コード例 #1
def main(a, ftype, fpar, Nrun, dt, timefac, intmeth, ephi, vb):
    me = me0 + ".main: "
    t0 = time.time()

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    R, S, lam, nu = fpar
    if ftype == "const":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_const(xy, r, R)
        fstr = "C"
        fparstr = ""
    elif ftype == "lin":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_lin(xy, r, R)
        fstr = "L"
        fparstr = ""
    elif ftype == "lico":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_lico(xy, r, R, g)
        fstr = "LC"
        fparstr = ""
    elif ftype == "dcon":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_dcon(xy, r, R, S)
        fstr = "DC"
        fparstr = "_S" + str(S)
    elif ftype == "dlin":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_dlin(xy, r, R, S)
        fstr = "DL"
        fparstr = "_S" + str(S)
    elif ftype == "tan":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_tan(xy, r, R, lam)
        fstr = "T"
        fparstr = "_l" + str(lam)
    elif ftype == "dtan":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_dtan(xy, r, R, S, lam)
        fstr = "DT"
        fparstr = "_S" + str(S) + "_l" + str(lam)
    elif ftype == "nu":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_nu(xy, r, R, lam, nu)
        fstr = "N"
        fparstr = "_l" + str(lam) + "_n" + str(nu)
    elif ftype == "dnu":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_dnu(xy, r, R, S, lam, nu)
        fstr = "DN"
        fparstr = "_S" + str(S) + "_l" + str(lam) + "_n" + str(nu)
        raise IOError, me + "ftype must be one of {const, lin, lico, dcon, dlin, tan, dtan, nu}."

    dblpot = True if ftype[0] == "d" else False
    infpot = True if (ftype[-3:] == "tan" or ftype[-2:] == "nu") else False

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Simulation time
    tmax = 5e2 * timefac

    ## Simulation limits
    rmax = R + 2.0 * lam if infpot else R + 6.0
    # rmin = 0.0 #max([0.0, 0.9*R-5*np.sqrt(a)])
    rmin = max(0.0, S - 2.0 * lam if infpot else S - 4.0)
    ## Injection x coordinate -- half-way into bulk
    # rini = 0.5*(S+R) if dblpot else 0.5*(rmin+R)
    rini = np.sqrt(0.5 * (S * S + R * R)) if dblpot else np.sqrt(
        0.5 * (rmin * rmin + R * R))
    if R == 0.0: rini += 0.001
    ## Limits for finite potential
    wb = [R + lam, (S > 0.0) * (S - lam)] if infpot else [False, False]

    ## ------------
    ## Bin edges

    rbins = calc_rbins(infpot, fpar, rmin, rmax)
    Nrbin = rbins.size - 1

    Npbin = 50
    pbins = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, Npbin)

    ermax = 4 / np.sqrt(a) if a != 0 else 4 / np.sqrt(dt)
    Nerbin = 150
    erbins = np.linspace(0.0, ermax, Nerbin + 1)

    if ephi:
        # Nepbin = 50
        # epbins = np.linspace(0.0,2*np.pi,Nepbin+1)
        # pstr = "_phi"
        Nepbin = 100
        epbins = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, +2 * np.pi, Nepbin + 1)
        pstr = "_psi"
        bins = [rbins, erbins, epbins]
        pstr = ""
        bins = [rbins, erbins]
    ## ------------

    ## Particles
    Nparticles = Npbin * Nrun

    ## Initial noise drawn from Gaussian
    if a == 0.0:
        eIC = np.sqrt(2 / dt) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles, 2])
        eIC = 1. / np.sqrt(a) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles, 2])

    ## Apply boundary conditions (should be integrated into force?)
    fxy = lambda xy, r: fxy_infpot(xy, r, force, wb[0], wb[1], dt
                                   ) if infpot else force(xy, r)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Integration algorithm
    eul_step = lambda xy, r, exy: eul(xy, r, fxy, exy, dt)

    if intmeth == "rk4":
        xy_step = lambda xy, r, exy: RK4(xy, r, fxy, exy, dt, eul_step)
        intmeth = "_rk4"
    elif intmeth == "rk2":
        xy_step = lambda xy, r, exy: RK2(xy, r, fxy, exy, dt, eul_step)
        intmeth = "_rk2"
        xy_step = eul_step
        intmeth = ""

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Filename; directory and file existence; readme
    hisdir = "Pressure/"+str(datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d"))+\
    hisfile = "BHIS_POL_" + fstr + "_a" + str(a) + "_R" + str(
        R) + fparstr + "_dt" + str(dt) + intmeth
    binfile = "BHISBIN" + hisfile[4:]
    filepath = hisdir + hisfile
    check_path(filepath, vb)
    create_readme(filepath, vb)

    ## Save bins
    if ephi:
        np.savez(hisdir + binfile, rbins=rbins, erbins=erbins, epbins=epbins)
        np.savez(hisdir + binfile, rbins=rbins, erbins=erbins)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    if vb:
        print me + "Computing", Nparticles, "trajectories. Arena: POL. Force: " + str(
            ftype) + "."

