def __init__(self, data, model=None, all_models=None, axes_style={}, data_style={}, init_style={}, best_style={}, **kwargs): # Dropdown menu of all subclasses of Model, incl. user-defined. self.models_menu = Dropdown() # Dropbox API is very different between IPy 2.x and 3.x. if IPY2: if all_models is None: all_models = dict([(m.__name__, m) for m in Model.__subclasses__()]) self.models_menu.values = all_models else: if all_models is None: all_models = [(m.__name__, m) for m in Model.__subclasses__()] self.models_menu.options = all_models self.models_menu.on_trait_change(self._on_model_value_change, 'value') # Button to trigger fitting. self.fit_button = Button(description='Fit') self.fit_button.on_click(self._on_fit_button_click) # Button to trigger guessing. self.guess_button = Button(description='Auto-Guess') self.guess_button.on_click(self._on_guess_button_click) # Parameter widgets are not built here. They are (re-)built when # the model is (re-)set. super(NotebookFitter, self).__init__(data, model, axes_style, data_style, init_style, best_style, **kwargs)
def make_plot(self, b): controller = self.controller b.description = 'Creating plot... Please Wait.' b.disabled = True try: b.pvals = controller.pvals.copy() if b.plot_type.value == 'Design Space (interactive)': self.make_interactive_plot(b) elif b.plot_type.value == 'Design Space': self.make_static_plot(b) elif b.plot_type.value == 'Stability': self.make_stability_plot(b) elif b.plot_type.value == 'Eigenvalues': self.make_eigenvalue_plot(b) else: self.make_function_plot(b) except Exception as e: close_button = Button(description="Close") error_message = '<div width="200px" style="float:center; text-align:center;">' error_message += '<b>An error occured while plotting</b></div>' error_window = Popup(children=[HTML(value=error_message),close_button]) close_button.window = error_window close_button.on_click(lambda x: x.window.close()) if old_ipython is False: error_window.box_style='danger' close_button.float = 'center' error_window.width='250px' error_window.height='150px' display(error_window) b.description = 'Add Plot' b.disabled = False else: b.description = 'Add Plot' b.disabled = False
def update_log_gains(self): controller = self.controller case = if case.ssystem.solution is None: self.log_gains.children = [] return table = HTML() html_str = '<div><table>\n<caption>Logarithmic gains and parameter sensitivities for Case ' + case.case_number + ' (' + case.signature + '). </caption>\n' html_str += '<tr ><th rowspan="2" align=center style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Dependent<br> Variables </th>' html_str += '<th colspan="' + str(len(case.independent_variables)) + '" align=center style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Independent Variables and Parameters</th></tr><tr align=center>' for xi in case.independent_variables: html_str += '<td><b>{0}</b></td>'.format(xi) html_str += '</tr>\n' for xd in case.dependent_variables: html_str += '<tr><td align=center style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b>{0}</b></td>'.format(xd) for xi in case.independent_variables: html_str += '<td align=center style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">{0}</td>'.format(str(case.ssystem.log_gain(xd, xi))) html_str += '</tr>\n' html_str += '</table></div><br>' save_button = Button(description='Save Log-Gain Table') save_button.table_data = html_str save_button.on_click(self.save_table) table.value = html_str self.log_gains.children = [HTML(value='<br>'), save_button, table] return
def update_global_tolerances(self): controller = self.controller case = pvals = self.pvals if pvals is None: self.tolerances_table.children = [] return if case.is_valid(p_bounds=pvals) is False: self.tolerances_table.children = [] return table = HTML() html_str = '<div><table>\n<caption>Global tolerances determined for Case ' + case.case_number + ' (' + case.signature + ') showing fold-difference to a large qualitative change{0}. </caption>\n'.format(' in log-coordinates' if self.log_coordinates is True else '') html_str += '<tr ><th align=center rowspan=2 style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Parameters </th><th colspan=2> Tolerance </th></tr>' html_str += '<tr><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b> Lower bound</b></td><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b> Upper bound</b></td></tr>' tolerances = case.measure_tolerance(pvals, log_out=self.log_coordinates) for xi in sorted(pvals.keys()): lower_th = 1e-15 if self.log_coordinates is False else -15 upper_th = 1e15 if self.log_coordinates is False else 15 lower, upper = tolerances[xi] html_str += '<tr><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b>{0}</b></td><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">{1}</td><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">{2}</td></tr>'.format( xi, lower if lower > lower_th else '-∞', upper if upper < upper_th else '∞') html_str += '</table><caption>' html_str += 'Note: Global tolerance calculated based on the following values for the parameters: ' html_str += '; '.join([i + ' = ' + str(pvals[i]) for i in sorted(pvals.keys())]) + '.' html_str += '</caption></div>' table.value = html_str save_button = Button(description='Save Global Tolerance Table') save_button.table_data = html_str save_button.on_click(self.save_table) self.tolerances_table.children = [HTML(value='<br>'), save_button, table] return
def update_bounding_box(self): controller = self.controller case = pvals = self.pvals if case.is_valid(p_bounds=pvals) is False: self.bounding_box_table.children = [] return if case.is_cyclical is True: self.bounding_box_table.children = [] return table = HTML() html_str = '<div><table>\n<caption>Bounding box determined for Case ' + case.case_number + ' (' + case.signature + '){0}. </caption>\n'.format(' in log-coordinates' if self.log_coordinates is True else '') html_str += '<tr ><th align=center rowspan=2 style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Parameters </th><th colspan=2> Tolerance </th></tr>' html_str += '<tr><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b> Lower bound</b></td><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b> Upper bound</b></td></tr>' tolerances = case.bounding_box(log_out=self.log_coordinates) for xi in sorted(tolerances.keys()): lower_th = 1e-15 if self.log_coordinates is False else -15 upper_th = 1e15 if self.log_coordinates is False else 15 lower, upper = tolerances[xi] html_str += '<tr><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b>{0}</b></td><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">{1}</td><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">{2}</td></tr>'.format( xi, lower if lower > lower_th else '-∞', upper if upper < upper_th else '∞') html_str += '</table></div>' table.value = html_str save_button = Button(description='Save Bounding Box Table') save_button.table_data = html_str save_button.on_click(self.save_table) self.bounding_box_table.children = [HTML(value='<br>'), save_button, table] return
def save_figure_widget(self, image_data, title='', caption = '', pvals=None, colors=None): image_widget = Image() image_widget.value = image_data children = [i for i in self.figures_widget.children] html_str = '<b>Figure '+str(len(children)+1)+'. '+title+'</b>' + caption html_widget = HTML(value=html_str) restore_pvals = Button(description='Restore Parameter Values') restore_pvals.pvals = pvals if pvals is None: restore_pvals.visible = False if old_ipython is True: image_widget = Image() image_widget.value = image_data tab_widget = VBox(children=[image_widget, html_widget]) if colors is not None: html_widgets = self.colorbar_tabs(colors) tab_widget.description='Figure' tab_widget = Tab(children=[tab_widget]+html_widgets) else: image_widget = self._image_widget_new(image_data, colors=colors) tab_widget = VBox(children=[image_widget, html_widget]) restore_pvals.on_click(self.restore_figure_pvals) if old_ipython is True: wi = Popup(children=[tab_widget, restore_pvals]) else: contents = VBox(children=[tab_widget, restore_pvals]) contents.width = '100%' wi = Popup(children=[contents]) wi.border = '1px solid black' children.append(wi) self.figures_widget.children = children if colors is not None: if old_ipython is True: tab_widget.set_title(0, 'Figure') tab_widget.set_title(1, 'Colorbar')
def make_interactive_plot(self, b): controller = self.controller if str(b.ylabel.value) == 'None': return button = Button(description='Stop interactive plot') button.on_click(self.remove_plot) = 'Interactive Plot (' + str(np.random.randint(0, 1000)) + ')' image_widget = Image() popup_widget = Popup(children=[image_widget]) image_widget.width='100%' rangex, rangey = self.axes_ranges(b) interactive_plot = controller.ds.draw_2D_slice_notebook(controller.pvals, str(b.xlabel.value), str(b.ylabel.value), rangex, rangey, {i:[1e-5, 1e5] for i in controller.pvals}, intersections=[1], image_container=image_widget) wi = VBox(, children=[interactive_plot, button, popup_widget]) controller.options.update({'xaxis':str(b.xlabel.value), 'yaxis':str(b.ylabel.value), 'x_range':rangex, 'y_range':rangey}) controller.update_child(, wi)
