コード例 #1
ファイル: domino_model.py プロジェクト: salilab/imp
 def write_pdb_for_reference_frames(self, RFs, fn_pdb):
         Write a PDB file with a solution given by a set of reference frames
         @param RFs Reference frames for the elements of the complex
         @param fn_pdb File to write the solution
     log.debug("Writting PDB %s for reference frames %s", fn_pdb, RFs)
     representation.set_reference_frames(self.components_rbs, RFs)
     atom.write_pdb(self.assembly, fn_pdb)
コード例 #2
ファイル: domino_model.py プロジェクト: jmabullock/imp
 def write_pdb_for_reference_frames(self, RFs, fn_pdb):
         Write a PDB file with a solution given by a set of reference frames
         @param RFs Reference frames for the elements of the complex
         @param fn_pdb File to write the solution
     log.debug("Writting PDB %s for reference frames %s", fn_pdb, RFs)
     representation.set_reference_frames(self.components_rbs, RFs)
     atom.write_pdb(self.assembly, fn_pdb)
コード例 #3
ファイル: domino_model.py プロジェクト: jmabullock/imp
 def write_pdbs_for_reference_frames(self, RFs, fn_base):
         Write a separate PDB for each of the elements
         @param RFs Reference frames for the elements of the complex
         @param fn_base base string to build the names of the PDBs files
     log.debug("Writting PDBs with basename %s", fn_base)
     representation.set_reference_frames(self.components_rbs, RFs)
     for i, ch in enumerate(self.assembly.get_children()):
         atom.write_pdb(ch, fn_base + "component-%02d.pdb" % i)
コード例 #4
ファイル: domino_model.py プロジェクト: salilab/imp
 def write_pdbs_for_reference_frames(self, RFs, fn_base):
         Write a separate PDB for each of the elements
         @param RFs Reference frames for the elements of the complex
         @param fn_base base string to build the names of the PDBs files
     log.debug("Writting PDBs with basename %s", fn_base)
     representation.set_reference_frames(self.components_rbs, RFs)
     for i, ch in enumerate(self.assembly.get_children()):
         atom.write_pdb(ch, fn_base + "component-%02d.pdb" % i)
コード例 #5
ファイル: DominoModel.py プロジェクト: drussel/imp
 def write_pdb_for_configuration(self, n, fn_pdb):
         Write a file with a configuration for the model (configuration
         here means a configuration in DOMINO)
         @param n Index of the configuration desired.
     if not self.configuration_sampling_done:
         raise ValueError("DominoModel: sampling not done")
     log.debug("Writting PDB %s for configuration %s", fn_pdb, n)
     atom.write_pdb(self.assembly, fn_pdb)
コード例 #6
ファイル: domino_model.py プロジェクト: jmabullock/imp
 def write_pdb_for_component(self, component_index, ref, fn_pdb):
         Write one component of the assembly
         @param component_index Position of the component in the assembly
         @param ref Reference frame of the component
         @param fn_pdb Output PDB
     ("Writting PDB %s for component %s", fn_pdb, component_index)
     hierarchy_component = self.assembly.get_child(component_index)
     atom.write_pdb(hierarchy_component, fn_pdb)
コード例 #7
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: newtonjoo/imp
def write_pdb_for_reference_frames(fn_pdbs, refs_texts, fn_output):
        Read the PDB files, apply reference frames to them, and write a pdb
    model = IMP.kernel.Model()
    assembly = representation.create_assembly(model, fn_pdbs)
    rbs = representation.create_rigid_bodies(assembly)
    for t, rb in zip(refs_texts, rbs):
        r = TextToReferenceFrame(t).get_reference_frame()
    atom.write_pdb(assembly, fn_output)
コード例 #8
ファイル: domino_model.py プロジェクト: jmabullock/imp
