コード例 #1
def initializeRAWIntegrityHandler(_serviceInfo):
    """ handler initialisation """

    global gRAWIntegrityDB
    gRAWIntegrityDB = RAWIntegrityDB()

    # Create DB tables if needed
    return gRAWIntegrityDB._checkTable()
コード例 #2
  def initialize(self):
    """ agent initialisation """

    self.rawIntegrityDB = RAWIntegrityDB()

    # The file catalog is used to register file once it has been transfered
    # But we want to register it in all the catalogs except the RAWIntegrityDB
    # otherwise it is register twice
    # We also remove the BK catalog because some files are not registered there
    # (detector calibration files for example). The real data are registered in
    # the bookeeping by the DataMover
    self.fileCatalog = FileCatalog(catalogs = 'FileCatalog')

    gMonitor.registerActivity("Iteration", "Agent Loops/min", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Loops",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("WaitingFiles", "Files waiting for migration", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Files", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("WaitSize", "Size of migration buffer", "RAWIntegrityAgent", "GB",

    gMonitor.registerActivity("NewlyMigrated", "Newly migrated files", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("TotMigrated", "Total migrated files", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("TotMigratedSize", "Total migrated file size", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "GB", gMonitor.OP_ACUM)

    gMonitor.registerActivity("BadChecksum", "Checksums mismatch", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("ErrorMetadata", "Error when getting files metadata",
                              "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("ErrorRegister", "Error when registering files", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("ErrorRemove", "Error when removing files", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)

                              "Number of files encountering error during migration",
                              "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
                              "Total number of files encountering error during migration",
                              "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files", gMonitor.OP_ACUM)

    gMonitor.registerActivity("MigrationTime", "Average migration time", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Seconds", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
    # gMonitor.registerActivity("TimeInQueue", "Average current wait for migration",
    #                           "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Minutes", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("MigrationRate", "Observed migration rate", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "MB/s", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)

    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption('shifterProxy', 'DataProcessing')

    return S_OK()
コード例 #3
class RAWIntegrityAgent(AgentModule):
  .. class:: RAWIntegirtyAgent

  :param RAWIntegrityDB rawIntegrityDB: RAWIntegrityDB instance
  :param str gatewayUrl: URL to online RequestClient

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ c'tor

    AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    self.rawIntegrityDB = None
    self.fileCatalog = None
    self.onlineRequestMgr = None

  def initialize(self):
    """ agent initialisation """

    self.rawIntegrityDB = RAWIntegrityDB()

    # The file catalog is used to register file once it has been transfered
    # But we want to register it in all the catalogs except the RAWIntegrityDB
    # otherwise it is register twice
    # We also remove the BK catalog because some files are not registered there
    # (detector calibration files for example). The real data are registered in
    # the bookeeping by the DataMover
    self.fileCatalog = FileCatalog(catalogs = 'FileCatalog')

    gMonitor.registerActivity("Iteration", "Agent Loops/min", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Loops",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("WaitingFiles", "Files waiting for migration", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Files", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("WaitSize", "Size of migration buffer", "RAWIntegrityAgent", "GB",

    gMonitor.registerActivity("NewlyMigrated", "Newly migrated files", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("TotMigrated", "Total migrated files", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("TotMigratedSize", "Total migrated file size", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "GB", gMonitor.OP_ACUM)

    gMonitor.registerActivity("BadChecksum", "Checksums mismatch", "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files",
    gMonitor.registerActivity("ErrorMetadata", "Error when getting files metadata",
                              "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("ErrorRegister", "Error when registering files", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("ErrorRemove", "Error when removing files", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)

                              "Number of files encountering error during migration",
                              "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
                              "Total number of files encountering error during migration",
                              "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Files", gMonitor.OP_ACUM)

    gMonitor.registerActivity("MigrationTime", "Average migration time", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "Seconds", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
    # gMonitor.registerActivity("TimeInQueue", "Average current wait for migration",
    #                           "RAWIntegriryAgent", "Minutes", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
    gMonitor.registerActivity("MigrationRate", "Observed migration rate", "RAWIntegriryAgent",
                              "MB/s", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)

    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption('shifterProxy', 'DataProcessing')

    return S_OK()

  def _checkMigrationStatus(self, filesMetadata, lfnsMetadata):
    """ Check that the lfns in parameters are properly migrated,
        and compares the checksum between castor and the RAWIntegrityDB

        :param filesMetadata: dict {lfn: se metadata}
        :param lfnsMetadata: dict {lfn: metadata in RAWIntegrityDB}

        :returns: True/False in successful, Failed in case of problem
    # Determine the files that have been newly migrated and their success

    successful = {}
    failed = {}
    for lfn, seMetadata in filesMetadata.iteritems():
      isMigrated = seMetadata.get('Migrated', False)
      # If it is not migrated, go to the next one
      if not isMigrated:
        successful[lfn] = False
        self.log.info("%s is copied." % lfn)
        castorChecksum = seMetadata['Checksum']
        onlineChecksum = lfnsMetadata[lfn]['Checksum']
        if castorChecksum.lower().lstrip('0') == onlineChecksum.lower().lstrip('0').lstrip('x'):
          self.log.info("%s migrated checksum match." % lfn)
          successful[lfn] = True
          errStr = "Migrated checksum mis-match.", "%s %s %s" % (
              lfn, castorChecksum.lstrip('0'), onlineChecksum.lstrip('0').lstrip('x'))
          failed[lfn] = errStr

    return S_OK({'Successful': successful, 'Failed': failed})

  def getNewlyCopiedFiles(self, activeFiles):
        Get the list of files newly copied and those not yet copied.

