コード例 #1
    def __updateObservation(self, bbox_new, idx, X, Cov):
        Update observation model in Euclidean coordinate system
        :param bbox_new:
        :param idx:
        :param X:
        :param Cov:
        bbox_old = X[idx]
        cov = Cov[idx]
        K = cov.dot(inv(cov + self.Q))
        z = np.array((bbox_new.xmin, bbox_new.ymin, bbox_new.xmax, bbox_new.ymax)).astype(float)
        x = np.array((bbox_old.xmin, bbox_old.ymin, bbox_old.xmax, bbox_old.ymax)).astype(float)
        #print(inv(cov + self.Q))
        #print(z - x)
        x = x + K.dot((z - x))

        #x = z
        cov = (np.identity(4) - K).dot(cov)
        X[idx].xmin = x[0]
        X[idx].ymin = x[1]
        X[idx].xmax = x[2]
        X[idx].ymax = x[3]
        Cov[idx] = cov
        bbox_klt = self.__bbox_msg2np([X[idx]])
        startXs, startYs = getFeatures(cv2.cvtColor(self.image_old, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), bbox_klt, use_shi=False)
        self.startXs[:, idx] = startXs[:, 0]
        self.startYs[:, idx] = startYs[:, 0]
        self.bboxes_klt[idx] = bbox_klt[0]
コード例 #2
    def __updateMotion(self, new_image, prediction):
        newXs, newYs = estimateAllTranslation(self.startXs, self.startYs, self.image_old, new_image)

        if prediction:
            #print(1, self.Cov[0])
            Xs, Ys, self.bboxes_klt, self.Cov = applyGeometricTransformation(self.startXs, self.startYs, newXs, newYs, self.bboxes_klt, self.Cov, self.R)
            #print(1, self.Cov[0])
            Xs, Ys, self.bboxes_klt = applyGeometricTransformation(self.startXs, self.startYs, newXs, newYs, self.bboxes_klt)

        # update coordinates
        self.startXs = Xs
        self.startYs = Ys

        # update registration
        bboxes_klt = copy.deepcopy(self.bboxes_klt)
        height, width, _ = self.image_old.shape
        for i, bbox in reversed(list(enumerate(bboxes_klt))):
            # deregistration: remove bbox out of frame
            if (bbox.min() < 0) or (bbox[2, 0] > width) or (bbox[2, 1] > height):
                del self.X[i]
                del self.Cov[i]
                self.bboxes_klt = np.delete(self.bboxes_klt, i, 0)
                self.startXs = np.delete(self.startXs, i, 1)
                self.startYs = np.delete(self.startYs, i, 1)

                # update bbox
                self.X[i].xmin = bbox[0][0]
                self.X[i].ymin = bbox[0][1]
                self.X[i].xmax = bbox[2][0]
                self.X[i].ymax = bbox[2][1]
                # generate new features if needed
                n_features_left = np.sum(self.startXs[:, i] != -1)
                if n_features_left < 15:
                    print('Generate New KLT Features')
                    bbox = np.expand_dims(self.bboxes_klt[i], 0)
                    startXs, startYs = getFeatures(cv2.cvtColor(self.image_old, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), bbox)
                    self.startXs[:, i] = startXs[:, 0]
                    self.startYs[:, i] = startYs[:, 0]
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self):
        bbox_nn_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/darknet_ros/bounding_boxes', BoundingBoxes, self.bbox_nn_callback, queue_size=10)
        raw_image_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/r200/depth/image_raw', Image, self.raw_image_callback, queue_size=10)

        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher("/bbox_tracker/detection_image", Image, queue_size=1)  # debug

        self.bboxes_new = []

        self.X = []  # a list of darknet_ros_msgs/BoundingBox
        self.Cov = []  # this is in Euclidean coordinate system
        self.image_new = np.zeros(1)
        self.image_old = np.zeros(1)
        self.startXs = np.empty((20, 0), int)
        self.startYs = np.empty((20, 0), int)
        self.bboxes_klt = np.empty((0, 4, 2), float)

        self.observation_done = False

        self.Q = np.diag((.2, .2, .2, .2))  # observation model noise covariance in Euclidean coordinate system
        self.R = np.diag((10., 10., 0., 10., 10., 0.))  # motion model noise covariance in Homogeneous coordinate system
        #self.Q = np.diag((.01, .01, .01, .001))  # observation model noise covariance in Euclidean coordinate system
        #self.R = np.diag((.01, .01, 0., .01, .01, 0.))  # motion model noise covariance in Homogeneous coordinate system
        rospy.loginfo("bbox_tracker initialized!")