def __init__(self, data, model=None, all_models=None, axes_style={}, data_style={}, init_style={}, best_style={}, **kwargs): # Dropdown menu of all subclasses of Model, incl. user-defined. self.models_menu = Dropdown() # Dropbox API is very different between IPy 2.x and 3.x. if IPY2: if all_models is None: all_models = {m.__name__: m for m in Model.__subclasses__()} self.models_menu.values = all_models else: if all_models is None: all_models = [(m.__name__, m) for m in Model.__subclasses__()] self.models_menu.options = all_models self.models_menu.on_trait_change(self._on_model_value_change, 'value') # Button to trigger fitting. self.fit_button = Button(description='Fit') self.fit_button.on_click(self._on_fit_button_click) # Button to trigger guessing. self.guess_button = Button(description='Auto-Guess') self.guess_button.on_click(self._on_guess_button_click) # Parameter widgets are not built here. They are (re-)built when # the model is (re-)set. super(NotebookFitter, self).__init__(data, model, axes_style, data_style, init_style, best_style, **kwargs)
def interactive_lavalamp_pooled_inconsistent( self, sample_subsets=None, feature_subsets=None, difference_threshold=(0.001, 1.00), colors=["red", "green", "blue", "purple", "yellow"], savefile="", ): from IPython.html.widgets import interact savefile = "figures/last.lavalamp_pooled_inconsistent.pdf" def do_interact( sample_subset=self.default_sample_subsets, feature_subset=self.default_feature_subsets, difference_threshold=0.1, color=red, savefile=savefile, ): for k, v in locals().iteritems(): if k == "self": continue sys.stdout.write("{} : {}\n".format(k, v)) assert feature_subset in self.splicing.feature_subsets.keys() feature_ids = self.splicing.feature_subsets[feature_subset] sample_ids = self.sample_subset_to_sample_ids(sample_subset) color = str_to_color[color] self.splicing.plot_lavalamp_pooled_inconsistent(sample_ids, feature_ids, difference_threshold, color=color) plt.tight_layout() if feature_subsets is None: feature_subsets = Interactive.get_feature_subsets(self, ["splicing", "expression"]) if sample_subsets is None: sample_subsets = self.default_sample_subsets gui = interact( do_interact, sample_subset=sample_subsets, feature_subset=feature_subsets, difference_threshold=difference_threshold, color=colors, savefile="", ) def save(w): filename, extension = os.path.splitext(savefile.value) self.maybe_make_directory(savefile.value) gui.widget.result.savefig(savefile.value, format=extension.lstrip(".")) savefile = TextWidget(description="savefile", value="figures/clustermap.pdf") save_widget = ButtonWidget(description="save") gui.widget.children = list(gui.widget.children) + [savefile, save_widget] save_widget.on_click(save)
def update_constraints(self): constraints_widget = Textarea(description='Constraints', value = ',\n'.join(self.constraints) ) constraints_widget.visible = self.active_constraints button = Button(description='Done' if self.active_constraints else 'Modify constraints') button.constraints_widget = constraints_widget button.on_click(self.modify_constraints) self.constraints_widget.children = [constraints_widget, button]
def edit_parameters_widget(self): controller = self.controller if controller.ds is None: return pvals_widgets = [FloatText(description=i, value=controller.pvals[i]) for i in sorted(controller.pvals.keys())] wi = VBox(children=pvals_widgets) button = Button(value=False, description="Done") button.on_click(self.update_parameters) button.pvals = pvals_widgets button.wi = wi edit_pvals = VBox(description="Edit Parameters", children=[wi, button]) controller.update_child("Edit Parameters", edit_pvals)
def edit_symbols_widget(self): controller = self.controller if controller.ds is None: return symbols = {i:controller.symbols[i] for i in controller.symbols if i in controller.ds.dependent_variables + controller.ds.independent_variables} symbols.update({i:i for i in controller.ds.dependent_variables + controller.ds.independent_variables if i not in symbols}) self.symbols = symbols symbols_widgets = [Text(description=i, value=self.symbols[i]) for i in symbols] wi = VBox(children=symbols_widgets) button = Button(value=False, description='Done') button.on_click(self.update_symbols) button.symbols = symbols_widgets button.wi = wi edit_symbols = VBox(description='Edit Symbols', children=[wi, button]) controller.update_child('Edit Symbols', edit_symbols) wi.visible = True
def make_display_widget(self): controller = self.controller if controller.ds is None: return = VBox() self.constraints_widget = VBox() self.plot = HBox() self.log_coordinates = True self.global_tolerance = VBox() close_button = Button(description='Close Tab') close_button.on_click(self.close_widget) ss_options = ['log('+ i + ')' for i in controller.ds.dependent_variables] self.y_dropdown = Dropdown(description='y-axis', values=ss_options, options=ss_options, value=self.y_variable) self.make_plot = Button(description='Create Plot') self.make_plot.on_click(self.change_y_axis) self.make_plot.yaxis = self.y_dropdown self.make_plot.visible = True check_box = Checkbox(description='Logarithmic coordinates', value=self.log_coordinates) check_box.on_trait_change(self.update_log, 'value') self.y_dropdown.visible = False if len(self.slice_variables) <= 3: ## self.make_plot.visible = True if len(self.slice_variables) == 1: self.y_dropdown.visible = True if len(self.slice_variables) == 3: self.y_dropdown = HTML(value='<font color="red">Warning 3D plots are experimental.</font>') wi = VBox(children=[, self.constraints_widget, check_box, self.y_dropdown, self.make_plot, self.global_tolerance, close_button]) if old_ipython is True: wi.set_css('height', '400px') else: wi.height='400px' wi.overflow_x = 'auto' wi.overflow_y = 'auto' self.update_display() controller.update_child(, wi)
def update_parameter_table(self): controller = self.controller case = pvals = self.pvals if pvals is None: self.parameter_table.children = [] return if case.is_valid(p_bounds=pvals) is False: self.parameter_table.children = [] return make_nominal = Button(description='Make Nominal Parameter Set') make_nominal.on_click(self.save_parameters) table = HTML() html_str = '<div><table>\n<caption>Value for the parameters automatically determined for Case ' + case.case_number + ' (' + case.signature + '). </caption>\n' html_str += '<tr ><th align=center style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Parameters </th><th> Value </th>' for xi in sorted(pvals.keys()): html_str += '<tr><td><b>{0}</b></td><td>{1}</td></tr>'.format( xi, pvals[xi]) html_str += '</table></div>' table.value = html_str save_button = Button(description='Save Parameter Table') save_button.table_data = html_str save_button.on_click(self.save_table) self.parameter_table.children = [HTML(value='<br>'), save_button, table, make_nominal ] return
def make_options_menu(self, b): wi = b.wi b.visible = False = False b.load.visible = False actions = [('Enumerate Phenotypes', self.enumerate_phenotypes_menu), ('Analyze Case', self.case_report_menu), ('Intersect Phenotypes', self.case_intersect_menu), ('Co-localize Phenotypes', self.co_localize_menu), ('Create Plot', self.create_plot_menu)] actions_h = HTML(value='<b>Actions</b>') options_h = HTML(value='<b>Options</b>') options = [('Edit Symbols', self.create_edit_symbols), ('Edit Parameters', self.create_edit_parameters), ('Save Data', self.save_widget_data)] actions_w = Tab() options_w = [] for name, method in options: button = Button(description=name) button.on_click(method) ## button.version = b.version if method is None: button.disabled = True options_w.append(button) edit = Button(description='Modify System') edit.on_click(self.modify_equations_widget) warning = HTML() warning.value = '<font color="red"><b>Warning! Modifying system erases saved figures and tables.</b></font>' wi.children = [actions_h, actions_w] + [options_h] + options_w + [edit, warning] for title, method in actions: title, widget = method(self) children = [i for i in actions_w.children] + [widget] actions_w.children = children actions_w.set_title(len(children)-1, title) self.widget.selected_index = 1
def __init__(self, data, model=None, **kwargs): # Dropdown menu of all subclasses of Model, incl. user-defined. self.models_menu = Dropdown() all_models = {m.__name__: m for m in Model.__subclasses__()} self.models_menu.values = all_models self.models_menu.on_trait_change(self._on_model_value_change, 'value') # Button to trigger fitting. self.fit_button = Button(description='Fit') self.fit_button.on_click(self._on_fit_button_click) # Button to trigger guessing. self.guess_button = Button(description='Auto-Guess') self.guess_button.on_click(self._on_guess_button_click) # Parameter widgets are not built here. They are (re-)built when # the model is (re-)set. super(NotebookFitter, self).__init__(data, model, **kwargs)