        :param activeFiles: dict {lfn:RawIntegrityDB metadata} for files in Active status

        :return: tuple filesNewlyCopied, filesNotYetCopied (lfns lists)
    # This is a list of all the lfns that we will have newly copied
    filesNewlyCopied = []
    # This are the lfns that are not yet copied
    filesNotYetCopied = []

    self.log.info("Obtaining physical file metadata.")
    # Group the lfns by SEs
    seLfns = {}
    for lfn, metadataDict in activeFiles.iteritems():
      se = metadataDict['SE']
      seLfns.setdefault(se, []).append(lfn)

    for se in sorted(seLfns):
      lfnList = seLfns[se]
      failedMetadata = {}
      successfulMetadata = {}
      res = StorageElement(se).getFileMetadata(lfnList)
      if not res['OK']:
        errStr = "Failed to obtain physical file metadata."
        self.log.error(errStr, res['Message'])
        failedMetadata = dict((lfn, errStr) for lfn in lfnList)
        successfulMetadata = res['Value']['Successful']
        failedMetadata = res['Value']['Failed']

      if failedMetadata:
        self.log.info("Failed to obtain physical file metadata for %s files." % len(failedMetadata))
        gMonitor.addMark('ErrorMetadata', len(failedMetadata))

      if successfulMetadata:
        self.log.info("Obtained physical file metadata for %s files." % len(successfulMetadata))

        # Determine the files that have been newly migrated and their success
        res = self._checkMigrationStatus(successfulMetadata, activeFiles)
        if not res['OK']:
          self.log.error("Error when checking migration status", res)
          gMonitor.addMark("BadChecksum", len(successfulMetadata))
          succCompare = res['Value']['Successful']
          failedCompare = res['Value']['Failed']
          seFilesCopied = []
          seFilesNotCopied = []
          # The copied files are those in True in the successful dictionary
          for lfn, isCopied in succCompare.iteritems():
            if isCopied:


          gMonitor.addMark("BadChecksum", len(failedCompare))

          self.log.info("%s files newly copied at %s." % (len(seFilesCopied), se))
          self.log.info("Found %s checksum mis-matches at %s." % (len(failedCompare), se))

    return filesNewlyCopied, filesNotYetCopied

  def registerCopiedFiles(self, filesNewlyCopied, copiedFiles, allUnmigratedFilesMeta):
      Register successfuly copied files (newly, or in Copied status in the DB) in the DFC.

      :param filesNewlyCopied: [lfns] of files newly copied
      :param copiedFiles: {lfn:RIDb metadata} of files that were in Copied state.
      :param allUnmigratedFilesMeta: {lfn:RI Db metadata} for all lfns non migrated at
                                    the beginning of the loop.

      :return: {lfn:True} for successfuly registered lfns
    if filesNewlyCopied or copiedFiles:
      self.log.info("Attempting to register %s newly copied and %s previously copied files" %
                    (len(filesNewlyCopied), len(copiedFiles)))
      self.log.info("No files to be registered")

    # Update copiedFiles to also contain the newly copied files
    copiedFiles.update(dict((lfn, allUnmigratedFilesMeta[lfn]) for lfn in filesNewlyCopied))

    successfulRegister = {}
    failedRegister = {}

    # Try to register them by batch
    for lfnChunk in breakListIntoChunks(copiedFiles, 100):
      # Add the metadata
      lfnDictChuck = dict((lfn, copiedFiles[lfn]) for lfn in lfnChunk)
      res = self.fileCatalog.addFile(lfnDictChuck)

      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Completely failed to register some successfully copied file.",
        failedRegister.update(dict((lfn, res['Message']) for lfn in lfnDictChuck))

    gMonitor.addMark("ErrorRegister", len(failedRegister))
    for lfn, reason in failedRegister.iteritems():
      self.log.error("Failed to register lfn. Setting to Copied", "%s: %s" % (lfn, reason))
      res = self.rawIntegrityDB.setFileStatus(lfn, 'Copied')
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Error setting file status to Copied", "%s: %s" % (lfn, res['Message']))

    for lfn in successfulRegister:
      self.log.info("Successfully registered %s in the File Catalog." % lfn)

    return successfulRegister

  def removeRegisteredFiles(self, filesNewlyRegistered, registeredFiles, allUnmigratedFilesMeta):
      Remove successfuly registered files (newly, or in Registered status in the DB)
      from the OnlineStorage

      :param filesNewlyCopied: [lfns] of files newly copied
      :param copiedFiles: {lfn:RIDb metadata} of files that were in Copied state.
      :param allUnmigratedFilesMeta: {lfn:RI Db metadata} for all lfns non migrated at
                                    the beginning of the loop.

      :return: {lfn:True} for successfuly registered lfns
    if filesNewlyRegistered or registeredFiles:
      self.log.info("Attempting to remove %s newly registered and %s previously registered files" %
                    (len(filesNewlyRegistered), len(registeredFiles)))
      self.log.info("No files to be removed")

    # Update registeredFiles to also contain the newly registered files
    registeredFiles.update(dict((lfn, allUnmigratedFilesMeta[lfn]) for lfn in filesNewlyRegistered))

    onlineSE = StorageElement('OnlineRunDB')

    # Try to them them all
    res = onlineSE.removeFile(registeredFiles)

    filesNewlyRemoved = {}
    failedRemove = {}
    if not res['OK']:
      self.log.error("Completely failed to remove successfully registered files.", res['Message'])
      failedRemove = dict((lfn, res['Message']) for lfn in registeredFiles)
      filesNewlyRemoved = res['Value']['Successful']
      failedRemove = res['Value']['Failed']

    gMonitor.addMark("ErrorRemove", len(failedRemove))
    for lfn, reason in failedRemove.iteritems():
      self.log.error("Failed to remove lfn. Setting to Registered", "%s: %s" % (lfn, reason))
      res = self.rawIntegrityDB.setFileStatus(lfn, 'Registered')
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Error setting file status to Registered", "%s: %s" % (lfn, res['Message']))

