def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.shutdown_flag = threading.Event() self.motor = Motorcontroller() self.buzzer = Buzzer() self.xbee = Xbee() self.decoder = Decoder() self.servo1 = 96 self.servo2 = 75 self.joycalc = Joystick() self.motor.setServo1(self.servo1) self.motor.setServo2(self.servo2) self.lastSavedTime = 0
class Decoder: def __init__(self): print "Create decoder class" self.joycalc = Joystick() self.joystick_VRX1 = 512 self.joystick_VRY1 = 512 self.joystick_PB1 = 0 self.joystick_VRX2 = 512 self.joystick_VRY2 = 512 self.joystick_PB2 = 0 self.calcCRC = 0 self.rcvCRC = 0 self.status = 0 self.lastidd = 0 self.iddcounter = 0 self.rfrating = 0 self.temp = 0 def decode(self, rcvdata): self.status = 0 try: if rcvdata != "": rcvdata_split = (rcvdata.split(':')) self.joystick_VRX1 = int(rcvdata_split[0]) self.joystick_VRY1 = int(rcvdata_split[1]) self.joystick_PB1 = int(rcvdata_split[2]) self.joystick_VRX2 = int(rcvdata_split[3]) self.joystick_VRY2 = int(rcvdata_split[4]) self.joystick_PB2 = int(rcvdata_split[5]) self.temp = int(rcvdata_split[6]) idd = int(rcvdata_split[6]) self.rcvCRC = int(rcvdata_split[7]) self.joycalc.calculate(self.getJoystickVRX1(), self.getJoystickVRY1()) self.calcCRC = self.joystick_VRX1 + self.joystick_VRY1 + self.joystick_PB1 + self.joystick_VRX2 + self.joystick_VRY2 + self.joystick_PB2 self.status = 1 if idd < self.lastidd: self.rfrating = (self.iddcounter * 100) / 255 self.iddcounter = 0 self.lastidd = 0 else: self.lastidd = idd self.iddcounter = self.iddcounter + 1 except ValueError, e: print "JSON type error" except IndexError, e: print "Ontvangen data was het verkeerde formaat"
def __init__(self): print "Create decoder class" self.joycalc = Joystick() self.joystick_VRX1 = 512 self.joystick_VRY1 = 512 self.joystick_PB1 = 0 self.joystick_VRX2 = 512 self.joystick_VRY2 = 512 self.joystick_PB2 = 0 self.calcCRC = 0 self.rcvCRC = 0 self.status = 0 self.lastidd = 0 self.iddcounter = 0 self.rfrating = 0 self.temp = 0
def setUp(self): ''' Verify environment is setup properly. ''' self.joystick = Joystick() j_list = self.joystick.get_joystick_list() self.joystick.connect(j_list[0])
def __init__(self): ''' Initialize class attributes. ''' self.joystick = Joystick() self.communication = Communication() self.driving = Driving() self.gear = 0
def __init__(self, master=None): self.lastPressed = 'man' # string to remember which button has been pressed # socket connection to send data from remote self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.s.connect(("", 80)) self.HOST = self.s.getsockname()[0] self.PORT = 5002 print self.HOST self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.s.bind((self.HOST, self.PORT)) self.s.listen(1) self.conn, self.addr = self.s.accept() self.s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) print 'Connected by', self.addr GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # creates instance of the joystick class to control the physical joysticks self.joystickBus = Joystick.getInstance() Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master = master self.init_window()
def hardware_setup(): dm = DeviceManager() js = Joystick() cam = Cam(CAM_DEVICE_INDEX, LOG_PATH + "/images") dm.add("dc_motor", DCMotorDevice(DC_MOTOR_HUB, DC_MOTOR_PORT))"dc_motor", "setTargetVelocity", "throttle") dm.add("servo", ServoMotorDevice(SERVO_HUB, SERVO_PORT, SERVO_CHANNEL))"servo", "setTargetPosition", "direction", lambda val: interp(val, [0, 180], [45, 135])) dm.add("gps", GPSDevice(GPS_SERIAL_NUM)) dm.add("wind_speed", WindSpeedDevice(WIND_HUB, WIND_SPEED_PORT)) dm.add("wind_direction", WindDirectionDevice(WIND_HUB, WIND_DIRECTION_PORT)) dm.add("spatial", SpatialDevice()) dm.add( "water_speed_forward", WaterSpeedDevice("forward", WATER_SPEED_HUB, WATER_SPEED_FORWARD_PORT)) dm.add( "water_speed_backward", WaterSpeedDevice("backward", WATER_SPEED_HUB, WATER_SPEED_BACKWARD_PORT)) dm.add("water_speed_left", WaterSpeedDevice("left", WATER_SPEED_HUB, WATER_SPEED_LEFT_PORT)) dm.add("water_speed_right", WaterSpeedDevice("right", WATER_SPEED_HUB, WATER_SPEED_RIGHT_PORT)) dm.add("lidar", LidarLiteDevice()) dm.waitUntilAllReady() return dm, js, cam
from Joystick import Joystick import time joystick = Joystick() while True: print joystick.get_x(), joystick.get_y(), joystick.get_r(), joystick.get_throttle() time.sleep(0.05)
