コード例 #1
ファイル: createuser.py プロジェクト: thangduong/kamaelia
# Public License, V2.0, GNU Lesser General Public License, V2.1
# (1) Kamaelia Contributors are listed in the AUTHORS file and at
#     http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/AUTHORS - please extend this file,
#     not this notice.
# (2) Reproduced in the COPYING file, and at:
#     http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/COPYING
# Under section 3.5 of the MPL, we are using this text since we deem the MPL
# notice inappropriate for this file. As per MPL/GPL/LGPL removal of this
# notice is prohibited.
# Please contact us via: [email protected]
# to discuss alternative licensing.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
A commandline tool that creates users and creates user configuration
files. This configuration file is used by KPIClient

from Kamaelia.Community.AM.Kamaelia.KPIFramework.KPI.DB import LKH
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "dbfile usercfg1 [usercfg2].. "
    dbfile = sys.argv[1]
    for index in range(2, len(sys.argv)):
        LKH.createUser(dbfile, sys.argv[index])
コード例 #2
#     not this notice.
# (2) Reproduced in the COPYING file, and at:
#     http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/COPYING
# Under section 3.5 of the MPL, we are using this text since we deem the MPL
# notice inappropriate for this file. As per MPL/GPL/LGPL removal of this
# notice is prohibited.
# Please contact us via: [email protected]
# to discuss alternative licensing.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

A commandline tool that prints the user configuration given user id

from Kamaelia.Community.AM.Kamaelia.KPIFramework.KPI.DB import LKH
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "dbfile userid"
    dbfile = sys.argv[1]
    userid = long(sys.argv[2])
    if userid < 1 :
        print "userid", argv[2], "is invalid\n"
    LKH.getUserConfig(dbfile, userid)
コード例 #3
ファイル: createdb.py プロジェクト: casibbald/kamaelia
#     not this notice.
# (2) Reproduced in the COPYING file, and at:
#     http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/COPYING
# Under section 3.5 of the MPL, we are using this text since we deem the MPL
# notice inappropriate for this file. As per MPL/GPL/LGPL removal of this
# notice is prohibited.
# Please contact us via: [email protected]
# to discuss alternative licensing.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

A commandline tool that creates the Logical key hierachy DB

from Kamaelia.Community.AM.Kamaelia.KPIFramework.KPI.DB import LKH
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
        print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "dbfile keylength numusers"
    dbfile = sys.argv[1]
    keylen = long(sys.argv[2])
    numusers = long(sys.argv[3])
    if numusers < 1 :
        print "numusers", sys.argv[3], "is invalid\n"
    LKH.createDB(dbfile, keylen, numusers)
コード例 #4
ファイル: getinfo.py プロジェクト: thangduong/kamaelia
# Under section 3.5 of the MPL, we are using this text since we deem the MPL
# notice inappropriate for this file. As per MPL/GPL/LGPL removal of this
# notice is prohibited.
# Please contact us via: [email protected]
# to discuss alternative licensing.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

A commandline tool that describes the metadata of the tree database

from Kamaelia.Community.AM.Kamaelia.KPIFramework.KPI.DB import LKH
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "dbfile"
    dbfile = sys.argv[1]
    info = LKH.getInfo(dbfile)
    print "--DB Information--"
    print "Key length", info.key_len
    print "User id range [", info.min_user_id, "-", str(info.max_user_id -1) ,"]"
    if info.current_user_id == 0:
        print "Currently there are no users created"
        print "Current userid", info.current_user_id
コード例 #5
ファイル: getinfo.py プロジェクト: sparkslabs/kamaelia_
#     http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/COPYING
# Under section 3.5 of the MPL, we are using this text since we deem the MPL
# notice inappropriate for this file. As per MPL/GPL/LGPL removal of this
# notice is prohibited.
# Please contact us via: [email protected]
# to discuss alternative licensing.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