def create_case_widget(self): controller = self.controller if controller.ds is None: return by_signature = Checkbox( description='Cases indicated by signature?', value=self.by_signature ) case_id = Text(description='* Analysis for case:') if 'biological_constraints' not in controller.options: bio_constraints = '' else: bio_constraints = ', '.join(controller.defaults('biological_constraints')) constraints = Textarea(description='Biological constraints:', value=bio_constraints) button = Button(description='Create Analysis') button.on_click(self.create_report) button.case_id = case_id button.by_signature = by_signature button.constraints = constraints wi = VBox(children=[by_signature, case_id, constraints, button]) return ('Analyze Case', wi)
def update_info(self): title = HTML(value='<b> Cases to Co-localize </b>') buttons = [] html_str = '<div><b>Is Valid: {0}</b></div>'.format( if is False: self.make_plot.disabled = True else: self.make_plot.disabled = False valid = HTML(value = html_str) html_str = '<table><caption> Auxiliary variables for ' + html_str += ' with ' + ', '.join(self.slice_variables) html_str += ' as the slice variable{0}.</caption>'.format('s' if len(self.slice_variables) > 1 else '') html_str += '<tr ><th rowspan="2" align=center style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Slice<br> Variables </th>' html_str += '<th colspan="' + str(len(self.cases)) + '" align=center style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Cases </th></tr><tr align=center>' for c in self.cases: html_str += '<td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b> {0} </b></td>'.format(c.case_number) html_str += '</tr>\n' pset = for i in self.cases: key = i.case_number case_button = Button(description='Case ' + key) buttons.append(case_button) case_button.pvals = pset[key] if key in pset else None case_button.on_click(self.open_case) for j, xj in enumerate(self.slice_variables): html_str += '<tr align=center><td>{0}</td>'.format(xj) for i, c in enumerate(self.cases): html_str += '<td>${0}_{1}</td>'.format(xj, i) html_str += '</tr>' html_str += '</table>' html_str += '<caption>Case co-localization assumes that the slice variables ' html_str += 'for one case are independent from the slice variables for the other cases in the co-localization.' html_str += 'Each auxiliary variable corresponds to a slice variable for one cases.</caption>' save_table = Button(description='Save variable table') save_table.on_click(self.save_table) save_table.table_data = html_str variables = HTML(value=html_str) = [title] + buttons + [valid, save_table, variables]
def create_case_widget(self): controller = self.controller if controller.ds is None: return case = = VBox() self.equations = VBox() self.log_gains = VBox() self.parameter_table = VBox() self.tolerances_table = VBox() self.bounding_box_table = VBox() calculate_pvals = Button(description='Determine values for the parameters') calculate_pvals.visible = False calculate_pvals.on_click(self.identify_parameters) if case.is_valid() is True and case.is_cyclical is False: if self.pvals is None: calculate_pvals.visible = True close_button = Button(description='Close Tab') close_button.on_click(self.close_widget) wi = Popup(children=[, self.equations, self.log_gains, self.bounding_box_table, calculate_pvals, self.parameter_table, self.tolerances_table, close_button]) if ipy_old is True: wi.set_css('height', '400px') else: wi.width = '700px' self.update_display() subtitle = self.subtitle if subtitle != '': subtitle = ' (' + subtitle + ')' self.title = 'Case ' + + subtitle controller.update_child(self.title, wi)
def save_popup_widget(self): controller = self.controller save_button = Button(description='Save') cancel_button = Button(description='Cancel') name_field = Text(description='* Name', version_field = Text(description='Version', value=controller.version) save_button.on_click(self.save_widget_data) save_button.name_field = name_field save_button.version_field = version_field cancel_button.on_click(self.cancel_save) self.save_data = VBox(description='Save Data', children=[VBox(children=[ HTML(value='<center width="100%"><b>Are you sure you want to save?</b></center>'), name_field, version_field, HBox(children=[ save_button, cancel_button])])]) self.save_data.box_style = 'warning' self.save_data.overflow_x = 'auto' self.save_data.overflow_y = 'auto' self.save_data.width = '100vh' return self.save_data
def colocalization_widget(self): controller = self.controller cases = Textarea(description='* Cases to co-localize:') by_signature = Checkbox(description='Cases indicated by signature?', value=self.by_signature) slice_variables = Textarea(description='* Slice variables:') if 'biological_constraints' not in controller.options: bio_constraints = '' else: bio_constraints = ', '.join(controller.defaults('biological_constraints')) constraints = Textarea(description='Biological constraints:', value=bio_constraints) button = Button(description='Create Co-Localization') button.on_click(self.make_colocalization) button.cases = cases button.by_signature = by_signature button.slice_variables = slice_variables button.constraints = constraints wi = VBox(children=[cases, by_signature, slice_variables, constraints, button]) return ('Co-localizations', wi)
def create_plot_widget(self): controller = self.controller options = self.controller.options if controller.ds is None: return xaxis = controller.defaults('xaxis') if xaxis is None: xaxis = controller.ds.independent_variables[0] yaxis = controller.defaults('yaxis') if yaxis is None: yaxis = controller.ds.independent_variables[1] center = controller.defaults('center_axes') range_x = controller.defaults('range_x') range_y = controller.defaults('range_y') xlabel = Dropdown( description='* X-Axis', values=controller.ds.independent_variables, options=controller.ds.independent_variables, value=xaxis) ylabel = Dropdown( description='* Y-Axis', values=['None'] + controller.ds.independent_variables, options=['None'] + controller.ds.independent_variables, value=yaxis) xmin = FloatText(description='* X-Min', value=range_x[0]) xmax = FloatText(description='* X-Max', value=range_x[1]) ymin = FloatText(description='* Y-Min', value=range_y[0]) ymax = FloatText(description='* Y-Max', value=range_y[1]) center_axes = Checkbox(description='Center Axes', value=center) boundaries = Checkbox(description='Draw Boundaries', value=False) plot_type = Dropdown(description='* Plot Type', values=self.widget_types, options=self.widget_types, value='Design Space (interactive)') title_widget = Text(description='Title') caption_widget = Textarea(description='Caption') included = controller.defaults('included_cases') if included is None: included = [] if isinstance(included, list) is False: included = [included] included_widget = Textarea(description='Only Cases', value=', '.join(included)) wi = VBox(children=[xlabel, ylabel, plot_type, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, center_axes, boundaries, title_widget, caption_widget, included_widget]) for i in [xlabel, ylabel, plot_type]: i.on_trait_change(self.update_field, 'value') plot_type.widget_container = wi button = Button(value=False, description='Add Plot') button.on_click(self.make_plot) button.xlabel = xlabel button.ylabel = ylabel button.xmin = xmin button.xmax = xmax button.ymin = ymin button.ymax = ymax button.center_axes = center_axes button.boundaries = boundaries button.plot_type = plot_type button.title = title_widget button.caption = caption_widget button.included = included_widget button.wi = wi self.title = title_widget self.caption = caption_widget self.boundaries = boundaries self.plot_type = plot_type self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel self.ymin = ymin self.ymax = ymax self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax add_plot = VBox(description='Add Plot', children=[wi, self.plot_data, button]) self.update_plot_widget('value', 'Design Space (Interactive)') return ('Create Plot', add_plot)