mqtt.on_connect = on_connect mqtt.on_disconnect = on_disconnect mqtt.on_message = on_message mqtt.will_set(SERVICE_NAME + "/state/status", "OFF", 1, True) mqtt.reconnect_delay_set(min_delay=1, max_delay=60) mqtt.connect(BROKER_ADDRESS, BROKER_PORT, 60) # connect to broker mqtt.publish(SERVICE_NAME + "/state/status", "ON", 1, True) # Modules pixels = Pixels(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, DEBUG) buzzer = Buzzer(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, DEBUG) cameraServo = CameraServo(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, DEBUG) infrared_receiver = InfraredReceiver(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, DEBUG) infrared_sensor = InfraredSensor(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, DEBUG) joystick = Joystick(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, DEBUG) obstacle_avoidance = ObstacleAvoidance(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, DEBUG) trSensor = TRSensor(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, 5, DEBUG) ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, DEBUG) wheels = Wheels(mqtt, SERVICE_NAME, DEBUG) # Setup IR Sensor infrared_receiver.buzzer = buzzer infrared_receiver.camera_servo = cameraServo infrared_receiver.pixels = pixels infrared_receiver.wheels = wheels # Setup Joystick joystick.buzzer = buzzer joystick.camera_servo = cameraServo joystick.wheels = wheels
import time from Joystick import Joystick js = Joystick() def test_joystick(): while True: print(js.get_event()) time.sleep(1) test_joystick()
class SolomonsKey: level = None keys = {} cam_pos = XYZ(0, 0, 0) cam_pos_target = XYZ(0, 0, 0) cam_focus = XYZ(0, 0, 0) cam_focus_target = XYZ(0, 0, 0) lastFrameTime = 0 topFPS = 0 camera_sweep = 20 joystick = Joystick() def animate(self, FPS=30): currentTime = time() #key movement for omnicontrol try: if self.keys["x"]: self.cam_focus.x += 1 if self.keys["z"]: self.cam_focus.x -= 1 if self.keys["d"]: self.cam_focus.y += 1 if self.keys["c"]: self.cam_focus.y -= 1 if self.keys["f"]: self.cam_focus.z += 1 if self.keys["v"]: self.cam_focus.z -= 1 except: pass # run calculations for level inc collision etc if not self.level == None: self.level.evaluate(self.joystick, self.keys) glutPostRedisplay() glutTimerFunc(int(1000 / FPS), self.animate, FPS) drawTime = currentTime - self.lastFrameTime self.topFPS = int(1000 / drawTime) # set camera target focus points self.cam_focus_target = XYZ( self.level.solomon.x + 0.2 * self.level.solomon.facing, self.level.solomon.y - 0.5, 3.0) # set camera target position self.cam_pos_target = XYZ( self.level.solomon.x + 1 * self.level.solomon.facing, self.level.solomon.y - 0.2, float(self.level.target_z)) # calculate current focal point and camera position # self.camera_sweep is the "speed" at which transitions are being made self.cam_pos = self.cam_pos.add( self.cam_pos_target.sub(self.cam_pos).mult(1 / self.camera_sweep)) self.cam_focus = self.cam_focus.add( self.cam_focus_target.sub(self.cam_focus).mult(1 / self.camera_sweep)) self.lastFrameTime = time() # if windowed ensure aspect ratio correct def reshape(self, width, height): r = float(width) / float(height) glViewport(0, 0, width, height) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(60.0, r, 1., 50.) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() #glPushMatrix() def __init__(self): print(str(bool(glutInit))) print("hello and weolcome") print( "if you see an error next try the unofficial binaries of pyopengl") print("initializing glut etc") glutInit(sys.argv) glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH) glutInitWindowSize(640, 480) glutCreateWindow(name) print("set blend function") glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE) print("set colours and lights") glClearColor(0., 0., 0., 1.) glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) print("set light 1") lightZeroPosition = [10., 4., 10., 1.] lightZeroColor = [0.9, 1.0, 0.9, 1.0] #green tinged glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightZeroPosition) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, lightZeroColor) glLightf(GL_LIGHT0, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.2) glLightf(GL_LIGHT0, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.05) glEnable(GL_LIGHT0) print("set light 2") lightZeroPosition2 = [-10., -4., 10., 1.] lightZeroColor2 = [1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0] #green tinged glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, lightZeroPosition2) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, lightZeroColor2) glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.2) glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.05) glEnable(GL_LIGHT1) #initialization of letters print("initialzing letters") self.letters = Letters.Letters() #for game models print("making model lists") MakeLists() print("ignore key repeat") glutIgnoreKeyRepeat(1) print("attach glut events to functions") glutSpecialFunc(self.keydownevent) glutSpecialUpFunc(self.keyupevent) glutReshapeFunc(self.reshape) glutKeyboardFunc(self.keydownevent) glutKeyboardUpFunc(self.keyupevent) glutDisplayFunc(self.display) #glutIdleFunc(self.display) print("initial projection") glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) gluPerspective(60.0, 640.0 / 480., 1., 50.) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPushMatrix() print("generating level") self.level = generateLevel(0) print("keys set up") self.initkey("zxdcfvqaopm") self.animate() print("about to loop...") glutMainLoop() return def initkey(self, cl): for c in cl: self.keydownevent(str(c.lower()).encode(), 0, 0) self.keyupevent(str(c.lower()).encode(), 0, 0) print("end initkey") def display(self): glLoadIdentity() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) gluLookAt(self.cam_pos.x, self.cam_pos.y, self.cam_pos.z, self.cam_focus.x, self.cam_focus.y, self.cam_focus.z, 0, 1, 0) self.level.draw() glLoadIdentity() gluLookAt(0, -0.5, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) wdth = 0.3 glTranslate( 0.0 - (len(self.level.solomon.current_state.keys()) - 1) * wdth / 2.0, -1.3, 0) if debug == True: for k in self.level.solomon.current_state.keys(): col = "red" if self.level.solomon.current_state[k]: col = "green" glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, colours[col]) glutSolidCube(wdth - 0.02) glTranslate(wdth, 0, 0) glPushMatrix() #glLoadIdentity() glScale(0.005, 0.01, -0.01) glTranslate(-90, 4, -20) #glTranslate(-180,-70,0) glTranslate(-wdth, 0, 0) self.letters.drawString(k[:4]) glPopMatrix() glLoadIdentity() gluLookAt(0, -0.5, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) wdth = 0.2 joystick_actions = [x for x in dir(self.joystick) if x[0:2] == "is"] glTranslate(0.0 - (len(joystick_actions) - 1) * wdth / 2.0, -1.0, 0) if debug == True: for k in joystick_actions: #print(k) col = "red" if getattr(self.joystick, k)(self.keys): col = "green" glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, colours[col]) glutSolidCube(wdth - 0.02) glTranslate(wdth, 0, 0) glPushMatrix() #glLoadIdentity() glScale(0.005, 0.01, -0.01) glTranslate(-45, 0, -20) #glTranslate(-180,-70,0) glTranslate(-wdth, 0, 0) self.letters.drawString(k[2:4]) glPopMatrix() glLoadIdentity() gluLookAt(0, 0, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) glScale(0.01, 0.01, -0.01) glTranslate(-180, -70, 0) if debug == True: self.letters.drawString('X:' + str(self.level.solomon.x) + ' Y:' + str(self.level.solomon.y)) glTranslate(0, 0 - 15, 0) gx, gy = int(self.level.solomon.x), int(self.level.solomon.y) self.letters.drawString('G {0} on: {1} below: {2}'.format( str((gx, gy)), self.level.grid[gy][gx], self.level.grid[gy - 1][gx])) glTranslate(0, 0 - 15, 0) self.letters.drawString('') glutSwapBuffers() def keydownevent(self, c, x, y): print( "*******************************************************************************" ) try: self.keys[c] = True print(self.keys) except Exception as e: print(e) pass glutPostRedisplay() def keyupevent(self, c, x, y): try: if c in self.keys: self.keys[c] = False print(self.keys) except Exception as e: print(e) pass glutPostRedisplay()
class Controller(object): __metaclass__ = SingletonController def __init__(self): ''' Initialize class attributes. ''' self.joystick = Joystick() self.communication = Communication() self.driving = Driving() self.gear = 0 def get_joystick_list(self): ''' Return the control joystick list. ''' return self.joystick.get_joystick_list() def get_bluetooth_list(self): ''' Return the bluetooth communication list. ''' return self.communication.get_bluetooth_list() def connect(self, joystick_name, bluetooth_name): ''' Initialize the joystick and bluetooth connection. ''' if self.joystick.connect(joystick_name) and \ self.communication.connect(bluetooth_name): return True return False def disconnect(self): ''' Perform the joystick and bluetooth disconnection. ''' if self.joystick.disconnect() and \ self.communication.disconnect(): return True return False def