コード例 #1
 def make_h_fcn(nm, fcn):
     h = ROOT.TH1D(nm, '%s - %s' % (fn1, fn2), nnames, 0, nnames)
     h_fcns.append((h, fcn))
     return h
コード例 #2
def make_signals_2015p6(f, name_list):
    # Pull 2015+6 values from previous-format limitsinput file(s).
    # (Not all 2017+8 signal points exist in the final one for the
    # 2016 paper, but we make new ones now using the scanpack2017p8_2016 branch.)
    # Rescale+add how SignalEfficiencyCombiner did previously.  Go
    # ahead and store the rate already scaled by the integrated
    # luminosity. This makes the 2016 weighted sum situation easier
    # downstream.

    fnpairs = [ # (hip, nonhip)--the first pair are to be the final 2016 paper one, the rest define newly generated signal points

    def trigmult2016(x):
        return 1 # this was 0.99 in signal_efficiency, but now it's already in int_lumi at top
    def sf20156(x, pars=(0.9784, -1128., 1444.)):
        return trigmult2016(x) * (2. - pars[0] * ROOT.TMath.Erf((x-pars[1])/pars[2]))
    sfs = [sf20156, trigmult2016, trigmult2016]
    int_lumis = [2592.4, 19492., 16059.]

    for ipair, (fn_2016_hip, fn_2016_nonhip) in enumerate(fnpairs):
        name_list['title'] = name_list.get('title', '') + '+%s+%s' % (fn_2016_hip, fn_2016_nonhip)
        f_2015 = f_2016 = f_2016_nonhip = ROOT.TFile.Open(fn_2016_nonhip)
        f_2016_hip = ROOT.TFile.Open(fn_2016_hip)
        h_name_list_2016 = f_2016_nonhip.Get('name_list') # already checked that the two files are in sync
        def _hs(n):
            return [f_2015.Get(n), f_2016_hip.Get(n), f_2016_nonhip.Get(n)]

        nsigs = h_name_list_2016.GetNbinsX()
        for ibin in xrange(1, nsigs+1):
            if (ibin-1)%(nsigs/20) == 0:
                sys.stdout.write('\rmake_signals_2015p6: pair %i/%i, %i/%i' % (ipair+1, len(fnpairs), ibin, nsigs)); sys.stdout.flush()

            old_isample = -ibin
            new_isample = old_isample if ipair == 0 else signalset.next_isample()
            old_bn = 'h_signal_%i_' % old_isample
            new_bn = 'h_signal_%i_' % new_isample

            # convert sample name to new format--really only more digits in tau field
            old_name = f_2016.Get(old_bn + 'norm').GetTitle()
            mass = name2mass(old_name) # needed in scalefactor too
            new_name = details2name(name2kind(old_name), name2tau(old_name), mass)

            if name_list.has_key(new_name):
                print colors.warning('\nwarning: %s found in ipair %i with isample %i was found in previous ipair %s with isample %i, skipping' % (new_name, ipair, old_isample, name_list[new_name].ipair, name_list[new_name].isample))

            name_list[new_name] = ss = signalset(new_name, '2016', new_isample)
            ss.ipair = ipair

            norms = _hs(old_bn + 'norm')
            ngens = [1e-3/h.GetBinContent(2) for h in norms]
            ngentot = sum(ngens[1:]) # hip/nonhip are the only independent samples, 2015 is just 2016 that we rescale

            for n in 'dbv', 'dphi', 'dvv', 'dvv_rebin':
                hs = _hs(old_bn + n)
                for h,ng,sf,il in zip(hs, ngens, sfs, int_lumis):
                    if n == 'dbv' or n == 'dvv':
                        h.Rebin(10) # did too many bins last time
                    h.Scale(sf(mass) * 1e-3 * il / ng)

                h = hs.pop(0)
                for h2 in hs:

                h.SetName(new_bn + n + '_2016')
                h.SetTitle(new_name + '_2016')
                f.cd(); h.Write()


            h = ROOT.TH1D(new_bn + 'uncert_2016', new_name + '_2016', gp.nbins, gp.bins)
            uncerts = [0.24, sig_uncert_pdf(new_name + '_2016')] # ignore old hist, just use the previous total 24%
            for ib in xrange(1,gp.nbins+1): h.SetBinContent(ib, 1+sum(x**2 for x in uncerts)**0.5)

            h = ROOT.TH1D(new_bn + 'ngen_2016', new_name + '_2016', 1,0,1)
            h.SetBinContent(1, ngentot)