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    for lfn in filesNewlyRemoved:
      self.log.info("Successfully removed %s from the Online storage. Setting it to Done" % lfn)
      res = self.rawIntegrityDB.setFileStatus(lfn, 'Done')
      if not res['OK']:
        self.log.error("Error setting file status to Done", "%s: %s" % (lfn, res['Message']))
        # SubmitTime is ALREADY a datetime since it is declared as such in the DB.
        submitTime = allUnmigratedFilesMeta[lfn]['SubmitTime']
        migrationTime = (now - submitTime).total_seconds()
        gMonitor.addMark("MigrationTime", migrationTime)
        fileSizeMB = allUnmigratedFilesMeta[lfn]['Size'] / (1024 * 1024.0)
        gMonitor.addMark("MigrationRate", fileSizeMB / migrationTime)

    return filesNewlyRemoved

  def execute(self):
    """ execution in one cycle


    # Don't use the server certificate otherwise the DFC wont let us write
    gConfigurationData.setOptionInCFG('/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate', 'false')

    gMonitor.addMark("Iteration", 1)

    # Obtain the files which have not yet been migrated
    self.log.info("Obtaining un-migrated files.")
    res = self.rawIntegrityDB.getUnmigratedFiles()
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "Failed to obtain un-migrated files."
      self.log.error(errStr, res['Message'])
      return S_OK()

    # allUnmigratedFilesMeta contain all the files that are not yet
    # migrated (not copied, not registered, not removed), as well as their metadata
    allUnmigratedFilesMeta = res['Value']
    self.log.info("Obtained %s un-migrated files." % len(allUnmigratedFilesMeta))
    if not allUnmigratedFilesMeta:
      return S_OK()

    # activeFiles contains the files that are not yet copied
    activeFiles = {}
    # copiedFiles contains files that are copied but not yet registered
    copiedFiles = {}
    # registeredFiles contains files that are copied, registered, but not removed from source
    registeredFiles = {}

    # Assign them
    for lfn, lfnMetadata in allUnmigratedFilesMeta.iteritems():
      status = lfnMetadata.pop('Status')
      if status == 'Active':
        activeFiles[lfn] = lfnMetadata
      elif status == 'Copied':
        copiedFiles[lfn] = lfnMetadata
      elif status == 'Registered':
        registeredFiles[lfn] = lfnMetadata

    gMonitor.addMark("WaitingFiles", len(activeFiles))
    totalSize = 0
    for lfn, fileDict in activeFiles.iteritems():
      totalSize += int(fileDict['Size'])
      # gMonitor.addMark("TimeInQueue", (fileDict['WaitTime'] / 60))
    gMonitor.addMark("WaitSize", (totalSize / (1024 * 1024 * 1024.0)))

    # Checking newly copied files

    # Get the list of lfns properly copied and not copied
    filesNewlyCopied, filesNotYetCopied = self.getNewlyCopiedFiles(activeFiles)

    # Registering copied files

    filesNewlyRegistered = self.registerCopiedFiles(filesNewlyCopied, copiedFiles,

    # Performing the removal from the online storage
    filesNewlyRemoved = self.removeRegisteredFiles(filesNewlyRegistered, registeredFiles,

    # Doing some accounting

    migratedSize = sum(allUnmigratedFilesMeta[lfn]['Size'] for lfn in filesNewlyRemoved)

    # The number of files that we failed at migrating
    # is the number of files at the beginning, minus the one we processed completely
    # minus those that are not yet copied
    failedMigrated = len(allUnmigratedFilesMeta) - len(filesNewlyRemoved) - len(filesNotYetCopied)

    res = self.rawIntegrityDB.setLastMonitorTime()
    migratedSizeGB = migratedSize / (1024 * 1024 * 1024.0)
    gMonitor.addMark("TotMigratedSize", migratedSizeGB)
    gMonitor.addMark("NewlyMigrated", len(filesNewlyRemoved))
    gMonitor.addMark("TotMigrated", len(filesNewlyRemoved))
    gMonitor.addMark("FailedMigrated", failedMigrated)
    gMonitor.addMark("TotFailMigrated", failedMigrated)

    return S_OK()
コード例 #4
ファイル: Test_RAWIntegrity.py プロジェクト: antolu/LHCbDIRAC
  def setUp(self, _mockFC):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
    """ This method resets the internal counters of the mock,
        creates a new RAWIntegrityAgent,
        and insert into the DB some specifically crafted files

    super(RAWIntegrityAgentTest, self).setUp()
    # Reset the counters since we have several loops
    RAWIntegrityAgentTest.gMonitor.counters = {}
    self.agent = RAWIntegrityAgent('DataManagement/RAWIntegrityAgent',
    self.db = RAWIntegrityDB()