quit_commands(self): ''' Send quit signal to the wait queue. ''' self.joystick.quit_commands() def send_commands(self): ''' Read the joystick commands and send it to the rover using a bluetooth device. ''' try: command = "" j_command = self.joystick.get_commands() if j_command["UP"] == True and \ j_command["DOWN"] == False and \ j_command["LEFT"] == False and \ j_command["RIGHT"] == False: command = "D1" self.communication.send(command) self.driving.set_angle(0.0) elif j_command["UP"] == False and \ j_command["DOWN"] == False and \ j_command["LEFT"] == False and \ j_command["RIGHT"] == True: command = "D3" self.communication.send(command) self.driving.set_angle(90.0) elif j_command["UP"] == False and \ j_command["DOWN"] == True and \ j_command["LEFT"] == False and \ j_command["RIGHT"] == False: command = "D5" self.communication.send(command) self.driving.set_angle(0.0) elif j_command["UP"] == False and \ j_command["DOWN"] == False and \ j_command["LEFT"] == True and \ j_command["RIGHT"] == False: command = "D7" self.communication.send(command) self.driving.set_angle(-90.0) if j_command["SPEED"] == True and self.gear < 6: self.gear = self.gear + 1 self.driving.set_power(self.gear) command = "V%d" % self.gear self.communication.send(command) elif j_command["BREAK"] == True and self.gear > 0: self.gear = self.gear - 1 self.driving.set_power(self.gear) command = "V%d" % self.gear self.communication.send(command) if j_command["UP"] == False and \ j_command["DOWN"] == False and \ j_command["LEFT"] == False and \ j_command["RIGHT"] == False and \ j_command["SPEED"] == False and \ j_command["BREAK"] == False: command = "B0" self.communication.send(command) self.driving.set_angle(0.0) except: print str(traceback.format_exc())
def event(_keys,key,solomon): keys = Joystick() if (keys.isFire(_keys)): solomon.sol_wand = solomon.sol_wand_limit print("ding")
def gogogo(level, solomon, _keys): ## print(solomon,level,_keys) keys = Joystick() if keys.isDown(_keys): solomon.sol_crouch=1 else: solomon.sol_crouch=0 left_headwall = solomon.sol_tile_at_left_head(level.grid) left_footwall = solomon.sol_tile_at_left_foot(level.grid) right_headwall = solomon.sol_tile_at_right_head(level.grid) right_footwall = solomon.sol_tile_at_right_foot(level.grid) ## print('walls lh {} lf {} rh {} rf {}'.format(left_headwall, left_footwall, right_headwall, right_footwall)) solomon.sol_walking=0 if keys.isLeft(_keys): solomon.sol_dir = -1 if (solomon.sol_crouch==0 and left_footwall==0 and left_headwall==0): solomon.solx-=solomon.sol_step solomon.sol_walking=1 elif keys.isRight(_keys): solomon.sol_dir = 1 if (solomon.sol_crouch==0 and right_footwall==0 and right_headwall==0): solomon.solx+=solomon.sol_step solomon.sol_walking=1 floating=False leftfootfloor = solomon.sol_tile_at_left_foot_floor(level.grid) rightfootfloor = solomon.sol_tile_at_right_foot_floor(level.grid) nofloor=(leftfootfloor==0 and rightfootfloor==0 ) ## print('floor lf {} rf {} nf {}'.format(leftfootfloor, rightfootfloor, nofloor)) ## print(f"y {solomon.soly} ") if ((solomon.soly%solomon.tile)!=0 or nofloor ): floating=True #if (nofloor ): floating=True ## print (f"floating {floating}") if (solomon.sol_crouch==0 and keys.isUp(_keys) and not floating ): if (solomon.sol_jump==0): solomon.sol_jump=solomon.sol_jump_limit solomon.sol_jump_rest = solomon.sol_jump_rest_limit if (solomon.sol_jump>0 and solomon.sol_jump_rest==0): solomon.sol_jump -= 1 leftheadceiling = solomon.sol_tile_at_left_head_ceiling(level.grid) rightheadceiling = solomon.sol_tile_at_right_head_ceiling(level.grid) if (leftheadceiling==0 and rightheadceiling==0): solomon.soly+=solomon.sol_jump_inc else: solomon.sol_jump=0 if (solomon.sol_dir==-1 and leftheadceiling>0 and leftheadceiling!=3 and solomon.sol_tile_dist_left_head(level.grid)<solomon.sol_size): ll = floor((solomon.soly+solomon.sol_size)/solomon.tile) cc = (floor(solomon.solx/solomon.tile)) level.grid[ll][cc] = leftheadceiling-1 #var b = document.getElementById(`block_cc${cc}ll${ll}`) if (level.grid[ll][cc]==0): #document.body.removeChild(b) pass elif (level.grid[ll][cc]==1): pass = "grey" elif (solomon.sol_dir==1 and rightheadceiling>0 and rightheadceiling!