 def write_pdb_for_assignment(self, assignment, fn_pdb):
         Write the solution in the assignment
         @param assignment Assignment class with the states for the subset
         @param fn_pdb File to write the model
     if not self.assignments_sampling_done:
         raise ValueError("DominoModel: sampling not done")
     log.info("Writting PDB %s for assignment %s", fn_pdb, assignment)
     atom.write_pdb(self.assembly, fn_pdb)
コード例 #9
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: sirusb/imp
def write_pdb_for_reference_frames(fn_pdbs, refs_texts, fn_output):
        Read the PDB files, apply reference frames to them, and write a pdb
    model = IMP.kernel.Model()
    assembly = representation.create_assembly(model, fn_pdbs)
    rbs = representation.create_rigid_bodies(assembly)
    for t, rb in zip(refs_texts, rbs):
        r = TextToReferenceFrame(t).get_reference_frame()
    atom.write_pdb(assembly, fn_output)
コード例 #10
ファイル: domino_model.py プロジェクト: salilab/imp
 def write_pdb_for_component(self, component_index, ref, fn_pdb):
         Write one component of the assembly
         @param component_index Position of the component in the assembly
         @param ref Reference frame of the component
         @param fn_pdb Output PDB
     ("Writting PDB %s for component %s", fn_pdb, component_index)
     hierarchy_component = self.assembly.get_child(component_index)
     atom.write_pdb(hierarchy_component, fn_pdb)
コード例 #11
ファイル: domino_model.py プロジェクト: salilab/imp
 def write_pdb_for_assignment(self, assignment, fn_pdb):
         Write the solution in the assignment
         @param assignment Assignment class with the states for the subset
         @param fn_pdb File to write the model
     if not self.assignments_sampling_done:
         raise ValueError("DominoModel: sampling not done")
     log.info("Writting PDB %s for assignment %s", fn_pdb, assignment)
     atom.write_pdb(self.assembly, fn_pdb)
コード例 #12
ファイル: domino_model.py プロジェクト: jmabullock/imp
 def write_pdb_for_configuration(self, n, fn_pdb):
         Write a file with a configuration for the model (configuration
         here means a configuration in DOMINO)
         @param n Index of the configuration desired.
         @param fn_pdb
     if not self.configuration_sampling_done:
         raise ValueError("DominoModel: sampling not done")
     log.debug("Writting PDB %s for configuration %s", fn_pdb, n)
     atom.write_pdb(self.assembly, fn_pdb)
コード例 #13
def apply_transformation_to_hierarchy(prot, T, fn_write=False):
        If fn_write is different from False, write to file
    R = T.get_rotation()
    t = T.get_translation()
    xyz1 = [core.XYZ(l) for l in atom.get_leaves(prot)]
    coords = [p.get_coordinates() for p in xyz1]
    newvs = [R.get_rotated(v) + t for v in coords]
    for i in range(len(newvs)):
    if (fn_write):
        atom.write_pdb(prot, fn_write)
コード例 #14
ファイル: movement.py プロジェクト: andreyto/imp-fork-proddl
def apply_transformation_to_hierarchy(prot, T, fn_write=False):
        If fn_write is different from False, write to file
    R = T.get_rotation()
    t = T.get_translation()
    xyz1 = [core.XYZ(l) for l in atom.get_leaves(prot)]
    coords = [p.get_coordinates() for p in xyz1]
    newvs = [R.get_rotated(v) + t for v in coords]
    for i in range(len(newvs)):
        atom.write_pdb(prot, fn_write)
コード例 #15
def get_drms_for_backbone(assembly, native_assembly):
        Measure the DRMS ob the backbone between two assemblies.
        @param assembly The DRMS is computed for this assembly
        @param native_assembly The assembly that acts as a reference

          1) The components of the assembly can be proteins or nucleic acids
          2) If a protein, the c-alphas are used for calculating the drms
          3) If a nucleic acid, the backbone of C4' atoms is used
          4) The chains are treated as rigid bodies to speed the calculation.

        WARNING: if the function fails with a segmentation fault, one of the
        possible problems is that IMP reads some HETATM as calphas. Check that
        the chain does not have heteroatoms.
    begin_range = 0
    ranges = []
    backbone = []
    h_chains = atom.get_by_type(assembly, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
    for h in h_chains:
        atoms = representation.get_backbone(h)
        end_range = begin_range + len(atoms)
        ranges.append((begin_range, end_range ))
        begin_range = end_range
#    log.debug("Ranges %s number of CA %s", ranges, len(calphas1))

    xyzs = [core.XYZ(l) for l in backbone]
    native_chains = atom.get_by_type(native_assembly, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
    native_backbone = []
    for h in native_chains:
        native_backbone.extend( representation.get_backbone(h))
    native_xyzs = [core.XYZ(l) for l in native_backbone]
    if(len(xyzs) != len(native_xyzs)):
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot compute DRMS for sets of atoms of different size")
    drms = atom.get_rigid_bodies_drms(xyzs, native_xyzs, ranges)
    if(drms < 0 or math.isnan(drms) or drms > 100):
        log.debug("len(xyzs) = %s. len(native_xyzs) = %s",len(xyzs), len(native_xyzs))
        log.debug("drms = %s",drms)
        atom.write_pdb(native_assembly, "drms_filtering_calphas.pdb")
        raise ValueError("There is a problem with the drms")
    return drms
コード例 #16
ファイル: emagefit.py プロジェクト: drussel/imp
def generate_monte_carlo_model(params, fn_database, seed,
                               write_solution=False, fn_log = None):
        Generate a model for an assembly using MonteCarlo optimization
        @param params Class with the parameters for the experiment
        @param fn_database Datbase file where the solutions will be written.
                            SQLite format.
        @param write_solution If True, writes a PDB with the final model
        @param fn_log File for logging. If the value is None, no file is written
    log.info(io.imp_info([IMP, em2d]))
    m = DominoModel.DominoModel()
    m.set_assembly_components(params.fn_pdbs, params.names)
    set_pair_score_restraints(params, m)
    set_xlink_restraints(params, m)
    set_geometric_complementarity_restraints(params, m)
    set_connectivity_restraints(params, m)
    set_pairs_excluded_restraint(params, m)
    set_em2d_restraints(params, m )
    if hasattr(params, "benchmark"):

    mc = MonteCarloRelativeMoves.MonteCarloRelativeMoves(m.model,
                                                m.components_rbs, params.anchor)
    if not hasattr(params,"dock_transforms"):
        mc.dock_transforms = []
        mc.dock_transforms = params.dock_transforms

    # Probability for a component of the assembly of doing random movement
    # of doing a relative movement respect to another component
    mc.non_relative_move_prob = params.monte_carlo.non_relative_move_prob
    if write_solution:
        atom.write_pdb(m.assembly, fn_database + ".pdb")
コード例 #17
def get_drms_for_backbone(assembly, native_assembly):
        Measure the DRMS ob the backbone between two assemblies.
        @param assembly The DRMS is computed for this assembly
        @param native_assembly The assembly that acts as a reference

          1) The components of the assembly can be proteins or nucleic acids
          2) If a protein, the c-alphas are used for calculating the drms
          3) If a nucleic acid, the backbone of C4' atoms is used
          4) The chains are treated as rigid bodies to speed the calculation.

