def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids=None, attention_mask=None, lus=None, frames=None, args=None, using_gold_fame=False): # print(input_ids.type()) # print(attention_mask.type()) # print(lus.type()) # print(frames.type()) # print(args.type()) sequence_output, pooled_output = self.bert(input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask, output_all_encoded_layers=False) sequence_output = self.dropout(sequence_output) pooled_output = self.dropout(pooled_output) frame_logits = self.frame_classifier(pooled_output) arg_logits = self.arg_classifier(sequence_output) lufr_masks = dataio.get_masks(lus, self.lufrmap, num_label=self.num_frames).to(device) frame_loss = 0 # loss for frame id arg_loss = 0 # loss for arg id if frames is not None: for i in range(len(frame_logits)): frame_logit = frame_logits[i] arg_logit = arg_logits[i] lufr_mask = lufr_masks[i] gold_frame = frames[i] gold_arg = args[i] #train frame classifier loss_fct_frame = CrossEntropyLoss(weight = lufr_mask) loss_per_seq_for_frame = loss_fct_frame(frame_logit.view(-1, self.num_frames), gold_frame.view(-1)) frame_loss += loss_per_seq_for_frame #train arg classifier pred_frame, frame_score = self.logit2label(frame_logit, lufr_mask) frarg_mask = dataio.get_masks([pred_frame], self.frargmap, num_label=self.num_args).to(device)[0] loss_fct_arg = CrossEntropyLoss(weight = frarg_mask) # only keep active parts of loss if attention_mask is not None: active_loss = attention_mask[i].view(-1) == 1 active_logits = arg_logit.view(-1, self.num_args)[active_loss] active_labels = gold_arg.view(-1)[active_loss] loss_per_seq_for_arg = loss_fct_arg(active_logits, active_labels) else: loss_per_seq_for_arg = loss_fct_arg(arg_logit.view(-1, self.num_args), gold_arg.view(-1)) arg_loss += loss_per_seq_for_arg # 0.5 weighted loss total_loss = 0.5*frame_loss + 0.5*arg_loss loss = total_loss / len(frame_logits) return loss else: return frame_logits, arg_logits
def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids=None, attention_mask=None, tgt_idxs=0, lus=None, frames=None,): sequence_output, _ = self.bert(input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask, output_all_encoded_layers=False) sequence_output = self.dropout(sequence_output) tgt_vec = [] for i in range(len(sequence_output)): tgt_vec.append(sequence_output[i][tgt_idxs[i]]) tgt_vec = torch.stack(tgt_vec) lu_vec = self.lu_embeddings(lus) tgt_embs =, lu_vec), -1) logits = self.classifier(tgt_embs) masks = dataio.get_masks(lus, self.lufrmap, num_label=self.num_labels).to(device) total_loss = 0 if frames is not None: for i in range(len(logits)): logit = logits[i] mask = masks[i] frame = frames[i] loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss(weight = mask) loss_per_seq = loss_fct(logit.view(-1, self.num_labels), frame.view(-1)) total_loss += loss_per_seq loss = total_loss / len(logits) return loss else: return logits
def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids=None, attention_mask=None, tgt_idxs=0, lus=None, frames=None, arg_idxs=None, args=None): sequence_output, _ = self.bert(input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask, output_all_encoded_layers=False) sequence_output = self.dropout(sequence_output) # target and arg vector tgt_vec, arg_vec = [],[] for i in range(len(sequence_output)): tgt_vec.append(sequence_output[i][tgt_idxs[i]]) arg_vec.append(sequence_output[i][arg_idxs[i]]) tgt_vec = torch.stack(tgt_vec) arg_vec = torch.stack(arg_vec) # LU vector lu_vec = self.lu_embeddings(lus) #frame vector frame_vec = self.frame_embeddings(frames) # arg_embs arg_embs =, tgt_vec, lu_vec, frame_vec), -1) logits = self.classifier(arg_embs) masks = dataio.get_masks(frames, self.frargmap, num_label=self.num_labels).to(device) total_loss = 0 if args is not None: for i in range(len(logits)): logit = logits[i] mask = masks[i] arg = args[i] loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss(weight = mask) loss_per_seq = loss_fct(logit.view(-1, self.num_labels), arg.view(-1)) total_loss += loss_per_seq loss = total_loss / len(logits) return loss else: return logits
