コード例 #1
    def checkResults(self):
        ''' Refer GmailResultsFramework.checkResults for documentation'''
        tags = self.grestags + " IANA"
        gmail_user = setting.get("username")
        gmail_pwd = setting.get("password")
        smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com",587)
        smtpserver.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd)
        self.log.info("Checking Results... {0}".format(str(setting.get("poll_interval"))), extra=tags)
        for item in SuryaIANAResult.objects(isEmailed=False):
                misc = item.item.misc
                misc_dict = json.loads(misc)
            except ValueError as ve:
                self.log.error('[ Sanity ] The misc input is not a json syntax string. Store it as { "rawstring": (...input...)} . The orignial Input:' + str(misc)+ "Reason:" + str(ve), extra=tags)
                misc = '{ "rawString":"' + str(misc) + '"}'
            if misc_dict.has_key("fromemail"):

                #warn, warnmsg = Validate.validate(item)

                # Header so To:, From:, and Subject: are set correctly
                if misc_dict.has_key("toemail"):
                    # core gmail address must be configured to send as this user too! See settings->accounts
                    msghdr = "From: " + misc_dict["toemail"] + "\n"
                    sendFrom = misc_dict["toemail"]
                    msghdr = "From: " + setting.get("username") + "\n"
                    sendFrom = setting.get("username")
                msghdr += "To: " + misc_dict["fromemail"] + "\n"
                msghdr += "Subject: BC Results for " + str(item.item.filename) + '\n'
                msg = MIMEMultipart('localhost')

                flowratestr = "cc/m"
                if item.computationConfiguration.airFlowRate < 20:
                    flowratestr = "l/m"
                #text = render_to_string("result_email_default.html", {'item': item, 'flowratestr': flowratestr, 'warnmsg': warnmsg})
                text = render_to_string("result_email_default.html", {'item': item, 'flowratestr': flowratestr})
                textmsg = MIMEText(text)

                smtpserver.sendmail(sendFrom, misc_dict["fromemail"], msghdr + msg.as_string())
                self.log.info("sent email", extra=tags)
                item.isEmailed = True
        for item in SuryaIANAFailedResult.objects(isEmailed=False):
                misc = item.item.misc
                misc_dict = json.loads(misc)
            except ValueError as ve:
                self.log.error('[ Sanity ] The misc input is not a json syntax string. Store it as { "rawstring": (...input...)} . The orignial Input:' + str(misc)+ "Reason:" + str(ve), extra=tags)
                misc = '{ "rawString":"' + str(misc) + '"}'
            if misc_dict.has_key("fromemail"):

                # Header so To:, From:, and Subject: are set correctly
                if misc_dict.has_key("toemail"):
                    # core gmail address must be configured to send as this user too! See settings->accounts
                    msghdr = "From: " + misc_dict["toemail"] + "\n"
                    sendFrom = misc_dict["toemail"]
                    msghdr = "From: " + setting.get("username") + "\n"
                    sendFrom = setting.get("username")
                msghdr += "To: " + misc_dict["fromemail"] + "\n"
                msghdr += "Subject: BC Results for " + str(item.item.filename) + '\n'
                msg = MIMEMultipart('localhost')

                text = render_to_string("failed_email_debug.html", {'item': item})
                msgtext = MIMEText(text)
                smtpserver.sendmail(sendFrom, misc_dict["fromemail"], msghdr + msg.as_string())
                self.log.info("sent email", extra=tags)
                item.isEmailed = True
コード例 #2
    def checkInbox(self):
        ''' Refer GmailMonitorFramework.checkInbox for documentation. 
        tags = self.gmontags + " IANA"
        self.log.info("Checking Gmail... {0}".format(str(setting.get("poll_interval"))), extra=tags)
        gmailConn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(setting.get("imap_host"), setting.get("imap_port"))
        #Login: ('OK', ['20'])
        (status, rsps) = gmailConn.login(setting.get("username"), setting.get("password"))
        if status == 'OK':
            self.log.info("Login successfully username: "******"username"), extra=tags)
            self.log.error("Login fail." + str(status) + ":" + str( rsps), extra=tags)
            raise 'Gmail Login Failed'
        #Select INBOX: ('OK', ['20'])
        (status, rsps) = gmailConn.select("INBOX")
        if status == 'OK':
            self.log.info("Selecting INBOX successfully.", extra=tags)
            self.log.error("Cannot select INBOX" + str(status) + ":" + str( rsps), extra=tags)
            raise 'Inbox Selection Failed'
        # Search UNSEEN UNDELETED: ('OK', ['1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19'])
        (status, rsps) = gmailConn.search(None, "(UNSEEN UNDELETED)")
        mailIds = rsps[0].split()
        if status == 'OK':
            self.log.info("Finding {0:s} new emails.".format(str(len(mailIds))) +
                 ("unprocessed mail ids: " + rsps[0]) if len(mailIds) else "", extra=tags)
            self.log.error("Errors while searching (UNSEEN UNDELETED) mails."+ str(status) + ":" + str(rsps), extra=tags)
            return 'Errors searching for Unseen mails'
        for mid in mailIds:
            (status, rsps) = gmailConn.fetch(mid, '(RFC822)')
            if status == 'OK':
                self.log.info("Successfully fetching mail (mail id:{0:s})...".format(str(mid)), extra=tags)                    
                self.log.error("Errors while fetching mail (mail id:{0:s})...".format(str(mid)), extra=tags)
            mailText = rsps[0][1]
            mail = email.message_from_string(mailText)
            fromField = rfc822.parseaddr(mail.get("FROM").lower())[1]
            toField = rfc822.parseaddr(mail.get("TO").lower())[1]
            subjectField = mail.get("SUBJECT") # should be szu###