    # Lets fill the DB with some files

    # Fake state in the DB, should not be fetched -> no change
    self.fakeState = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/fakeState/fakeState.txt', size=1)
    # Cannot get SE metadata (failed)-> no change
    self.failMetadata = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/fail_seMetadata/failedMetadata.txt', size=2)
    # Get error on SE metadata -> no change.
    self.errorMetadata = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/error_seMetadata/errorMetadata.txt', size=3, se='se2')
    # All fine but on se2 so fails because of errorMetadata -> no change
    self.onSEMetadata = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/allGood/ButOnSEMetadata.txt', size=3, se='se2')
    # Has the wrong checksum -> no changes
    self.badChecksum = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/seChecksum/badChecksum.txt', size=4)
    # All good but file not migrated -> no change
    self.notCopied = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/notCopied/notCopied.txt', size=6)
    # Cannot perform add file (in Failed) -> goes to state migrated
    self.failAddFile = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/addFile/failAddFile.txt', size=7)
    # Cannot perform add file (S_ERROR) -> goes to state migrated
    self.errorAddFile = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/error_addFile/errorAddFile.txt', size=8, se='se3')
    # All fine but on se3 with errorAddFile -> goes to migrated
    self.onSeAddFile = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/allGood/ButOnSEAddFile.txt', size=8, se='se3')
    # Cannot perform the removal -> goes to Registered
    self.failRemove = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/removal/fail_removeFile/failRemove.txt', size=9)
    #  Error when performin se.removeFile-> goes to register
    self.errorRemove = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/removal/error_removeFile/failRemove.txt', size=9, se='se4')
    #  All good but on se4-> goes to register
    self.onSeRemove = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/removal/allGood/ButOnSeRemove.txt', size=9, se='se4')
    # all perfect, Status goes to done
    self.allGood = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/allGood/allGood.txt', 10)
    # File that was in Migrated status in the DB
    self.wasCopied = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/allGood/wasCopied.txt', size=7)
    # File that was in Registered status in the DB
    self.wasRegistered = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/allGood/wasRegistered.txt', size=7)

    self.files = [
        self.fakeState, self.failMetadata, self.errorMetadata, self.onSEMetadata, self.badChecksum,
        self.notCopied, self.failAddFile, self.onSeAddFile, self.failRemove, self.onSeRemove,
        self.allGood, self.wasCopied, self.wasRegistered, self.errorRemove, self.errorAddFile

    for i, dbf in enumerate(self.files):
      self.db.addFile(dbf.lfn, dbf.lfn, dbf.size, dbf.se, 'GUID%s' % i, 'Checksum')

    self.db.setFileStatus(self.fakeState.lfn, 'FakeStatus')
    self.db.setFileStatus(self.wasCopied.lfn, 'Copied')
    self.db.setFileStatus(self.wasRegistered.lfn, 'Registered')
コード例 #5
ファイル: Test_RAWIntegrity.py プロジェクト: antolu/LHCbDIRAC
class RAWIntegrityAgentTest(unittest.TestCase):
  """ Tests for the DB part of the RAWIntegrity system

  class mock_FileCatalog(object):
    """ Fake FC that keeps track of all the actions done on it
        and reply based on the lfn name

    def __init__(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
      self.successfullAdd = []
      self.failedAdd = []
      self.attemptsAdd = []

    def removeCatalog(self, _catalogName):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
      """ Remove a catalog"""
      return S_OK()

    def addFile(self, lfns):
      """ Add a file.
          The output of the method depends on the lfn.
          if "addFile" is in the lfn it goes to failed,
          if "error_addFile" is in one lfn, return S_ERROR
          otherwise go to successful

      # If any of the LFN should trigger an error, do it immediately
      if any(['/error_addFile/' in lfn for lfn in lfns]):
        for lfn in lfns:
        return S_ERROR('One LFN with error_addFile')

      successful = {}
      failed = {}
      for lfn in lfns:
        if '/addFile/' in lfn:
          failed[lfn] = "/addFile/ in lfn"
          successful[lfn] = "Youpee"
      return S_OK({'Successful': successful, 'Failed': failed})

  class mock_gMonitor(object):
    """ Fake the gMonitor and keep the counters """

    OP_SUM = OP_MEAN = OP_ACUM = None

    def __init__(self, *_args, **__kwargs):
      self.counters = {}

    def registerActivity(self, counterName, *_args, **_kwargs):
      """ Register counter"""
      self.counters[counterName] = []

    def addMark(self, counterName, value):
      """ Add Mark"""

  class mock_StorageElement(object):
    """ Fake the StorageElement and keep track of the removal"""

    def __init__(self):

    def reset(self):
      """ Just used to reset all the counters"""
      self.removeCalls = []
      self.successfulRemove = []
      self.failedRemove = []

    def __call__(self, seName):
      """ Because we pass an instance of mock_storageElement,
          when the code will do StorageElement('se'), it is
          __call__ which is used
      return self

    def getFileMetadata(self, lfns):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
      """ file metadata"""

      # If any of the LFN should trigger an error, do it immediately
      if any(['/error_seMetadata/' in lfn for lfn in lfns]):
        return S_ERROR('One LFN with error_seMetadata')

      successful = {}
      failed = {}
      for lfn in lfns:
        if '/fail_seMetadata/' in lfn:
          failed[lfn] = "/seMetadata/ in lfn"
        elif '/notCopied/' in lfn:
          successful[lfn] = {'Migrated': False, 'Checksum': 'Checksum'}
        elif '/seChecksum/' in lfn:
          successful[lfn] = {'Migrated': True, 'Checksum': 'BadChecksum'}
          successful[lfn] = {'Migrated': True, 'Checksum': 'Checksum'}

      return S_OK({'Successful': successful, 'Failed': failed})

    def removeFile(self, paths):
      """ Remove file
          Uses the name to react.
          if /error_removeFile/ is in the lfn, returns S_ERROR
          if /removeFile/ is in the lfn: adds it in failed

      lfns = checkArgumentFormat(paths)['Value']

      if any(['/error_removeFile/' in lfn for lfn in lfns]):
        for lfn in lfns:
        return S_ERROR("ERROR to remove File")

      failed = {}
      successful = {}

      for lfn in lfns:
        if '/fail_removeFile/' in lfn:
          failed[lfn] = 'It failed'
          successful[lfn] = 'It worked :-)'
      return S_OK({'Successful': successful, 'Failed': failed})