def forward(self, input_ids, token_type_ids=None, attention_mask=None, lus=None, frames=None,): _, pooled_output = self.bert(input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask, output_all_encoded_layers=False) pooled_output = self.dropout(pooled_output) logits = self.classifier(pooled_output) masks = dataio.get_masks(lus, self.lufrmap, num_label=self.num_labels).to(device) total_loss = 0 if frames is not None: for i in range(len(logits)): logit = logits[i] mask = masks[i] frame = frames[i] loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss(weight = mask) loss_per_seq = loss_fct(logit.view(-1, self.num_labels), frame.view(-1)) total_loss += loss_per_seq loss = total_loss / len(logits) return loss else: return logits
def test(): model_path = model_dir + framenet + '/' models = glob.glob(model_path + '*.pt') results = [] for m in models: print('model:', m) model = torch.load(m) model.eval() tst_data = bert_io.convert_to_bert_input_frameid(tst) sampler = RandomSampler(tst) tst_dataloader = DataLoader(tst_data, sampler=sampler, batch_size=batch_size) eval_loss, eval_accuracy = 0, 0 nb_eval_steps, nb_eval_examples = 0, 0 predictions, true_labels, scores, candis, all_lus = [], [], [], [], [] for batch in tst_dataloader: batch = tuple( for t in batch) b_input_ids, b_tgt_idxs, b_lus, b_frames, b_masks = batch with torch.no_grad(): tmp_eval_loss = model(b_input_ids, token_type_ids=None, lus=b_lus, frames=b_frames, attention_mask=b_masks) logits = model(b_input_ids, token_type_ids=None, lus=b_lus, attention_mask=b_masks) logits = logits.detach().cpu().numpy() label_ids ='cpu').numpy() masks = dataio.get_masks(b_lus, bert_io.lufrmap, num_label=len( bert_io.frame2idx)).to(device) for lu in b_lus: candi_idx = bert_io.lufrmap[str(int(lu))] candi = [bert_io.idx2frame[c] for c in candi_idx] candi_txt = ','.join(candi) candi_txt = str(len(candi)) + '\t' + candi_txt candis.append(candi_txt) all_lus.append(bert_io.idx2lu[int(lu)]) for b_idx in range(len(logits)): logit = logits[b_idx] mask = masks[b_idx] b_pred_idxs, b_pred_logits = [], [] for fr_idx in range(len(mask)): if mask[fr_idx] > 0: b_pred_idxs.append(fr_idx) b_pred_logits.append(logit[fr_idx].item()) b_pred_idxs = torch.tensor(b_pred_idxs) b_pred_logits = torch.tensor(b_pred_logits) sm = nn.Softmax() b_pred_logits = sm(b_pred_logits).view(1, -1) score, indice = b_pred_logits.max(1) prediction = b_pred_idxs[indice] predictions.append([int(prediction)]) score = float(score) scores.append(score) true_labels.append(label_ids) # break pred_tags = [bert_io.idx2frame[p_i] for p in predictions for p_i in p] valid_tags = [ bert_io.idx2frame[l_ii] for l in true_labels for l_i in l for l_ii in l_i ] acc = accuracy_score(pred_tags, valid_tags) print("Accuracy: {}".format(accuracy_score(pred_tags, valid_tags))) result = m + '\t' + str(acc) + '\n' results.append(result) epoch = m.split('-')[1] fname = model_path + str(epoch) + '-result.txt' with open(fname, 'w') as f: line = 'accuracy: ' + str(acc) + '\n\n' f.write(line) line = 'gold' + '\t' + 'prediction' + '\t' + 'score' + '\t' + 'lu' + '\t' + 'candis' + '\n' f.write(line) for r in range(len(pred_tags)): line = valid_tags[r] + '\t' + pred_tags[r] + '\t' + str( scores[r]) + '\t' + all_lus[r] + '\t' + candis[r] + '\n' f.write(line) fname = model_path + 'accuracy.txt' with open(fname, 'w') as f: for r in results: f.write(r) print('result is written to', fname)
