exportJsonConfigFile = 'bgp_ngpf_hw_8.40.json' try: restObj = Connect(apiServerIp='', serverIpPort='11009') fileMgmtObj = FileMgmt(restObj) # How to export a configuration into a JSON format file. # This will export your current configuration into a specified json filename. fileMgmtObj.exportJsonConfigFile(jsonFileName=exportJsonConfigFile) # How to load a complete json config file fileMgmtObj.importJsonConfigFile(jsonConfigFile, option='newConfig') # Read a JSON config file and store all the datas into an object. # Use the jsonData object to make your modifications. jsonData = fileMgmtObj.jsonReadConfig(exportJsonConfigFile) # How to use XPATH to modify IxNetwork configurations. xpathObj = [{"xpath": "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] flap']/singleValue", "value": "true"}, {"xpath": "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] uptimeInSec']/singleValue", "value": "28"}, {"xpath": "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] downtimeInSec']/singleValue", "value": "68"} ] fileMgmtObj.importJsonConfigObj(dataObj=xpathObj, option='modify') # How to add a new Traffic Item without touching the JSON config file. # Assuming that there are two Traffic Items already.
if forceTakePortOwnership == True: portObj.releasePorts(portList) portObj.clearPortOwnership(portList) else: raise IxNetRestApiException( '\nPorts are owned by another user and forceTakePortOwnership is set to False. Exiting test.' ) # Optional: Uncomment if required. # Configuring license requires releasing all ports even for ports that is not used for this test. portObj.releaseAllPorts() mainObj.configLicenseServerDetails([licenseServerIp], licenseModel, licenseTier) fileMgmtObj = FileMgmt(mainObj) jsonData = fileMgmtObj.jsonReadConfig(jsonConfigFile) # 8.40: Takes 5 minutes to load/assignPorts on OVA/VE Linux. fileMgmtObj.importJsonConfigFile(jsonConfigFile, type='newConfig') fileMgmtObj.jsonAssignPorts(jsonData, portList, timeout=300) portObj.verifyPortState() # Example: How to modify # Mofify the BGP configuration using JSON XPATH. XPATH are obtained from a JSON exported config file. # 1> Export the JSON configuration to a file. # 2> Get the XPATH to where you want to modify the configuraiton. # 3> Import the modified JSON to IxNetwork xpathObj = [{ "xpath": "/multivalue[@source = '/topology[1]/deviceGroup[1]/ethernet[1]/ipv4[1]/bgpIpv4Peer[1] flap']/singleValue", "value": "true"