def __init__(self, sWeek): """ sWeek = yww, the year and week no of the sprint """ # initilize sprint self.okToGo = False if None == sWeek or sWeek == '' or sWeek.isnumeric() == False: logging.critical("Attempt to create sprint with invalid name, not YWW") return None self.sEndWeek = sWeek self.noOfDays = cfg.sprintDays self.sprintDays = self.__setSprintDays() self.okToGo = True # sprint data source self.db = JIRAdb() if None == self.db.db: logging.critical("No DB available for sprint data") self.okToGo = False return None
class Sprint(): """ Class that represents a sprint """ # class/static vars def __init__(self, sWeek): """ sWeek = yww, the year and week no of the sprint """ # initilize sprint self.okToGo = False if None == sWeek or sWeek == '' or sWeek.isnumeric() == False: logging.critical("Attempt to create sprint with invalid name, not YWW") return None self.sEndWeek = sWeek self.noOfDays = cfg.sprintDays self.sprintDays = self.__setSprintDays() self.okToGo = True # sprint data source self.db = JIRAdb() if None == self.db.db: logging.critical("No DB available for sprint data") self.okToGo = False return None def __calcBurnDownPlots(self, fMaxVal, noOfValues): """ Return a list with values that will plot a straight line -fMaxVal, the max value to start plot from -noOfValues, the number of values required in the list """ step = fMaxVal/(noOfValues-1) values = [] i=0 while i < noOfValues: values.append(fMaxVal-step*i) i=i+1 return values def __calcDoneEffortForDay(self, aDate, doneIssues): """ Return the effort that was done at end of aDate aDate - a date within the sprint doneIssues - list of issues that's currently in status Implemented or further """ doneEffort = 0 for issue in doneIssues: if aDate >= issue[2]: # get the datetime #print "%10s effort %.2f was done %s" % (issue[0], issue[1], issue[2]) doneEffort = doneEffort + issue[1] #print "Total effort done by %s is %.2f" % (aDate, doneEffort) return doneEffort def __dateAddGenerator(self, startDate, len): """ Generate dates starting with the startDate """ date = startDate list = range(len) for i in list: yield date date = date + timedelta(days=1) def __setSprintDays(self): """ Return a list of all dates in the sprint """ # create a list of strings with dates of the sprint startDate = self.firstDateOfSprint(cfg.sprintDays) gen = self.__dateAddGenerator(startDate, cfg.sprintDays) sprintDays = [] for i in gen: sprintDays.append(i) return sprintDays def getDoneIssues(self): """ Returns a list of all done issues for the sprint """ return self.db.getDoneDateForIssuesForSprint(self.sEndWeek) def getIssues(self, status): """ status = string with Done/Open/All to print the issues with this status Returns a list with issueID/issueDescription/issueStatus/devEffort """ if status != "Done" and status != "Open" and status != "All": logging.error("Printing issue with status %s not supported, will not print anything." % status) return None return self.db.getIssuesForSprint(self.sEndWeek, status) def firstDateOfSprint(self, iNoOfDays): """ Return the first date of the sprint Sprints are assumed to end on Fridays """ year = int(cfg.yyy + self.sEndWeek[0]) week = int(self.sEndWeek[1:]) startDate = datetime.strptime('%04d-%02d-1 %d:%d:%d' % (year, week, 23, 59, 59), '%Y-%W-%w %H:%M:%S') # first Thursday if date(year, 1, 4).isoweekday() > 4: startDate -= timedelta(days=7) # calc first day if iNoOfDays > 5: startDate = startDate - timedelta(iNoOfDays-5) logging.debug("First date of sprint is calculated to: %s" % (startDate)) return startDate def plotBurnDownChart(self): """ Create a burndown chart of the requested sprint """ #issues = self.db.getDoneIssuesForSprint(self.sEndWeek) fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(True) now = time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") ax.set_title('Burndown of sprint %s @ %s' % (self.sEndWeek, time) ) # y axis labels plt.ylabel('Man days effort') # x axis labels xLabels = [] for i in self.sprintDays: xLabels.append(i.strftime("%y-%m-%d %a")) plt.xticks(np.arange(self.noOfDays), xLabels, rotation=45, size='small', ha='right') # plot ideal burn down line, straight line from total effort to 0 fTotalEffort = self.db.getTotalEffortForSprint(self.sEndWeek) if fTotalEffort > 0: pIdeal = plt.plot(self.