    ## Precompute exp(-t)
    if a == 0:
        ## Not used in calculations
        expmt = None
    # elif a <= 0.1:
    # ## a is small, and exponential is dominated by first term
    # if vb: print me+"rescaling time"
    # expmt = np.exp(np.arange(-10,0.1,0.1))
        ## a is large enough that the exponential is well resolved.
        expmt = np.exp((np.arange(-10 * a, dt, dt)) / a)

    simulate_trajectory = lambda xyini, eIC, vb2:\
          boundary_sim(xyini, eIC, a, xy_step, dt, tmax, expmt, ephi, vb2)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Initialise histogram in space
    H = np.zeros([b.size - 1 for b in bins])

    ## Counter for noise initial conditions
    i = 0

    ## Loop over initial coordinates
    for pini in pbins:
        ## Perform several runs in Cartesian coordinates
        xyini = [rini * np.cos(pini), rini * np.sin(pini)]
        for run in xrange(Nrun):
            if vb: print me + "Run", i, "of", Nparticles
            coords = simulate_trajectory(xyini, eIC[i], (vb and run % 50 == 0))
            H += np.histogramdd(coords, bins=bins, normed=False)[0]
            i += 1
    ## Divide by bin area and number of particles
    binc = [np.diff(b) for b in bins]
    H /= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*binc))
    H /= Nparticles

    check_path(filepath, vb)
    save_data(filepath, H, vb)

    if vb: print me + "execution time", round(time.time() - t0, 2), "seconds"

コード例 #2
def main():
		Simulate coloured noise trajectories in 2D.
		-a --alpha		0.1		Slope of the potential
		-X --wallpos	10.0	Position of wall
		-D --Delta		0.0		Width of wall onset in units of X
		-r --nruns		100		Number of runs for each (x0,y0)
		-t --timefac	1.0		Multiply t_max by factor
		-v --verbose	False	Print useful information to screen
		-h --help		False	Print docstring and exit
		-R --radius	1.0	Radius of wall curvature
		   --BC-impenetrable	Change BC to impenetrable rather then periodic
		   --schematic		Plot a schematic of the simulation space
		   --trajectory		Output some trajectory plots
		20 February 2016	Adapted from LE_LightBoundarySim.py
    me = "LE_2DLBS.main: "
    t0 = time.time()

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
                      help="The steepness of the potential.")
    parser.add_option('-X', '--wallpos', dest="X", default=10.0, type="float")
    parser.add_option('-D', '--Delta', dest="Delta", default=0.0, type="float")
    parser.add_option('-r', '--nrun', dest="Nrun", default=100, type="int")
    parser.add_option('--dt', dest="dt", default=0.01, type="float")
                      help="Print useful information to screen.")
    parser.add_option('-R', '--radius', dest="R", default=1.0, type="float")
                      help="Print useful information to screen.")
                      help="Print docstring.")
    opts, argv = parser.parse_args()
    if opts.help:
        print main.__doc__
    a = opts.a
    X = opts.X
    Delta = opts.Delta
    Nrun = opts.Nrun
    global dt
    dt = opts.dt
    timefac = opts.timefac
    vb = opts.vb
    R = opts.R
    schematic = opts.schematic
    traj = opts.traj
    PBC = opts.PBC

    if Delta != 0.0:
        print me + "WARNING: Resetting Delta = 0.0."
        Delta = 0.0

    if vb: print "\n==\n" + me + "Input parameters:\n\t", opts

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Simulation time
    tmax = 5e2 * timefac

    ## Space: y, circle, x
    ymax = 0.5
    assert (R >= ymax), me + "The wall must enclose the volume."
    if (vb and ymax <= 2 * a):
        print me + "Warning: the width of the space is comparable to or smaller than the memory length-scale."
    ## Centre of circle for curved boundary
    R2 = R * R
    c = [X - np.sqrt(R2 - ymax * ymax), 0.0]
    ## Simulation limits
    xmax = lookup_xmax(c[0] + R, a)
    xmin = calculate_xmin(X, a)  ## Simulation cutoff
    ## Injection x coordinate
    xini = calculate_xini(X, a)

    ## Histogramming; bin edges
    Nxbin = 200
    Nybin = 50
    xbins = calculate_xbin(xini, X, xmax, Nxbin)
    ybins = calculate_ybin(0.0, ymax, Nybin + 1)

    ## Particles
    Nparticles = 1 * len(ybins) * Nrun

    ## Initial noise drawn from Gaussian
    eIC = np.random.normal(
        0.0, 1.0 /
        a, [Nparticles, 2
            ]) if a > 0.0 else 100 * (np.random.random([Nparticles, 2]) - 0.5)

    ## Centre of circle for curved boundary
    R2 = R * R
    c = [X - np.sqrt(R2 - ymax * ymax), 0.0]

    ## Filename; directory and file existence; readme
    BCstr = "PBC" if PBC else "IBC"
    hisdir = "Pressure/"+str(datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d"))+\
    hisfile = "BHIS_2D_" + BCstr + "_a" + str(a) + "_X" + str(X) + "_R" + str(
        R) + "_r" + str(Nrun) + "_dt" + str(dt)
    binfile = "BHISBIN" + hisfile[4:]
    filepath = hisdir + hisfile
    check_path(filepath, vb)
    create_readme(filepath, vb)

    ## Save bins
    np.savez(hisdir + binfile, xbins=xbins, ybins=ybins)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    if schematic:
        draw_schematic(xmin, xbins, ybins, c, R,
                       hisdir + "SCHM" + hisfile[4:] + ".png", True)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    if vb: print me + "Computing", Nparticles, "trajectories."