class NotebookFitter(BaseFitter): __doc__ = _COMMON_DOC + """ If IPython is available, it uses the IPython notebook's rich display to fit data interactively in a web-based GUI. The Parameters are represented in a web-based form that is kept in sync with `current_params`. All subclasses to Model, including user-defined ones, are shown in a drop-down menu. Clicking the "Fit" button updates a plot, as above, and updates the Parameters in the form to reflect the best fit. """ + _COMMON_EXAMPLES_DOC def __init__(self, data, model=None, **kwargs): # Dropdown menu of all subclasses of Model, incl. user-defined. self.models_menu = Dropdown() all_models = {m.__name__: m for m in Model.__subclasses__()} self.models_menu.values = all_models self.models_menu.on_trait_change(self._on_model_value_change, 'value') # Button to trigger fitting. self.fit_button = Button(description='Fit') self.fit_button.on_click(self._on_fit_button_click) # Button to trigger guessing. self.guess_button = Button(description='Auto-Guess') self.guess_button.on_click(self._on_guess_button_click) # Parameter widgets are not built here. They are (re-)built when # the model is (re-)set. super(NotebookFitter, self).__init__(data, model, **kwargs) def _repr_html_(self): display(self.models_menu) button_box = Box() button_box.children = [self.fit_button, self.guess_button] display(button_box) button_box.add_class('hbox') for pw in self.param_widgets: display(pw) self.plot() def guess(self): guessing_successful = super(NotebookFitter, self).guess() self.guess_button.disabled = not guessing_successful def _finalize_model(self, value): first_run = not hasattr(self, 'param_widgets') if not first_run: # Remove all Parameter widgets, and replace them with widgets # for the new model. for pw in self.param_widgets: pw.close() self.models_menu.value = value self.param_widgets = [ParameterWidgetGroup(p) for _, p in self._current_params.items()] if not first_run: for pw in self.param_widgets: display(pw) def _finalize_params(self): for pw in self.param_widgets: pw.value = self._current_params[].value pw.min = self._current_params[].min pw.max = self._current_params[].max pw.vary = self._current_params[].vary def plot(self): clear_output(wait=True) super(NotebookFitter, self).plot() def fit(self): super(NotebookFitter, self).fit() self.plot()
def __init__(self, domains, components, circuit=None, **kwargs): super(CircuitBuilder, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.button_text = "Launch CircuitBuilder" self.description = def _resize_inputs(el): el.set_css({"width": "100px"}) ##### make controls self.basic_controls = HorizontalContainer() self.add_component_controls = HorizontalContainer() self.add_port_controls = HorizontalContainer() self.change_component_controls = HorizontalContainer() self.change_port_controls = HorizontalContainer() # 1) basic controls self.reset_view_btn = ButtonWidget(description="Reset view") self.reset_view_btn.on_click(self.reset_view) self.circname = TextWidget(description="Circuit name", self.circname.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.rename_circ_btn = ButtonWidget(description="Rename") self.rename_circ_btn.on_click(self.rename_circuit) self.add_port_btn = ButtonWidget(description="New Port") self.add_port_btn.on_click(self.show_add_port_controls) self.add_comp_btn = ButtonWidget(description="New Component") self.add_comp_btn.on_click((self.show_add_comp_controls)) # self.download_btn = ButtonWidget(description="SaveAsSVG") # self.download_btn.on_click() self.basic_controls.children = [ self.reset_view_btn, self.circname, self.rename_circ_btn, self.add_port_btn, self.add_comp_btn, ] # 2) add component self.add_comp_type = DropdownWidget(description="ComponentType") self.add_comp_name = TextWidget(description="Component name") self.add_comp_name.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.add_comp_add = ButtonWidget(description="Add Component") self.add_comp_add.on_click(self.add_component) self.add_comp_back = ButtonWidget(description="Back") self.add_comp_back.on_click(self.back) self.add_component_controls.children = [ self.add_comp_type, self.add_comp_name, self.add_comp_add, self.add_comp_back, ] # 3) add port self.add_port_name = TextWidget(description="Port name") self.add_port_name.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.add_port_domain = DropdownWidget(description="Domain") self.add_port_domain.on_trait_change(self._update_port_directions, "value_name") self.add_port_direction = DropdownWidget(description="Direction", values={"in": "Input", "out": "Output"}) self.add_port_add = ButtonWidget(description="Add Port") self.add_port_add.on_click(self.add_port) self.add_port_back = ButtonWidget(description="Back") self.add_port_back.on_click(self.back) self.add_port_controls.children = [ self.add_port_name, self.add_port_domain, self.add_port_direction, self.add_port_add, self.add_port_back, ] # 4) change component self.mod_comp_name = TextWidget(description="Component name") self.mod_comp_name.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.mod_comp_rename = ButtonWidget(description="Rename") self.mod_comp_rename.on_click(self.rename_component) self.mod_comp_delete = ButtonWidget(description="Delete") self.mod_comp_delete.on_click(self.delete_component) self.mod_comp_back = ButtonWidget(description="Back") self.mod_comp_back.on_click(self.back) self.change_component_controls.children = [ self.mod_comp_name, self.mod_comp_rename, self.mod_comp_delete, self.mod_comp_back, ] # 5) change port self.mod_port_name = TextWidget(description="Port name") self.mod_port_name.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.mod_port_rename = ButtonWidget(description="Rename") self.mod_port_rename.on_click(self.rename_port) self.mod_port_dec = ButtonWidget(description="<") self.mod_port_inc = ButtonWidget(description=">") self.mod_port_dec.on_click(self.dec_port_order) self.mod_port_inc.on_click(self.inc_port_order) self.mod_port_delete = ButtonWidget(description="Delete") self.mod_port_delete.on_click(self.delete_port) self.mod_port_back = ButtonWidget(description="Back") self.mod_port_back.on_click(self.back) self.change_port_controls.children = [ self.mod_port_name, self.mod_port_rename, self.mod_port_dec, self.mod_port_inc, self.mod_port_delete, self.mod_port_back, ] # has to come at end!! = domains self.components = components self.circuit = circuit self.circuit.on_trait_change(self._handle_circuit_selection, "selected_element") self.circuit.on_trait_change(self._handle_circuit_name, "name") self.children = [ self.basic_controls, self.add_component_controls, self.add_port_controls, self.change_component_controls, self.change_port_controls, self.circuit ] self.back()
class CircuitBuilder(PopupWidget): """ Adds additional controls to the circuit widget for adding/removing external ports and component instances. """ _view_name = Unicode("CircuitBuilderView", sync=True) circuit = Instance(klass=Circuit, sync=True) domains = List() _domains_by_name = Dict() components = List() _components_by_name = Dict() def _components_changed(self, name, old, new): self.add_comp_type.values = { for c in new} self._components_by_name = { c for c in new} def _domains_changed(self, name, old, new): self.add_port_domain.values = { for d in new} self.add_port_domain.value_name = new[0].name self._domains_by_name = { d for d in new} self._update_port_directions() def __init__(self, domains, components, circuit=None, **kwargs): super(CircuitBuilder, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.button_text = "Launch CircuitBuilder" self.description = def _resize_inputs(el): el.set_css({"width": "100px"}) ##### make controls self.basic_controls = HorizontalContainer() self.add_component_controls = HorizontalContainer() self.add_port_controls = HorizontalContainer() self.change_component_controls = HorizontalContainer() self.change_port_controls = HorizontalContainer() # 1) basic controls self.reset_view_btn = ButtonWidget(description="Reset view") self.reset_view_btn.on_click(self.reset_view) self.circname = TextWidget(description="Circuit name", self.circname.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.rename_circ_btn = ButtonWidget(description="Rename") self.rename_circ_btn.on_click(self.rename_circuit) self.add_port_btn = ButtonWidget(description="New Port") self.add_port_btn.on_click(self.show_add_port_controls) self.add_comp_btn = ButtonWidget(description="New Component") self.add_comp_btn.on_click((self.show_add_comp_controls)) # self.download_btn = ButtonWidget(description="SaveAsSVG") # self.download_btn.on_click() self.basic_controls.children = [ self.reset_view_btn, self.circname, self.rename_circ_btn, self.add_port_btn, self.add_comp_btn, ] # 2) add component self.add_comp_type = DropdownWidget(description="ComponentType") self.add_comp_name = TextWidget(description="Component name") self.add_comp_name.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.add_comp_add = ButtonWidget(description="Add Component") self.add_comp_add.on_click(self.add_component) self.add_comp_back = ButtonWidget(description="Back") self.add_comp_back.on_click(self.back) self.add_component_controls.children = [ self.add_comp_type, self.add_comp_name, self.add_comp_add, self.add_comp_back, ] # 3) add port self.add_port_name = TextWidget(description="Port name") self.add_port_name.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.add_port_domain = DropdownWidget(description="Domain") self.add_port_domain.on_trait_change(self._update_port_directions, "value_name") self.add_port_direction = DropdownWidget(description="Direction", values={"in": "Input", "out": "Output"}) self.add_port_add = ButtonWidget(description="Add Port") self.add_port_add.on_click(self.add_port) self.add_port_back = ButtonWidget(description="Back") self.add_port_back.on_click(self.back) self.add_port_controls.children = [ self.add_port_name, self.add_port_domain, self.add_port_direction, self.add_port_add, self.add_port_back, ] # 4) change component self.mod_comp_name = TextWidget(description="Component name") self.mod_comp_name.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.mod_comp_rename = ButtonWidget(description="Rename") self.mod_comp_rename.on_click(self.rename_component) self.mod_comp_delete = ButtonWidget(description="Delete") self.mod_comp_delete.on_click(self.delete_component) self.mod_comp_back = ButtonWidget(description="Back") self.mod_comp_back.on_click(self.back) self.change_component_controls.children = [ self.mod_comp_name, self.mod_comp_rename, self.mod_comp_delete, self.mod_comp_back, ] # 5) change port self.mod_port_name = TextWidget(description="Port name") self.mod_port_name.on_displayed(_resize_inputs) self.mod_port_rename = ButtonWidget(description="Rename") self.mod_port_rename.on_click(self.rename_port) self.mod_port_dec = ButtonWidget(description="<") self.mod_port_inc = ButtonWidget(description=">") self.mod_port_dec.on_click(self.dec_port_order) self.mod_port_inc.on_click(self.inc_port_order) self.mod_port_delete = ButtonWidget(description="Delete") self.mod_port_delete.on_click(self.delete_port) self.mod_port_back = ButtonWidget(description="Back") self.mod_port_back.on_click(self.back) self.change_port_controls.children = [ self.mod_port_name, self.mod_port_rename, self.mod_port_dec, self.mod_port_inc, self.mod_port_delete, self.mod_port_back, ] # has to come at end!! = domains self.components = components self.circuit = circuit self.circuit.on_trait_change(self._handle_circuit_selection, "selected_element") self.circuit.on_trait_change(self._handle_circuit_name, "name") self.children = [ self.basic_controls, self.add_component_controls, self.add_port_controls, self.change_component_controls, self.change_port_controls, self.circuit ] self.back() def _handle_circuit_selection(self): e = self.circuit.selected_element if e: if isinstance(e, Port) and e.is_ext: self.back() self.show_mod_port_controls(e) return elif isinstance(e, ComponentInstance): self.back() self.show_mod_comp_controls(e) return self.back() def _handle_circuit_name(self): self.circname.value = self.description = def reset_view(self, *_): self.circuit.zoom = (0., 0., 1.) def back(self, *_): for c in [ self.add_component_controls, self.add_port_controls, self.change_component_controls, self.change_port_controls, ]: c.visible = False self.basic_controls.visible = True def show_mod_comp_controls(self, c): self.basic_controls.visible = False self.change_component_controls.visible = True self.mod_comp_name.value = def show_mod_port_controls(self, p): self.basic_controls.visible = False self.change_port_controls.visible = True self.mod_port_name.value = def show_add_port_controls(self, *_): self.basic_controls.visible = False self.add_port_controls.visible = True def show_add_comp_controls(self, *_): self.basic_controls.visible = False self.add_component_controls.visible = True def _update_port_directions(self): d = self._domains_by_name.get(self.add_port_domain.value_name, False) if isinstance(d, Domain): self.add_port_direction.visible = d.causal def rename_circuit(self, *_): if len(self.circname.value): = self.circname.value def add_component(self, *_): ctype = self._components_by_name[self.add_comp_type.value_name] cname = self.add_comp_name.value if len(cname) and not cname in self.circuit.c: new_comp = ctype.make_instance(cname) self.circuit.component_instances = self.circuit.component_instances + [new_comp] def add_port(self, *_): d = self._domains_by_name[self.add_port_domain.value_name] dir = self.add_port_direction.value_name if not d.causal: dir = "inout" pname = self.add_port_name.value if len(pname) and not pname in self.circuit.p: newp = Port(name=pname, domain=d, direction=dir) self.circuit.ports = self.circuit.ports + [newp] def rename_component(self, *_): c = self.circuit.selected_element if not isinstance(c, ComponentInstance): return newname = self.mod_comp_name.value if len(newname) and not newname in self.circuit.c: del self.circuit.c[] = newname self.circuit.c[] = c def rename_port(self, *_): p = self.circuit.selected_element if not isinstance(p, Port): return newname = self.mod_port_name.value if len(newname) and not newname in self.circuit.p: del self.circuit.p[] = newname self.circuit.p[] = p def delete_component(self, *_): c = self.circuit.selected_element if not isinstance(c, ComponentInstance) \ or not c in self.circuit.component_instances: return self.circuit.component_instances = filter(lambda cc: cc is not c, self.circuit.component_instances) for p in c.ports: for cc in p.connections_in + p.connections_out: cc.remove() self.circuit.selected_element = None def delete_port(self, *_): p = self.circuit.selected_element if not isinstance(p, Port) \ or not p in self.circuit.ports: return self.circuit.ports = filter(lambda pp: pp is not p, self.circuit.ports) for c in p.connections_in + p.connections_out: c.remove() self.circuit.selected_element = None def dec_port_order(self, *_): p = self.circuit.selected_element if not isinstance(p, Port) \ or not p in self.circuit.ports: return ps = list(self.circuit.ports) ii = ps.index(p) ps.pop(ii) ii = max(1, ii) self.circuit.ports = ps[:ii-1] + [p] + ps[ii-1:] def inc_port_order(self, *_): p = self.circuit.selected_element if not isinstance(p, Port) \ or not p in self.circuit.ports: return ps = list(self.circuit.ports) ii = ps.index(p) ps.pop(ii) self.circuit.ports = ps[:ii+1] + [p] + ps[ii+1:]
def increment_face(self): if self.index + 1 >= len(self.imgs): return self.index else: while str(self.index) in self.results: print self.index self.index += 1 return self.index def record_result(self, smile=True): self.results[str(self.index)] = smile trainer = Trainer() button_smile = ButtonWidget(description='smile') button_no_smile = ButtonWidget(description='sad face') def display_face(face): clear_output() imshow(face, cmap='gray') axis('off') def update_smile(b): trainer.record_result(smile=True) trainer.increment_face() display_face(trainer.imgs[trainer.index]) def update_no_smile(b): trainer.record_result(smile=False) trainer.increment_face()
def interactive_plot_modalities_lavalamps( self, sample_subsets=None, feature_subsets=None, color=red, x_offset=0, use_these_modalities=True, bootstrapped=False, bootstrapped_kws=None, savefile="", ): def do_interact( sample_subset=None, feature_subset=None, color=red, x_offset=0, use_these_modalities=True, bootstrapped=False, bootstrapped_kws=None, savefile="", ): for k, v in locals().iteritems(): if k == "self": continue sys.stdout.write("{} : {}\n".format(k, v)) assert feature_subset in self.splicing.feature_subsets.keys() feature_ids = self.splicing.feature_subsets[feature_subset] from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder le = LabelEncoder() n_in_this_class = len(set(le.fit_transform([sample_subset]))) try: assert n_in_this_class except: raise RuntimeError("this sample designator is not binary") # TODO: cast non-boolean binary ids to boolean dtype =[sample_subset].dtype try: assert dtype == "bool" except: raise RuntimeError("this sample designator is not boolean") sample_ids =[sample_subset].index[[sample_subset]] self.splicing.plot_modalities_lavalamps( sample_ids, feature_ids, color=color, x_offset=x_offset, use_these_modalities=use_these_modalities, bootstrapped=bootstrapped, bootstrapped_kws=bootstrapped_kws, ax=None, ) plt.tight_layout() if feature_subsets is None: feature_subsets = Interactive.get_feature_subsets(self, ["splicing"]) if sample_subsets is None: sample_subsets = self.default_sample_subsets if bootstrapped_kws is None: bootstrapped_kws = {} gui = interact( do_interact, sample_subset=sample_subsets, feature_subset=feature_subsets, color=color, x_offset=x_offset, use_these_modalities=use_these_modalities, bootstrapped=bootstrapped, bootstrapped_kws=bootstrapped_kws, savefile=savefile, ) def save(w): filename, extension = os.path.splitext(savefile.value) self.maybe_make_directory(savefile.value) gui.widget.result.savefig(savefile.value, format=extension.lstrip(".")) savefile = TextWidget(description="savefile", value="figures/clustermap.pdf") save_widget = ButtonWidget(description="save") gui.widget.children = list(gui.widget.children) + [savefile, save_widget] save_widget.on_click(save)