        print '\rmake_signals_2015p6: done with pair %i             ' % (ipair+1)
コード例 #3
def make_signals_2017p8(f, name_list):
    # 2017,8 are from minitrees (the 100kevt official samples) and scanpack.
    scanpack_list = '/uscms/home/tucker/public/mfv/scanpacks/2017p8/scanpack1D_4_4p7_4p8.merged.list.gz'
    trees = '/uscms_data/d2/tucker/crab_dirs/MiniTreeV27m/mfv*.root'
    title = []
    sigs = {}

    if scanpack_list:
    if trees:
        sigs.update({os.path.basename(fn).replace('.root', '') : [fn] for fn in sorted(glob(trees))}) # overrides scanpack entries
    name_list['title'] = name_list.get('title', '') + '+' + '+'.join(title)

    nsigs = len(sigs)
    for isig, (name_year, fns) in enumerate(sigs.iteritems()):
        if isig%(nsigs/20) == 0:
            sys.stdout.write('\rmake_signals_2017p8: %i/%i' % (isig, nsigs)); sys.stdout.flush()

        name, year = name_year.rsplit('_',1)
        if name_list.has_key(name):
            s = name_list[name]
            s = name_list[name] = signalset(name, year)
        n = lambda x: 'h_signal_%i_%s_%s'  % (s.isample, x, year)

        ngen = 0.
        t = ROOT.TChain('mfvMiniTree/t')
        for fn in fns:
            sig_f = ROOT.TFile.Open(fn)
            ngen += sig_f.Get('mfvWeight/h_sums').GetBinContent(1)

        if year == '2017' and gp.l1eeprefiring_2017:
            t.SetAlias('jet_l1ee', 'abs(jet_eta) > 2.25 && jet_pt > 100')
            t.SetAlias('njets_l1ee', 'Sum$(!jet_l1ee)')
            t.SetAlias('jetht_l1ee', 'Sum$(jet_pt * (jet_pt > 40 && !jet_l1ee))')
            t.SetAlias('limitsinput_pass', '(njets_l1ee >= 4 && jetht_l1ee >= 1200)')
        elif year == '2018' and gp.hem1516_2018:
            t.SetAlias('jet_hem1516', 'jet_eta < -1.3 && jet_phi < -0.87 && jet_phi > -1.57')
            t.SetAlias('njets_hem1516', 'Sum$(!jet_hem1516)')
            t.SetAlias('jetht_hem1516', 'Sum$(jet_pt * (jet_pt > 40 && !jet_hem1516))')
            t.SetAlias('limitsinput_pass', '(njets_hem1516 >= 4 && jetht_hem1516 >= 1200) || (rndm < 0.36)') # silly way to represent effect only on 64% of the data
            t.SetAlias('limitsinput_pass', '1==1')

        iyear = gp.years.index(year)
        scale = 1e-3 * gp.int_lumis[iyear] / ngen
        data_mc_scale = sig_datamcSF_2017p8(name_year)

        ROOT.TH1.AddDirectory(1) # the Draw>> output goes off into the ether without this stupid crap
        h_dbv  = ROOT.TH1D(n('dbv'),  '', 1250, 0, 2.5)
        h_dvv  = ROOT.TH1D(n('dvv'),  '', 400, 0, 4)
        h_dphi = ROOT.TH1D(n('dphi'), '', 10, -3.15, 3.15)
        t.Draw('dist0>>%s'  % n('dbv'),  'weight*(limitsinput_pass && nvtx==1)')
        t.Draw('svdist>>%s' % n('dvv'),  'weight*(limitsinput_pass && nvtx>=2)')
        t.Draw('svdphi>>%s' % n('dphi'), 'weight*(limitsinput_pass && nvtx>=2)')
        for h in h_dbv, h_dvv, h_dphi:
            if 'dbv' in h.GetTitle():
        h_dvv_rebin = h_dvv.Rebin(gp.nbins, n('dvv_rebin'), gp.bins)

        h_ngen = ROOT.TH1D(n('ngen'), '', 1,0,1)
        h_ngen.SetBinContent(1, ngen)
        h_uncert = ROOT.TH1D(n('uncert'), '', gp.nbins, gp.bins)
        for i,v in enumerate(sig_uncert_2017p8(name_year)):
            h_uncert.SetBinContent(i+1, v)
        for h in h_dbv, h_dphi, h_dvv, h_dvv_rebin, h_uncert, h_ngen:

