コード例 #1
ファイル: parallel.py プロジェクト: watercrossing/helpers
def useDill():
    # load dill
    import dill

    # disable special function handling
    from types import FunctionType
    from IPython.utils.pickleutil import can_map

    can_map.pop(FunctionType, None)

    # fallback to pickle instead of cPickle, so that dill can take over
    import pickle
    from IPython.kernel.zmq import serialize
    serialize.pickle = pickle
コード例 #2
def useDill():
    # load dill
    import dill

    # disable special function handling
    from types import FunctionType
    from IPython.utils.pickleutil import can_map

    can_map.pop(FunctionType, None)

    # fallback to pickle instead of cPickle, so that dill can take over
    import pickle
    from IPython.kernel.zmq import serialize
    serialize.pickle = pickle
コード例 #3
ファイル: distributed.py プロジェクト: LabAdvComp/dish
def use_cloudpickle():
    """use cloudpickle to expand serialization support

    This is the same things as IPython's pickleutils.use_dill
    but for cloudpickle.
    from cloud.serialization import cloudpickle

    global pickle
    pickle = cloudpickle

        from IPython.kernel.zmq import serialize
    except ImportError:
        serialize.pickle = cloudpickle

    # disable special function handling, let cloudpickle take care of it
    can_map.pop(FunctionType, None)
コード例 #4
def train_hmm_n_times(file_id, nstates, trials=20, iter=1000, pickle=True,
                      phase=2, cond=None, units=constants.XY, parallel=True):
    Trains multiple HMM's (as many as trials parameter per nstate) and chooses the one with the 
    lowest BIC, so as to avoid local optima. units parameter can be "xy", "amp_and_freq", or
    "amp_and_mel", which specifies the kind of data to fit the HMM to. 

    def pick_lowest_bic(models):
        hmm, d, bic = None, None, 9999999999
        for hmm_ in models:
            # hmm_ = HMM(hmm__, training_data=hmm__.obs, hmm_type="ghmm")
            if hmm_.bic < bic:
                bic = hmm_.bic
                hmm = hmm_
        if hmm is None:
            raise Exception("There are no valid models, WTF?!?")
            # return None
        #         Hmm = HMM(hmm, training_data=d, hmm_type="hmmlearn")
        #         print_n_flush( "New hmm and data (%s)" % d)
        #         Hmm.from_R(hmm)
        return hmm

    import GHmmWrapper

    from GHmmWrapper import get_range_of_multiple_traj
    # reload(ExperimentalData)
    from leaparticulator.data.functions import fromFile
    from leaparticulator.data.hmm import reconstruct_hmm
    from LeapTheremin import palmToAmpAndFreq, palmToAmpAndMel

    responses, test_results, responses_p, test_p, images = fromFile(id_to_log(file_id))
    multivariate = False
    reverse_cond = cond in ("2r", "1r")
    interval = 1
    pick_var = 0
    if reverse_cond:
        interval = -1
        pick_var = 1

    if cond in ("2", "2r"):
        if phase == 1:
            multivariate = True
        if phase == 2:
            multivariate = True

    formatData = None

    if multivariate:
        if units == constants.XY:
            formatData = lambda r, phase: [[frame.get_stabilized_position()[:2][::interval] for frame in rr] for rr in
        elif units == constants.AMP_AND_FREQ:
            # -interval, because amp_and_freq returns y,x and not x,y. 
            formatData = lambda r, phase: [
                [palmToAmpAndFreq(frame.get_stabilized_position())[::-interval] for frame in rr] for rr in
        elif units == constants.AMP_AND_MEL:
            # -interval, because amp_and_freq returns y,x and not x,y. 
            formatData = lambda r, phase: [
                [palmToAmpAndMel(frame.get_stabilized_position())[::-interval] for frame in rr] for rr in
        if units == constants.XY:
            formatData = lambda r, phase: [[frame.get_stabilized_position()[pick_var] for frame in rr] for rr in
        elif units == constants.AMP_AND_FREQ:
            # -interval, because amp_and_freq returns y,x and not x,y. 
            formatData = lambda r, phase: [
                [palmToAmpAndFreq(frame.get_stabilized_position())[::-interval][pick_var] for frame in rr] for rr in
        elif units == constants.AMP_AND_MEL:
            # -interval, because amp_and_freq returns y,x and not x,y. 
            formatData = lambda r, phase: [
                [palmToAmpAndMel(frame.get_stabilized_position())[::-interval][pick_var] for frame in rr] for rr in

    data = formatData(responses, phase) + formatData(responses_p, phase)
    print_n_flush("Sample data: %s" % data[0][:3])
    #     data = [[frame.get_stabilized_position()[:2] for frame in response] for response in data]
    #     data.append()
    lview = client = None
    if parallel:
        from IPython.parallel import Client

        client = Client(profile="default")
        from types import FunctionType
        from IPython.utils.pickleutil import can_map

        can_map.pop(FunctionType, None)
        import pickle
        from IPython.kernel.zmq import serialize

        serialize.pickle = pickle

        reg = "import copy_reg, ExperimentalData;copy_reg.constructor(ExperimentalData.reconstruct_hmm);copy_reg.pickle(ExperimentalData.HMM, ExperimentalData.reduce_hmm, ExperimentalData.reconstruct_hmm)"
        #     print type(data), type(data[0])

        #     print data 

        lview = client.load_balanced_view()  # default load-balanced

        lview.block = True
    to_return = []
    range_x, range_y = get_range_of_multiple_traj(data)

    for n in nstates:
        print_n_flush("Doing %d state models..." % n)
        args = [(data, n, range_x, range_y)] * trials

        if not parallel:
            hmms = map(fn, args)  #[(data,nstates,range_x,range_y)] * trials)
            hmms = lview.map(fn, args)  #[(data,nstates,range_x,range_y)] * trials)
        hmms = [reconstruct_hmm(matrix, data) for matrix, data in hmms]


    if pickle:
        pickle_results(to_return, nstates, trials, iter, id_to_log(file_id), phase, units=units)
    return to_return
コード例 #5
# todo: rewrite
from IPython import parallel 
import util as ut, os, sys, time
#from IPython.parallel.util import interactive
import subprocess, numpy as np

if 0:
  import dill
  from types import FunctionType
  from IPython.utils.pickleutil import can_map
  can_map.pop(FunctionType, None)
  import pickle
  from IPython.kernel.zmq import serialize
  serialize.pickle = pickle

ip_parallel = parallel

p = None
part_info = None
builtin_map = __builtins__['map']

def relative_module(m):
  return hasattr(m, '__file__') \
         and ((not m.__file__.startswith('/')) \
              or m.__file__.startswith(os.getcwd()))

def safe_reload(m):
  if relative_module(m) and (not hasattr(m, '__no_autoreload__')):
    print 'reloading'
コード例 #6
        return True
    except ImportError:
        return False

# XXX Currently disabled: needs more testing
# if _dill_installed():
if False:
    import dill

    # disable special function handling
    from types import FunctionType
    from IPython.utils.pickleutil import can_map

    can_map.pop(FunctionType, None)

    # fallback to pickle instead of cPickle, so that dill can take over
    import pickle
    from IPython.kernel.zmq import serialize

    serialize.pickle = pickle


# ## Custom launchers

# Handles longer timeouts for startup and shutdown
# with pings between engine and controller.
# Update the ping period to 15 seconds instead of 3.
# Shutdown engines if they cannot be contacted for 3 minutes