hlt2").Members = [i.configurable() for i in lines2]
    from HltConf.HltMonitoring import HltMonitoringConf
    HltMonitoringConf().configureHltMonitoring(lines1, lines2)
    Sequence("HltEndSequence").Members = []
コード例 #2
    def configureHltMonitoring(self, lines1, lines2):
        HLT Monitoring configuration
        ## Only do things here that need to know the list of instantiated HLT
        ## lines. This function is called from the postConfigAction of
        ## HltConf.Configuration.

        monSeq = self.getProp("MonitorSequence")
        monSeq.IgnoreFilterPassed = True  # enforce execution of all sub-sequences
        if lines1:
            hlt1Mon = self.__hlt1_monitoring(lines1)
            monSeq.Members += [hlt1Mon]
        if lines2:
            hlt2Mon = self.__hlt2_monitoring(lines2)
            monSeq.Members += [hlt2Mon]

        # Disable production of histograms for all (most) of the algorithms
        from HltLine.HltLine import hlt1Lines, hlt2Lines
        if self.getProp('HistogrammingLevel') == 'None':
            for i in hlt1Lines() + hlt2Lines():
        elif self.getProp('HistogrammingLevel') == 'Line':
            for i in hlt1Lines() + hlt2Lines():
                                   lambda x: x.getType() != 'Hlt::Line')
        elif self.getProp('HistogrammingLevel') == 'NotLine':
            for i in hlt1Lines() + hlt2Lines():
                                   lambda x: x.getType() == 'Hlt::Line')
                "HltMonitoringConf: HistogrammingLevel property must be set to 'None', 'Line' or 'NotLine'."

        # Enable production of histograms for some algorithms, see _enableMonitoring()
        if self.getProp('EnableAlgMonitoring'):
            for i in hlt1Lines() + hlt2Lines():
                _recurse(i.configurable(), _enableMonitoring)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Config.py プロジェクト: hackerlank/lhcb-software
    def postConfigAction(self):
        from HltLine.HltLine import hlt1Lines
        from HltLine.HltLine import hlt2Lines

        # Reconfigure the Hlt sequences
        lines1 = [i for i in hlt1Lines() if i.name() in self.hlt1Lines]
        print "HLT1LINES"
        for hltLine in lines1:
            print hltLine.name()
        Sequence("Hlt1").Members = [i.configurable() for i in lines1]
        lines2 = [i for i in hlt2Lines() if i.name() in self.hlt2Lines]
        print "HLT2LINES"
        for hltLine in lines2:
            print hltLine.name()
        print "ENDLINES"
        Sequence("Hlt2").Members = [i.configurable() for i in lines2]

        # Reconfigure the monitoring to expect the correct lines
        from HltConf.HltMonitoring import HltMonitoringConf
        HltMonitoringConf().configureHltMonitoring(lines1, lines2)

        for hltLine in Sequence("Hlt1").Members + Sequence("Hlt2").Members:
                prescale = getattr(hltLine, "Prescale")
                if hasattr(prescale, "AcceptFraction"):
                    prescale.AcceptFraction = 1
                elif hasattr(prescale, "Code"):
                    prescale.Code = "FALL"
                postscale = getattr(hltLine, "Postscale")
                if hasattr(postscale, "AcceptFraction"):
                    postscale.AcceptFraction = 1
                elif hasattr(postscale, "Code"):
                    postscale.Code = "FALL"
            except AttributeError:

        # This is rather nasty, but required. It is possible because we don't need
        # an output file.
        Sequence("HltEndSequence").Members = []
コード例 #4
    def postConfigAction(self):
        from Configurables import GaudiSequencer as Sequence
        from Configurables import HltConf
        from HltLine.HltLine import hlt1Lines
        from HltLine.HltLine import hlt2Lines

        # Reconfigure the Hlt sequences
        lines1 = [i for i in hlt1Lines() if i.name() in self.hlt1Lines]
        print "HLT1LINES"
        for hltLine in lines1:
            print hltLine.name()
        Sequence("Hlt1").Members = [i.configurable() for i in lines1]

        lines2 = [i for i in hlt2Lines() if i.name() in self.hlt2Lines]
        print "HLT2LINES"
        for hltLine in lines2:
            print hltLine.name()
        print "ENDLINES"
        Sequence("Hlt2").Members = [i.configurable() for i in lines2]

        # Reconfigure the monitoring to expect the correct lines
        from HltConf.HltMonitoring import HltMonitoringConf
        HltMonitoringConf().configureHltMonitoring(lines1, lines2)
        #HltConf().configureHltMonitoring( lines1, lines2 )

        for hltLine in Sequence("Hlt1").Members + Sequence("Hlt2").Members:
            if hasattr(hltLine, "Prescale"):
                hltLine.Prescale.AcceptFraction = 1
                postscale = getattr(hltLine, "Postscale")
                if hasattr(postscale, "AcceptFraction"):
                    postscale.AcceptFraction = 1
                elif hasattr(postscale, "Code"):
                    postscale.Code = "FALL"
            except AttributeError: