コード例 #1
 def getBKProductions(self, visible=None):
 It returns a list of productions
     if visible is None:
         visible = self.isVisible()
     prodList = self.__bkQueryDict.get('Production')
     if prodList:
         if not isinstance(prodList, list):
             prodList = [prodList]
         return sorted(prodList)
     if not self.getProcessingPass():
             'Impossible to get a list of productions without the Processing Pass'
         return []
     eventTypes = self.__bkQueryDict.get('EventType')
     if not isinstance(eventTypes, list):
         eventTypes = [eventTypes]
     fullList = set()
     for eventType in eventTypes:
         bkQ = BKQuery(self.__bkQueryDict)
         bkDict = bkQ.setEventType(eventType)
         # gLogger.notice( 'Get productions for BK query', str( bkDict ) )
         res = self.__bkClient.getProductions(bkDict)
         if not res['OK']:
             gLogger.error('Error getting productions from BK',
             return []
         if self.getProcessingPass().replace('/', '') != 'Real Data':
             fileTypes = self.getFileTypeList()
             prodList = set(prod for prods in res['Value']['Records']
                            for prod in prods
                            if self.__getProdStatus(prod) != 'Deleted')
             # print '\n', self.__bkQueryDict, res['Value']['Records'], '\nVisible:', visible, prodList
             pList = set()
             if fileTypes:
                 transClient = TransformationClient()
                 for prod in prodList:
                     res = transClient.getBookkeepingQuery(prod)
                     if res['OK'] and res['Value']['FileType'] in fileTypes:
             if not pList:
                 pList = prodList
             runList = sorted(
                 [-run for r in res['Value']['Records'] for run in r])
             startRun = int(self.__bkQueryDict.get('StartRun', 0))
             endRun = int(self.__bkQueryDict.get('EndRun', sys.maxsize))
             pList = set(run for run in runList
                         if run >= startRun and run <= endRun)
     return sorted(fullList)
コード例 #2
def execute():
    tr = TransformationClient()

    for switch in Script.getUnprocessedSwitches():

    bkQuery = dmScript.getBKQuery()
    if not bkQuery:
        gLogger.notice("No BKQuery given...")

    startTime = time.time()
    prods = bkQuery.getBKProductions()  # visible = 'All' )

    parents = {}
    productions = {}
    for prod in prods:
        type = tr.getTransformation(prod).get('Value',
                                              {}).get('Type', 'Unknown')
        productions[prod] = type
        parent = tr.getBookkeepingQuery(prod).get('Value',
                                                  {}).get('ProductionID', '')
        if parent:
            type = tr.getTransformation(parent).get('Value',
                                                    {}).get('Type', 'Unknown')
            parents[parent] = type

    gLogger.notice("For BK path %s:" % bkQuery.getPath())
    if not prods:
        gLogger.notice('No productions found!')
        printProds('Productions found', productions)
        if parents:
            printProds('Parent productions', parents)

    gLogger.notice('Completed in %.1f seconds' % (time.time() - startTime))
コード例 #3
class BookkeepingWatchAgent(AgentModule, TransformationAgentsUtilities):
  """ LHCbDIRAC only agent. A threaded agent.

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ c'tor
    AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    self.bkQueriesToBeChecked = Queue.Queue()
    self.bkQueriesInCheck = []

    self.fullUpdatePeriod = 86400
    self.bkUpdateLatency = 7200
    self.debug = False

    self.transInThread = {}

    self.pickleFile = 'BookkeepingWatchAgent.pkl'
    self.chunkSize = 1000

    self.pluginsWithNoRunInfo = ['LHCbStandard', 'ReplicateDataset', 'ArchiveDataset',
                                 'LHCbMCDSTBroadcastRandom', 'ReplicateToLocalSE',
                                 'RemoveReplicas', 'RemoveReplicasWhenProcessed',
                                 'RemoveReplicasWithAncestors', 'ReplicateWithAncestors',
                                 'ReduceReplicas', 'RemoveDatasetFromDisk',
                                 'DestroyDataset', 'DestroyDatasetWhenProcessed',
                                 'BySize', 'Standard']

    self.timeLog = {}
    self.fullTimeLog = {}
    self.bkQueries = {}

    self.transClient = None
    self.bkClient = None

  def initialize(self):
    """ Make the necessary initializations.
        The ThreadPool is created here, the _execute() method is what each thread will execute.