    ## Precompute exp(-t/a^2)
    expmt = np.exp(-np.arange(0, tmax, dt) /
                   (a * a)) if a > 0 else np.array([1.] + [0.] *
                                                   (int(tmax / dt) - 1))
    ## Initialise histogram in space
    H = np.zeros((Nxbin, Nybin))
    ## Counter for noise initial conditions
    i = 0

    ## Loop over initial coordinates
    for yini in ybins:
        ## Perform several runs
        for run in xrange(Nrun):
            ## x, y are coordinates as a function of time
            x, y = boundary_sim((xini, yini), eIC[i], a, X, Delta, xmin, ymax,
                                R2, c, tmax, expmt, PBC,
                                (vb and run % 50 == 0))
            if traj and run == 0:
                plot_traj(x, y, xmin, X, xmax, ymax,
                          hisdir + "TRAJ" + str(i) + hisfile[4:] + ".png")
            H += np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=[xbins, ybins], normed=False)[0]
            i += 1
    H = (H.T)[::-1]
    ## When normed=False, need to divide by the bin area
    H /= np.outer(np.diff(ybins), np.diff(xbins))
    ## Normalise by number of particles
    H /= Nparticles
    save_data(filepath, H, vb)

    if vb: print me + "execution time", round(time.time() - t0, 2), "seconds"

    return filepath
コード例 #3
ファイル: LE_CSim.py プロジェクト: Allium/ColouredNoise
def main(a, ftype, R, S, T, P, dt, timefac, vb):
    me = me0 + ".main: "
    t0 = time.time()

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    xydata = False  ## Only interested in x data -- symmetric in y
    ymin, ymax = 0.0, 1.0  ## Only relevant when xydata = True

    ## Double quadratic potential
    if ftype == "dcon":
        ## Force
        fxy = lambda xy: force_dcon(xy, R, S)
        ## Filename
        fstr = "DC"
        filepar = ""
        ## Simulation limits
        xmax = R + 4.0
        xmin = S - 4.0

    ## Double quadratic potential
    elif ftype == "dlin":
        ## Force
        fxy = lambda xy: force_dlin(xy, R, S)
        ## Filename
        fstr = "DL"
        filepar = ""
        ## Simulation limits
        xmax = R + 4.0
        xmin = S - 4.0

    ## Casimir quadratic potential. Symmetric about x=0.
    elif ftype == "clin":
        ## Force
        fxy = lambda xy: force_clin(xy, R, S, T)
        ## Filename
        fstr = "CL"
        filepar = "_T%.1f" % (T)
        ## Simulation limits
        xmax = R + 4.0
        xmin = 0.0

    ## Single central wall.
    elif ftype == "mlin":
        ## Force
        fxy = lambda xy: force_mlin(xy, R, S, T)
        ## Filename
        fstr = "ML"
        filepar = "_T%.1f" % (T)
        ## Simulation limits
        xmax = +R + 4.0
        xmin = -R - 4.0

    ## Single central wall, centred at S with zero bulk.
    elif ftype == "nlin":
        ## Force
        fxy = lambda xy: force_nlin(xy, R, S)
        ## Filename
        fstr = "NL"
        filepar = ""
        ## Simulation limits
        xmax = +R + 4.0
        xmin = -R - 4.0

    ## Undulating wall, one at R and the other at -R.
    elif ftype == "ulin":
        ## Force
        ## R is position of right wall, S is amplitude, T is wavelength
        fxy = lambda xy: force_ulin(xy, R, S, T, P * np.pi)
        ## Filename
        fstr = "UL"
        filepar = "_T%.1f_P%.1f" % (T, P)
        ## Simulation limits
        xmax = R + 4.0
        xmin = 0.0
        ymax = T
        ymin = 0.0
        xydata = True

        raise IOError, me + "check ftype."

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Simulation time
    tmax = 5e2 * timefac

    ## Particles
    Nparticles = 50

    ## Injection coordinate: random sample from WN distribution
    x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)
    rhoWN = np.exp(sp.integrate.cumtrapz(fxy([x, 0])[0], x, initial=0.0))
    rhoWN /= rhoWN.sum()
    xini = np.random.choice(x, size=Nparticles, p=rhoWN)
    yini = (ymax - ymin) * np.random.random(Nparticles)

    ## ------------
    ## Bin edges: x, etax, etay

    Nxbin = int(200 * (xmax - xmin))
    Nybin = int(100 * (ymax - ymin))
    xbins = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, Nxbin + 1)
    ybins = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, Nybin + 1)

    emax = 4 / np.sqrt(a) if a != 0 else 4 / np.sqrt(dt)
    Nebin = 100
    exbins = np.linspace(-emax, +emax, Nebin + 1)
    eybins = np.linspace(-emax, +emax, Nebin + 1)

    bins = [xbins, ybins] if xydata else [xbins, exbins, eybins]