=3 and solomon.sol_tile_dist_right_head(level.grid)<(solomon.tile-solomon.sol_size)): ll = floor((solomon.soly+solomon.sol_size)/solomon.tile) cc = floor((solomon.solx+solomon.sol_size-solomon.sol_step)/solomon.tile) level.grid[ll][cc] = rightheadceiling-1 #var b = document.getElementById(`block_cc${cc}ll${ll}`) if (level.grid[ll][cc]==0): #document.body.removeChild(b) pass elif (level.grid[ll][cc]==1): pass = "grey" solomon.sol_crouch = 0 #///decativate crouch else: solomon.sol_jump_rest -= 1 ## print(f"jmp {solomon.sol_jump} fl {floating} wnd {solomon.sol_wand}") if (solomon.sol_jump==0 and floating and solomon.sol_wand==0): ## print("falling") solomon.soly-=solomon.sol_fall_inc solomon.sol_crouch = 0 #///decativate crouch if solomon.sol_wand!=0: solomon.sol_wand -= 1 if (solomon.sol_wand==0): level.bursts.append(Burst(x=solomon.solx+solomon.sol_dir*6,y=solomon.soly-solomon.sol_crouch*5,z=10)) #print(level.bursts) #print('wand!', solomon.sol_tile_dist_left_head(level.grid), solomon.sol_tile_dist_right_head(level.grid)) block = solomon.sol_block(level.grid) ## print(block) block_x = block[1]+solomon.sol_dir block_y = block[0]-solomon.sol_crouch if (solomon.sol_dir==1): if (solomon.sol_tile_dist_right_head(level.grid)>0): block_x +=1 elif (solomon.sol_dir==-1): if (solomon.sol_tile_dist_left_head(level.grid)>0): pass #//block_x-- level_block = int(level.grid[block_y][block_x]) print(level_block) if (level_block==0): level.grid[block_y][block_x] = 2 print("zing {} {} {} ".format(level_block, level.grid[block_y][block_x], block_y,block_x)) #var b = document.createElement('div') = `block_cc${block_x}ll${block_y}``position:absolute; background-color:black; left:${block_x*tile}px; top:${(level.length-block_y-1)*tile}px; width:${tile}px; height:${tile}px;` #document.body.appendChild(b) elif (level_block<3): level.grid[block_y][block_x] = 0
class Serialcom(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.shutdown_flag = threading.Event() self.motor = Motorcontroller() self.buzzer = Buzzer() self.xbee = Xbee() self.decoder = Decoder() self.servo1 = 96 self.servo2 = 75 self.joycalc = Joystick() self.motor.setServo1(self.servo1) self.motor.setServo2(self.servo2) self.lastSavedTime = 0 def run(self): print('Thread #%s started' % self.ident) self.motor.timeout(1) while not self.shutdown_flag.is_set(): rcvdata = self.decoder.decode(rcvdata) self.motor.recalCommand() currenttime = time.time() if currenttime - self.lastSavedTime > 1.0: self.lastSavedTime = time.time() self.xbee.sendBat(self.decoder.getRfrating()) if self.decoder.getStatus() and self.decoder.checkCRC(): if self.decoder.getJoyStickPB1() == 0: self.motor.EmergyStop() self.buzzer.beep(300) elif self.decoder.getJoystickM1() > 248 and self.decoder.getJoystickM2() > 248: self.joycalc.calculateReg(255) self.motor.Motor1MC2(255 - self.joycalc.cor1) self.motor.Motor2MC2(255 - self.joycalc.cor2) elif (abs(self.decoder.getJoystickM1() - self.decoder.getJoystickM2()) <= 3) and (self.decoder.getJoystickM1() > 50): self.joycalc.calculateReg(self.decoder.getJoystickM1()) self.motor.Motor1MC2(self.decoder.getJoystickM1() - self.joycalc.cor1) self.motor.Motor2MC2(self.decoder.getJoystickM1() - self.joycalc.cor2) #print "drive forward without full speed" else: self.motor.Motor1MC2(self.decoder.getJoystickM1()) self.motor.Motor2MC2(self.decoder.getJoystickM2()) #print "other speeds" if self.decoder.getJoystickPB2() == 0: self.servo1 = 96 self.motor.setServo1(self.servo1) self.buzzer.beep(300) elif self.decoder.getJoystickVRX2() > 1000: if(self.servo1 > 0): self.servo1 = self.servo1 - 1 self.motor.setServo1(self.servo1) elif self.decoder.getJoystickVRX2() < 24: if(self.servo1 < 180): self.servo1 = self.servo1 + 1 self.motor.setServo1(self.servo1) if self.decoder.getJoystickPB2() == 0: self.servo2 = 75 self.motor.setServo2(self.servo2) elif self.decoder.joystick_VRY2 > 1000: if(self.servo2 > 0): self.servo2 = self.servo2 - 1 self.motor.setServo2(self.servo2) elif self.decoder.getJoystickVRY2() < 24: if(self.servo2 < 180): self.servo2 = self.servo2 + 1 self.motor.setServo2(self.servo2) time.sleep(0.001) # ... Clean shutdown code here ... self.xbee.close() self.motor.close() print('Thread #%s stopped' % self.ident)
def initJoystick(self): self.j = Joystick(app.sliderPan, app.sliderTilt, app.sliderPower) self.j.start()
class App(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, connection: socket): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.start() def run(self): self.canvas = "500x500" self.labelFont = ('times', 20, 'bold') self.buttonFont = ('times', 10, 'bold') self.root = Tk() self.root.geometry(self.canvas) self.connection = connection # Create a frame = Frame(self.root, bg="white") self.initGuiElements() self.initVideoStream(STREAM_HOST) self.initJoystick() self.root.mainloop() def initVideoStream(self, STREAM_HOST): # Create a label in the frame self.lmain = Label( self.lmain.grid(row=0, column=1) self.videoStream = VideoStreamThread(self.lmain, STREAM_HOST) self.videoStream.start() def initGuiElements(self): self.sliderTilt = PositionSlider('t', self.root, from_=-90, to=90, tickinterval=20, orient=HORIZONTAL, troughcolor='grey', length=200) self.sliderTilt.grid(row=1, column=0) self.sliderTilt.set(0) self.sliderPan = PositionSlider('p', self.root, from_=90, to=-30, tickinterval=5, orient=VERTICAL, troughcolor='grey', length=200, showvalue=0) self.sliderPan.grid(row=1, column=1) self.sliderPan.set(0) self.sliderPower = PositionSlider('w', self.root, from_=100, to=-100, tickinterval=20, orient=VERTICAL, troughcolor='green', length=200, showvalue=0) self.sliderPower.grid(row=1, column=2) self.sliderPower.set(0) self.lblPotent = Label(self.root, text="PotentValue: ") self.lblPotent.grid(row=2, column=0) """buttonReset = Button(root, text='Reset To Origin', command=self.resetSlider, bg='red', fg='#fff') buttonReset.config(font=buttonFont) buttonReset.grid(row=3, column=0)""" self.root.bind("<Left>", self.sliderTilt.decrement) self.root.bind("<Right>", self.sliderTilt.increment) self.root.bind("<Up>", self.sliderPan.increment) self.root.bind("<Down>", self.sliderPan.decrement) self.root.bind("<W>", self.sliderPower.increment) self.root.bind("<S>", self.sliderPower.decrement) self.root.bind('<KeyRelease-Left>', self.sliderTilt.keyReleased) self.root.bind('<KeyRelease-Right>', self.sliderTilt.keyReleased) self.root.bind('<KeyRelease-Up>', self.sliderPan.keyReleased) self.root.bind('<KeyRelease-Down>', self.sliderPan.keyReleased) self.root.bind("<KeyRelease-W>", self.sliderPower.keyReleased) self.root.bind("<KeyRelease-S>", self.sliderPower.keyReleased) def initJoystick(self): self.j = Joystick(app.sliderPan, app.sliderTilt, app.sliderPower) self.j.start()
class SolomonsKey(threading.Thread): thing = 0 level = None keys = {} cam_pos = XYZ(0, 0, 0) cam_pos_target = XYZ(0, 0, 0) cam_focus = XYZ(0, 0, 0) cam_focus_target = XYZ(0, 0, 0) key_light = XYZ(0, 0, 0) lastFrameTime = 0 topFPS = 0 camera_sweep = 20 joystick = Joystick() def animate(self, FPS=30): currentTime = time() #key movement for omnicontrol try: if self.keys[b"x"]: self.cam_focus.x += 1 if self.keys[b"z"]: self.cam_focus.x -= 1 if self.keys[b"d"]: self.cam_focus.y += 1 if self.keys[b"c"]: self.cam_focus.y -= 1 if self.keys[b"f"]: self.cam_focus.z += 1 if self.keys[b"v"]: self.cam_focus.z -= 1 except: pass # run calculations for level inc collision etc #if not self.level==None: self.level.evaluate(self.joystick,self.keys) glutPostRedisplay() glutTimerFunc(int(1000 / FPS), self.animate, FPS) drawTime = currentTime - self.lastFrameTime self.topFPS = int(1000 / drawTime) # set camera target focus points self.cam_focus_target = XYZ( self.solomon.solx + 0.2 * self.solomon.sol_dir, self.solomon.soly - 0.5, 3.5) # set camera target position self.cam_pos_target = XYZ( self.solomon.solx, self.solomon.soly, float(self.level.target_z) ) #XYZ(self.solomon.solx+1*self.solomon.sol_dir, self.solomon.soly-0.2,float(self.level.target_z)) # calculate current focal point and camera position # self.camera_sweep is the "speed" at which transitions are being made self.cam_pos = self.cam_pos.add( self.cam_pos_target.sub(self.cam_pos).mult(1 / self.camera_sweep)) self.cam_focus = self.cam_focus.add( self.cam_focus_target.sub(self.cam_focus).mult(1 / self.camera_sweep)) self.lastFrameTime = time() # if windowed ensure aspect ratio correct def reshape(self, width, height): r = float(width) / float(height) glViewport(0, 0, width, height) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(60.0, r, 1., 50.) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() #glPushMatrix() def __init__(self): super().