    print '\rmake_signals_2017p8: done       '
コード例 #4
def make_bkg(f):
    # the first 3 sets of values override what's in 2v_from_jets
    observed = (1,0,0), (0,0,0), (0,0,0)
    bkg_n1v  = 1183, 1303, 908
    bkg_n2v  = 1, 0.241, 0.111 # this is not supposed to be the sum of observed, but could/should be set to the pre-fit expectation (predict2v.py)
    # but bkg_c1v is checked against what's in 2v_from_jets
    bkg_c1v = (0.509, 0.374, 0.117), (0.709, 0.257, 0.034), (0.650, 0.313, 0.037)

    bkg_uncert = [(1.25, 1.25, 1.69), (1.16, 1.30, 1.51), (1.19, 1.30, 1.91)] # combine lnN convention

    import statmodel
    bkg_uncert_stat = [statmodel.ebins['data100pc_%s_5track' % year] for year in gp.years]
    for y in xrange(gp.nyears):
        bkg_uncert[y] = [(a**2 + b**2)**0.5 for a,b in zip(bkg_uncert[y], bkg_uncert_stat[y])] # JMTBAD use proper gmN?

    bkg_stat_uncert = [(1.071, 1.128, 1.465), (1.173, 1.216, 1.454), (1.217, 1.238, 1.586)] # stat errors uncorrelated
    bkg_syst_uncert = [(0.758, 1.218, 1.542), (0.743, 1.338, 1.389), (0.766, 1.315, 1.760)] # syst error anti-correlated

    def bkg_fn(year, which='default'):
        path = '/uscms/home/tucker/public/mfv/'
        if year == '2016':
            return path + '2v_from_jets_data_2015p6_5track_default_v15_v5.root'
            if which == 'c':
                which = 'btag_corrected_nom'
                assert which == 'default'
            return path + '2v_from_jets_data_%s_5track_%s_V27m.root' % (year, which)

    def bkg_f(year, which='default', _c={}):
        k = year, which
        if not _c.has_key(k):
            _c[k] = ROOT.TFile.Open(bkg_fn(*k))
        return _c[k]

    def cbkg_f(year):
        return bkg_f(year, which='c')


    print 'make_bkg:',
    for y, year in enumerate(gp.years):
        h_int_lumi = ROOT.TH1D('h_int_lumi_%s' % year, '', 1, 0, 1)
        h_int_lumi.SetBinContent(1, gp.int_lumis[y])

        h_observed = ROOT.TH1D('h_observed_%s' % year, '', gp.nbins, gp.bins)
        for i,v in enumerate(observed[y]):
            h_observed.SetBinContent(i+1, v)
        h_bkg_dbv = to_TH1D( bkg_f(year).Get('h_1v_dbv'),  'h_bkg_dbv_%s' % year)
        h_bkg_dvv = to_TH1D(cbkg_f(year).Get('h_c1v_dvv'), 'h_bkg_dvv_%s' % year)


        h = h_bkg_dvv_rebin = h_bkg_dvv.Rebin(gp.nbins, 'h_bkg_dvv_rebin_%s' % year, gp.bins)
        for i in xrange(gp.nbins):
            if abs(bkg_c1v[y][i] - h.GetBinContent(i+1)/bkg_n2v[y]) > 0.001:
                print y,i, bkg_c1v[y][i], h.GetBinContent(i+1)/bkg_n1v[y]
                assert 0

        h_bkg_uncert = ROOT.TH1D('h_bkg_uncert_%s' % year, '', gp.nbins, gp.bins)
        h_bkg_stat_uncert = ROOT.TH1D('h_bkg_uncert_stat_%s' % year, '', gp.nbins, gp.bins)
        h_bkg_syst_uncert = ROOT.TH1D('h_bkg_uncert_syst_%s' % year, '', gp.nbins, gp.bins)
        for i,v in enumerate(bkg_uncert[y]):
            h_bkg_uncert.SetBinContent(i+1, v)
        for i,v in enumerate(bkg_stat_uncert[y]):
            h_bkg_stat_uncert.SetBinContent(i+1, v)
        for i,v in enumerate(bkg_syst_uncert[y]):
            h_bkg_syst_uncert.SetBinContent(i+1, v)

        for h in h_int_lumi, h_observed, h_bkg_dbv, h_bkg_dvv, h_bkg_dvv_rebin, h_bkg_uncert, h_bkg_stat_uncert, h_bkg_syst_uncert:

    print 'done'