A commandline tool that describes the metadata of the tree database

from Kamaelia.Community.AM.Kamaelia.KPIFramework.KPI.DB import LKH
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "dbfile"
    dbfile = sys.argv[1]
    info = LKH.getInfo(dbfile)
    print "--DB Information--"
    print "Key length", info.key_len
    print "User id range [", info.min_user_id, "-", str(info.max_user_id - 1), "]"
    if info.current_user_id == 0:
        print "Currently there are no users created"
        print "Current userid", info.current_user_id
コード例 #6
#     http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/AUTHORS - please extend this file,
#     not this notice.
# (2) Reproduced in the COPYING file, and at:
#     http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/COPYING
# Under section 3.5 of the MPL, we are using this text since we deem the MPL
# notice inappropriate for this file. As per MPL/GPL/LGPL removal of this
# notice is prohibited.
# Please contact us via: [email protected]
# to discuss alternative licensing.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
A commandline tool that creates the Logical key hierachy DB

from Kamaelia.Community.AM.Kamaelia.KPIFramework.KPI.DB import LKH
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
        print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "dbfile keylength numusers"
    dbfile = sys.argv[1]
    keylen = long(sys.argv[2])
    numusers = long(sys.argv[3])
    if numusers < 1:
        print "numusers", sys.argv[3], "is invalid\n"
    LKH.createDB(dbfile, keylen, numusers)
コード例 #7
ファイル: commonkeys.py プロジェクト: casibbald/kamaelia
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

A commandline tool that prints list of common keys given a list of user ids

from Kamaelia.Community.AM.Kamaelia.KPIFramework.KPI.DB import LKH
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "dbfile [id1] [id2].."
    dbfile = sys.argv[1]
    info = LKH.getInfo(dbfile)

    #validate all the user ids
    ids = []
    for index in range(2, len(sys.argv)):
        userid = long(sys.argv[index])
        if((userid < info.min_user_id)  or
           (userid > info.max_user_id - 1)):
            print "userid", sys.argv[index], "is invalid"

    idkeymap = LKH.getCommonKeys(dbfile, ids)
    for ID in idkeymap:
        print "ID=",ID, ",KEY=", idkeymap[ID]
コード例 #8
ファイル: createuser.py プロジェクト: casibbald/kamaelia
# (1) Kamaelia Contributors are listed in the AUTHORS file and at
#     http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/AUTHORS - please extend this file,
#     not this notice.
# (2) Reproduced in the COPYING file, and at:
#     http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/COPYING
# Under section 3.5 of the MPL, we are using this text since we deem the MPL
# notice inappropriate for this file. As per MPL/GPL/LGPL removal of this
# notice is prohibited.
# Please contact us via: [email protected]
# to discuss alternative licensing.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

A commandline tool that creates users and creates user configuration
files. This configuration file is used by KPIClient

from Kamaelia.Community.AM.Kamaelia.KPIFramework.KPI.DB import LKH
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "dbfile usercfg1 [usercfg2].. "
    dbfile = sys.argv[1]
    for index in range(2, len(sys.argv)):
        LKH.createUser(dbfile, sys.argv[index])
コード例 #9
ファイル: commonkeys.py プロジェクト: thangduong/kamaelia
# Please contact us via: [email protected]
# to discuss alternative licensing.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
A commandline tool that prints list of common keys given a list of user ids

from Kamaelia.Community.AM.Kamaelia.KPIFramework.KPI.DB import LKH
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "dbfile [id1] [id2].."
    dbfile = sys.argv[1]
    info = LKH.getInfo(dbfile)

    #validate all the user ids
    ids = []
    for index in range(2, len(sys.argv)):
        userid = long(sys.argv[index])
        if ((userid < info.min_user_id) or (userid > info.max_user_id - 1)):
            print "userid", sys.argv[index], "is invalid"

    idkeymap = LKH.getCommonKeys(dbfile, ids)
    for ID in idkeymap:
        print "ID=", ID, ",KEY=", idkeymap[ID]