def __importDividents(self, folder): for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.startswith('ShareDividends_') or not name.endswith( '.xlsx'): continue excel = getExcel(os.path.join(folder, name)) xls = excel.sheet_by_index(0) for idx in range(1, xls.nrows): row = xls.row(idx) if row[4].value != 'Cash Dividend': raise Exception('Record not supported: %s' % (str(row))) d = datetime( *xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(row[6].value, excel.datemode)) fiat = row[9].value.split(' ', 1)[0] value = Decimal(fixNumber(row[9].value.replace(fiat, ''))) if fiat not in row[11].value: raise Exception( 'Dividend with difrent tax currency not supported: %s' % (str(row))) tax = Decimal(fixNumber(row[11].value.replace(fiat, ''))) percent = Decimal(fixNumber(row[10].value)) afiat = row[2].value main = Action(d, EActionType.DIVIDEND, Decimal(fixNumber(row[7].value)), self.stock(name=row[3].value, currency=fiat)) self._add(main) main2 = Action(d, EActionType.INCOME, value, self.currency(fiat)) main.addAction(main2) if afiat != fiat: s = Action(d, EActionType.SELL, value * Decimal(-1), self.currency(fiat)) main2.addAction(s) s.addAction( Action(d, EActionType.BUY, Decimal(fixNumber(row[16].value)), self.currency(afiat))) if not tax.is_zero(): main2.addAction( Action(d, EActionType.TAX, tax, self.currency(fiat), percent))
def __importCash(self, folder): for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.startswith('CashTransactions') or not name.endswith( '.xlsx'): continue excel = getExcel(os.path.join(folder, name)) xls = excel.sheet_by_index(0) for idx in range(1, xls.nrows): row = xls.row(idx) d = datetime( *xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(row[8].value, excel.datemode)) inputValue = Decimal( fixNumber(row[4].value.replace(',', '.').split(' ', 1)[0])) inputCurency = row[4].value.split(' ', 1)[1] outputValue = Decimal( fixNumber(row[5].value.replace(',', '.').split(' ', 1)[0])) outputCurency = row[5].value.split(' ', 1)[1] if row[2].value == 'Depozyt zabezpieczający': main = Action(d, EActionType.RECEIVE, inputValue, self.currency(inputCurency)) self._add(main) if outputCurency != inputCurency: sub = Action(d, EActionType.SELL, inputValue * Decimal(-1), self.currency(inputCurency)) main.addAction(sub) sub.addAction( Action(d, EActionType.BUY, outputValue, self.currency(outputCurency))) continue if cleanText(row[2].value) == cleanText('Wycofanie środków'): main = Action( d, EActionType.SEND if row[3].value != "Custody Fee" else EActionType.FEE, inputValue, self.currency(inputCurency)) self._add(main)
def eraseTransation(time, symbol, row, transations): found = [ idx for idx, x in enumerate(transations) if == x[0].date() and symbol == x[1] and row[F_TYPE] == x[2] and Decimal( fixNumber(row[F_SUM])) == x[3] and row[F_ASSET] == x[4] ] if not found: return False del transations[found[0]] return True
def _import(self, folder): # import finance to get transationId to ISIN mapping isin_mapping = {} for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.startswith('historiaFinansowa_') or not name.endswith('.csv'): continue csv = getCsv(os.path.join(folder, name)) prev_dividend = None for row in csv: time = datetime.fromisoformat("-".join(reversed(row['Data operacji'].split('-')))) if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Dywidendy') and row['Opis'].startswith(cleanText('DVCA Dywidenda pieniężna')): isin = row['Opis'].split(':', 1)[0].split(' ')[-1].strip() count = Decimal(row['Opis'].split(':', 1)[1].split(' x ', 1)[0]) income = Decimal(fixNumber(row['Kwota'])) if 'rozliczenie' in row['Opis']: main = Action(time, EActionType.DIVIDEND, count, self.stock(isin=isin, exchange='XWAR', currency='PLN')) sub = Action(time, EActionType.INCOME, income, self.currency(row['Waluta'])) main.addAction(sub) self._add(main) prev_dividend = sub continue if 'podatek' in row['Opis'] and prev_dividend: sub = Action(time, EActionType.TAX, income, self.currency(row['Waluta'])) prev_dividend.addAction(sub) prev_dividend = None continue if row['Typ operacji'] == '' and (row['Opis'] == cleanText('Saldo początkowe') or row['Opis'] == cleanText('Saldo końcowe')): continue if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Wpłaty/wypłaty'): value = Decimal(fixNumber(row['Kwota'])) cur = row['Waluta'] self._add(Action(time, EActionType.RECEIVE if value > Decimal(0) else EActionType.SEND, value, self.currency(cur))) continue if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Blokady pod zlecenia') or row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Transakcje'): data = row['Opis'].split(',', 2) isin = data[-2].strip() transation = data[-3].split(' ')[-1].strip() isin_mapping[transation] = isin continue for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.startswith('historiaTransakcji_') or not name.endswith('.csv'): continue csv = getCsv(os.path.join(folder, name)) for row in csv: d = [int(x) for x in row['Data transakcji'].replace('-', ' ').split(' ')] time = datetime(d[2], d[1], d[0], d[3], d[4], d[5]) nr = row['Numer zlecenia'] isin = isin_mapping[nr] k = row['Kierunek'] == 'Kupno' main = Action(time, EActionType.BUY if k else EActionType.SELL, Decimal(fixNumber(row[cleanText('Ilość')])) * (Decimal(1) if k else Decimal(-1)), self.stock(isin=isin, ticker=row['Papier'], exchange='XWAR', currency='PLN')) cost = Action(time, EActionType.PAYMENT if k else EActionType.INCOME, Decimal(fixNumber(row[cleanText('Wartość')])) * (Decimal(-1) if k else Decimal(1)), self.currency('PLN')) main.addAction(cost) fee = Action(time, EActionType.FEE, Decimal(fixNumber(row[cleanText('Prowizja')]))*Decimal(-1), self.currency('PLN')) main.addAction(fee) self._add(main)
def _import(self, folder): # import finance to get transationId to ISIN mapping orders = [] for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.startswith('Historia operacji finansowych ') or not name.endswith('.csv'): continue csv = getCsv(os.path.join(folder, name)) last_send_outside = None for row in reversed(csv): time = datetime.fromisoformat("-".join(reversed(row[cleanText('Data księgowania')].split(' ', 1)[0].split('.')))) before = Decimal(fixNumber(row[cleanText('Saldo początkowe')])) after = Decimal(fixNumber(row[cleanText('Saldo końcowe')])) kwota = after - before if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Uznania') and row['Opis'].startswith('Dywidenda: '): isin = row['Opis'].split('(', 1)[0].strip().split(' ')[-1] name = row['Opis'].split('(', 1)[1].split(')', 1)[0].strip() main = Action(time, EActionType.DIVIDEND, Decimal(1), self.stock(isin=isin, ticker=name, currency='PLN')) self._add(main) main.addAction(Action(time, EActionType.INCOME, kwota, self.currency('PLN'))) continue if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Uznania') and 'Dywid.' in row['Opis'] and len(row['Opis'].split(';')) == 3: #K039 Dywid. 