__init__() def run(self): print(str(bool(glutInit))) print("hello and weolcome") print( "if you see an error next try the unofficial binaries of pyopengl") print("initializing glut etc") glutInit(sys.argv) glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH) glutInitWindowSize(640, 480) glutCreateWindow(name) print("set blend function") glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE) print("set colours and lights") glClearColor(0., 0., 0., 1.) glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE) print("set light 1") lightZeroPosition = [0, 0, 00, 1] glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightZeroPosition) lightZeroColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5] #green tinged glEnable(GL_LIGHT0) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, lightZeroColor) glLightf(GL_LIGHT0, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.025) glLightf(GL_LIGHT0, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.0025) #print ("set light 2") #lightZeroPosition2 = [0,1,0] #glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, lightZeroPosition2) #lightZeroColor2 = [1,1,1,1.0] #green tinged #glEnable(GL_LIGHT1) #glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, lightZeroColor2) #glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.2) #glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.05) #print ("set light 3") ##self.key_light.z=5 #self.key_light = XYZ(10,0,15) #glLightfv(GL_LIGHT2, GL_POSITION, [self.key_light.x,self.key_light.y,self.key_light.z,0.01]) #glEnable(GL_LIGHT2) #glLightfv(GL_LIGHT2, GL_DIFFUSE, [0.8,0.8,0.8,1.0]) #glLightfv(GL_LIGHT2, GL_AMBIENT, [0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0]) #glLightfv(GL_LIGHT2, GL_SPECULAR, [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) #glLightf(GL_LIGHT2, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.01) #glLightf(GL_LIGHT2, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 0.01) # #initialization of letters print("initialzing letters") self.letters = Letters.Letters() #for game models print("making model lists") MakeLists() print("ignore key repeat") glutIgnoreKeyRepeat(1) print("attach glut events to functions") glutSpecialFunc(self.keydownevent) glutSpecialUpFunc(self.keyupevent) glutReshapeFunc(self.reshape) glutKeyboardFunc(self.keydownevent) glutKeyboardUpFunc(self.keyupevent) glutDisplayFunc(self.display) #glutIdleFunc(self.display) print("initial projection") glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) gluPerspective(60.0, 640.0 / 480., 1., 50.) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPushMatrix() print("generating level") self.level = Level.generateLevel(0) self.solomon = Solomon(self.level.solomon_start) print("keys set up") self.initkey("zxdcfvqaopm") self.animate() print("about to loop...") glutMainLoop() return def initkey(self, cl): for c in cl: self.keydownevent(str(c.lower()).encode(), 0, 0) self.keyupevent(str(c.lower()).encode(), 0, 0) print("end initkey") def display(self): glLoadIdentity() glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) gluLookAt(self.cam_pos.x, self.cam_pos.y, self.cam_pos.z, self.cam_focus.x, self.cam_focus.y, self.cam_focus.z, 0, 1, 0) glScale(0.9, 0.9, 0.9) if False: xx = (self.thing % 100) / 100 print("set light 2 {}".format(xx)) #glDisable(GL_LIGHT1) lightZeroPosition2 = [0, -1, 0] glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, lightZeroPosition2) lightZeroColor2 = [1, 1, 1, 1.0] #green tinged #glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, xx*xx) #glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, xx*xx) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, lightZeroColor2) #glEnable(GL_LIGHT1) if False: if self.thing % 100 > 50: glEnable(GL_LIGHT1) pass else: glDisable(GL_LIGHT1) if self.thing % 50 > 25: glEnable(GL_LIGHT0) pass else: glDisable(GL_LIGHT0) self.level.draw() for b in self.level.bursts: print("doing burst {}".format(b)) if b.draw(): print("burst complete {}".format(b)) self.level.bursts.remove(b) gogogo(self.level, self.solomon, self.keys) #glLightfv(GL_LIGHT2, GL_POSITION, [self.solomon.solx,self.solomon.soly,10,0.01]) #glLightfv(GL_LIGHT2, GL_POSITION, [0,0,0.7,0.01]) self.solomon.draw() if self.solomon.sol_walking == 1: self.thing += 1 ###glDisable(GL_LIGHT0) #if debug==True: if False: glLoadIdentity() gluLookAt(0, -0.5, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) wdth = 0.2 joystick_actions = [ x for x in dir(self.joystick) if x[0:2] == "is" ] glTranslate(0.0 - (len(joystick_actions) - 1) * 2 * wdth / 2.0, -1.0, 0) for k in joystick_actions: #print(k) col = "red" if getattr(self.joystick, k)(self.keys): col = "green" glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, colours[col]) glutSolidCube(2 * wdth - 0.02) glTranslate(2 * wdth, 0, 0) glPushMatrix() #glLoadIdentity() glScale(0.007, 0.01, -0.01) glTranslate(-75, 0, -20) #glTranslate(-180,-70,0) glTranslate(-2 * wdth, 0, 0) self.letters.drawString(k[2:5]) glPopMatrix() ##glLoadIdentity() ## ##gluLookAt(0, 