    ## ------------

    ## Initial noise drawn from Gaussian
    if a == 0.0:
        eIC = np.sqrt(2 / dt) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles, 2])
        eIC = 1. / np.sqrt(a) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles, 2])

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Integration algorithm
    xy_step = lambda xy, exy: eul(xy, exy, fxy, dt)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Filename; directory and file existence; readme
    hisdir = "Pressure/"+str(datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d"))+\
    hisfile = "BHIS_CAR_" + fstr + "_a" + str(a) + "_R" + str(R) + "_S" + str(
        S) + filepar + "_dt" + str(dt)
    binfile = "BHISBIN" + hisfile[4:]
    filepath = hisdir + hisfile
    check_path(filepath, vb)
    create_readme(filepath, vb)

    ## Save bins
    np.savez(hisdir + binfile,

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    if vb:
        print me + "Computing", Nparticles, "trajectories. Arena: CAR. Force: " + str(
            ftype) + "."

    ## Precompute exp(-t)
    if a == 0:
        ## Not used in calculations
        expmt = None
    elif a <= 0.1:
        raise ValueError, me + "Must have alpha>0.1"
        ## a is large enough that the exponential is well resolved.
        expmt = np.exp((np.arange(-10 * a, dt, dt)) / a)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Initialise histogram in space
    H = np.zeros([b.size - 1 for b in bins])

    ## Loop over initial coordinates
    for i in range(Nparticles):
        ## Perform run in Cartesian coordinates
        if vb: print me + "Run", i, "of", Nparticles
        coords = simulate_trajectory([xini[i], yini[i]], eIC[i], a, xy_step,
                                     dt, tmax, expmt, xydata, vb)

        ## Apply BCs where appropriate
        ## CLIN
        if ftype[0] == "c":  ## Reflecting BC at x=0
            idx = coords[0] < 0.0
            coords[0][idx] *= -1
            coords[1][idx] *= -1
            coords[2][idx] *= -1
        ## ULIN
        if ftype[
                0] == "u":  ## Periodic BC -- what to do with x<0 and (y<0 and y>T)
            coords = np.array(coords)
            if P == 0:
                coords[:, coords[0] <
                       0.0] *= -1  ## Reflect around x and y: x->-1,y->-y
                coords[1, coords[0] < 0.0] -= T * 0.5 * (
                    1 - P)  ## Translate y->y-T*(pi-phi)/2pi
                coords[0, coords[0] < 0.0] *= -1  ## Reflect x->-x
            coords[1] %= T  ## Periodic in y
            coords = coords.tolist()

        ## Histogram
        H += np.histogramdd(coords, bins=bins, normed=False)[0]

    ## Divide by bin area and number of particles
    binc = [np.diff(b) for b in bins]
    H /= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*binc))
    H /= Nparticles

    check_path(filepath, vb)
    save_data(filepath, H, vb)

    if vb: print me + "execution time", round(time.time() - t0, 2), "seconds"

コード例 #4
def main(a, ftype, S, dt, timefac, intmeth, ephi, vb):
    me = "LE_inSBS.main: "
    t0 = time.time()

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    if "linin":
        force = lambda xy, r: force_linin(xy, r, S)
        fstr = "L"
        fparstr = ""
        raise IOError, me + "ftype must be one of {linin}."

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Simulation time
    tmax = 5e2 * timefac

    ## Simulation limits
    rmax = S + max(1, 4.0 * round(np.sqrt(a), 0))
    rmin = 0.0
    ## Injection coordinate
    rini = S + 1.0

    ## ------------
    ## Bin edges

    Nrbin = int(150 * (rmax - rmin))
    rbins = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, Nrbin + 1)

    Npbin = 50
    pbins = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, Npbin)

    ermax = 4 / np.sqrt(a) if a != 0 else 4 / np.sqrt(dt)
    Nerbin = 150
    erbins = np.linspace(0.0, ermax, Nerbin + 1)

    if ephi:
        Nepbin = 50
        epbins = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, Nepbin + 1)
        pstr = "_phi"
        bins = [rbins, erbins, epbins]
        pstr = ""
        bins = [rbins, erbins]
    ## ------------

    ## Particles
    Nparticles = Npbin

    ## Initial noise drawn from Gaussian
    if a == 0.0:
        eIC = np.sqrt(2 / dt) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles, 2])
        eIC = 1. / np.sqrt(a) * np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles, 2])

    ## Apply boundary conditions (should be integrated into force?)
    fxy = lambda xy, r: force(xy, r)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Integration algorithm
    xy_step = lambda xy, r, exy: eul(xy, r, fxy, exy, dt)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Filename; directory and file existence; readme
    hisdir = "Pressure/"+str(datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d"))+\
    hisfile = "BHIS_INCIR_" + fstr + "_a" + str(a) + "_S" + str(
        S) + "_dt" + str(dt)
    binfile = "BHISBIN" + hisfile[4:]
    filepath = hisdir + hisfile
    check_path(filepath, vb)
    create_readme(filepath, vb)

    ## Save bins
    if ephi:
        np.savez(hisdir + binfile, rbins=rbins, erbins=erbins, epbins=epbins)
        np.savez(hisdir + binfile, rbins=rbins, erbins=erbins)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    if vb:
        print me + "Computing", Nparticles, "trajectories. Arena: CIR. Force: " + str(
            ftype) + "."