def test(self, tst=False, model_dir='.', MAX_LEN=256, batch_size=8): model_path = model_dir + '/' + self.framenet + '-frameid-' + str( self.version) + '.pt' print('your model is', model_path) model = torch.load(model_path) model.eval() tst_data, tst_sampler, tst_dataloader = frameid.gen_bert_input_representation( self, tst, MAX_LEN=256, batch_size=8) eval_loss, eval_accuracy = 0, 0 nb_eval_steps, nb_eval_examples = 0, 0 predictions, true_labels, scores, candis, all_lus = [], [], [], [], [] for batch in tst_dataloader: batch = tuple( for t in batch) b_input_ids, b_tgt_idxs, b_lus, b_frames, b_masks = batch with torch.no_grad(): tmp_eval_loss = model(b_input_ids, token_type_ids=None, tgt_idxs=b_tgt_idxs, lus=b_lus, frames=b_frames, attention_mask=b_masks) logits = model(b_input_ids, token_type_ids=None, tgt_idxs=b_tgt_idxs, lus=b_lus, attention_mask=b_masks) logits = logits.detach().cpu().numpy() label_ids ='cpu').numpy() masks = dataio.get_masks(b_lus, self.lufrmap, num_label=len(self.frame2idx)).to(device) for lu in b_lus: candi_idx = self.lufrmap[str(int(lu))] candi = [self.idx2frame[c] for c in candi_idx] candi_txt = ','.join(candi) candi_txt = str(len(candi)) + '\t' + candi_txt candis.append(candi_txt) all_lus.append(self.idx2lu[int(lu)]) for b_idx in range(len(logits)): logit = logits[b_idx] mask = masks[b_idx] b_pred_idxs, b_pred_logits = [], [] for fr_idx in range(len(mask)): if mask[fr_idx] > 0: b_pred_idxs.append(fr_idx) b_pred_logits.append(logit[0][fr_idx].item()) b_pred_idxs = torch.tensor(b_pred_idxs) b_pred_logits = torch.tensor(b_pred_logits) sm = nn.Softmax() b_pred_logits = sm(b_pred_logits).view(1, -1) score, indice = b_pred_logits.max(1) prediction = b_pred_idxs[indice] predictions.append([int(prediction)]) score = float(score) scores.append(score) true_labels.append(label_ids) tmp_eval_accuracy = frameid.flat_accuracy(self, logits, label_ids) eval_loss += tmp_eval_loss.mean().item() eval_accuracy += tmp_eval_accuracy nb_eval_examples += b_input_ids.size(0) nb_eval_steps += 1 pred_tags = [self.idx2frame[p_i] for p in predictions for p_i in p] valid_tags = [ self.idx2frame[l_ii] for l in true_labels for l_i in l for l_ii in l_i ] acc = accuracy_score(pred_tags, valid_tags) print("Accuracy: {}".format(accuracy_score(pred_tags, valid_tags))) return acc
def joint_parser(self, text): conll_data = dataio.preprocessor(text) # target ID tid_data = targetid.baseline(conll_data) # add <tgt> and </tgt> to target word tgt_data = data2tgt_data(tid_data, mode='parse') result = [] if tgt_data: # convert conll to bert inputs bert_inputs = self.bert_io.convert_to_bert_input_JointFrameParsing( tgt_data) dataloader = DataLoader(bert_inputs, sampler=None, batch_size=1) pred_frames, pred_args = [], [] for batch in dataloader: batch = tuple( for t in batch) b_input_ids, b_orig_tok_to_maps, b_lus, b_masks = batch with torch.no_grad(): frame_logits, arg_logits = self.model( b_input_ids, token_type_ids=None, lus=b_lus, attention_mask=b_masks) frame_logits = frame_logits.detach().cpu().numpy() arg_logits = arg_logits.detach().cpu().numpy() input_ids ='cpu').numpy() lufr_masks = dataio.get_masks( b_lus, self.bert_io.lufrmap, num_label=len(self.bert_io.frame2idx)).to(device) for b_idx in range(len(frame_logits)): input_id = input_ids[b_idx] frame_logit = frame_logits[b_idx] arg_logit = arg_logits[b_idx] lufr_mask = lufr_masks[b_idx] orig_tok_to_map = b_orig_tok_to_maps[b_idx] pred_frame, frame_score = logit2label( frame_logit, lufr_mask) frarg_mask = dataio.get_masks( [pred_frame], self.bert_io.bio_frargmap, num_label=len(self.bert_io.bio_arg2idx)).to(device)[0] pred_arg_bert = [] for logit in arg_logit: label, score = logit2label(logit, frarg_mask) pred_arg_bert.append(int(label)) #infer pred_arg = [] for idx in orig_tok_to_map: if idx != -1: tok_id = int(input_id[idx]) if tok_id == 1: pass elif tok_id == 2: pass else: pred_arg.append(pred_arg_bert[idx]) pred_frames.append([int(pred_frame)]) pred_args.append(pred_arg) pred_frame_tags = [ self.bert_io.idx2frame[p_i] for p in pred_frames for p_i in p ] pred_arg_tags = [[self.bert_io.idx2bio_arg[p_i] for p_i in p] for p in pred_args] for i in range(len(pred_arg_tags)): conll = tid_data[i] frame_seq = ['_' for i in range(len(conll[0]))] for idx in range(len(conll[1])): if conll[1][idx] != '_': frame_seq[idx] = pred_frame_tags[i] conll.append(frame_seq) conll.append(pred_arg_tags[i]) result.append(conll) return result