def interactive_correlations(self): def do_interact( data_type="expression", sample_subset=self.default_sample_subsets, feature_subset=self.default_feature_subset, metric="euclidean", method="average", list_link="", scale_fig_by_data=True, fig_width="", fig_height="", featurewise=False, ): for k, v in locals().iteritems(): if k == "self": continue sys.stdout.write("{} : {}\n".format(k, v)) if feature_subset != "custom" and list_link != "": raise ValueError('set feature_subset to "custom" to use list_link') if feature_subset == "custom" and list_link == "": raise ValueError("use a custom list name please") if feature_subset == "custom": feature_subset = list_link elif feature_subset not in self.default_feature_subsets[data_type]: warnings.warn( "This feature_subset ('{}') is not available in " "this data type ('{}'). Falling back on all " "features.".format(feature_subset, data_type) ) return self.plot_correlations( sample_subset=sample_subset, feature_subset=feature_subset, data_type=data_type, scale_fig_by_data=scale_fig_by_data, method=method, metric=metric, featurewise=featurewise, ) feature_subsets = Interactive.get_feature_subsets(self, ["expression", "splicing"]) method = ("average", "weighted", "single", "complete", "ward") metric = ( "euclidean", "seuclidean", "sqeuclidean", "chebyshev", "cosine", "cityblock", "mahalonobis", "minowski", "jaccard", ) gui = interact( do_interact, data_type=("expression", "splicing"), sample_subset=self.default_sample_subsets, feature_subset=feature_subsets, metric=metric, method=method, featurewise=False, ) def save(w): filename, extension = os.path.splitext(savefile.value) self.maybe_make_directory(savefile.value) gui.widget.result.savefig(savefile.value, format=extension.lstrip(".")) savefile = TextWidget(description="savefile", value="figures/correlations.pdf") save_widget = ButtonWidget(description="save") gui.widget.children = list(gui.widget.children) + [savefile, save_widget] save_widget.on_click(save) return gui
class NotebookFitter(MPLFitter): __doc__ = _COMMON_DOC + """ If IPython is available, it uses the IPython notebook's rich display to fit data interactively in a web-based GUI. The Parameters are represented in a web-based form that is kept in sync with `current_params`. All subclasses to Model, including user-defined ones, are shown in a drop-down menu. Clicking the "Fit" button updates a plot, as above, and updates the Parameters in the form to reflect the best fit. Parameters ---------- data : array-like model : lmfit.Model optional initial Model to use, maybe be set or changed later all_models : list optional list of Models to populate drop-down menu, by default all built-in and user-defined subclasses of Model are used Additional Parameters --------------------- axes_style : dictionary representing style keyword arguments to be passed through to `Axes.set(...)` data_style : dictionary representing style keyword arguments to be passed through to the matplotlib `plot()` command the plots the data points init_style : dictionary representing style keyword arguments to be passed through to the matplotlib `plot()` command the plots the initial fit line best_style : dictionary representing style keyword arguments to be passed through to the matplotlib `plot()` command the plots the best fit line **kwargs : independent variables or extra arguments, passed like `x=x` """ + _COMMON_EXAMPLES_DOC def __init__(self, data, model=None, all_models=None, axes_style={}, data_style={}, init_style={}, best_style={}, **kwargs): # Dropdown menu of all subclasses of Model, incl. user-defined. self.models_menu = Dropdown() # Dropbox API is very different between IPy 2.x and 3.x. if IPY2: if all_models is None: all_models = {m.__name__: m for m in Model.__subclasses__()} self.models_menu.values = all_models else: if all_models is None: all_models = [(m.__name__, m) for m in Model.__subclasses__()] self.models_menu.options = all_models self.models_menu.on_trait_change(self._on_model_value_change, 'value') # Button to trigger fitting. self.fit_button = Button(description='Fit') self.fit_button.on_click(self._on_fit_button_click) # Button to trigger guessing. self.guess_button = Button(description='Auto-Guess') self.guess_button.on_click(self._on_guess_button_click) # Parameter widgets are not built here. They are (re-)built when # the model is (re-)set. super(NotebookFitter, self).__init__(data, model, axes_style, data_style, init_style, best_style, **kwargs) def _repr_html_(self): display(self.models_menu) button_box = HBox() button_box.children = [self.fit_button, self.guess_button] display(button_box) for pw in self.param_widgets: display(pw) self.plot() def guess(self): guessing_successful = super(NotebookFitter, self).guess() self.guess_button.disabled = not guessing_successful def _finalize_model(self, value): first_run = not hasattr(self, 'param_widgets') if not first_run: # Remove all Parameter widgets, and replace them with widgets # for the new model. for pw in self.param_widgets: pw.close() self.models_menu.value = value self.param_widgets = [ ParameterWidgetGroup(p) for _, p in self._current_params.items() ] if not first_run: for pw in self.param_widgets: display(pw) def _finalize_params(self): for pw in self.param_widgets: pw.value = self._current_params[].value pw.min = self._current_params[].min pw.max = self._current_params[].max pw.vary = self._current_params[].vary def plot(self): clear_output(wait=True) super(NotebookFitter, self).plot() def fit(self): super(NotebookFitter, self).fit() self.plot()
def interactive_pca( self, data_types=("expression", "splicing"), sample_subsets=None, feature_subsets=None, color_samples_by=None, featurewise=False, x_pc=(1, 10), y_pc=(1, 10), show_point_labels=False, list_link="", plot_violins=False, scale_by_variance=True, savefile="figures/last.pca.pdf", ): def do_interact( data_type="expression", sample_subset=self.default_sample_subsets, feature_subset=self.default_feature_subsets, featurewise=False, list_link="", x_pc=1, y_pc=2, plot_violins=False, show_point_labels=False, color_samples_by=self.metadata.phenotype_col, bokeh=False, scale_by_variance=True, most_variant_features=False, std_multiplier=(0, 5.0), ): for k, v in locals().iteritems(): if k == "self": continue sys.stdout.write("{} : {}\n".format(k, v)) if feature_subset != "custom" and list_link != "": raise ValueError('Set feature_subset to "custom" to use list_link') if feature_subset == "custom" and list_link == "": raise ValueError("Use a custom list name please") if feature_subset == "custom": feature_subset = link_to_list(list_link) elif feature_subset not in self.default_feature_subsets[data_type]: warnings.warn( "This feature_subset ('{}') is not available in " "this data type ('{}'). Falling back on all " "features.".format(feature_subset, data_type) ) return self.plot_pca( sample_subset=sample_subset, data_type=data_type, featurewise=featurewise, x_pc=x_pc, y_pc=y_pc, show_point_labels=show_point_labels, feature_subset=feature_subset, plot_violins=plot_violins, color_samples_by=color_samples_by, bokeh=bokeh, std_multiplier=std_multiplier, scale_by_variance=scale_by_variance, most_variant_features=most_variant_features, ) # self.plot_study_sample_legend() if feature_subsets is None: feature_subsets = Interactive.get_feature_subsets(self, data_types) if sample_subsets is None: sample_subsets = self.default_sample_subsets color_samples_by = gui = interact( do_interact, data_type=data_types, sample_subset=sample_subsets, feature_subset=feature_subsets + ["custom"], featurewise=featurewise, x_pc=x_pc, y_pc=y_pc, show_point_labels=show_point_labels, list_link=list_link, plot_violins=plot_violins, color_samples_by=color_samples_by, scale_by_variance=scale_by_variance, ) def save(w): # Make the directory if it's not already there filename, extension = os.path.splitext(savefile.value) self.maybe_make_directory(savefile.value) gui.widget.result.fig_reduced.savefig(savefile.value, format=extension) # add "violins" after the provided filename, but before the # extension violins_file = "{}.{}".format("_".join([filename, "violins"]), extension) try: gui.widget.result.fig_violins.savefig(violins_file, format=extension.lstrip(".")) except AttributeError: pass savefile = TextWidget(description="savefile") save_widget = ButtonWidget(description="save") gui.widget.children = list(gui.widget.children) + [savefile, save_widget] save_widget.on_click(save) return gui
def add_figure_widget(self, image_data, title='', caption = '', pvals=None, colors=None): children = [i for i in self.unsaved.children] if len(title) > 0: title = title + '.' if len(caption) > 0: caption = ' ' + caption html_str = '<b>'+title+'</b>' + caption html_widget = HTML(value=html_str) save_button = Button(description='Save Figure') save_button.image_data = image_data save_button.title = title save_button.caption = caption save_button.on_click(self.save_unsaved_figure) save_button.pvals = pvals save_button.colors = colors close_button = Button(description='Remove Figure') close_button.on_click(self.remove_unsaved_figure) restore_pvals = Button(description='Restore Parameter Values') restore_pvals.pvals = pvals if pvals is None: restore_pvals.visible = False if old_ipython is True: image_widget = Image() image_widget.value = image_data tab_widget = VBox(children=[image_widget, html_widget]) if colors is not None: html_widgets = self.colorbar_tabs(colors) tab_widget.description='Figure' tab_widget = Tab(children=[tab_widget]+html_widgets) else: image_widget = self._image_widget_new(image_data, colors=colors) tab_widget = VBox(children=[image_widget, html_widget]) toggle = Button(description='Hide') restore_pvals.on_click(self.restore_figure_pvals) if old_ipython is True: wi = Popup(children=[close_button, save_button, tab_widget, restore_pvals]) else: contents = VBox(children=[close_button, save_button, tab_widget, restore_pvals]) contents.width = '100%' wi = Popup(children=[contents]) wi.border = '1px solid black' save_button.wi = wi close_button.wi = wi children.append(wi) self.unsaved.children = children if colors is not None: if old_ipython is True: tab_widget.set_title(0, 'Figure') tab_widget.set_title(1, 'Colorbar')
