def send_update_notification_sync(mod, version, user): followers = [ for u in mod.followers] changelog = version.changelog if changelog: changelog = '\n'.join([' ' + l for l in changelog.split('\n')]) targets = list() for follower in followers: targets.append(follower) if len(targets) == 0: return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.starttls() smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/mod-updated") as f: message = MIMEText(html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(pystache.render(, { 'mod': mod, 'user': user, 'domain': _cfg("domain"), 'latest': version, 'url': '/mod/' + str( + '/' + secure_filename([:64], 'changelog': changelog }))) message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = user + " has just updated " + + "!" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = ";".join(targets) smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", targets, message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_mail(sender, recipients, subject, message, important=False): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host=_cfg("smtp-host"), port=_cfgi("smtp-port")) if _cfgb("smtp-tls"): smtp.starttls() if _cfg("smtp-user") != "": smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) message = MIMEText(message) if important: message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = subject message['From'] = sender if len(recipients) > 1: message['Precedence'] = 'bulk' for group in chunks(recipients, 100): if len(group) > 1: message['To'] = "undisclosed-recipients:;" else: message['To'] = ";".join(group) print("Sending email from {} to {} recipients".format( sender, len(group))) smtp.sendmail(sender, group, message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_autoupdate_notification(mod): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return followers = [ for u in mod.followers] changelog = mod.versions[-1].changelog if changelog: changelog = '\n'.join([' ' + l for l in changelog.split('\n')]) for follower in followers: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/mod-autoupdated") as f: message = MIMEText(pystache.render(, { 'mod': mod, 'domain': _cfg("domain"), 'latest': mod.versions[-1], 'url': '/mod/' + str( + '/' + secure_filename([:64], 'changelog': changelog })) message['Subject'] = + " is compatible with KSP " + mod.versions[0].ksp_version + "!" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = follower smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [ follower ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def sendEmail(message,emailto): smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.starttls() smtp.ehlo() smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [ emailto ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_update_notification(mod): followers = [ for u in mod.followers] changelog = mod.versions[-1].changelog if changelog: changelog = '\n'.join([' ' + l for l in changelog.split('\n')]) for follower in followers: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/mod-updated") as f: message = MIMEText( pystache.render(, { 'mod': mod, 'domain': _cfg("domain"), 'latest': mod.versions[-1], 'url': '/mod/' + str( + '/' + secure_filename([:64], 'changelog': changelog })) message[ 'Subject'] = mod.user.username + " has just updated " + + "!" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = follower smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [follower], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_autoupdate_notification(mod): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return followers = [ for u in mod.followers] changelog = mod.default_version().changelog if changelog: changelog = '\n'.join([' ' + l for l in changelog.split('\n')]) targets = list() for follower in followers: targets.append(follower) if len(targets) == 0: return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/mod-autoupdated") as f: message = MIMEText(html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(pystache.render(, { 'mod': mod, 'domain': _cfg("domain"), 'latest': mod.default_version(), 'url': '/mod/' + str( + '/' + secure_filename([:64], 'changelog': changelog }))) message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = + " is compatible with KSP " + mod.versions[0].ksp_version + "!" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = ";".join(targets) smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", targets, message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_confirmation(user): smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/confirm-account") as f: message = MIMEText(pystache.render(, { 'user': user, "domain": _cfg("domain"), 'confirmation': user.confirmation })) message['Subject'] = "Welcome to Kerbal Stuff!" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [ ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_reset(user): smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/password-reset") as f: message = MIMEText(pystache.render(, { 'user': user, "domain": _cfg("domain"), 'confirmation': user.passwordReset })) message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['Subject'] = "Reset your password on Kerbal Stuff" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [ ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_bulk_email(users, subject, body): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return for u in users: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) message = MIMEText(body) message['Subject'] = subject message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = u smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [ u ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_mail(sender, recipients, subject, message, important=False): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = None # If there's a config option provided, use starttls if _cfgb('tls'): smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port"), ) else: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host=_cfg("smtp-host"), port=_cfgi("smtp-port"), keyfile=open(_cfg('tls-keyfile')), certfile=open(_cfg('tls-certfile'))) if _cfg("smtp-user") == "" and _cfg("smtp-password") == "": smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) message = MIMEText(message) if important: message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = subject message['From'] = sender for group in chunks(recipients, 100): message['To'] = ";".join(group) print("Sending email from {} to {} recipients".format(sender, len(group))) smtp.sendmail(sender, group, message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_bulk_email(users, subject, body): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return targets = list() for u in users: targets.append(u) smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) message = MIMEText(body) message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = subject message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = ";".join(targets) smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", targets, message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_mail(sender, recipients, subject, message, important=False): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host=_cfg("smtp-host"), port=_cfgi("smtp-port")) message = MIMEText(message) if important: message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = subject message['From'] = sender