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # update observation model
            if not self.observation_done:
                if len(self.bboxes_new) > 0:
                    if len(self.image_new.shape) == 3:
                        self.observation_done = True
                        seconds = rospy.get_time()
                        # clear cache
                        bboxes_new = copy.deepcopy(self.bboxes_new)
                        X = copy.deepcopy(self.X)
                        Cov = copy.deepcopy(self.Cov)
                        self.bboxes_new = []
                        # update image
                        self.image_old = copy.deepcopy(self.image_new)
                        self.image_new = np.zeros(1)
                        for i, bbox_new in enumerate(bboxes_new):
                            # check if new bbox is existing
                            idx = self.__checkRegistration(bbox_new, X)
                            if idx == -1:
                                bbox_klt = self.__bbox_msg2np([bbox_new])
                                startXs, startYs = getFeatures(cv2.cvtColor(self.image_old, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), bbox_klt, use_shi=False)
                                self.startXs = np.append(self.startXs, startXs, axis=1)
                                self.startYs = np.append(self.startYs, startYs, axis=1)
                                self.bboxes_klt = np.append(self.bboxes_klt, bbox_klt, axis=0)

                                self.__updateObservation(bbox_new, idx, X, Cov)

                        img = copy.deepcopy(self.image_old)
                        image_msg = self.__draw_BBox(img, X)
                        seconds = rospy.get_time() - seconds
                        self.X = copy.deepcopy(X)
                        self.Cov = copy.deepcopy(Cov)
                        print("obs " + str(len(self.X)) + " " + str(seconds))

            if len(self.image_new.shape) == 3:
                if len(self.X) > 0:
                    image_new = copy.deepcopy(self.image_new)
                    self.image_new = np.zeros(1)

                    seconds = rospy.get_time()
                    self.__updateMotion(image_new, prediction=self.observation_done)
                    seconds = rospy.get_time() - seconds
                    print("mot " + str(len(self.X)) + " " + str(seconds) + " " + str(self.observation_done))
                    self.observation_done = False

                    self.image_old = copy.deepcopy(image_new)
                    image_msg = self.__draw_BBox(copy.deepcopy(self.image_old), self.X)
コード例 #4
    def tracking(self):
        # update observation model
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if not self.observation_done:
                if len(self.bboxes_new) > 0:
                    if len(self.image_new.shape) == 3:
                        seconds = rospy.get_time()
                        # clear cache
                        bboxes_new = copy.deepcopy(self.bboxes_new)
                        X = copy.deepcopy(self.X)
                        Cov = copy.deepcopy(self.Cov)
                        traces = copy.deepcopy(self.traces)
                        self.bboxes_new = []
                        # update image
                        self.image_old = copy.deepcopy(self.image_new)
                        self.image_new = np.zeros(1)
                        for i, bbox_new in enumerate(bboxes_new):
                            # check if new bbox is existing
                            idx = self.__checkRegistration(bbox_new, X)
                            if idx == -1:
                                bbox_klt = self.__bbox_msg2np([bbox_new])
                                startXs, startYs = getFeatures(cv2.cvtColor(
                                    self.image_old, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY),
                                n_features_left = np.sum(startXs != -1)
                                if n_features_left < 15:
                                center_list = [
                                    (int((bbox_new.xmin + bbox_new.xmax) / 2.),
                                     int((bbox_new.ymin + bbox_new.ymax) / 2.))
                                self.startXs = np.append(self.startXs,
                                self.startYs = np.append(self.startYs,
                                self.bboxes_klt = np.append(self.bboxes_klt,
                                self.observation_done = True