    ## Precompute exp(-t)
    if a == 0:
        ## Not used in calculations
        expmt = None
    elif a <= 0.1:
        raise ValueError, me + "Must have alpha>0.1"
        ## a is large enough that the exponential is well resolved.
        expmt = np.exp((np.arange(-10 * a, dt, dt)) / a)

    simulate_trajectory = lambda xyini, eIC, vb2:\
          boundary_sim(xyini, eIC, a, xy_step, rmax, dt, tmax, expmt, ephi, vb2)

    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------

    ## Initialise histogram in space
    H = np.zeros([b.size - 1 for b in bins])

    ## Counter for noise initial conditions
    i = 0

    ## Loop over initial coordinates
    for pini in pbins:
        ## Perform several runs in Cartesian coordinates
        xyini = [rini * np.cos(pini), rini * np.sin(pini)]
        if vb: print me + "Run", i, "of", Nparticles
        coords = simulate_trajectory(xyini, eIC[i], vb)
        H += np.histogramdd(coords, bins=bins, normed=False)[0]
        i += 1
    ## Divide by bin area and number of particles
    binc = [np.diff(b) for b in bins]
    H /= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*binc))
    H /= Nparticles

    check_path(filepath, vb)
    save_data(filepath, H, vb)

    if vb: print me + "execution time", round(time.time() - t0, 2), "seconds"

コード例 #5
ファイル: LE_2DLBS.py プロジェクト: Allium/ColouredNoise
def main():
		Simulate coloured noise trajectories in 2D.
		-a --alpha		0.1		Slope of the potential
		-X --wallpos	10.0	Position of wall
		-D --Delta		0.0		Width of wall onset in units of X
		-r --nruns		100		Number of runs for each (x0,y0)
		-t --timefac	1.0		Multiply t_max by factor
		-v --verbose	False	Print useful information to screen
		-h --help		False	Print docstring and exit
		-R --radius	1.0	Radius of wall curvature
		   --BC-impenetrable	Change BC to impenetrable rather then periodic
		   --schematic		Plot a schematic of the simulation space
		   --trajectory		Output some trajectory plots
		20 February 2016	Adapted from LE_LightBoundarySim.py
	me = "LE_2DLBS.main: "
	t0 = time.time()
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	parser = optparse.OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")	
				  help="The steepness of the potential.")
				  help="Print useful information to screen.")	
				  help="Print useful information to screen.")
				  help="Print docstring.")					  
	opts, argv = parser.parse_args()
	if opts.help: print main.__doc__; return
	a		= opts.a
	X		= opts.X
	Delta	= opts.Delta
	Nrun	= opts.Nrun
	global dt; dt = opts.dt
	timefac = opts.timefac
	vb		= opts.vb
	R = opts.R
	schematic = opts.schematic
	traj = opts.traj
	PBC = opts.PBC
	if Delta!=0.0:
		print me+"WARNING: Resetting Delta = 0.0."
		Delta = 0.0
	if vb: print "\n==\n"+me+"Input parameters:\n\t",opts

	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	## Simulation time
	tmax = 5e2*timefac
	## Space: y, circle, x
	ymax = 0.5
	assert (R>=ymax), me+"The wall must enclose the volume."
	if (vb and ymax<=2*a):
		print me+"Warning: the width of the space is comparable to or smaller than the memory length-scale."
	## Centre of circle for curved boundary
	R2 = R*R
	c = [X-np.sqrt(R2-ymax*ymax),0.0]
	## Simulation limits
	xmax = lookup_xmax(c[0]+R,a)
	xmin = calculate_xmin(X,a)	## Simulation cutoff
	## Injection x coordinate
	xini = calculate_xini(X,a)
	## Histogramming; bin edges
	Nxbin = 200
	Nybin = 50
	xbins = calculate_xbin(xini,X,xmax,Nxbin)
	ybins = calculate_ybin(0.0,ymax,Nybin+1)
	## Particles	
	Nparticles = 1*len(ybins)*Nrun

	## Initial noise drawn from Gaussian 
	eIC = np.random.normal(0.0,1.0/a,[Nparticles,2]) if a>0.0 else 100*(np.random.random([Nparticles,2])-0.5)
	## Centre of circle for curved boundary
	R2 = R*R
	c = [X-np.sqrt(R2-ymax*ymax),0.0]
	## Filename; directory and file existence; readme
	BCstr = "PBC" if PBC else "IBC"
	hisdir = "Pressure/"+str(datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d"))+\
	hisfile = "BHIS_2D_"+BCstr+"_a"+str(a)+"_X"+str(X)+"_R"+str(R)+"_r"+str(Nrun)+"_dt"+str(dt)
	binfile = "BHISBIN"+hisfile[4:]
	filepath = hisdir+hisfile
	check_path(filepath, vb)
	create_readme(filepath, vb)
	## Save bins
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------