        WARNING: if the function fails with a segmentation fault, one of the
        possible problems is that IMP reads some HETATM as calphas. Check that
        the chain does not have heteroatoms.
    log.debug("Measuring DRMS of the backbone")
    begin_range = 0
    ranges = []
    backbone = []
    h_chains = atom.get_by_type(assembly, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
    for h in h_chains:
        atoms = representation.get_backbone(h)
        for a in atoms:
            print "atom ===> ",
            at = atom.Atom(a)
            hr = at.get_parent()
            res = atom.Residue(hr)
            ch = atom.Chain(h)
            print " - ",
            print " - ",
            print ""
        end_range = begin_range + len(atoms)
        ranges.append((begin_range, end_range))
        begin_range = end_range
    log.debug("Ranges %s number of atoms %s", ranges, len(backbone))
    xyzs = [core.XYZ(l) for l in backbone]
    native_chains = atom.get_by_type(native_assembly, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
    names = [atom.Chain(ch).get_id() for ch in native_chains]
    native_backbone = []
    for h in native_chains:
    native_xyzs = [core.XYZ(l) for l in native_backbone]
    if len(xyzs) != len(native_xyzs):
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot compute DRMS for sets of atoms of different size")
    log.debug("Getting rigid bodies rmsd")
    drms = atom.get_rigid_bodies_drms(xyzs, native_xyzs, ranges)
    if drms < 0 or math.isnan(drms):  # or drms > 100:
            "len(xyzs) = %s. len(native_xyzs) = %s",
        log.debug("drms = %s", drms)
        atom.write_pdb(assembly, "drms_model_calphas.pdb")
        atom.write_pdb(native_assembly, "drms_native_calphas.pdb")
        raise ValueError("There is a problem with the drms. I wrote the pdbs "
                         "for you: drms_model_calphas.pdb drms_native_calphas.pdb")
    return drms
コード例 #18
ファイル: comparisons.py プロジェクト: newtonjoo/imp
def get_drms_for_backbone(assembly, native_assembly):
        Measure the DRMS ob the backbone between two assemblies.
        @param assembly The DRMS is computed for this assembly
        @param native_assembly The assembly that acts as a reference

          1) The components of the assembly can be proteins or nucleic acids
          2) If a protein, the c-alphas are used for calculating the drms
          3) If a nucleic acid, the backbone of C4' atoms is used
          4) The chains are treated as rigid bodies to speed the calculation.

        WARNING: if the function fails with a segmentation fault, one of the
        possible problems is that IMP reads some HETATM as calphas. Check that
        the chain does not have heteroatoms.
    log.debug("Measuring DRMS of the backbone")
    begin_range = 0
    ranges = []
    backbone = []
    h_chains = atom.get_by_type(assembly, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
    for h in h_chains:
        atoms = representation.get_backbone(h)
        for a in atoms:
            print "atom ===> ",
            at = atom.Atom(a)
            hr = at.get_parent()
            res = atom.Residue(hr)
            ch = atom.Chain(h)
            print " - ",
            print " - ",
            print ""
        end_range = begin_range + len(atoms)
        ranges.append((begin_range, end_range))
        begin_range = end_range
    log.debug("Ranges %s number of atoms %s", ranges, len(backbone))
    xyzs = [core.XYZ(l) for l in backbone]
    native_chains = atom.get_by_type(native_assembly, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
    names = [atom.Chain(ch).get_id() for ch in native_chains]
    native_backbone = []
    for h in native_chains:
    native_xyzs = [core.XYZ(l) for l in native_backbone]
    if len(xyzs) != len(native_xyzs):
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot compute DRMS for sets of atoms of different size")
    log.debug("Getting rigid bodies rmsd")
    drms = atom.get_rigid_bodies_drms(xyzs, native_xyzs, ranges)
    if drms < 0 or math.isnan(drms):  # or drms > 100:
            "len(xyzs) = %s. len(native_xyzs) = %s",
        log.debug("drms = %s", drms)
        atom.write_pdb(assembly, "drms_model_calphas.pdb")
        atom.write_pdb(native_assembly, "drms_native_calphas.pdb")
        raise ValueError("There is a problem with the drms. I wrote the pdbs "
                         "for you: drms_model_calphas.pdb drms_native_calphas.pdb")
    return drms
コード例 #19
ファイル: buildxlinks.py プロジェクト: AljGaber/imp
 def write_ligand(self, fn):
         Write a pdb file the coordinates of the ligand
         @param fn
     atom.write_pdb(self.h_ligand, fn)
コード例 #20
ファイル: buildxlinks.py プロジェクト: sirusb/imp
 def write_ligand(self, fn):
         Write a pdb file the coordinates of the ligand
         @param fn
     atom.write_pdb(self.h_ligand, fn)
コード例 #21