  # Single instance of gMonitor and StorageElements to be used all along
  gMonitor = mock_gMonitor()
  genericSE = mock_StorageElement()

  # IMPORTANT: we use "new" in patch because we use this single instance
  # (https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.mock.html#unittest.mock.patch)
  # For the others we don't need because we can access them as attributes

  class dbFile(object):
    """ Just a convenience class """

    def __init__(self, lfn, size=0, se='se'):
      self.lfn = lfn
      self.size = size
      self.se = se

    def __str__(self):
      return "%s (%s)" % (self.lfn, self.size)

  @mock.patch('LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Agent.RAWIntegrityAgent.gMonitor', new=gMonitor)
  def setUp(self, _mockFC):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
    """ This method resets the internal counters of the mock,
        creates a new RAWIntegrityAgent,
        and insert into the DB some specifically crafted files

    super(RAWIntegrityAgentTest, self).setUp()
    # Reset the counters since we have several loops
    RAWIntegrityAgentTest.gMonitor.counters = {}
    self.agent = RAWIntegrityAgent('DataManagement/RAWIntegrityAgent',
    self.db = RAWIntegrityDB()

    # Lets fill the DB with some files

    # Fake state in the DB, should not be fetched -> no change
    self.fakeState = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/fakeState/fakeState.txt', size=1)
    # Cannot get SE metadata (failed)-> no change
    self.failMetadata = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/fail_seMetadata/failedMetadata.txt', size=2)
    # Get error on SE metadata -> no change.
    self.errorMetadata = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/error_seMetadata/errorMetadata.txt', size=3, se='se2')
    # All fine but on se2 so fails because of errorMetadata -> no change
    self.onSEMetadata = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/allGood/ButOnSEMetadata.txt', size=3, se='se2')
    # Has the wrong checksum -> no changes
    self.badChecksum = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/seChecksum/badChecksum.txt', size=4)
    # All good but file not migrated -> no change
    self.notCopied = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/notCopied/notCopied.txt', size=6)
    # Cannot perform add file (in Failed) -> goes to state migrated
    self.failAddFile = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/addFile/failAddFile.txt', size=7)
    # Cannot perform add file (S_ERROR) -> goes to state migrated
    self.errorAddFile = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/error_addFile/errorAddFile.txt', size=8, se='se3')
    # All fine but on se3 with errorAddFile -> goes to migrated
    self.onSeAddFile = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/allGood/ButOnSEAddFile.txt', size=8, se='se3')
    # Cannot perform the removal -> goes to Registered
    self.failRemove = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/removal/fail_removeFile/failRemove.txt', size=9)
    #  Error when performin se.removeFile-> goes to register
    self.errorRemove = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/removal/error_removeFile/failRemove.txt', size=9, se='se4')
    #  All good but on se4-> goes to register
    self.onSeRemove = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile(
        '/lhcb/removal/allGood/ButOnSeRemove.txt', size=9, se='se4')
    # all perfect, Status goes to done
    self.allGood = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/allGood/allGood.txt', 10)
    # File that was in Migrated status in the DB
    self.wasCopied = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/allGood/wasCopied.txt', size=7)
    # File that was in Registered status in the DB
    self.wasRegistered = RAWIntegrityAgentTest.dbFile('/lhcb/allGood/wasRegistered.txt', size=7)

    self.files = [
        self.fakeState, self.failMetadata, self.errorMetadata, self.onSEMetadata, self.badChecksum,
        self.notCopied, self.failAddFile, self.onSeAddFile, self.failRemove, self.onSeRemove,
        self.allGood, self.wasCopied, self.wasRegistered, self.errorRemove, self.errorAddFile

    for i, dbf in enumerate(self.files):
      self.db.addFile(dbf.lfn, dbf.lfn, dbf.size, dbf.se, 'GUID%s' % i, 'Checksum')

    self.db.setFileStatus(self.fakeState.lfn, 'FakeStatus')
    self.db.setFileStatus(self.wasCopied.lfn, 'Copied')
    self.db.setFileStatus(self.wasRegistered.lfn, 'Registered')

  def tearDown(self):
      delete all the files
    for dbf in self.files:

  @mock.patch('LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Agent.RAWIntegrityAgent.gMonitor', new=gMonitor)
      'LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Agent.RAWIntegrityAgent.StorageElement', new=genericSE)
  def test_01_executeWithNoError(self):
    """ Perform the execution loop but without the registration or the removal returning S_ERROR"""

    # remove from the DB the files that we dont want
    allActiveFiles = set([
        self.failMetadata, self.errorMetadata, self.onSEMetadata, self.badChecksum, self.notCopied,
        self.failAddFile, self.onSeAddFile, self.failRemove, self.onSeRemove, self.allGood

    # List of files that have problem with the metadata
    pbMetadataFiles = set(
        [self.failMetadata, self.errorMetadata, self.onSEMetadata, self.badChecksum])

    # Only self.failAddFile
    pbRegisterFiles = set([self.failAddFile])

    # List of files that have problem with the removal
    pbRemoveFiles = set([self.failRemove])

    res = self.agent.execute()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    self._analyseResults(allActiveFiles, pbMetadataFiles, pbRegisterFiles, pbRemoveFiles)

  @mock.patch('LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Agent.RAWIntegrityAgent.gMonitor', new=gMonitor)
      'LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Agent.RAWIntegrityAgent.StorageElement', new=genericSE)
  def test_02_executeWithRegisterError(self):
    """ Perform the execution loop and trigger an S_ERROR on Register"""

    # Remove the file crashing the removal

    allActiveFiles = set([
        self.failMetadata, self.errorMetadata, self.onSEMetadata, self.badChecksum, self.notCopied,
        self.failAddFile, self.onSeAddFile, self.failRemove, self.onSeRemove, self.allGood,

    # List of files that have problem with the metadata
    pbMetadataFiles = set(
        [self.failMetadata, self.errorMetadata, self.onSEMetadata, self.badChecksum])

    # All of them should fail because of errorAddFile
    pbRegisterFiles = set([
        self.failAddFile, self.onSeAddFile, self.failRemove, self.onSeRemove, self.allGood,
        self.errorAddFile, self.wasCopied

    # None. Only attempt should be the one already in DB
    pbRemoveFiles = set([])

    res = self.agent.execute()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    self._analyseResults(allActiveFiles, pbMetadataFiles, pbRegisterFiles, pbRemoveFiles)

  @mock.patch('LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Agent.RAWIntegrityAgent.gMonitor', new=gMonitor)
      'LHCbDIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Agent.RAWIntegrityAgent.StorageElement', new=genericSE)
  def test_03_executeWithRemoveError(self):
    """ Perform the execution loop and trigger an S_ERROR on Remove"""

    # All the files that are Active at the begiining
    allActiveFiles = set([
        self.failMetadata, self.errorMetadata, self.onSEMetadata, self.badChecksum, self.notCopied,
        self.failAddFile, self.onSeAddFile, self.failRemove, self.onSeRemove, self.allGood,

    # List of files that have problem with the metadata
    pbMetadataFiles = set(
        [self.failMetadata, self.errorMetadata, self.onSEMetadata, self.badChecksum])

    # Since self.errorAddFile is not there, only failAddFile
    # has an registration issue
    pbRegisterFiles = set([self.failAddFile])

    # All the files that reach registration fails.
    pbRemoveFiles = set([
        self.onSeAddFile, self.failRemove, self.onSeRemove, self.allGood, self.errorRemove,
        self.wasRegistered, self.wasCopied

    res = self.agent.execute()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    self._analyseResults(allActiveFiles, pbMetadataFiles, pbRegisterFiles, pbRemoveFiles)

  def _analyseResults(self, allActiveFiles, pbMetadataFiles, pbRegisterFiles, pbRemoveFiles):
    """ Takes as input the expected list of files, and compares it
        with the real mock counters

    # All the active files, plus those that were already partially processed
    allFiles = allActiveFiles | set([self.wasRegistered, self.wasCopied])

    # The copiedFiles are those that did not fail the metadata, that have correct checksum
    # and were indeed copied (not like self.notCopied...)
    allCopiedFiles = allActiveFiles - pbMetadataFiles - set([self.notCopied])

    # List of files that we will attempt to register
    # All of them, except those with metadata problems,
    # the one not copied, and the one already registered
    attemptsRegister = allCopiedFiles | set([self.wasCopied])

    # successfulRegisters are those we tried minus those that failed
    successfullRegister = attemptsRegister - pbRegisterFiles

    # We try to remove those that we could Register, and the one that already was
    attemptsRemove = successfullRegister | set([self.wasRegistered])

    # Files that will be completely migrated by the end of the loop
    # All those that we copied + tried to register + tried to remove
    # Minus that that we did not manage to register or to remove
    migratedFiles = (allCopiedFiles | attemptsRegister | attemptsRemove) - (pbRegisterFiles |

    # List of files that failed migrating.
    # All the files at the beginning, minus the successfuly migrated
    # minus the one not yet copied
    failedMigratingFiles = allFiles - migratedFiles - set([self.notCopied])

    # We expect some counters to have certain values
    # First loop, so we look at the first value of the counter

                     (sum(f.size for f in allActiveFiles)) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024.0))

    # All these files are properly migrated
    migratedSize = sum(f.size for f in migratedFiles)

                     migratedSize / (1024 * 1024 * 1024.0))
    # In fact these two counters are not the same, one is cumulative
    self.assertEqual(RAWIntegrityAgentTest.gMonitor.counters['TotMigrated'][0], len(migratedFiles))

    # Error getting metadata
    # Since we group by SE, we have two counters to check
                     len([self.errorMetadata, self.onSEMetadata]))

    # Error Registering

    # Error Removing
    self.assertEqual(RAWIntegrityAgentTest.gMonitor.counters['ErrorRemove'][0], len(pbRemoveFiles))

    # Error in the checksum (self.badChecksum)
    self.assertEqual(RAWIntegrityAgentTest.gMonitor.counters['BadChecksum'][0], 1)


    # We expect that there should be removals done
    # The files that end up migrated should be successfuly removed
        sorted([f.lfn for f in migratedFiles]))

    # There are also some removal failures
        sorted([f.lfn for f in pbRemoveFiles]))

    # The attempts should be all the possible remove
        sorted([f.lfn for f in attemptsRemove]))

    # The files that we tried to remove but failed should be registered. The allGood and wasCopied as well
    # but not the wasRegistered, because it is fetched after.
    # There are files with various errors for registration
        sorted(self.agent.fileCatalog.failedAdd), sorted([f.lfn for f in pbRegisterFiles]))

        sorted(self.agent.fileCatalog.successfullAdd), sorted([f.lfn for f in successfullRegister]))

        sorted(self.agent.fileCatalog.attemptsAdd), sorted([f.lfn for f in attemptsRegister]))

    # Check the database content now

    # The files that are still active are those with Metadata problems
    # and those not yet copied
    expDbActiveFiles = pbMetadataFiles | set([self.notCopied])
    dbActiveFiles = self.db.getFiles('Active')['Value']
    self.assertEqual(sorted(dbActiveFiles), sorted([f.lfn for f in expDbActiveFiles]))