0, 2.5, ## 0, 0, 0 , ## 0, 1, 0 ) ## ##glScale(0.01,0.01,-0.01) ##glTranslate(-180,-70,0) #if debug==True: ##if True: ## self.letters.drawString('X:'+str(self.solomon.solx)+' Y:'+str(self.solomon.soly)) ## glTranslate(0,0-15,0) ## gx,gy=int(self.solomon.solx),int(self.solomon.soly) ## self.letters.drawString('G {0} on: {1} below: {2}'.format(str((gx,gy)),self.level.grid[gy][gx],self.level.grid[gy-1][gx])) ## glTranslate(0,0-15,0) ## self.letters.drawString('') glutSwapBuffers() def keydownevent(self, c, x, y): #print ("*******************************************************************************") try: self.keys[c] = True if self.joystick.callback_down is not None: self.joystick.callback_down(c) #print(self.keys) if self.joystick.isFire(self.keys): Logic.event(self.keys, c, self.solomon) except Exception as e: print(e) pass glutPostRedisplay() def keyupevent(self, c, x, y): try: if c in self.keys: self.keys[c] = False if self.joystick.callback_up is not None: self.joystick.callback_up(c) #print(self.keys) except Exception as e: print(e) pass glutPostRedisplay()
class JoystickTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): ''' Verify environment is setup properly. ''' self.joystick = Joystick() j_list = self.joystick.get_joystick_list() self.joystick.connect(j_list[0]) def tearDown(self): ''' Verify environment is tore down properly. ''' self.joystick.disconnect() pass def test_up(self): ''' Verify that the joystick up movement is working without problems. ''' self.joystick.clear_commmands() value = False while not value: print "Move up using the joystick." j_command = self.joystick.get_commands() value = j_command["UP"] self.assertTrue(value) def test_down(self): ''' Verify that the joystick down movement is working without problems. ''' self.joystick.clear_commmands() value = False while not value: print "Move down using the joystick." j_command = self.joystick.get_commands() value = j_command["DOWN"] self.assertTrue(value) def test_left(self): ''' Verify that the joystick left movement is working without problems. ''' self.joystick.clear_commmands() value = False while not value: print "Move left using the joystick." j_command = self.joystick.get_commands() value = j_command["LEFT"] self.assertTrue(value) def test_right(self): ''' Verify that the joystick right movement is working without problems. ''' self.joystick.clear_commmands() value = False while not value: print "Move right using the joystick." j_command = self.joystick.get_commands() value = j_command["RIGHT"] self.assertTrue(value) def test_speed(self): ''' Verify that the joystick speed command is working without problems. ''' self.joystick.clear_commmands() value = False while not value: print "Speed up using the joystick." j_command = self.joystick.get_commands() value = j_command["SPEED"] self.assertTrue(value) def test_break(self): ''' Verify that the joystick break command is working without problems. ''' self.joystick.clear_commmands() value = False while not value: print "break using the joystick." j_command = self.joystick.get_commands() value = j_command["BREAK"] self.assertTrue(value)
print('start') pioneer_mini.arm() # запуск моторов pioneer_mini.takeoff() # предстартовые проверки pygame.init() # Иницилизация пугейм pygame.key.set_repeat(1, 20) # Включение обработки зажатой клавиши sc = pygame.display.set_mode((W, H)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() ############################## """Инициализация джойстиков""" ############################## joy = Joystick() if __name__ == '__main__': running = True while running: # обработка остановочных нажатий for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: running = False
print "%s pressed" % (jdev.event_number) else: print "%s released" % (jdev.event_number) elif jdev.event_type & 0x02: # joystick moved #define JS_EVENT_AXIS 0x02 print("axis moved") print"number: " + str(jdev.event_number) + ", value: " + str(jdev.event_value) else: print("unknown event: %s" % jdev.event_type) # list available devices print('available devices: ') for fn in os.listdir('/dev/input'): if fn.startswith('js'): path = '/dev/input/' + fn jdev = Joystick(path) jdev.initialize() if jdev.deviceName == 'Generic X-Box pad': print('correct device: %s' % jdev.deviceName) break else: print('incorrect device: %s' %jdev.deviceName) jdev.close() count = 0 while count < 30: jdev.read_event() if jdev.newData: processEvent(jdev); count = count + 1