                                self.__updateObservation(bbox_new, idx, X, Cov)
                                center = (int(
                                    (bbox_new.xmin + bbox_new.xmax) / 2.),
                                          int((bbox_new.ymin + bbox_new.ymax) /
                                self.observation_done = True

                        img = copy.deepcopy(self.image_old)
                        image_msg = self.__draw_BBox(img, X)
                        seconds = rospy.get_time() - seconds
                        self.X = copy.deepcopy(X)
                        self.Cov = copy.deepcopy(Cov)
                        self.traces = copy.deepcopy(traces)
                        print("obs " + str(len(self.X)) + " " + str(seconds))

            # update motion model
            if len(self.image_new.shape) == 3:
                if len(self.X) > 0:
                    image_new = copy.deepcopy(self.image_new)
                    self.image_new = np.zeros(1)

                    seconds = rospy.get_time()
                    # self.__updateMotion(image_new, prediction=self.observation_done)
                    self.__updateMotion(image_new, prediction=True)
                    seconds = rospy.get_time() - seconds
                    print("mot " + str(len(self.X)) + " " + str(seconds) +
                          " " + str(self.observation_done))
                    self.observation_done = False

                    self.image_old = copy.deepcopy(image_new)
                    image_msg = self.__draw_BBox(copy.deepcopy(self.image_old),
コード例 #5
    def __updateMotion(self, new_image, prediction):
        newXs, newYs = estimateAllTranslation(self.startXs, self.startYs,
                                              self.image_old, new_image)

        if prediction:
            # print(1, self.Cov[0])
            Xs, Ys, self.bboxes_klt, self.Cov = applyGeometricTransformation(
                self.startXs, self.startYs, newXs, newYs, self.bboxes_klt,
                self.Cov, self.R)
            # print(1, self.Cov[0])
            Xs, Ys, self.bboxes_klt = applyGeometricTransformation(
                self.startXs, self.startYs, newXs, newYs, self.bboxes_klt)

        # update coordinates
        self.startXs = Xs
        self.startYs = Ys

        # update registration
        bboxes_klt = copy.deepcopy(self.bboxes_klt)
        height, width, _ = self.image_old.shape
        for i, bbox in reversed(list(enumerate(bboxes_klt))):
            # deregistration 1: measure differential entropy to remove false positive detection
            cov = self.Cov[i]
            DE = 5.675754132818691 + np.log(
            ) / 2.0  # differential entropy for Multivariate normal distribution
            print('DE: ', DE)
            if DE >= 16.:  # it was 16.
                del self.X[i]
                del self.Cov[i]
                del self.traces[i]
                self.bboxes_klt = np.delete(self.bboxes_klt, i, 0)
                self.startXs = np.delete(self.startXs, i, 1)
                self.startYs = np.delete(self.startYs, i, 1)
            # deregistration 2: remove bbox out of frame
            if (bbox.min() < 0) or (bbox[2, 0] > width) or (bbox[2, 1] >
                del self.X[i]
                del self.Cov[i]
                del self.traces[i]
                self.bboxes_klt = np.delete(self.bboxes_klt, i, 0)
                self.startXs = np.delete(self.startXs, i, 1)
                self.startYs = np.delete(self.startYs, i, 1)

                # update bbox
                self.X[i].xmin = bbox[0][0]
                self.X[i].ymin = bbox[0][1]
                self.X[i].xmax = bbox[2][0]
                self.X[i].ymax = bbox[2][1]
                center = (int((self.X[i].xmin + self.X[i].xmax) / 2.),
                          int((self.X[i].ymin + self.X[i].ymax) / 2.))
                # generate new features if needed
                n_features_left = np.sum(self.startXs[:, i] != -1)
                if n_features_left < 15:
                    print('Generate New KLT Features')
                    bbox = np.expand_dims(self.bboxes_klt[i], 0)
                    startXs, startYs = getFeatures(
                        cv2.cvtColor(self.image_old, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY), bbox)
                    self.startXs[:, i] = startXs[:, 0]
                    self.startYs[:, i] = startYs[:, 0]