def _SearchUser(self): Utils.PrintStartLine() print('ALL CONTENT FOR USER ' , self.userID) # Get all content posted by this user (archived and online) onlineContent = OnlineContent.objects.filter(fromUser=self.user) archivedContent = ArchivedContent.objects.filter(fromUser=self.user) table = PrettyTable(['CID', 'Type', 'TimeCreated', 'NumReports', 'ModAction' , 'Online']) for content in onlineContent: numReports = Report.objects.filter(contentID=).count() table.add_row([, content.contentType, content.timeCreated, numReports, modActionType, True]) for contentID in allContentIDs: online = False archived = False # If the content is online, get the content from live db if (Utils.ContentIsOnline(contentID)): content = PostableContent.objects.get(pk=contentID) online = True # If the content is also archived, set the archived flag if (Utils.ContentIsArchived(contentID)): archived = True # Otherwise, get the content from the archive db else: content = ArchivedPostableContent.objects.get(pk=contentID) archived = True contentType = content.contentType timeCreated = Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(content.timeCreated) # Get the number of reports numReports = Report.objects.filter(cid=contentID).count() modActionType = Utils.GetMostRecentModActionResult(contentID) print(table) Utils.PrintEndLine()
def _PrintThreadReplies(self): replies = QueryManager.GetThreadReplies(self.contentID) print('PRINITING REPLIES FOR THEAD (CID ', self.contentID, ')') for re in replies: print( '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) print('REPLY (CID ', Utils.BinaryToUUID(, ')') print('TimeCreated: ', Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(re.timeCreated)) print('FromUser: '******'OpName: ', print('HasImage: ', bool(re.url)) print('Text: ', re.text) Utils.PrintEndLine()
def _PrintMessage(self): if (self.archived): ms = QueryManager.GetObjectByID(ArchivedMessage, self.contentID) else: ms = QueryManager.GetObjectByID(Message, self.contentID) Utils.PrintStartLine() print('MESSAGE (CID ', self.contentID, ')') print('TimeCreated: ', Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(self.content.timeCreated)) print('FromUser: '******'ToUser: '******'Text: ', ms.text) # Gather and print the mod info if the setting is set if (self.showModInfo): self._PrintModInfo(self.contentID) Utils.PrintEndLine()
def _PrintLocalPost(self): if (self.archived): lp = QueryManager.GetObjectByID(ArchivedLocalPost, self.contentID) else: lp = QueryManager.GetObjectByID(LocalPost, self.contentID) Utils.PrintStartLine() print('LOCALPOST (CID ', self.contentID, ')') print('TimeCreated: ', Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(self.content.timeCreated)) print('FromUser: '******'GPS: (', lp.latitude, ' , ', lp.longitude, ')') print('Text: ', lp.text) # Gather and print the mod info if the setting is set if (self.showModInfo): self._PrintModInfo(self.contentID) Utils.PrintEndLine()
def _PrintReply(self): if (self.archived): re = QueryManager.GetObjectByID(ArchivedReply, self.contentID) else: re = QueryManager.GetObjectByID(Reply, self.contentID) Utils.PrintStartLine() print('REPLY (CID ', self.contentID, ')') print('TimeCreated: ', Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(self.content.timeCreated)) print('FromUser: '******'OpName: ', print('HasImage: ', bool(re.url)) print('Text: ', re.text) # Gather and print the mod info if the setting is set if (self.showModInfo): self._PrintModInfo() Utils.PrintEndLine()
def _DisplayUser(self): currentTime = time.time() Utils.PrintStartLine() # Get basic user info print('USER ', self.userID, 'details') print('TimeCreated: ', Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(self.user.timeCreated)) print('TimeLastUsed: ', Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(self.user.timeLastUsed)) # Look up how many people have blocked this user on local userLocalBlocks = Block.objects.filter(blockedUser=self.user).count() print(userLocalBlocks, 'users have blocked this user on local') # Look up and print all user bans for this user userBans = Ban.objects.filter(bannedUser=self.user) if (userBans): print('Global user bans found:') for index, ban in enumerate(userBans): # gets the index and the iterator value # Check if the ban is current banIsCurrent = False if (ban.timeExpires > currentTime): banIsCurrent = True # output info for each ban print('Ban ', (index + 1), ':') print(' Issued on: ', Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(ban.timeCreated)) print(' Duration (hours): ', ban.banLengthHours) print(' Expires: ', Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(ban.timeCreated + (ban.banLengthHours * Const.SECONDS_IN_HOUR))) if (banIsCurrent): print(' THIS BAN IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT') else: print('No global bans found (past or current) for this user') Utils.PrintEndLine()
def _BanUser(self): Utils.PrintStartLine() print('Creating a new user ban...') print('Enter the ban length in hours (whole numbers only): ') # Take the ban length. No partial hours, only whole numbers banLength = input() # Check that ban length is good if (Utils.IsPositiveInt(banLength)): # Check if this user is currently banned . If so, then exit if (QueryManager.UserIsBanned(self.user)): print('This user is currently under a ban already. Please run\ this script on the user to verify') sys.exit(0) # Otherwise, confirm and create the ban else: print('Are you sure you want to ban user ', self.userID,\ ' for ', banLength, ' hours? (y/n)') response = input() if (response == 'Y' or response == 'y'): Ban.objects.create(bannedUser=self.user, timeBanExpires=int(banLength) * Const.SECONDS_IN_HOUR) print('Ban created successfully. Please run this script on\ the user to verify') else: print('Okay, exiting now') else: print('Ban length must be a positive int. Exiting.') sys.exit(0) Utils.PrintEndLine()
def _PrintThread(self): if (self.archived): th = QueryManager.GetObjectByID(ArchivedThread, self.contentID) else: th = QueryManager.GetObjectByID(Thread, self.contentID) Utils.PrintStartLine() print('THREAD (CID ', self.contentID, ')') print('TimeCreated: ', Utils.GetPrettyFormatTimestamp(self.content.timeCreated)) print('FromUser: '******'Title: ', th.title) print('OpName: ', print('NumReplies: ', th.replyCount) print('Text: ', th.text) # Gather and print the mod info if the setting is set if (self.showModInfo): self._PrintModInfo(self.contentID) Utils.PrintEndLine() if (self.showFullThread): self._PrintThreadReplies(self.contentID)