class DisplayColocalization(object): def __init__(self, controller, cases, slice_variables): setattr(self, 'controller', controller) setattr(self, 'colocalizations_widget', None) setattr(self, 'cases', cases) setattr(self, 'slice_variables', slice_variables) setattr(self, 'name', 'Co-localization: ' + ', '.join([i.case_number for i in self.cases])) setattr(self, 'constraints', []) setattr(self, 'active_constraints', False) setattr(self, 'ci', dspace.CaseColocalization(cases, slice_variables)) setattr(self, 'pvals', {}) setattr(self, 'y_variable', 'log('+controller.ds.dependent_variables[0]+')') def make_display_widget(self): controller = self.controller if controller.ds is None: return = VBox() self.constraints_widget = VBox() self.plot = HBox() self.log_coordinates = True self.global_tolerance = VBox() close_button = Button(description='Close Tab') close_button.on_click(self.close_widget) ss_options = ['log('+ i + ')' for i in controller.ds.dependent_variables] self.y_dropdown = Dropdown(description='y-axis', values=ss_options, options=ss_options, value=self.y_variable) self.make_plot = Button(description='Create Plot') self.make_plot.on_click(self.change_y_axis) self.make_plot.yaxis = self.y_dropdown self.make_plot.visible = True check_box = Checkbox(description='Logarithmic coordinates', value=self.log_coordinates) check_box.on_trait_change(self.update_log, 'value') self.y_dropdown.visible = False if len(self.slice_variables) <= 3: ## self.make_plot.visible = True if len(self.slice_variables) == 1: self.y_dropdown.visible = True if len(self.slice_variables) == 3: self.y_dropdown = HTML(value='<font color="red">Warning 3D plots are experimental.</font>') wi = VBox(children=[, self.constraints_widget, check_box, self.y_dropdown, self.make_plot, self.global_tolerance, close_button]) if old_ipython is True: wi.set_css('height', '400px') else: wi.height='400px' wi.overflow_x = 'auto' wi.overflow_y = 'auto' self.update_display() controller.update_child(, wi) def update_display(self): self.update_info() self.update_constraints() self.update_global_tolerances() def update_log(self, name, value): controller = self.controller self.log_coordinates = value if value == False: ss_old = ['log('+ i + ')' for i in controller.ds.dependent_variables] ss_new = [i for i in controller.ds.dependent_variables] else: ss_old = [i for i in controller.ds.dependent_variables] ss_new = ['log('+i+')' for i in controller.ds.dependent_variables] ss_options = OrderedDict([(unicode(i),i) for i in ss_new]) index = ss_old.index(self.y_variable) self.y_variable = ss_new[index] self.y_dropdown.values = ss_options self.y_dropdown.options = ss_options self.y_dropdown.value = unicode(self.y_variable) self.update_display() def update_info(self): title = HTML(value='<b> Cases to Co-localize </b>') buttons = [] html_str = '<div><b>Is Valid: {0}</b></div>'.format( if is False: self.make_plot.disabled = True else: self.make_plot.disabled = False valid = HTML(value = html_str) html_str = '<table><caption> Auxiliary variables for ' + html_str += ' with ' + ', '.join(self.slice_variables) html_str += ' as the slice variable{0}.</caption>'.format('s' if len(self.slice_variables) > 1 else '') html_str += '<tr ><th rowspan="2" align=center style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Slice<br> Variables </th>' html_str += '<th colspan="' + str(len(self.cases)) + '" align=center style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Cases </th></tr><tr align=center>' for c in self.cases: html_str += '<td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b> {0} </b></td>'.format(c.case_number) html_str += '</tr>\n' pset = for i in self.cases: key = i.case_number case_button = Button(description='Case ' + key) buttons.append(case_button) case_button.pvals = pset[key] if key in pset else None case_button.on_click(self.open_case) for j, xj in enumerate(self.slice_variables): html_str += '<tr align=center><td>{0}</td>'.format(xj) for i, c in enumerate(self.cases): html_str += '<td>${0}_{1}</td>'.format(xj, i) html_str += '</tr>' html_str += '</table>' html_str += '<caption>Case co-localization assumes that the slice variables ' html_str += 'for one case are independent from the slice variables for the other cases in the co-localization.' html_str += 'Each auxiliary variable corresponds to a slice variable for one cases.</caption>' save_table = Button(description='Save variable table') save_table.on_click(self.save_table) save_table.table_data = html_str variables = HTML(value=html_str) = [title] + buttons + [valid, save_table, variables] def update_constraints(self): constraints_widget = Textarea(description='Constraints', value = ',\n'.join(self.constraints) ) constraints_widget.visible = self.active_constraints button = Button(description='Done' if self.active_constraints else 'Modify constraints') button.constraints_widget = constraints_widget button.on_click(self.modify_constraints) self.constraints_widget.children = [constraints_widget, button] def modify_constraints(self, b): if self.active_constraints is False: self.active_constraints = True else: self.active_constraints = False self.constraints = str(b.constraints_widget.value).split(',') self.constraints = [i.strip() for i in self.constraints] = dspace.CaseColocalization(self.cases, self.slice_variables, constraints = self.constraints) self.update_info() ## self.update_plot() self.update_constraints() def update_plot(self): controller = self.controller ds = controller.ds ## if len(self.slice_variables) > 3: ## return ci = if ci.is_valid() is False: ## self.plot.children = [] self.pvals = {} return pset = self.pvals = pset[pset.keys()[0]] pvals = self.pvals fig = plt.figure(dpi=600, facecolor='w') cases = [i.case_number for i in self.cases] if len(self.slice_variables) == 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6, 3], dpi=600, facecolor='w') ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.3, 0.55, 0.6]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.2, 0.55, 0.075]) ax3 = fig.add_axes([0.8, 0.2, 0.05, 0.7]) xaxis = self.slice_variables[0] xvalues = [pset[i][xaxis] for i in pset] x_range = [min(xvalues)*1e-2, max(xvalues)*1e2] colors = ds.draw_1D_slice(ax2, pvals, xaxis, x_range, colorbar=False, intersections=[1, 3, 5, 7]) ds.draw_1D_ss_function(ax1, self.y_variable, pvals, xaxis, x_range, colors=colors, lw=2.) for case_number in pset: case = controller.ds(case_number) pvals = pset[case_number] yval = case.ssystem.steady_state_function(self.y_variable, pvals) ax1.plot(np.log10(pset[case_number][xaxis]), yval, 'o', mfc=colors[case_number], mec='k', ms=5., lw=2.) ax1.set_xticklabels('') ax1.set_xlabel('') ds.draw_region_colorbar(ax3, colors) title = 'System design space showing a 1-D case co-localization' caption = 'Different cases shown by line segments of different colors. ' caption += 'Steady state function shown on the y-axis. ' caption += 'Bottom bar shows 1D design space slice showing valid cases ' caption += 'as shown by the colorbar.' caption += ' Figure generated with the following parameter values: ' caption += '; '.join([i + ' = ' + str(pvals[i]) for i in sorted(pvals) if i not in [xaxis]]) + '.' elif len(self.slice_variables) == 2: options = [] fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6, 4], dpi=600, facecolor='w') ax = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 0.7]) xaxis = self.slice_variables[0] yaxis = self.slice_variables[1] xvalues = [pset[i][xaxis] for i in pset] yvalues = [pset[i][yaxis] for i in pset] x_range = [min(xvalues)*1e-2, max(xvalues)*1e2] y_range = [min(yvalues)*1e-2, max(yvalues)*1e2] colors = ds.draw_2D_slice(ax, pvals, xaxis, yaxis, x_range, y_range, included_cases=cases) for case_number in pset: case = controller.ds(case_number) pvals = pset[case_number] ax.plot(np.log10(pset[case_number][xaxis]), np.log10(pset[case_number][yaxis]), 'o', mfc=colors[case_number], mec='k', ms=5., lw=2.) title = 'System design space showing a 2-D case co-localization' caption = 'Enumerated co-localized qualitatively-distinct phenotypes represented ' caption += 'on the z-axis and identified by color. ' caption += 'Circles represent automatically