bb=alg.BoundingBox3D(alg.Vector3D(-25, -40,-60),
                         alg.Vector3D( 25,  40, 60))
# rotate and translate the chains
for rbd in rigid_bodies:
    # rotation
    rotation= alg.get_random_rotation_3d()
    # translation
    # Apply
    final_transformation = alg.compose(transformation1,transformation2)
print "Writing transformed assembly"
atom.write_pdb (prot,"1z5s-transformed.pdb")

# set distance restraints measusring some distances between rigid bodies
# for the solution.
d01 = alg.get_distance(native_chain_centers[0],native_chain_centers[1])
r01 = core.DistanceRestraint(core.Harmonic(d01,1),chains[0],chains[1])
r01.set_name("distance 0-1")
d12 = alg.get_distance(native_chain_centers[1],native_chain_centers[2])
r12 = core.DistanceRestraint(core.Harmonic(d12,1),chains[1],chains[2])
r12.set_name("distance 1-2")
d23 = alg.get_distance(native_chain_centers[2],native_chain_centers[3])
r23 = core.DistanceRestraint(core.Harmonic(d23,1),chains[2],chains[3])
r23.set_name("distance 2-3")
d30 = alg.get_distance(native_chain_centers[3],native_chain_centers[0])
r30 = core.DistanceRestraint(core.Harmonic(d30,1),chains[3],chains[0])
r30.set_name("distance 3-0")
コード例 #22
em2d_scores = get_columns(fn_em2d_scores,[1])
em2d_scores = em2d_scores[0]

# get biggest clusters below a certain rmsd
print "clusters below cutoff",rmsd_cutoff,"Angstroms"
for c in clusters:
    for cid in elems:
    print "Cluster",c,":",elems,scores_elements,
    # find model with best score
    min_value,min_index= argmin(scores_elements)
    # The representative element is the one with the minimum em2d score
    print "representative element",min_elem_id,min_value
    for i in elems:
        pdb_name="cluster-%03d-elem-%03d.pdb" % (c,i)

            print "Writing element",i,"aligned to ",min_elem_id,":",pdb_name
            for p in ps:
            print "Writing representative element",min_elem_id,":",pdb_name
コード例 #23
    sel = atom.ATOMPDBSelector()
    m = IMP.Model()
    h_receptor =  atom.read_pdb(args.fn_receptor, m, sel)
    rb_receptor = atom.create_rigid_body(h_receptor)
    h_ligand =  atom.read_pdb(args.fn_ligand, m, sel)
    rb_ligand = atom.create_rigid_body(h_ligand)
    if args.dock:
        if not args.fn_transforms or not args.fn_internal_transforms:
            raise IOError("Docking requires the --int and --hex arguments")
        hex_docking = HexDocking()
        hex_docking.dock(args.fn_receptor, args.fn_ligand, args.fn_transforms)
        # read the HEX file of solutions and get the internal transformations
        # giving the relative orientation of the ligand respect to the receptor
        Ts = read_hex_transforms(args.fn_transforms)
        rb_receptor = atom.create_rigid_body(h_receptor)
        Tis = [get_internal_transform(T, rb_receptor, rb_ligand) for T in Ts]
        io.write_transforms(Tis, args.fn_internal_transforms)
    elif args.write:
        # To write the positions correctly, the script requires that the
        # ligand file is the same that was used for the docking
        Tinternal = io.read_transforms(args.fn_internal_transforms)
        max_number = min(args.write, len(Tinternal))
        Trec = rb_receptor.get_reference_frame().get_transformation_to()
        for i in range(max_number):
            Tdock = alg.compose(Trec, Tinternal[i])
            ref = alg.ReferenceFrame3D(Tdock)
            atom.write_pdb(h_ligand,"docked-%03d.pdb" % i)