261 szt PJSC GAZPR US3682872078; brutto 0.413 USD/szt; USD/PLN 3.6752 isin = row['Opis'].split(';')[0].split(' ')[-1] szt = Decimal(row['Opis'].split('szt ', 1)[0].strip().split(' ')[-1]) value = Decimal(row['Opis'].split('brutto ', 1)[1].split(' ')[0]) cur = row['Opis'].split('/szt', 1)[0].split(' ')[-1] conv = Decimal(row['Opis'].split('/PLN ', 1)[1].strip()) main = Action(time, EActionType.DIVIDEND, szt, self.stock(isin=isin, currency=cur)) self._add(main) sub = Action(time, EActionType.INCOME, value*szt, self.currency(cur)) main.addAction(sub) sub2 = Action(time, EActionType.SELL, kwota/conv*Decimal(-1), self.currency(cur)) sub.addAction(sub2) sub2.addAction(Action(time, EActionType.BUY, kwota, self.currency('PLN'))) sub.addAction(Action(time, EActionType.TAX, kwota/conv-szt*value, self.currency(cur))) continue if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Obciążenia') and row['Opis'].startswith('Przelew na rachunek bankowy'): # sending funds main = Action(time, EActionType.SEND, kwota, self.currency(row['Opis'].split('/')[-1].strip())) last_send_outside = main self._add(main) continue if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Obciążenia') and row['Opis'].startswith(cleanText('Księgowanie prowizji od dyspozycji przelewu')) and last_send_outside: # sending funds - fee main = Action(time, EActionType.FEE, kwota, last_send_outside.asset) last_send_outside.addAction(main) last_send_outside = None continue last_send_outside = None if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Uznania') and row['Opis'].startswith('WYC.BK:'): # new funds adding main = Action(time, EActionType.RECEIVE, kwota, self.currency('PLN')) self._add(main) continue if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Uznania') and row['Opis'].startswith('NOT:'): # - money orders.append((time, kwota, row['Opis'].split('PW:', 1)[1].strip())) continue if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Obciążenia') and row['Opis'].startswith('NOT:'): # + money orders.append((time, kwota, row['Opis'].split('PW:', 1)[1].strip())) continue if row['Typ operacji'] == cleanText('Obciążenia') and row['Opis'] == cleanText('opłata za prowadzenie rachunku'): main = Action(time, EActionType.FEE, kwota, self.currency('PLN')) self._add(main) continue raise Exception('Unsupported record: %s' % (row)) orders.sort(key=lambda x : x[0]) transations = [] for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.startswith('Historia transakcji ') or not name.endswith('.csv'): continue csv = getCsv(os.path.join(folder, name)) for row in csv: d = [int(x) for x in row['Czas transakcji'].replace(':', ' ').replace('.', ' ').split(' ')] time = datetime(d[2], d[1], d[0], d[3], d[4], d[5]) transations.append((time, row)) transations.sort(key=lambda x : x[0]) for time, row in transations: currency = row['Waluta rozliczenia'] count = Decimal(fixNumber(row['Liczba'])) value = Decimal(fixNumber(row['Kurs'])) stockCurrency = row['Waluta'] sumValue = Decimal(fixNumber(row[cleanText('Wartość')])) fee = Decimal(fixNumber(row['Prowizja'])) k = row['K/S'] == 'K' order = orders.pop(0) if order[0].date() != or sumValue * (Decimal(-1) if k else Decimal(1)) != order[1]: raise Exception("Finance and Transation history don't match: %s != %s" % (str(order), str(row))) if fee: feeOrder = orders.pop(0) if feeOrder[0].date() != or -fee != feeOrder[1] or feeOrder[2] != order[2]: raise Exception("Finance and Transation history don't match: %s != %s" % (str(feeOrder), str(row))) main = Action(time, EActionType.BUY if k else EActionType.SELL, count * (Decimal(1) if k else Decimal(-1)), self.stock(isin=order[2], ticker=row['Walor'], exchange=row[cleanText('Giełda')], currency=stockCurrency)) self._add(main) if fee: f = Action(time, EActionType.FEE, -fee, self.currency(currency)) main.addAction(f) if stockCurrency != currency: sub = Action(time, EActionType.PAYMENT if k else EActionType.INCOME, value * count * (Decimal(-1) if k else Decimal(1)), self.currency(stockCurrency)) main.addAction(sub) sub2 = Action(time, EActionType.BUY if k else EActionType.SELL, value * count * (Decimal(1) if k else Decimal(-1)), self.currency(stockCurrency)) sub.addAction(sub2) sub3 = Action(time, EActionType.SELL if k else EActionType.BUY, sumValue * (Decimal(-1) if k else Decimal(1)), self.currency(currency)) sub2.addAction(sub3) else: sub = Action(time, EActionType.PAYMENT if k else EActionType.INCOME, sumValue * (Decimal(-1) if k else Decimal(1)), self.currency(currency)) main.addAction(sub) if orders: raise Exception('Not all orders consumed: %s' % (str(orders)))