    # The Copied files are those with Registration problem
    expDbCopiedFiles = pbRegisterFiles
    dbCopiedFiles = self.db.getFiles('Copied')['Value']
    self.assertEqual(sorted(dbCopiedFiles), sorted([f.lfn for f in expDbCopiedFiles]))

    # The Registered files are those with Removal problem
    expDbRegisteredFiles = pbRemoveFiles
    dbRegisteredFiles = self.db.getFiles('Registered')['Value']
    self.assertEqual(sorted(dbRegisteredFiles), sorted([f.lfn for f in expDbRegisteredFiles]))

    # The Done files are the migrated ones
    expDbDoneFiles = migratedFiles
    dbDoneFiles = self.db.getFiles('Done')['Value']
    self.assertEqual(sorted(dbDoneFiles), sorted([f.lfn for f in expDbDoneFiles]))
コード例 #6
ファイル: Test_RAWIntegrity.py プロジェクト: antolu/LHCbDIRAC
 def setUp(self):
   super(RAWIntegrityDBTest, self).setUp()
   self.db = RAWIntegrityDB()
コード例 #7
ファイル: Test_RAWIntegrity.py プロジェクト: antolu/LHCbDIRAC
class RAWIntegrityDBTest(unittest.TestCase):
  """ Tests for the DB part of the RAWIntegrity system

  def setUp(self):
    super(RAWIntegrityDBTest, self).setUp()
    self.db = RAWIntegrityDB()

  def tearDown(self):
    # Only one file is before 'now' and 'after'
    res = self.db.selectFiles({})
    lfns = [fTuple[0] for fTuple in res['Value']]
    # clean after us
    for lfn in lfns:

  def test_01_setupDB(self):
    """ Test table creations"""

    # At first, there should be no table
    res = self.db.showTables()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], [])

    # Lets create them
    res = self.db._checkTable()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    # and check they are now here
    res = self.db.showTables()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(sorted(res['Value']), sorted(['Files', 'LastMonitor']))

    # Lets create them again, there should be no error
    res = self.db._checkTable()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

  def test_02_lastMonitorTime(self):
    """ Test the last monitor time function"""

    # Just after creation, we insert initial timestamp so no error
    res = self.db.getLastMonitorTimeDiff()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    # set the monitor time
    res = self.db.setLastMonitorTime()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    # we wait a bit, and check that the difference is correct
    # we expect not more than 1 second delay
    sleepTime = 3
    res = self.db.getLastMonitorTimeDiff()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertTrue(sleepTime <= res['Value'] <= sleepTime + 1, res['Value'])

  def test_03_fileManipulation(self):
    """ Testing all the file manipulation operations"""

    # There should be no new files so far
    res = self.db.getFiles('New')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], {})

    testFile = {
        'LFN': 'lfn',
        'PFN': 'pfn',
        'Size': 123,
        'SE': 'se',
        'GUID': 'guid',
        'Checksum': 'checksum'

    # adding a file
    res = self.db.addFile(testFile['LFN'], testFile['PFN'], testFile['Size'], testFile['SE'],
                          testFile['GUID'], testFile['Checksum'])
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    sleepTime = 2

    # There should be now one active file
    res = self.db.getFiles('Active')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(len(res['Value']), 1)
    self.assertTrue(testFile['LFN'] in res['Value'], res)

    activeFile = res['Value'][testFile['LFN']]

    for attribute in ['PFN', 'Size', 'SE', 'GUID', 'Checksum']:
      self.assertEqual(testFile[attribute], activeFile[attribute])

    self.assertTrue(sleepTime <= activeFile['WaitTime'] <= sleepTime + 1)

    # Change the file status to Done
    res = self.db.setFileStatus(testFile['LFN'], 'Done')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], 1)

    # The file should not be returned when asking for Active files anymore
    res = self.db.getFiles('Active')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], {})

    # Change the file status back to Active
    # It should not work, Done files cannot change
    res = self.db.setFileStatus(testFile['LFN'], 'Active')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], 0)

    # The file should not be back
    res = self.db.getFiles('Active')
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], {})

    # Remove the file
    res = self.db.removeFile(testFile['LFN'])
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    # adding the file back
    # (no need to test that its visible, we just did it)
    res = self.db.addFile(testFile['LFN'], testFile['PFN'], testFile['Size'], testFile['SE'],
                          testFile['GUID'], testFile['Checksum'])
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    # remove the file
    res = self.db.removeFile(testFile['LFN'])
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], 1)

    # There should be no file
    res = self.db.getFiles('Active')
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], {})

    # Adding two time the same files
    # It should work
    res = self.db.addFile(testFile['LFN'], testFile['PFN'], testFile['Size'], testFile['SE'],
                          testFile['GUID'], testFile['Checksum'])
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    res = self.db.addFile(testFile['LFN'], testFile['PFN'], testFile['Size'], testFile['SE'],
                          testFile['GUID'], testFile['Checksum'])
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    # We should get only one file, so processed only once
    res = self.db.getFiles('Active')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(len(res['Value']), 1)

    res = self.db.removeFile(testFile['LFN'])
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], 2)

    # Setting status of a non existing file
    res = self.db.setFileStatus('fake', 'Done')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], 0)

    # Removing a non existing file
    res = self.db.removeFile('fake')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], 0)

  def test_03_testUnmigratedFiles(self):
    """ Test that getUnmigratedFiles returns only the files
        in the appropriate status

    unmigratedStatus = ['Active', 'Copied', 'Registered']
    for st in ['Active', 'Copied', 'Registered', 'Done', 'Fake']:
      self.db.addFile("lfn%s" % st, 'PFN', 1, 'SE', 'GUID', 'Checksum')
      self.db.setFileStatus('lfn%s' % st, st)

    res = self.db.getUnmigratedFiles()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(sorted(res['Value']), sorted(['lfn%s' % st for st in unmigratedStatus]))

  def test_04_webQueries(self):
    """ Test all the web related methods"""

