def __init__(self, nParams, nActions, alpha, gamma, lambd, approximationFunctionArgs, doAccumulateTraces=False, doClearTraces=False, actionSelectionMethod="egreedy", epsilon=0.01): = "SARSA(Lambda)" self.nParams = nParams self.nActions = nActions self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.lambd = lambd self.af_kwargs = approximationFunctionArgs = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "af") self.ftf = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "ftf") self.doAccumulateTraces = doAccumulateTraces self.doClearTraces = doClearTraces self.w = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.z = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.policy = FunctionApproximationPolicy( self.nParams, self.nActions, self.af_kwargs, actionSelectionMethod=actionSelectionMethod, epsilon=epsilon)
def __init__(self, nParams, nActions, alpha, gamma, lambd, approximationFunctionArgs, actionSelectionMethod="egreedy", epsilon=0.01): = "True Online SARSA" self.nParams = nParams self.nActions = nActions self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.lambd = lambd self.af_kwargs = approximationFunctionArgs = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "af") self.ftf = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "ftf") self.w = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.z = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.q_old = 0.0 self.policy = FunctionApproximationPolicy( self.nParams, self.nActions, self.af_kwargs, actionSelectionMethod=actionSelectionMethod, epsilon=epsilon)
class SemiGradientTDControl: def __init__(self, nParams, nActions, alpha, approximationFunctionArgs, actionSelectionMethod="egreedy", epsilon=0.01): = "Generic SemiGradient TD Control Class" self.nParams = nParams self.nActions = nActions self.alpha = alpha self.af_kwargs = approximationFunctionArgs = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "af") self.afd = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "afd") self.w = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=float) self.policy = FunctionApproximationPolicy( self.nParams, self.nActions, self.af_kwargs, actionSelectionMethod=actionSelectionMethod, epsilon=epsilon) def selectAction(self, state): return self.policy.selectAction(state) def getValue(self, state, action=None): if action is None: return np.array([, state, a, **self.af_kwargs) for a in range(self.nActions) ]) else: return, state, action, **self.af_kwargs) def getName(self): return def reset(self): self.w = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=float) self.policy.reset() def getGreedyAction(self, state, actionsAvailable=None): q = np.array([, state, a, **self.af_kwargs) for a in range(self.nActions) ]) if (actionsAvailable is None): actionValues = q[:] actionList = np.array(range(self.nActions)) else: actionValues = q[actionsAvailable] actionList = np.array(actionsAvailable) actionIdx = selectAction_greedy(actionValues) return actionList[actionIdx]
def __init__(self, nParams, nActions, alpha, approximationFunctionArgs, actionSelectionMethod="egreedy", epsilon=0.01): = "Generic SemiGradient TD Control Class" self.nParams = nParams self.nActions = nActions self.alpha = alpha self.af_kwargs = approximationFunctionArgs = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "af") self.afd = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "afd") self.w = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=float) self.policy = FunctionApproximationPolicy( self.nParams, self.nActions, self.af_kwargs, actionSelectionMethod=actionSelectionMethod, epsilon=epsilon)
class TrueOnlineSARSA: def __init__(self, nParams, nActions, alpha, gamma, lambd, approximationFunctionArgs, actionSelectionMethod="egreedy", epsilon=0.01): = "True Online SARSA" self.nParams = nParams self.nActions = nActions self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.lambd = lambd self.af_kwargs = approximationFunctionArgs = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "af") self.ftf = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "ftf") self.w = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.z = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.q_old = 0.0 self.policy = FunctionApproximationPolicy( self.nParams, self.nActions, self.af_kwargs, actionSelectionMethod=actionSelectionMethod, epsilon=epsilon) def update(self, episode): t = len(episode) - 2 state = episode[t]["state"] action = episode[t]["action"] reward = episode[t + 1]["reward"] next_state = episode[t + 1]["state"] next_action = episode[t + 1]["action"] done = episode[t + 1]["done"] x = self.ftf(state, action, **self.af_kwargs) xx = self.ftf(next_state, next_action, **self.af_kwargs) q = self.getValue(state, action) q_next = self.getValue(next_state, next_action) td_error = reward + self.gamma * q_next - q self.z = self.gamma * self.lambd * self.z + ( 1 - self.alpha * self.gamma * self.lambd *, x)) * x self.w += self.alpha * (td_error + q - self.q_old ) * self.z - self.alpha * (q - self.q_old) * x self.policy.update(self.w) self.q_old = q_next if done: self.z *= 0.0 self.q_old = 0.0 def getValue(self, state, action=None): if action is None: return np.array([, state, action, **self.af_kwargs) for action in range(self.nActions) ]) else: return, state, action, **self.af_kwargs) def selectAction(self, state): return self.policy.selectAction(state) def reset(self): self.w = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.z = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.q_old = 0.0 def getName(self): return
class SARSALambda: def __init__(self, nParams, nActions, alpha, gamma, lambd, approximationFunctionArgs, doAccumulateTraces=False, doClearTraces=False, actionSelectionMethod="egreedy", epsilon=0.01): = "SARSA(Lambda)" self.nParams = nParams self.nActions = nActions self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.lambd = lambd self.af_kwargs = approximationFunctionArgs = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "af") self.ftf = getValueFromDict(self.af_kwargs, "ftf") self.doAccumulateTraces = doAccumulateTraces self.doClearTraces = doClearTraces self.w = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.z = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.policy = FunctionApproximationPolicy( self.nParams, self.nActions, self.af_kwargs, actionSelectionMethod=actionSelectionMethod, epsilon=epsilon) def update(self, episode): t = len(episode) - 2 state = episode[t]["state"] action = episode[t]["action"] reward = episode[t + 1]["reward"] next_state = episode[t + 1]["state"] next_action = episode[t + 1]["action"] done = episode[t + 1]["done"] x = self.ftf(state, action, **self.af_kwargs) xx = self.ftf(next_state, next_action, **self.af_kwargs) td_error = reward for i in np.nonzero(x)[0]: td_error -= self.w[i] if self.doAccumulateTraces: self.z[i] += 1 else: self.z[i] = 1 if done: self.w += self.alpha * td_error * self.z self.policy.update(self.w) self.z *= 0.0 else: for i in np.nonzero(xx)[0]: td_error += self.gamma * self.w[i] self.w += self.alpha * td_error * self.z self.policy.update(self.w) self.z = self.gamma * self.lambd * self.z if self.doClearTraces: idxToClear = np.array(np.ones(self.nParams), dtype=int) idxToClear[np.nonzero(x)[0]] = 0 idxToClear[np.nonzero(xx)[0]] = 0 self.z[idxToClear] = 0.0 def getValue(self, state, action=None): if action is None: return np.array([, state, action, **self.af_kwargs) for action in range(self.nActions) ]) else: return, state, action, **self.af_kwargs) def selectAction(self, state): return self.policy.selectAction(state) def reset(self): self.w = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) self.z = np.zeros([self.nParams], dtype=np.float) def getName(self): return
'minStates':minStates, 'maxStates':maxStates, 'nTilings':nTilings, 'tilingOffsets':tilingOffsets, 'tilingSize':tilingSize, 'nActions':nActions} alpha_expectedSARSA = 0.5/8 gamma_expectedSARSA = 1.0 epsilon_expectedSARSA = 0.0 # Behaviour Policy epsilon_behaviourPolicy = 0.3 doUpdateBehaviourPolicy = True env = MountainCar(positionBounds, velocityBounds, startPositionBounds) agent_TB = nStepSemiGradientTreeBackup(nParams, nActions, alpha_TB, gamma_TB, n_TB, approximationFunctionArgs=approximationFunctionArgs, epsilon=epsilon_TB) behaviour_policy = FunctionApproximationPolicy(nParams, nActions, approximationFunctionArgs, actionSelectionMethod="esoft", epsilon=epsilon_behaviourPolicy) nStepsPerEpisode_TB = runExperiment(nEpisodes, env, agent_TB, behaviour_policy, doUpdateBehaviourPolicy, episodesToShowCostToGo, doShowNow=False) # Expected SARSA agent, in case you want to experiment with it agent_expectedSARSA = SemiGradientExpectedSARSA(nParams, nActions, alpha_expectedSARSA, gamma_expectedSARSA, approximationFunctionArgs=approximationFunctionArgs, epsilon=epsilon_expectedSARSA) behaviour_policy = FunctionApproximationPolicy(nParams, nActions, approximationFunctionArgs, actionSelectionMethod="esoft", epsilon=epsilon_behaviourPolicy) nStepsPerEpisode_expectedSARSA = runExperiment(nEpisodes, env, agent_expectedSARSA, behaviour_policy, doUpdateBehaviourPolicy, episodesToShowCostToGo, doShowNow=False) pl.figure() pl.plot(nStepsPerEpisode_TB, label=agent_TB.getName()) pl.plot(nStepsPerEpisode_expectedSARSA, label=agent_expectedSARSA.getName()) pl.xlabel('Episodes')