for group in chunks(recipients, 100): message['To'] = ";".join(group) print("Sending email from {} to {} recipients".format(sender, len(group))) smtp.sendmail(sender, group, message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_reset(user): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/password-reset") as f: message = MIMEText(html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(\ pystache.render(, { 'user': user, "domain": _cfg("domain"), 'confirmation': user.passwordReset }))) message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = "Reset your password on Kerbal Stuff" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [ ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_reset(user): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.starttls() smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/password-reset") as f: message = MIMEText(html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(\ pystache.render(, { 'user': user, "domain": _cfg("domain"), 'confirmation': user.passwordReset }))) message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = "Reset your password on Modulous" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [ ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_mail(sender, recipients, subject, message, important=False): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host=_cfg("smtp-host"), port=_cfgi("smtp-port")) message = MIMEText(message) if important: message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = subject message['From'] = sender for group in chunks(recipients, 100): message['To'] = ";".join(group) print("Sending email from {} to {} recipients".format( sender, len(group))) smtp.sendmail(sender, group, message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_grant_notice(mod, user): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/grant-notice") as f: message = MIMEText(html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(\ pystache.render(, { 'user': user, "domain": _cfg("domain"),\ 'mod': mod, 'url': url_for('mods.mod',, }))) message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = "You've been asked to co-author a mod on Kerbal Stuff" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [ ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_confirmation(user): smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/confirm-account") as f: message = MIMEText( pystache.render(, { 'user': user, "domain": _cfg("domain"), 'confirmation': user.confirmation })) message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['Subject'] = "Welcome to Kerbal Stuff!" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def create(background_path: str, thumbnail_path: str) -> None: if not os.path.isfile(background_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Background image does not exist') size_str = _cfg('thumbnail_size') if not size_str: size_str = "320x195" size_str_tuple = size_str.split('x') size = (int(size_str_tuple[0]), int(size_str_tuple[1])) quality = _cfgi('thumbnail_quality') # Docs say the quality shouldn't be above 95: # if not quality or not (0 <= quality <= 95): quality = 80 im = # We want to resize the image to the desired size in the least costly way, # while not distorting it. This means we first check which side needs _less_ rescaling to reach # the target size. After that we scale it down while keeping the original aspect ratio. x_ratio = abs(im.width / size[0]) y_ratio = abs(im.height / size[1]) if x_ratio < y_ratio: im = im.resize((size[0], round(im.height / x_ratio)), Image.LANCZOS) else: im = im.resize((round(im.width / y_ratio), size[1]), Image.LANCZOS) # Now there's one pair of edges that already has the target length (height or width). # Next step is cropping the thumbnail out of the center of the down-scaled base image, # to also downsize the other edge pair without distorting the image. # We basically define the upper left and the lower right corner of the area to crop out here, # but we have to serve them separately (better: in one 4-tuple) to im.crop(): # box_left = round(0.5 * (im.width - size[0])) box_upper = round(0.5 * (im.height - size[1])) box_right = round(0.5 * (im.width + size[0])) box_lower = round(0.5 * (im.height + size[1])) im = im.crop((box_left, box_upper, box_right, box_lower)) if im.mode != "RGB": im = im.convert("RGB"), 'jpeg', quality=quality, optimize=True)
def send_confirmation(user, followMod=None): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(_cfg("smtp-host"), _cfgi("smtp-port")) smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) with open("emails/confirm-account") as f: if followMod != None: message = MIMEText(pystache.render(, { 'user': user, "domain": _cfg("domain"),\ 'confirmation': user.confirmation + "?f=" + followMod })) else: message = MIMEText(html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(\ pystache.render(, { 'user': user, "domain": _cfg("domain"), 'confirmation': user.confirmation }))) message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = "Welcome to Kerbal Stuff!" message['From'] = "*****@*****.**" message['To'] = smtp.sendmail("*****@*****.**", [ ], message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
def send_mail(sender, recipients, subject, message, important=False): if _cfg("smtp-host") == "": return smtp = smtplib.SMTP(host=_cfg("smtp-host"), port=_cfgi("smtp-port")) if _cfgb("smtp-tls"): smtp.starttls() if _cfg("smtp-user") != "": smtp.login(_cfg("smtp-user"), _cfg("smtp-password")) message = MIMEText(message) if important: message['X-MC-Important'] = "true" message['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = "false" message['Subject'] = subject message['From'] = sender if len(recipients) > 1: message['Precedence'] = 'bulk' for group in chunks(recipients, 100): if len(group) > 1: message['To'] = "undisclosed-recipients:;" else: message['To'] = ";".join(group) print("Sending email from {} to {} recipients".format(sender, len(group))) smtp.sendmail(sender, group, message.as_string()) smtp.quit()
# TODO: Bug the slimit guys to support python 3 #if not app.debug: # javascript = minify(javascript) with open(os.path.join(app.static_folder, output), "w") as w: w.write(javascript) w.flush() d = os.walk('images') for f in list(d)[0][2]: outputpath = os.path.join(app.static_folder, os.path.basename(f)) inputpath = os.path.join('images', f) copyfile(inputpath, outputpath) @app.before_first_request def compile_first(): pass #prepare() @app.before_request def compile_if_debug(): if app.debug and _cfg("debug-static-recompile").lower() in ['true', 'yes']: prepare() if __name__ == '__main__':"debug-host"), port=_cfgi('debug-port'), debug=True)
else: javascript += coffeescript.compile(coffee, bare=bare) output = '.'.join(f.rsplit('.')[:-1]) + '.js' # TODO: Bug the slimit guys to support python 3 #if not app.debug: # javascript = minify(javascript) with open(os.path.join(app.static_folder, output), "w") as w: w.write(javascript) w.flush() d = os.walk('images') for f in list(d)[0][2]: outputpath = os.path.join(app.static_folder, os.path.basename(f)) inputpath = os.path.join('images', f) copyfile(inputpath, outputpath) @app.before_first_request def compile_first(): pass #prepare() @app.before_request def compile_if_debug(): if app.debug and _cfg("debug-static-recompile").lower() in ['true','yes']: prepare() if __name__ == '__main__':"debug-host"), port=_cfgi('debug-port'), debug=True)