    # The DB should be empty now
    res = self.db.getGlobalStatistics()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], {})

    res = self.db.getFileSelections()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], {'StorageElement': [], 'Status': []})

    # Adding two files Assigned, 1 Failed and 1 done
    for i in xrange(1, 5):
      res = self.db.addFile('lfn%s' % i, 'pfn%s' % i, 5 - i, 'se%s' % (i % 2), 'GUID%s' % i,
                            'Checksum%s' % i)
      self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    res = self.db.setFileStatus('lfn3', 'Done')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    res = self.db.setFileStatus('lfn4', 'Failed')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    res = self.db.getGlobalStatistics()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(res['Value'], {'Active': 2, 'Done': 1, 'Failed': 1})

    res = self.db.getFileSelections()
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(sorted(res['Value']['StorageElement']), sorted(['se0', 'se1']))
    self.assertEqual(sorted(res['Value']['Status']), sorted(['Done', 'Failed', 'Active']))

    # Do some selection test
    res = self.db.selectFiles({'StorageElement': 'se0'})
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    # they should be sorted by LFN by default
    returnedLfns = [ret[0] for ret in res['Value']]
    self.assertEqual(returnedLfns, ['lfn2', 'lfn4'])

    res = self.db.selectFiles({'StorageElement': 'se0', 'PFN': 'pfn2'})
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    returnedLfns = [ret[0] for ret in res['Value']]
    self.assertEqual(returnedLfns, ['lfn2'])

    # Impossible condition
    res = self.db.selectFiles({'StorageElement': 'se1', 'PFN': 'pfn2'})
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    returnedLfns = [ret[0] for ret in res['Value']]
    self.assertEqual(returnedLfns, [])

    # limit to 1
    res = self.db.selectFiles({'StorageElement': 'se0'}, limit=1)
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    # they should be sorted by LFN by default
    returnedLfns = [ret[0] for ret in res['Value']]
    self.assertEqual(returnedLfns, ['lfn2'])

    # Same selection, sorted by size
    res = self.db.selectFiles({'StorageElement': 'se0'}, orderAttribute='Size')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    returnedLfns = [ret[0] for ret in res['Value']]
    self.assertEqual(returnedLfns, ['lfn4', 'lfn2'])

    # Test the time based selections
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    sleepTime = 2

    res = self.db.addFile('lfn6', 'pfn6', 6, 'se1', 'GUID6', 'Checksum6')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    # select the old files with no conditions
    res = self.db.selectFiles({}, older=now)
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    returnedLfns = [ret[0] for ret in res['Value']]
    self.assertEqual(returnedLfns, ['lfn%i' % i for i in xrange(1, 5)])

    # select the new file
    res = self.db.selectFiles({}, newer=now)
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    returnedLfns = [ret[0] for ret in res['Value']]
    self.assertEqual(returnedLfns, ['lfn6'])

    # add some more
    after = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    res = self.db.addFile('lfn7', 'pfn7', 7, 'se1', 'GUID7', 'Checksum7')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

    # We should now have two files after 'now'
    res = self.db.selectFiles({}, newer=now)
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    returnedLfns = [ret[0] for ret in res['Value']]
    self.assertEqual(returnedLfns, ['lfn6', 'lfn7'])

    # Only one file is before 'now' and 'after'
    res = self.db.selectFiles({}, newer=now, older=after)
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    returnedLfns = [ret[0] for ret in res['Value']]
    self.assertEqual(returnedLfns, ['lfn6'])

    # clean after us
    for i in xrange(1, 8):
      res = self.db.removeFile('lfn%s' % i)
      self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)

  def test_05_perf(self):
    """ Performance tests

        For reminder, this is more ore less
        the timing that were obtained on a super crapy
        virtualMachine. Let's hope we never go above them..
        criticalInsertTime = 34
        criticalRetrieveTime = 1
        criticalUpdateTime = 5
        criticalRemoveTime = 30

    nbFiles = 5000

    # Inserting files
    startTime = time.time()
    for i in xrange(nbFiles):
      res = self.db.addFile('lfn%s' % i, 'pfn%s' % i, i, 'se%s' % (i % 2), 'GUID%s' % i,
                            'Checksum%s' % i)
      self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    insertTime = time.time() - startTime

    # Sleep 2 seconds so that the DB has
    # a consistant commited state

    # getting all of them
    startTime = time.time()
    res = self.db.getFiles('Active')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(len(res['Value']), nbFiles)
    getFileTime = time.time() - startTime

    # Setting some of them
    startTime = time.time()
    rndIds = set()
    for _ in xrange(nbFiles / 10):
      rndId = random.randint(1, nbFiles)
      self.db.setFileStatus('lfn%s' % rndId, 'Done')
      self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    updateStatusTime = time.time() - startTime

    # getting less of them
    startTime = time.time()
    res = self.db.getFiles('Active')
    self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    self.assertEqual(len(res['Value']), nbFiles - len(rndIds))
    getFileTime2 = time.time() - startTime

    # deleting all of them
    startTime = time.time()
    for i in xrange(1, nbFiles):
      res = self.db.removeFile('lfn%s' % i)
      self.assertTrue(res['OK'], res)
    removeTime = time.time() - startTime

    print "Performance result"
    print "Inserting %s files: %s" % (nbFiles, insertTime)
    print "Getting all active files: %s" % getFileTime
    print "Updating %s status: %s" % (nbFiles / 10, updateStatusTime)
    print "Getting again active files: %s" % getFileTime2
    print "Removing all files: %s" % removeTime