def __importTransations(self, folder): for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.startswith('TradesExecuted_') or not name.endswith( '.xlsx'): continue excel = getExcel(os.path.join(folder, name)) xls = excel.sheet_by_index(1) for idx in range(1, xls.nrows): row = xls.row(idx) name = row[2].value.split('(', 1)[0].strip() isin = None if 'ISIN:' not in row[2].value else row[ 2].value.split('ISIN:', 1)[1].split(')')[0].strip() ticker = row[11].value.split( ':', 1)[0] if ':' in row[11].value else row[11].value ex = row[11].value.split( ':', 1)[1] if ':' in row[11].value else None d = datetime( *xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(row[3].value, excel.datemode)) count = Decimal(fixNumber(row[6].value)) value = Decimal(fixNumber(row[8].value)) blockedAcount = Decimal(fixNumber(row[20].value)) blockedClient = Decimal(fixNumber(row[19].value)) accountCurrency = row[18].value clientCurrency = row[21].value k = row[4].value == 'Bought' if accountCurrency != clientCurrency: raise Exception( 'Transations bettwen %s - %s were not tested & implemented' % (accountCurrency, clientCurrency)) if row[16].value == 'FxSpot': main = Action( d, EActionType.FOREX, count, self.stock(None, ticker, ex, clientCurrency, name)) if not blockedClient.is_zero(): main.addAction( Action( d, EActionType.PAYMENT if k else EActionType.INCOME, blockedClient, self.currency(clientCurrency))) self._add(main) continue main = Action( d, EActionType.BUY if k else EActionType.SELL, count, self.stock(isin, ticker, ex, clientCurrency, name)) self._add(main) sub = Action(d, EActionType.SELL if k else EActionType.BUY, value, self.currency(clientCurrency)) main.addAction(sub) cost = blockedClient - value if cost: sub2 = Action(d, EActionType.FEE, cost, self.currency(clientCurrency)) main.addAction(sub2)
def _import(self, folder): transations = [] C_TIME = 0 C_COUNT = 8 C_ISIN = 4 C_SYMBOL = 3 C_CURRENCY = 7 C_TYPE = 5 C_VOLUME = 12 C_SIDE = 2 C_COMMISSION = 9 C_COMMISSION_CURRENCY = 10 for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.startswith('Trades_') or not name.endswith('.csv'): continue csv = getCsv(os.path.join(folder, name), '\t', 'utf-16') if not csv: continue for row in reversed(csv): d = [ int(x) for x in row[C_TIME].replace('-', ' ').replace( ':', ' ').split(' ') ] time = datetime(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]) k = row[C_SIDE] == 'buy' main = Action( time, EActionType.BUY if k else EActionType.SELL, Decimal(fixNumber(row[C_COUNT])) * (Decimal(1) if k else Decimal(-1)), self.stock( None if row[C_ISIN] == 'None' else row[C_ISIN], row[C_SYMBOL].split( '.', 1)[0], None if '.' not in row[C_SYMBOL] else row[C_SYMBOL].split('.', 1)[1], row[C_CURRENCY]) if row[C_TYPE] != 'FOREX' else self.currency( row[C_SYMBOL].split('/')[0])) self._add(main) sub = Action( time, EActionType.PAYMENT if k else EActionType.INCOME, Decimal(fixNumber(row[C_VOLUME])) * (Decimal(-1) if k else Decimal(1)), self.currency(row[C_CURRENCY])) main.addAction(sub) fee = Decimal(fixNumber(row[C_COMMISSION])) transation = [] if fee: main.addAction( Action(time, EActionType.FEE, fee * Decimal(-1), self.currency(row[C_COMMISSION_CURRENCY]))) transations.append( (time, row[C_SYMBOL], 'COMMISSION', fee * Decimal(-1), row[C_COMMISSION_CURRENCY])) transations.append( (time, row[C_SYMBOL], 'TRADE', sub.count, str(sub.asset))) transations.append((time, row[C_SYMBOL], 'TRADE', main.count, str(main.asset))) financial = [] F_WHEN = 5 F_SYMBOL = 2 F_TYPE = 4 F_ASSET = 7 F_COMMENT = 9 F_SUM = 6 for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.startswith('Financial_') or not name.endswith('.csv'): continue csv = getCsv(os.path.join(folder, name), '\t', 'utf-16') if not csv: continue last = (None, None) for row in reversed(csv): d = [ int(x) for x in row[F_WHEN].replace('-', ' ').replace( ':', ' ').split(' ') ] time = datetime(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]) financial.append([time, row[F_SYMBOL], row]) financial.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) def eraseTransation(time, symbol, row, transations): found = [ idx for idx, x in enumerate(transations) if == x[0].date() and symbol == x[1] and row[F_TYPE] == x[2] and Decimal( fixNumber(row[F_SUM])) == x[3] and row[F_ASSET] == x[4] ] if not found: return False del transations[found[0]] return True # process autoconversions first autoconversions = [ x for x in financial if x[2][F_TYPE] == 'AUTOCONVERSION' ] while autoconversions: time, symbol, row = autoconversions[0] del autoconversions[0] if autoconversions and autoconversions[0][2][F_SYMBOL] == row[ F_SYMBOL] and autoconversions[0][2][F_WHEN] == row[F_WHEN]: row2 = autoconversions[0][2] del autoconversions[0] plus = row2 if Decimal(fixNumber(row2[F_SUM])) > Decimal( fixNumber(row[F_SUM])) else row minus = row2 if Decimal(fixNumber(row2[F_SUM])) < Decimal( fixNumber(row[F_SUM])) else row main = Action(time, EActionType.PAYMENT, Decimal(fixNumber(minus[F_SUM])), self.currency(minus[F_ASSET])) sub = Action(time, EActionType.BUY, Decimal(fixNumber(plus[F_SUM])), self.currency(plus[F_ASSET])) sub.addAction(main) self._add(sub) continue raise Exception("Not suported row: %s" % (str(row))) financial = [x for x in financial if x[2][F_TYPE] != 'AUTOCONVERSION'] while financial: time, symbol, row = financial[0] if row[F_TYPE] == 'TRADE' or row[F_TYPE] == 'COMMISSION': if not eraseTransation(time, symbol, row, transations): print(transations) raise Exception("Not consumed financial row: %s" % (str(row))) del financial[0] continue del financial[0] if row[F_TYPE] == 'FUNDING/WITHDRAWAL' or row[ F_TYPE] == 'SUBACCOUNT TRANSFER': value = Decimal(fixNumber(row[F_SUM])) main = Action( time, EActionType.RECEIVE if value > Decimal(0) else EActionType.SEND, value, self.currency(row[F_ASSET])) self._add(main) continue if (row[F_TYPE] == 'TAX' and financial and financial[0][2][F_TYPE] == 'DIVIDEND' and financial[0][2][F_SYMBOL] == symbol and financial[0][2][F_WHEN] == row[F_WHEN]): tax = Action( time, EActionType.TAX, Decimal(fixNumber(row[F_SUM])), self.currency(row[F_ASSET]), Decimal( fixNumber( financial[0][2][F_COMMENT].split('(')[-1].split( '%)', 1)[0]))) row = financial[0][2] del financial[0] main = Action( time, EActionType.DIVIDEND, Decimal( fixNumber(row[F_COMMENT].split('shares', 1)[0].strip())), self.stock(ticker=symbol.split('.', 1)[0], exchange=symbol.split('.', 1)[1], currency=row[F_ASSET])) income = Action(time, EActionType.INCOME, Decimal(fixNumber(row[F_SUM])), self.currency(row[F_ASSET])) income.addAction(tax) main.addAction(income) self._add(main) continue if row[F_TYPE] == 'DIVIDEND': main = Action( time, EActionType.DIVIDEND, Decimal( fixNumber(row[F_COMMENT].split('shares', 1)[0].strip())), self.stock(ticker=symbol.split('.', 