コード例 #1
ファイル: decompile.py プロジェクト: pcplcprogrammer/Krakatau
def decompileClass(path=[], targets=None, outpath=None, plugins=[]):
    if outpath is None:
        outpath = os.getcwd()

    e = Environment()
    for part in path:

    makeGraph = makeCallback(plugins)
    start_time = time.time()
    # random.shuffle(targets)
    with e:  #keep jars open
        for i, target in enumerate(targets):
            print 'processing target {}, {} remaining'.format(
                len(targets) - i)
            c = e.getClass(target)
            source = javaclass.generateAST(c, makeGraph).print_()
            #The single class decompiler doesn't add package declaration currently so we add it here
            if '/' in target:
                package = 'package {};\n\n'.format(
                    target.replace('/', '.').rpartition('.')[0])
                source = package + source

            filename = script_util.writeFile(outpath, c.name, '.java', source)
            print 'Class written to', filename
            print time.time() - start_time, ' seconds elapsed'
コード例 #2
ファイル: decompile.py プロジェクト: jaredfolkins/Krakatau
def decompileClass(path=[], targets=None, outpath=None):
    if outpath is None:
        outpath = os.getcwd()

    e = Environment()
    for part in path:

    start_time = time.time()
    # random.shuffle(targets)
    with e: #keep jars open
        for i,target in enumerate(targets):
            print 'processing target {}, {} remaining'.format(target, len(targets)-i)
            c = e.getClass(target)

            deco = javaclass.ClassDecompiler(c, makeGraph)
            source = deco.generateSource()
            #The single class decompiler doesn't add package declaration currently so we add it here
            if '/' in target:
                package = 'package {};\n\n'.format(target.replace('/','.').rpartition('.')[0])
                source = package + source

            filename = script_util.writeFile(outpath, c.name, '.java', source)
            print 'Class written to', filename
            print time.time() - start_time, ' seconds elapsed'
コード例 #3
ファイル: disassemble.py プロジェクト: ysy/Krakatau
def disassembleClass(readTarget, targets=None, outpath=None):
    if outpath is None:
        outpath = os.getcwd()

    # targets = targets[::-1]
    start_time = time.time()
    # random.shuffle(targets)
    for i,target in enumerate(targets):
        print 'processing target {}, {}/{} remaining'.format(target, len(targets)-i, len(targets))

        data = readTarget(target)
        stream = Krakatau.binUnpacker.binUnpacker(data=data)
        class_ = ClassFile(stream)

        source = Krakatau.assembler.disassembler.disassemble(class_)
        filename = script_util.writeFile(outpath, class_.name, '.j', source)
        print 'Class written to', filename
        print time.time() - start_time, ' seconds elapsed'
コード例 #4
def disassembleClass(readTarget, targets=None, outpath=None):
    if outpath is None:
        outpath = os.getcwd()

    # targets = targets[::-1]
    start_time = time.time()
    # __import__('random').shuffle(targets)
    for i,target in enumerate(targets):
        print 'processing target {}, {}/{} remaining'.format(target, len(targets)-i, len(targets))

        data = readTarget(target)
        stream = Krakatau.binUnpacker.binUnpacker(data=data)
        class_ = ClassFile(stream)

        source = Krakatau.assembler.disassembler.disassemble(class_)
        filename = script_util.writeFile(outpath, class_.name, '.j', source)
        print 'Class written to', filename
        print time.time() - start_time, ' seconds elapsed'
コード例 #5
ファイル: assemble.py プロジェクト: pcplcprogrammer/Krakatau
    parser.add_argument('-out', help='Path to generate files in')
        help="Add line number information to the generated class")
                        help="Enable Jasmin compatibility mode")
        help="Process all files in the directory target and subdirectories")
    parser.add_argument('target', help='Name of file to assemble')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    targets = script_util.findFiles(args.target, args.r, '.j')
    base_path = args.out if args.out is not None else os.getcwd()

    for i, target in enumerate(targets):
        print 'Processing file {}, {}/{} remaining'.format(
            len(targets) - i, len(targets))
        pairs = assembleClass(target, args.g, args.jas)

        # if pairs is None:
        #     print 'Assembly of ', target, 'failed!'
        #     continue

        for name, data in pairs:
            filename = script_util.writeFile(base_path, name, '.class', data)
            print 'Class written to', filename
コード例 #6
ファイル: assemble.py プロジェクト: ysy/Krakatau
    lexer = tokenize.makeLexer(debug=debug)
    parser = parse.makeParser(debug=debug)
    parse_trees = parser.parse(assembly, lexer=lexer)
    return parse_trees and [assembler.assemble(tree, makeLineNumbers, jasmode, basename) for tree in parse_trees]

if __name__== "__main__":
    print 'Krakatau  Copyright (C) 2012-13  Robert Grosse'

    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Krakatau bytecode assembler')
    parser.add_argument('-out',help='Path to generate files in')
    parser.add_argument('-g', action='store_true', help="Add line number information to the generated class")
    parser.add_argument('-jas', action='store_true', help="Enable Jasmin compatibility mode")
    parser.add_argument('-r', action='store_true', help="Process all files in the directory target and subdirectories")
    parser.add_argument('target',help='Name of file to assemble')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    targets = script_util.findFiles(args.target, args.r, '.j')
    base_path = args.out if args.out is not None else os.getcwd()

    for i, target in enumerate(targets):
        print 'Processing file {}, {}/{} remaining'.format(target, len(targets)-i, len(targets))
        pairs = assembleClass(target, args.g, args.jas)

        # if pairs is None:
        #     print 'Assembly of ', target, 'failed!'
        #     continue

        for name, data in pairs:
            filename = script_util.writeFile(base_path, name, '.class', data)
            print 'Class written to', filename