class D3Sankey(widgets.DOMWidget): # the name of the requirejs module (no .js!) _view_module = traitlets.Unicode( 'nbextensions/ipythond3sankey/js/widget_d3sankey', sync=True) # the name of the Backbone.View subclass to be used _view_name = traitlets.Unicode( 'D3SankeyView', sync=True ) # the name of the CSS file to load with this widget _view_style = traitlets.Unicode( 'nbextensions/ipythond3sankey/css/widget_d3sankey', sync=True ) # the actual value: lists of nodes and links nodes = traitlets.List(sync=True) links = traitlets.List(sync=True) # margins & size margin_top = traitlets.Float(1, sync=True) margin_right = traitlets.Float(1, sync=True) margin_bottom = traitlets.Float(6, sync=True) margin_left = traitlets.Float(1, sync=True) width = traitlets.Float(960, sync=True) height = traitlets.Float(500, sync=True) unit = traitlets.Unicode('', sync=True)
class HeatmapWidget(W.DOMWidget): _view_name = T.Unicode('HeatmapView', sync=True) heatmap_data = T.List(sync=True) row_labels = T.List(sync=True) col_labels = T.List(sync=True) hcrow = T.List(sync=True) hccol = T.List(sync=True) minval = T.Float(sync=True) maxval = T.Float(sync=True) html_style = T.Unicode(sync=True)
class TD2(documents.Document): xxx = documents.Reference(TestDocument) morex = traitlets.List(documents.Reference(TestDocument), db=True) emblist = traitlets.List( documents.EmbeddedReference(EmbDoc,TestDocument,'emb'), db=True ) moreembslist = traitlets.List( documents.EmbeddedReference(EmbDoc, __name__+'.TestDocument','moreembs'), db=True)
class Question(traits.HasTraits): name = traits.Unicode parts = traits.List solution = traits.Unicode answer = traits.Unicode submits_allowed = traits.Int lockout_time = traits.Int seed = traits.Int(0) text = traits.Unicode max_pts = traits.List([1]) num_answers = traits.Int seed = traits.Int type = traits.Unicode @property def num_answers(self): return len(self.max_pts) def to_JSON(self, solution=False): data = {"type": self.type, "text": self.text, "max_pts": self.max_pts} if solution: data['solution'] = {"text": self.solution, "answer": self.answer} return data def _seed_changed(self): random.seed(self.seed) for part in part.seed = self.seed def check(self, responses, student_id=None): """ Check answers, returning a dict of scores and comments """ return None
class VariationDataProperties(JsonTraits): info_text = "Variation data properties" num_snps = Numeric(0, desc="Number of SNPs") num_individuals = Integer(0, desc="Number of individuals") snp_effect_annotation = tls.Unicode( "", desc="Flag for SNP annotation: yes or no") individual_names = tls.List(tls.Unicode)
class Icon(InstallerMixin, widgets.DOMWidget): """ A widget which can show one or more icons """ icons = traitlets.List(sync=True) size = traitlets.Enum(Size, sync=True) context = traitlets.Enum(bs.Context, sync=True) _view_name = traitlets.Unicode('ipbs/IconView', sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["icons"] = list(args) + kwargs.pop("icons", []) super(Icon, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class Report(documents.Document): title = traitlets.Unicode() results = traitlets.List(documents.Reference(Result)) date = traitlets.Instance(datetime.datetime) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Report, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if is None: = def __html__(self): template = env.get_template('report_base.html') return template.render(report = self) def make_report(self, report_folder,openbrowser = True): save_html_report(self.__html__(), report_folder, openbrowser=openbrowser)
class MultiPartQuestion(Question): """ Question with multiple parts (which are themselves questions) """ active_parts = traits.List() list_type = traits.Unicode("a") def _parts_changed(self): self.active_parts = [] self.max_pts = [] for part in part.seed = self.seed self.active_parts.append(part) self.max_pts.extend(part.max_pts) def to_JSON(self, solution=False): data = { "type": self.type, "text": self.text, "parts": [p.to_JSON(solution) for p in self.active_parts], "list_type": self.list_type } if solution: data['solution'] = {} return data def check(self, responses, student_id=None): scores = [] comments = [] end = 0 for i, part in enumerate(self.active_parts): # extract responses corresponding to current part start = end end = start + part.num_answers resp = responses[start:end] # call the check method for that part out = part.check(resp) scores.extend(out['scores']) comments.extend(out['comments']) # write any changes to the answer back responses[start:end] = resp return {"scores": scores, "comments": comments}
class AbstractInstrument(documents.Document): """This class holds the common methods of BaseInstrument and Instrument.""" #id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) name = t.Unicode(order = -1) # base_instrument = models.ForeignKey('BaseInstrument', # null = True, blank = True) base_instrument = documents.Reference(__name__+'.BaseInstrument', choose_from=_find_bases) #commands = generic.GenericRelation('Command') commands = t.List(documents.Reference(__name__+'.Command')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AbstractInstrument, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for command in self.commands: if command.instrument is None: command.instrument = self if command.instrument != self: raise InstrumentError("Command defined for another instrument.") @property def _command_names(self): return { : command for command in self.commands} def add_command(self, command): """Sets the instrument of **command** to the instrument and saves it.""" command.instrument = self self.commands = self.commands + [command,] def create_command(self, *args, **kwargs): """High level method for adding a command to an instrument. ***args** and ***kwawgs** are passed to the **Command** constructor.""" c = Command(*args, **kwargs) self.add_command(c) def load_from_base(self): """Pulls the commands from the base of this instrument and saves them.""" #print self #print self.base_instrument if self.base_instrument: #print "Adding commands" for command in self.base_instrument.commands: if not in self._command_names: newcommand = Command( name =, command_string = command.command_string, command_type = command.command_type, instrument = self) self.commands = self.commands + [command,] def command_form(self, **kwargs): wr = Command.AddCommandWR(Command, instrument = self, default_values = kwargs) wr.create_object() def __unicode__(self): return def __str__(self): return class WidgetRepresentation(documents.Document.WidgetRepresentation): varname_map = 'name'
class TestDocument(documents.Document): mstr = traitlets.Unicode(default_value = "axx", db= True) number = traitlets.Float(db=True) emb = traitlets.Instance(EmbDoc, db=True) moreembs = traitlets.List(traitlets.Instance(EmbDoc), db=True) lst = documents.TList(traitlets.Int)