            if "Result" in subjectField:
            #TODO: add spam detection: only from "surya." with subject "szu" is considered valid.
            self.log.info("The mail (id: {0:s}) is from: <{1:s}> and to: <{2:s}> with subject: {3:s}" 
                          .format(str(mid), fromField, toField, subjectField), extra=tags)
            configDict = {"fromemail":fromField, "toemail":toField}
            isImage = False                
            #Downloading attachment from gmail
            parts = mail.walk()
            for p in parts:
                if 'text/plain' in p.get_content_type():
                    message = p.get_payload(decode=True)
                    self.log.info('payload: '+str(message), extra=tags)
                    if message is not None:
                        configParams = [v.split(':', 1) for v in message.splitlines() if ':' in v]
                        for param in configParams:
                            configDict[param[0].strip().lower()] = param[1].strip(string.punctuation + ' ').lower()
                if p.get_content_maintype() !='multipart' and p.get('Content-Disposition') is not None:
                    fdata = p.get_payload(decode=True)
                    filename = p.get_filename()
                    configDict['origfilename'] = filename
                    # Store the file in the file cache
                    self.log.info("Storing file: " + filename)
                    picFileName = self.imcache.put(filename, fdata)
                    if picFileName is None:
                        self.log.error('Could Not save ' + filename + ' in the cache', extra=tags)
                    #Reading EXIF info
                    (status, pic_datetime_info) = get_original_datetime_N80(picFileName)
                    if status:
                        self.log.info("From Exif metadata, the picture {0:s} is taken at {1:s}"
                             .format(picFileName, pic_datetime_info.strftime("%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S")).replace(',0',','), extra=tags)
                        self.log.error("Cannot get original datetime from picture: " + picFileName + "details: " + str(pic_datetime_info), extra=tags)
                        pic_datetime_info = datetime.datetime.now()
                        #self.imcache.remove(filename) #set the current datetime
                        #continue # try next part
                    isImage = True

            if isImage:
                # Check for invalid characters in dictionary that json convertor can not handle
                configDict = IANAGmailMonitor.remove_undecodable_from_dict(configDict)
                message = json.dumps(configDict)
                #Upload to http server
                response = cStringIO.StringIO()
                curl = pycurl.Curl()
                curl.setopt(curl.WRITEFUNCTION, response.write)
                curl.setopt(curl.POST, 1)
                curl.setopt(curl.URL, setting.get("upload_url"))
                    ("device_id", fromField),
                    ("aux_id", ""), #TODO: using CronJob to read QR code
                    ("misc", message), #not used
                    ("record_datetime", pic_datetime_info.strftime("%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S").replace(',0',',')), #change 08->8, otherwise the server will complaints because we cannot run datetime(2010,08,23,18,1,1)
                    #("gps", ""), #not used # needs to change to three post values instead of one
                    ("datatype", "image"),
                    ("mimetype", "image/jpeg"),
                    ("version", setting.get("http_post_version")),
                    ("deployment_id", toField[0:toField.index('@')]), #e.g. surya.pltk1 ("from email")
                    ("tag", ""), #not used  
                    ("data", (curl.FORM_FILE, picFileName))
                self.log.info("Running http post to: "+setting.get("upload_url"), extra=tags)
                server_rsp = str(response.getvalue())
                if str(server_rsp).startswith("upok"):
                    self.log.info("Successfully Uploading."+ str(server_rsp), extra=tags)
                    self.log.error("The server returns errors."+ str(server_rsp), extra=tags)
                self.log.info("Deleting uploaded temporary file: " + str(picFileName), extra=tags)  