determined values for each phenotype.' caption += ' Figure generated with the following parameter values: ' caption += '; '.join([i + ' = ' + str(pvals[i]) for i in sorted(pvals) if i not in [xaxis, yaxis]]) + '.' elif len(self.slice_variables) == 3: options = [] fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6, 4], dpi=600, facecolor='w') ax = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 0.7], projection='3d') xaxis = self.slice_variables[0] yaxis = self.slice_variables[1] zaxis = self.slice_variables[2] xvalues = [pset[i][xaxis] for i in pset] yvalues = [pset[i][yaxis] for i in pset] zvalues = [pset[i][zaxis] for i in pset] x_range = [min(xvalues)*1e-2, max(xvalues)*1e2] y_range = [min(yvalues)*1e-2, max(yvalues)*1e2] z_range = [min(zvalues)*1e-2, max(zvalues)*1e2] colors = ds.draw_3D_slice(ax, pvals, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, x_range, y_range, z_range, included_cases=cases) title = 'System design space showing a 3-D case co-localization' caption = 'Enumerated co-localized qualitatively-distinct phenotypes represented ' caption += 'on the z-axis and identified by color. ' caption += ' Figure generated with the following parameter values: ' caption += '; '.join([i + ' = ' + str(pvals[i]) for i in sorted(pvals) if i not in [xaxis, yaxis]]) + '.' else: options = [] slice_variables = self.slice_variables fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6, 3], dpi=600, facecolor='w') ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.2, 0.55, 0.7]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.8, 0.2, 0.05, 0.7]) values = {i:[pset[i][axis] for axis in slice_variables] for i in pset} ## ranges = {axis:(min(values[axis])*1e-2,max(values[axis])*1e2) for axis in slice_variables} colors = { for i, name in enumerate(cases)} min_value = None max_value = None for case in cases: y_values = np.log10(values[case]) min_y = min(y_values) max_y = max(y_values) if min_value is None: min_value = min_y else: min_value = min([min_value, min_y]) if max_value is None: max_value = max_y else: max_value = max([max_value, max_y]) ax1.plot(range(len(slice_variables)), y_values, lw=2., c=colors[case]) ax1.set_ylim([min_value-2, max_value+2]) ax1.set_xticks(range(len(slice_variables))) ax1.set_xticklabels(['$' + controller.symbols[i] + '$' for i in slice_variables]) ds.draw_region_colorbar(ax2, colors) ax1.set_xlim([0, len(slice_variables)-1]) title = 'Values for the slice variable for the n-D case co-localization' caption = 'The y-axis represents value for the slice variable on the' caption += ' x-axis for a case identified by color.' caption += ' Figure generated with the following parameter values: ' caption += '; '.join([i + ' = ' + str(pvals[i]) for i in sorted(pvals) if i not in slice_variables]) + '.' canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) plt.close() buf = cStringIO.StringIO() canvas.print_png(buf) data = buf.getvalue() controller.figures.add_figure(data, title=title, caption=caption) def update_global_tolerances(self): controller = self.controller ds = controller.ds ci = if ci.is_valid() is False: self.global_tolerance.children = [] return pvals = if pvals is None: self.global_tolerance.children = [] return table = HTML() html_str = '<div><table>\n<caption>Global tolerances determined for ' + + ' showing fold-difference to a large qualitative change{0}. </caption>\n'.format(' in log-coordinates' if self.log_coordinates is True else '') html_str += '<tr ><th align=center rowspan=2 style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"> Parameters </th><th colspan=2> Tolerance </th></tr>' html_str += '<tr><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b> Lower bound</b></td><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b> Upper bound</b></td></tr>' tolerances = ci.measure_tolerance(pvals, log_out=self.log_coordinates) for xi in sorted(pvals.keys()): lower_th = 1e-15 if self.log_coordinates is False else -15 upper_th = 1e15 if self.log_coordinates is False else 15 lower, upper = tolerances[xi] html_str += '<tr><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;"><b>{0}</b></td><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">{1}</td><td style="padding:0 15px 0 15px;">{2}</td></tr>'.format( xi, lower if lower > lower_th else '-∞', upper if upper < upper_th else '∞') html_str += '</table><caption>' html_str += 'Note: Global tolerance calculated based on the following values for the parameters: ' html_str += '; '.join([i + ' = ' + str(pvals[i]) for i in sorted(pvals.keys())]) + '.' html_str += '</caption></div>' table.value = html_str save_button = Button(description='Save Global Tolerance Table') save_button.table_data = html_str save_button.on_click(self.save_table) self.global_tolerance.children = [HTML(value='<br>'), save_button, table] return def save_table(self, b): controller = self.controller html_string = b.table_data controller.tables.add_table(html_string) controller.save_widget_data(b) def change_y_axis(self, b): self.y_variable = str(b.yaxis.value) ## self.plot.children = [self.plot.children[0]] self.update_plot() def open_case(self, b): case_id = b.description.split(' ')[1] c_widget = DisplayCase(self.controller, str(case_id), by_signature=False, pvals=b.pvals, subtitle='Co-localized') c_widget.create_case_widget() def close_widget(self, b): controller = self.controller controller.update_child(, None)
class NotebookFitter(MPLFitter): __doc__ = _COMMON_DOC + """ If IPython is available, it uses the IPython notebook's rich display to fit data interactively in a web-based GUI. The Parameters are represented in a web-based form that is kept in sync with `current_params`. All subclasses to Model, including user-defined ones, are shown in a drop-down menu. Clicking the "Fit" button updates a plot, as above, and updates the Parameters in the form to reflect the best fit. Parameters ---------- data : array-like model : lmfit.Model optional initial Model to use, maybe be set or changed later all_models : list optional list of Models to populate drop-down menu, by default all built-in and user-defined subclasses of Model are used Additional Parameters --------------------- axes_style : dictionary representing style keyword arguments to be passed through to `Axes.set(...)` data_style : dictionary representing style keyword arguments to be passed through to the matplotlib `plot()` command the plots the data points init_style : dictionary representing style keyword arguments to be passed through to the matplotlib `plot()` command the plots the initial fit line best_style : dictionary representing style keyword arguments to be passed through to the matplotlib `plot()` command the plots the best fit line **kwargs : independent variables or extra arguments, passed like `x=x` """ + _COMMON_EXAMPLES_DOC def __init__(self, data, model=None, all_models=None, axes_style={}, data_style={}, init_style={}, best_style={}, **kwargs): # Dropdown menu of all subclasses of Model, incl. user-defined. self.models_menu = Dropdown() # Dropbox API is very different between IPy 2.x and 3.x. if IPY2: if all_models is None: all_models = dict([(m.__name__, m) for m in Model.__subclasses__()]) self.models_menu.values = all_models else: if all_models is None: all_models = [(m.__name__, m) for m in Model.__subclasses__()] self.models_menu.options = all_models self.models_menu.on_trait_change(self._on_model_value_change, 'value') # Button to trigger fitting. self.fit_button = Button(description='Fit') self.fit_button.on_click(self._on_fit_button_click) # Button to trigger guessing. self.guess_button = Button(description='Auto-Guess') self.guess_button.on_click(self._on_guess_button_click) # Parameter widgets are not built here. They are (re-)built when # the model is (re-)set. super(NotebookFitter, self).__init__(data, model, axes_style, data_style, init_style, best_style, **kwargs) def _repr_html_(self): display(self.models_menu) button_box = HBox() button_box.children = [self.fit_button, self.guess_button] display(button_box) for pw in self.param_widgets: display(pw) self.plot() def guess(self): guessing_successful = super(NotebookFitter, self).guess() self.guess_button.disabled = not guessing_successful def _finalize_model(self, value): first_run = not hasattr(self, 'param_widgets') if not first_run: # Remove all Parameter widgets, and replace them with widgets # for the new model. for pw in self.param_widgets: pw.close() self.models_menu.value = value self.param_widgets = [ParameterWidgetGroup(p) for _, p in self._current_params.items()] if not first_run: for pw in self.param_widgets: display(pw) def _finalize_params(self): for pw in self.param_widgets: pw.value = self._current_params[].value pw.min = self._current_params[].min pw.max = self._current_params[].max pw.vary = self._current_params[].vary def plot(self): clear_output(wait=True) super(NotebookFitter, self).plot() def fit(self): super(NotebookFitter, self).fit() self.plot()