	if schematic:
		draw_schematic(xmin,xbins,ybins,c,R, hisdir+"SCHM"+hisfile[4:]+".png",True)
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	if vb: print me+"Computing",Nparticles,"trajectories."
	## Precompute exp(-t/a^2)
	expmt = np.exp(-np.arange(0,tmax,dt)/(a*a)) if a>0 else np.array([1.]+[0.]*(int(tmax/dt)-1))
	## Initialise histogram in space
	H = np.zeros((Nxbin,Nybin))
	## Counter for noise initial conditions
	i = 0
	## Loop over initial coordinates
	for yini in ybins:
		## Perform several runs
		for run in xrange(Nrun):
			## x, y are coordinates as a function of time
			x, y = boundary_sim((xini,yini), eIC[i], a, X,Delta, xmin,ymax,
				R2,c, tmax,expmt, PBC, (vb and run%50==0))
			if traj and run==0: plot_traj(x,y,xmin,X,xmax,ymax, hisdir+"TRAJ"+str(i)+hisfile[4:]+".png")
			H += np.histogram2d(x,y,bins=[xbins,ybins],normed=False)[0]
			i += 1
	H = (H.T)[::-1]
	## When normed=False, need to divide by the bin area
	H /= np.outer(np.diff(ybins),np.diff(xbins))
	## Normalise by number of particles
	H /= Nparticles
	save_data(filepath, H, vb)
	if vb: print me+"execution time",round(time.time()-t0,2),"seconds"
	return filepath
コード例 #6
def main(a,ftype,X,Delta,Nrun,dt,timefac,vb):
	me = "LE_LightBoundarySim.main: "
	t0 = time.time()

	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	## Parameters
	## Choose potential type
	if ftype=="const":
		force_x = force_1D_const
		fstr = "C"
	elif ftype=="lin":
		force_x = force_1D_lin
		fstr = "L"
		Delta = 0.0
	## Simulation time
	tmax = 5e2*timefac
	## Space
	xmax = X+6.0#lookup_xmax(X,a)
	xmin = 0.0#calculate_xmin(X,a)	## Simulation cutoff
	xini = 0.5*(xmin+X)#calculate_xini(X,a)	## Particle initial x
	emax = 4/np.sqrt(a) if a!=0.0 else 4/np.sqrt(dt)
	## Histogramming; xbins and ebins are bin edges.
	Nxbin = int(150 * xmax)
	Nebin = 50
	xbins = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,Nxbin+1)#calculate_xbin(xini,X,xmax,Nxbin)
	ebins = np.linspace(-emax,emax,Nebin+1)
	## Initial conditions
	X0E0 = np.array([[xini,e0] for e0 in ebins])
	Nparticles = Nebin*Nrun
	if vb: print me+"Computing",Nparticles,"trajectories"
	## Filename; directory and file existence; readme
	hisdir = "Pressure/"+str(datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d"))+"_1D_"+fstr+"_D"+str(Delta)+"_dt"+str(dt)+"/"
	hisfile = "BHIS_1D_"+fstr+"_a"+str(a)+"_X"+str(X)+"_D"+str(Delta)+"_dt"+str(dt)
	binfile = "BHISBIN"+hisfile[4:]
	hisfile = hisdir+hisfile
	check_path(hisfile, vb)
	create_readme(hisfile, vb)
	## Save bins

	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	## Precompute exp(-t) and initialise histogram
	if a == 0:
		## Not used in calculations
		expmt = None
	elif a <= 0.1:
		## a is small, and exponential is dominated by first term, 
		##		which is then exaggerated by 1/a
		## Use a reference expmt to be rescaled.
		## 1/(a) larger array which will be integrated to usual size.
		if vb: print me+"rescaling time"
		# expmt = np.exp(np.arange(-10,dt,dt))
		expmt = np.exp(np.arange(-10,0.1,0.1))
		## a is large enough that the exponential is well resolved.
		expmt = np.exp((np.arange(-10*a,dt,dt))/(a))
		# expmt[:int(tmax-10*a/dt)]=0.0	## Approximation
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------