__calcBurnDownPlots(fTotalEffort, self.noOfDays),linewidth=2, marker='o') else: pIdeal = [0] # plot actual burn down # create the values for each day in sprint xValues = [] doneEffort = 0 i=0 today = doneIssues = self.getDoneIssues() while i < self.noOfDays: # only plot up to current date so we don't get long horizontal line for remaining days of sprint if today >= self.sprintDays[i].date(): doneEffort = self.__calcDoneEffortForDay(self.sprintDays[i], doneIssues) xValues.append(fTotalEffort - doneEffort) # effort left for each day i=i+1 pActual = plt.plot(xValues, color='g', linewidth=2, marker='o') ax.legend([pIdeal[0], pActual[0]], ["Ideal", "Actual"]) plt.savefig('%s%s%s.png' % (cfg.sImagePath, "BurndownSprint", self.sEndWeek)) def plotEffortBarsChart(self): fSumEffort = self.db.getTotalEffortForSprint(self.sEndWeek) fSumDoneEffort = self.db.getDoneEffortForSprint(self.sEndWeek) fSumEffortLeft = self.db.getOpenEffortForSprint(self.sEndWeek) # create bar chart for effort ind = np.arange(3) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.5 # the width of the bars # tuple with floats for bars effortBars = (round(fSumEffort, 2), round(fSumDoneEffort, 2), round(fSumEffortLeft, 2) ) fig = plt.figure() # make some space above highest bar maxheight = round(fSumEffort, 2) plt.ylim(ymax=maxheight+(maxheight*0.1)) # create bars plot ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # 1 row, 1 column, first plot bars =, effortBars, width, color=('b', 'g', 'r'), align = 'center') # labels & legend ax.set_ylabel('Effort man days') ax.set_title('Man days effort for sprint %s' % self.sEndWeek) ax.set_xticks(ind) ax.set_xticklabels( ('Planned\neffort', 'Effort\ndone', 'Effort\nleft',) ) # print values on top of bars def autolabel(rects): # attach some text labels for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() ax.text(rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/2., height+1, '%d'%int(height), ha='center', va='bottom') autolabel(bars) plt.savefig('%s%s%s.png' % (cfg.sImagePath, "EffortSprint", self.sEndWeek)) def plotEffortStackedBarChart(self): fSumDoneEffort = self.db.getDoneEffortForSprint(self.sEndWeek) fSumEffortLeft = self.db.getOpenEffortForSprint(self.sEndWeek) # create stacked bar chart for effort ind = np.arange(1) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.1 # the width of the bars # make some space above bar maxheight = round(fSumDoneEffort+fSumEffortLeft,2) plt.ylim(ymax=maxheight+(maxheight*0.1)) # create bar b1 =, round(fSumDoneEffort, 2), width, color='g', align = 'center') b2 =, round(fSumEffortLeft, 2), width, color='r', align = 'center', bottom=round(fSumDoneEffort, 2)) # labels & legend plt.legend( (b1[0], b2[0]), ('Effort done', 'Effort left') ) plt.savefig('%s%s%s.png' % (cfg.sImagePath, "EffortStackSprint", self.sEndWeek)) def printEffortSummary(self): """ Print a text summary of total, done and open effort for the sprint """ fTotalEffort = self.db.getTotalEffortForSprint(self.sEndWeek) fDoneEffort = self.db.getDoneEffortForSprint(self.sEndWeek) fOpenEffort = self.db.getOpenEffortForSprint(self.sEndWeek) print "Total effort is: %.2f" % fTotalEffort print "Done effort is.: %.2f" % fDoneEffort print "Open effort is.: %.2f" % fOpenEffort def printIssues(self, status): """ status = string with Done/Open/All to print the issues with this status Returns a list with issueID/issueDescription/issueStatus/devEffort """ if status != "Done" and status != "Open" and status != "All": logging.error("Printing issue with status %s not supported, will not print anything." % status) return None results = self.db.getIssuesForSprint(self.sEndWeek, status) print "%s issues for sprint %s:" % (status, self.sEndWeek) nSumEffort = 0 for row in results: sExtIssueID = row[0] sDescription = row[1] sStatus = row[2] nEffort = row[3] sAssignee = row[4] nSumEffort = nSumEffort + nEffort # Now print fetched result print "%-10.10s %-80.80s %-12.12s %.2f %-15.15s" % \ (sExtIssueID, sDescription, sStatus, nEffort, sAssignee ) def printIssuesPerStatus(self): self.printIssues("Done") self.printIssues("Open")