def KNearestNeighbourController(training_paths, training_labels, test_paths=None, test_labels=None, k=1, tf_idf=False):
        Controller function to co-ordinate the K-Nearest neighbour algorithm
    # Returns the text per file and their labels once and for all
    training_text_dict = readTextFromFilePaths(training_paths)

    # If this is a validation run, we need to keep one book aside at a time and send
    # the rest of the them to create the training vectors
    if not test_paths:

        # Creating the vectors for the training set. This includes all but one book
        # which will be used for validation
        for validation_file in training_text_dict:
            print("Validation being done on: {0}".format(validation_file))

            # Creating the training vectors and validation vectors from the training dictionary
            vectors, _ = createTrainingVectors(training_text_dict)

            # Performing tf-idf transform on all the vectors
            tfidf_transform_dict = tfIdfTransform(vectors) if tf_idf else vectors

            # Separating the validation vector from the training one
            validation_vector = tfidf_transform_dict.pop(validation_file)
            training_vectors = tfidf_transform_dict

            # Finding the nearest neighbours by passing in a manual k
            nearest_neighbours = findNearestNeighbour(training_vectors, validation_vector, k)

            # Finding the genre with the concept of voting by neighbours
            genre = detectClassOfTestSet(nearest_neighbours, training_labels, k)
                "Known label: {0} Calculated Label: {1}".format(training_labels.get(validation_file, "Unknown"), genre)

    # Else clause gets activated in case the run is a final test run
        # Creating the training vectors from the training dictionary
        vectors, zero_vector = createTrainingVectors(training_text_dict)

        # Finding the genre of a test file one file at a time
        for test_file_path in test_paths:
            test_file = test_file_path.split("/")[-1]
            print("\nTest file is : {0}".format(test_file))

            # Creating the set of tokens for the test file
            test_text_dict = readTextFromFilePaths([test_file_path])

            # Running k nearest neighbours algorithms
            genre = runKNearestNeighbours(vectors, test_text_dict, test_file, training_labels, zero_vector, k, tf_idf)
            print("Known label: {0} Calculated Label: {1}".format(test_labels.get(test_file, "Unknown"), genre))

            if tf_idf:
def runKNearestNeighbours(
    training_vectors, tokenized_test_file, test_file, training_labels, zero_vector, k, tf_idf=False

    # Creating the test vector with only those tokens that were a part of the training set
    training_vectors[test_file] = createTestVectors(tokenized_test_file[test_file], zero_vector)

    # Performing tf-idf transform on all the vectors
    tfidf_transform_dict = tfIdfTransform(training_vectors) if tf_idf else training_vectors

    # Seperating the test vector from the training vectors
    test_vector = tfidf_transform_dict.pop(test_file)
    training_vectors = tfidf_transform_dict

    # Finding the nearest neighbours by passing in a manual k
    nearest_neighbours = findNearestNeighbour(training_vectors, test_vector, k)

    # Running k nearest neighbours algorithms
    genre = detectClassOfTestSet(nearest_neighbours, training_labels, k)

    return genre