	## Initialise histogram
	H = np.zeros((Nxbin,Nebin))
	i = 1
	## Loop over initial y-position
	for x0e0 in X0E0:
		for run in xrange(Nrun):
			if vb: print me+"Run",i,"of",Nparticles
			## x, e are coordinates as a function of time
			x, e = boundary_sim(x0e0, a, X, force_x, Delta, xmin, tmax, dt, expmt, (vb and run%50==0))
			h = np.histogram2d(x,e,bins=[xbins,ebins],normed=False)[0]
			H += h*histogram_weight(x0e0[1], e[-1], a)
			i += 1
	H = (H.T)[::-1]
	## When normed=False, need to divide by the bin area
	H /= np.outer(np.diff(ebins),np.diff(xbins))
	## Normalise by number of particles
	H /= Nparticles
	check_path(hisfile, vb)
	save_data(hisfile, H, vb)
	return hisfile
コード例 #7
ファイル: LE_inSBS.py プロジェクト: Allium/ColouredNoise
def main(a,ftype,S,dt,timefac,intmeth,ephi,vb):
	me = "LE_inSBS.main: "
	t0 = time.time()
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	if "linin":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_linin(xy,r,S)
		fstr = "L"
		fparstr = ""
		raise IOError, me+"ftype must be one of {linin}."
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	## Simulation time
	tmax = 5e2*timefac
	## Simulation limits
	rmax = S+max(1,4.0*round(np.sqrt(a),0))
	rmin = 0.0
	## Injection coordinate
	rini = S + 1.0
	## ------------
	## Bin edges
	Nrbin = int(150 * (rmax-rmin))
	rbins = np.linspace(rmin,rmax,Nrbin+1)
	Npbin = 50
	pbins = np.linspace(0.0,2*np.pi,Npbin)
	ermax = 4/np.sqrt(a) if a!=0 else 4/np.sqrt(dt)
	Nerbin = 150
	erbins = np.linspace(0.0,ermax,Nerbin+1)
	if ephi:	
		Nepbin = 50
		epbins = np.linspace(0.0,2*np.pi,Nepbin+1)
		pstr = "_phi"
		bins = [rbins,erbins,epbins]	
		pstr = ""
		bins = [rbins,erbins]	
	## ------------
	## Particles	
	Nparticles = Npbin
	## Initial noise drawn from Gaussian
	if a == 0.0:
		eIC = np.sqrt(2/dt)*np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles,2])
		eIC = 1./np.sqrt(a)*np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles,2])
	## Apply boundary conditions (should be integrated into force?)
	fxy = lambda xy, r: force(xy,r)

	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	## Integration algorithm
	xy_step = lambda xy, r, exy: eul(xy, r, fxy, exy, dt)
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------

	## Filename; directory and file existence; readme
	hisdir = "Pressure/"+str(datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d"))+\
	hisfile = "BHIS_INCIR_"+fstr+"_a"+str(a)+"_S"+str(S)+"_dt"+str(dt)
	binfile = "BHISBIN"+hisfile[4:]
	filepath = hisdir+hisfile
	check_path(filepath, vb)
	create_readme(filepath, vb)
	## Save bins
	if ephi: np.savez(hisdir+binfile,rbins=rbins,erbins=erbins,epbins=epbins)
	else:	 np.savez(hisdir+binfile,rbins=rbins,erbins=erbins)

	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	if vb: print me+"Computing",Nparticles,"trajectories. Arena: CIR. Force: "+str(ftype)+"."
	## Precompute exp(-t)
	if a == 0:
		## Not used in calculations
		expmt = None
	elif a <= 0.1:
		raise ValueError, me+"Must have alpha>0.1"
		## a is large enough that the exponential is well resolved.
		expmt = np.exp((np.arange(-10*a,dt,dt))/a)
	simulate_trajectory = lambda xyini, eIC, vb2:\
							boundary_sim(xyini, eIC, a, xy_step, rmax, dt, tmax, expmt, ephi, vb2)
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	## Initialise histogram in space
	H = np.zeros([b.size-1 for b in bins])
	## Counter for noise initial conditions
	i = 0

	## Loop over initial coordinates
	for pini in pbins:
		## Perform several runs in Cartesian coordinates
		xyini = [rini*np.cos(pini),rini*np.sin(pini)]
		if vb: print me+"Run",i,"of",Nparticles
		coords = simulate_trajectory(xyini, eIC[i], vb)
		H += np.histogramdd(coords,bins=bins,normed=False)[0]
		i += 1
	## Divide by bin area and number of particles
	binc = [np.diff(b) for b in bins]
 	H /= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*binc))	
	H /= Nparticles
	check_path(filepath, vb)
	save_data(filepath, H, vb)
	if vb: print me+"execution time",round(time.time()-t0,2),"seconds"
コード例 #8
ファイル: LE_SSim.py プロジェクト: Allium/ColouredNoise
def main(a,ftype,fpar,Nrun,dt,timefac,intmeth,ephi,vb):
	me = me0+".main: "
	t0 = time.time()
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	R, S, lam, nu = fpar
	if ftype == "const":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_const(xy,r,R)
		fstr = "C"
		fparstr = ""
	elif ftype == "lin":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_lin(xy,r,R)
		fstr = "L"
		fparstr = ""
	elif ftype == "lico":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_lico(xy,r,R,g)
		fstr = "LC"
		fparstr = ""
	elif ftype == "dcon":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_dcon(xy,r,R,S)
		fstr = "DC"
		fparstr = "_S"+str(S)
	elif ftype == "dlin":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_dlin(xy,r,R,S)
		fstr = "DL"
		fparstr = "_S"+str(S)
	elif ftype == "tan":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_tan(xy,r,R,lam)
		fstr = "T"
		fparstr = "_l"+str(lam)
	elif ftype == "dtan":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_dtan(xy,r,R,S,lam)
		fstr = "DT"
		fparstr = "_S"+str(S)+"_l"+str(lam)
	elif ftype == "nu":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_nu(xy,r,R,lam,nu)
		fstr = "N"
		fparstr = "_l"+str(lam)+"_n"+str(nu)
	elif ftype == "dnu":
		force = lambda xy, r: force_dnu(xy,r,R,S,lam,nu)
		fstr = "DN"
		fparstr = "_S"+str(S)+"_l"+str(lam)+"_n"+str(nu)
		raise IOError, me+"ftype must be one of {const, lin, lico, dcon, dlin, tan, dtan, nu}."
	dblpot = True if ftype[0] == "d" else False
	infpot = True if (ftype[-3:] == "tan" or ftype[-2:] == "nu") else False
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	## Simulation time
	tmax = 5e2*timefac
	## Simulation limits
	rmax = R+2.0*lam if infpot else R+6.0
	# rmin = 0.0 #max([0.0, 0.9*R-5*np.sqrt(a)])
	rmin = max(0.0, S-2.0*lam if infpot else S-4.0)
	## Injection x coordinate -- half-way into bulk
	# rini = 0.5*(S+R) if dblpot else 0.5*(rmin+R)
	rini = np.sqrt(0.5*(S*S+R*R)) if dblpot else np.sqrt(0.5*(rmin*rmin+R*R))
	if R==0.0: rini += 0.001
	## Limits for finite potential
	wb = [R+lam, (S>0.0)*(S-lam)] if infpot else [False, False]
	## ------------
	## Bin edges
	rbins = calc_rbins(infpot,fpar,rmin,rmax)
	Nrbin = rbins.size - 1
	Npbin = 50
	pbins = np.linspace(0.0,2*np.pi,Npbin)
	ermax = 4/np.sqrt(a) if a!=0 else 4/np.sqrt(dt)
	Nerbin = 150
	erbins = np.linspace(0.0,ermax,Nerbin+1)
	if ephi:	
		# Nepbin = 50
		# epbins = np.linspace(0.0,2*np.pi,Nepbin+1)
		# pstr = "_phi"
		Nepbin = 100
		epbins = np.linspace(-2*np.pi,+2*np.pi,Nepbin+1)
		pstr = "_psi"
		bins = [rbins,erbins,epbins]	
		pstr = ""
		bins = [rbins,erbins]	
	## ------------
	## Particles	
	Nparticles = Npbin*Nrun

