コード例 #1
class BattleshipGameController(App):
    game_state = StringProperty('menu')
    user_player_name = StringProperty('')
    user_player_score = StringProperty('0')
    computer_player_score = StringProperty('0')
    ship_sunk_notification = StringProperty(None)

    def __init__(self):
        Config.set('input', 'mouse', 'mouse,multitouch_on_demand')

        super(BattleshipGameController, self).__init__()

    def build(self):
        sm = ScreenManager(size=(1400, 1500))
        sm.add_widget(MenuScreen(name='menu', controller=self))
        sm.add_widget(Main_screen(name='game', controller=self))
        self.screen_manager = sm
        return sm
        # return Main_screen(self)

    def on_game_state(self, instance, value):
        if value == 'setup_computer':
            self.game_state = 'human_turn'
        if value == 'menu':
            self.computer_player_score = "0"
            self.user_player_score = "0"

    def get_submarine_name(self, coordinate):
        if self.is_human_turn:
            return self.computer.player_board.get_submarine_name(coordinate)
            return self.player.player_board.get_submarine_name(coordinate)

    def start_game(self):
        """We start the game with setup: first the two players place their ships.
        Then, while there is no winner yet, we get the move from the player and then get the move from the computer,
        repeatedly. Once there is a winner, the game is over and the winner's name is announced."""

        self.player = HumanPlayer(self.user_player_name, controller=self)
        self.computer = ComputerPlayer(controller=self)
        self.is_human_turn = True
        self.winner = None

        self.submarine_name = None
        self.orientation = '>'
        # self.game_state = StringProperty('setup')
        self.user_submarines_positioned = 0

        self.submarine_name = None
        self.orientation = '>'
        self.user_submarines_positioned = 0

        self.screen_manager.current = 'game'
        self.game_state = 'setup'

    def play_human_turn(self, coordinate):
        value = self.computer.player_board.check_hit(coordinate)
        if value:
            self.user_player_score = str(int(self.user_player_score) + 1)
            submarine = self.computer.get_submarine(coordinate)
            if submarine.check_sunk():
                self.ship_sunk_notification = f"You have sunk the computer's {submarine.name}"

        return value

    def play_computer_turn(self):
        coord = self.computer.get_move()
        val = self.player.player_board.check_hit(coord)
        if val:
            self.computer_player_score = str(
                int(self.computer_player_score) + 1)
            submarine = self.player.get_submarine(coord)
            if submarine.check_sunk():
                self.ship_sunk_notification = f"The computer have sunk your {submarine.name}"

        return coord, val

    def setup(self):
        """The setup stage takes place before the actual game begins. At this stage each player chooses where to place
        the ships on his own board."""

    def place_submarine(self, location):
        submarine = Submarine(self.submarine_name)
        locations = []
        for i in range(submarine.life):
            if self.orientation == '>':
                coord = (location[0], location[1] + i)

                coord = (location[0] + i, location[1])

        res = self.player.place_submarine(submarine, locations)
        if res:
            self.user_submarines_positioned = self.user_submarines_positioned + 1
            if self.user_submarines_positioned == 5:
                self.game_state = 'setup_computer'
            return locations
            raise Exception("Could not locate ship")