1)[0], exchange=symbol.split('.', 1)[1], currency=row[F_ASSET])) income = Action(time, EActionType.INCOME, Decimal(fixNumber(row[F_SUM])), self.currency(row[F_ASSET])) main.addAction(income) self._add(main) continue if (row[F_TYPE] == 'EXERCISE' and financial and financial[0][2][F_TYPE] == row[F_TYPE] and financial[0][2][F_COMMENT] == row[F_COMMENT] and financial[0][2][F_SYMBOL] == row[F_SYMBOL] and row[F_COMMENT].endswith(' Exercised Rights')): financial[0][2][F_TYPE] = 'TRADE' row[F_TYPE] = 'TRADE' financial = [(time, symbol, row)] + financial continue if (row[F_TYPE] == 'CORPORATE ACTION' and financial and financial[0][2][F_TYPE] == 'CORPORATE ACTION' and financial[0][2][F_WHEN] == row[F_WHEN] and financial[0][2][F_COMMENT] == row[F_COMMENT] and row[F_COMMENT] == "%s -> %s" % (financial[0][2][F_SYMBOL], symbol)): self._assets.changeName( financial[0][2][F_SYMBOL].split('.', 1)[0], financial[0][2][F_SYMBOL].split('.', 1)[1], symbol.split('.', 1)[0], symbol.split('.', 1)[1]) del financial[0] continue if row[F_TYPE] == 'CORPORATE ACTION' and row[F_COMMENT].endswith( ' Rights'): self._add( Action( time, EActionType.BUY, Decimal(fixNumber(row[F_SUM])), self.stock(ticker=symbol.split('.', 1)[0], exchange=symbol.split('.', 1)[1]))) continue if (row[F_TYPE] == 'STOCK SPLIT' and "Stock Split " in row[F_COMMENT] and len(financial) > 1 and financial[0][2][F_TYPE] == 'STOCK SPLIT' and financial[0][2][F_SYMBOL] == row[F_SYMBOL] and financial[1][2][F_TYPE] == 'STOCK SPLIT' and financial[1][2][F_SYMBOL] == row[F_SYMBOL]): row_cash = row if 'Fractional Share Payment' in row[ F_COMMENT] else None if not row_cash: row_cash = financial[0][ 2] if 'Fractional Share Payment' in financial[0][2][ F_COMMENT] else financial[1][2] row_old = row if row[F_SYMBOL] == row[F_ASSET] and int( row[F_SUM]) < 0 else None if not row_old: row_old = financial[0][2] if financial[0][2][ F_ASSET] == row[F_SYMBOL] and int( financial[0][2][F_SUM]) < 0 else financial[1][2] row_new = row if row[F_SYMBOL] == row[F_ASSET] and int( row[F_SUM]) > 0 else None if not row_new: row_new = financial[0][2] if financial[0][2][ F_ASSET] == row[F_SYMBOL] and int( financial[0][2][F_SUM]) > 0 else financial[1][2] split = row_old[F_COMMENT].replace('Stock Split ', '').split(" for ", 1) sold = Decimal( int(row_old[F_SUM]) + int(row_new[F_SUM]) * int(split[1])) split = Decimal(split[0]) / Decimal(split[1]) asset = self.stock(ticker=symbol.split('.', 1)[0], exchange=symbol.split('.', 1)[1], currency=row_cash[F_ASSET]) def getTime(when): d = [ int(x) for x in row[F_WHEN].replace('-', ' ').replace( ':', ' ').split(' ') ] return datetime(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]) main = Action(getTime(row_old[F_WHEN]), EActionType.SELL, sold, asset) income = Action(getTime(row_cash[F_WHEN]), EActionType.INCOME, Decimal(fixNumber(row_cash[F_SUM])), self.currency(row_cash[F_ASSET])) main.addAction(income) self._add(main) self._split(asset, max(time, financial[0][0], financial[1][0]), split) del financial[0] del financial[0] continue if (row[F_TYPE] == 'STOCK SPLIT' and "Stock Split " in row[F_COMMENT] and financial and financial[0][2][F_TYPE] == 'STOCK SPLIT' and financial[0][2][F_COMMENT] == row[F_COMMENT] and financial[0][2][F_ASSET] == row[F_ASSET]): split = row[F_COMMENT].replace('Stock Split ', '').split(" for ", 1) split = Decimal(split[0]) / Decimal(split[1]) asset = self.stock(ticker=symbol.split('.', 1)[0], exchange=symbol.split('.', 1)[1]) self._split(asset, time, split) del financial[0] continue raise Exception("Not suported row: %s" % (str(row))) if transations: raise Exception("No all transations consumed: %s" % (str(transations)))