	## Initial noise drawn from Gaussian
	if a == 0.0:
		eIC = np.sqrt(2/dt)*np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles,2])
		eIC = 1./np.sqrt(a)*np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, [Nparticles,2])
	## Apply boundary conditions (should be integrated into force?)
	fxy = lambda xy, r: fxy_infpot(xy,r,force,wb[0],wb[1],dt) if infpot else force(xy,r)

	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	## Integration algorithm
	eul_step = lambda xy, r, exy: eul(xy, r, fxy, exy, dt)
	if intmeth == "rk4":
		xy_step = lambda xy, r, exy: RK4(xy, r, fxy, exy, dt, eul_step)
		intmeth = "_rk4"
	elif intmeth == "rk2":
		xy_step = lambda xy, r, exy: RK2(xy, r, fxy, exy, dt, eul_step)
		intmeth = "_rk2"
		xy_step = eul_step
		intmeth = ""
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------

	## Filename; directory and file existence; readme
	hisdir = "Pressure/"+str(datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d"))+\
	hisfile = "BHIS_POL_"+fstr+"_a"+str(a)+"_R"+str(R)+fparstr+"_dt"+str(dt)+intmeth
	binfile = "BHISBIN"+hisfile[4:]
	filepath = hisdir+hisfile
	check_path(filepath, vb)
	create_readme(filepath, vb)
	## Save bins
	if ephi: np.savez(hisdir+binfile,rbins=rbins,erbins=erbins,epbins=epbins)
	else:	 np.savez(hisdir+binfile,rbins=rbins,erbins=erbins)

	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	if vb: print me+"Computing",Nparticles,"trajectories. Arena: POL. Force: "+str(ftype)+"."
	## Precompute exp(-t)
	if a == 0:
		## Not used in calculations
		expmt = None
	# elif a <= 0.1:
		# ## a is small, and exponential is dominated by first term
		# if vb: print me+"rescaling time"
		# expmt = np.exp(np.arange(-10,0.1,0.1))
		## a is large enough that the exponential is well resolved.
		expmt = np.exp((np.arange(-10*a,dt,dt))/a)
	simulate_trajectory = lambda xyini, eIC, vb2:\
							boundary_sim(xyini, eIC, a, xy_step, dt, tmax, expmt, ephi, vb2)
	## ----------------------------------------------------------------
	## Initialise histogram in space
	H = np.zeros([b.size-1 for b in bins])
	## Counter for noise initial conditions
	i = 0

	## Loop over initial coordinates
	for pini in pbins:
		## Perform several runs in Cartesian coordinates
		xyini = [rini*np.cos(pini),rini*np.sin(pini)]
		for run in xrange(Nrun):
			if vb: print me+"Run",i,"of",Nparticles
			coords = simulate_trajectory(xyini, eIC[i], (vb and run%50==0))
			H += np.histogramdd(coords,bins=bins,normed=False)[0]
			i += 1
	## Divide by bin area and number of particles
	binc = [np.diff(b) for b in bins]
 	H /= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*binc))	
	H /= Nparticles
	check_path(filepath, vb)
	save_data(filepath, H, vb)
	if vb: print me+"execution time",round(time.time()-t0,2),"seconds"