def SplitByFilesAndEvents(listoffiles, evtsperjob): """ Group the input files """ mylist = [] total_evts = 0 for files in listoffiles: myfdict = {} info = getNumberOfevents([files]) if not "nbevts" in info: return S_ERROR("The file %s does not have attached number of events, cannot split" % files) myfdict['file'] = files myfdict['nbevts'] = info['nbevts'] mylist.append(myfdict) total_evts += info['nbevts'] #nb_jobs = total_evts/evtsperjob joblist = [] jdict = {} startfromevt = 0 cur_events = 0 for event in range(total_evts): cur_events +=1 if not len(mylist): break item = mylist[0] nb_evts_in_file = item['nbevts'] if cur_events == evtsperjob : jdict['startFrom'] = startfromevt if not 'files' in jdict: jdict['files'] = [] jdict['files'].append(item['file']) startfromevt = int(cur_events) cur_events = 0 mylist.remove(item) joblist.append(jdict) continue if cur_events > nb_evts_in_file: if not 'files' in jdict: jdict['files'] = [] jdict['files'].append(item['file']) mylist.remove(item) continue #joblist.append(jdict) #print "final jdict", jdict return S_OK(joblist)
def resolveInputVariables(self): """ Common utility for all sub classes, resolve the workflow parameters for the current step. Module parameters are resolved directly. """ if self.workflow_commons.has_key("SystemConfig"): self.systemConfig = self.workflow_commons["SystemConfig"] if self.workflow_commons.has_key("IgnoreAppError"): self.ignoreapperrors = self.workflow_commons["IgnoreAppError"] if self.step_commons.has_key("applicationName"): self.applicationName = self.step_commons["applicationName"] if self.step_commons.has_key("applicationVersion"): self.applicationVersion = self.step_commons["applicationVersion"] if self.step_commons.has_key("applicationLog"): self.applicationLog = self.step_commons["applicationLog"] if self.step_commons.has_key("SteeringFile"): self.SteeringFile = self.step_commons["SteeringFile"] if self.workflow_commons.has_key("JobType"): self.jobType = self.workflow_commons["JobType"] if self.workflow_commons.has_key("Energy"): = self.workflow_commons["Energy"] if self.workflow_commons.has_key("NbOfEvts"): if self.workflow_commons["NbOfEvts"] > 0: self.NumberOfEvents = self.workflow_commons["NbOfEvts"] if self.step_commons.has_key("InputFile"): ### This must stay, otherwise, linking between steps is impossible: OutputFile is a string inputf = self.step_commons["InputFile"] if not type(inputf) == types.ListType: if len(inputf): inputf = inputf.split(";") else: inputf = [] self.InputFile = inputf if self.step_commons.has_key("ForgetInput"): self.ignoremissingInput = self.step_commons["ForgetInput"] if self.workflow_commons.has_key("InputData"): inputdata = self.workflow_commons["InputData"] if not type(inputdata) == types.ListType: if len(inputdata): self.InputData = inputdata.split(";") if self.workflow_commons.has_key("ParametricInputData"): paramdata = self.workflow_commons["ParametricInputData"] if not type(paramdata) == types.ListType: if len(paramdata): self.InputData = paramdata.split(";") if not self.OutputFile: if self.step_commons.has_key("OutputFile"): self.OutputFile = self.step_commons["OutputFile"] # Next is also a module parameter, should be already set if self.step_commons.has_key("debug"): self.debug = self.step_commons["debug"] if "ILDConfigPackage" in self.workflow_commons: config_dir = self.workflow_commons["ILDConfigPackage"] # try to copy everything from there to here: res = getSoftwareFolder(config_dir) if not res["OK"]: self.log.error("Cannot find %s" % config_dir, res["Message"]) return S_ERROR("Failed to locate %s as config dir" % config_dir) path = res["Value"] list_f = os.listdir(path) for f in list_f: try: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f)): shutil.copytree(os.path.join(path, f), "./" + f) else: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(path, f), "./" + f) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Could not copy %s here because %s!" % (f, str(e))) if self.InputData: res = getNumberOfevents(self.InputData) self.inputdataMeta.update(res["AdditionalMeta"]) if res["nbevts"]: if self.NumberOfEvents > res["nbevts"] or self.NumberOfEvents == 0: self.NumberOfEvents = res["nbevts"] res = self.applicationSpecificInputs() if not res["OK"]: return res return S_OK("Parameters resolved")