    self.fullUpdatePeriod = self.am_getOption('FullUpdatePeriod', self.fullUpdatePeriod)
    self.bkUpdateLatency = self.am_getOption('BKUpdateLatency', self.bkUpdateLatency)
    self.debug = self.am_getOption('verbose', self.debug)

    self.pickleFile = os.path.join(self.am_getWorkDirectory(), self.pickleFile)
    self.chunkSize = self.am_getOption('maxFilesPerChunk', self.chunkSize)

    self.pluginsWithNoRunInfo = Operations().getValue('TransformationPlugins/PluginsWithNoRunInfo',

    self._logInfo('Full Update Period: %d seconds' % self.fullUpdatePeriod)
    self._logInfo('BK update latency : %d seconds' % self.bkUpdateLatency)
    self._logInfo('Plugins with no run info: %s' % ', '.join(self.pluginsWithNoRunInfo))

    self.transClient = TransformationClient()
    self.bkClient = BookkeepingClient()

      with open(self.pickleFile, 'r') as pf:
        self.timeLog = pickle.load(pf)
        self.fullTimeLog = pickle.load(pf)
        self.bkQueries = pickle.load(pf)
      self._logInfo("successfully loaded Log from", self.pickleFile, "initialize")
    except (EOFError, IOError):
      self._logInfo("failed loading Log from", self.pickleFile, "initialize")
      self.timeLog = {}
      self.fullTimeLog = {}
      self.bkQueries = {}

    maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption('maxThreadsInPool', 1)
    threadPool = ThreadPool(maxNumberOfThreads, maxNumberOfThreads)

    for i in xrange(maxNumberOfThreads):
      threadPool.generateJobAndQueueIt(self._execute, [i])

    gMonitor.registerActivity("Iteration", "Agent Loops", AGENT_NAME, "Loops/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
    return S_OK()

  def __dumpLog(self):
    """ dump the log in the pickle file
    if self.pickleFile:
        with open(self.pickleFile, 'w') as pf:
          pickle.dump(self.timeLog, pf)
          pickle.dump(self.fullTimeLog, pf)
          pickle.dump(self.bkQueries, pf)
        self._logVerbose("successfully dumped Log into %s" % self.pickleFile)
      except IOError as e:
        self._logError("fail to open %s: %s" % (self.pickleFile, e))
      except pickle.PickleError as e:
        self._logError("fail to dump %s: %s" % (self.pickleFile, e))
      except ValueError as e:
        self._logError("fail to close %s: %s" % (self.pickleFile, e))


  def execute(self):
    """ Main execution method. Just fills a list, and a queue, with BKKQueries ID.

    gMonitor.addMark('Iteration', 1)
    # Get all the transformations
    result = self.transClient.getTransformations(condDict={'Status': ['Active', 'Idle']})
    if not result['OK']:
      self._logError("Failed to get transformations.", result['Message'])
      return S_OK()
    transIDsList = [long(transDict['TransformationID']) for transDict in result['Value']]
    res = self.transClient.getTransformationsWithBkQueries(transIDsList)
    if not res['OK']:
      self._logError("Failed to get transformations with Bk Queries.", res['Message'])
      return S_OK()
    transIDsWithBkQueriesList = res['Value']

    _count = 0
    # Process each transformation
    for transID in transIDsWithBkQueriesList:
      if transID in self.bkQueriesInCheck:
      _count += 1

    self._logInfo("Out of %d transformations, %d put in thread queue" % (len(result['Value']), _count))

    return S_OK()

  def _execute(self, threadID):
    """ Real executor. This is what is executed by the single threads - so do not return here! Just continue

    while True:  # not self.bkQueriesToBeChecked.empty():

      transID = None


        transID = self.bkQueriesToBeChecked.get()
        self.transInThread[transID] = ' [Thread%d] [%s] ' % (threadID, str(transID))

        startTime = time.time()
        self._logInfo("Processing transformation %s." % transID, transID=transID)

        res = self.transClient.getTransformation(transID, extraParams=False)
        if not res['OK']:
          self._logError("Failed to get transformation", res['Message'], transID=transID)
        transPlugin = res['Value']['Plugin']

        res = self.transClient.getBookkeepingQuery(transID)
        if not res['OK']:
          self._logError("Failed to get BkQuery", res['Message'], transID=transID)
        bkQuery = res['Value']

        # Determine the correct time stamp to use for this transformation
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        self.__timeStampForTransformation(transID, bkQuery, now)

          files = self.__getFiles(transID, bkQuery, now)
        except RuntimeError as e:
          # In case we failed a full query, we should retry full query until successful
          if 'StartDate' not in bkQuery:
            self.bkQueries.pop(transID, None)
          self._logError("Failed to get response from the Bookkeeping: %s" % e, "", "__getFiles", transID)

        runDict = {}
        filesMetadata = {}
        # get the files metadata
        for lfnChunk in breakListIntoChunks(files, self.chunkSize):
          start = time.time()
          res = self.bkClient.getFileMetadata(lfnChunk)
          self._logVerbose("Got metadata from BK for %d files" % len(lfnChunk), transID=transID, reftime=start)
          if not res['OK']:
            self._logError("Failed to get BK metadata for %d files" % len(lfnChunk),
                           res['Message'], transID=transID)
            # No need to return as we only consider files that are successful...

        # There is no need to add the run information for a transformation that doesn't need it
        if transPlugin not in self.pluginsWithNoRunInfo:
          for lfn, metadata in filesMetadata.iteritems():
            runID = metadata.get('RunNumber', None)
            if isinstance(runID, (basestring, int, long)):
              runDict.setdefault(int(runID), []).append(lfn)
            self.__addRunsMetadata(transID, runDict.keys())
          except RuntimeError as e:
            self._logException("Failure adding runs metadata",
          runDict[None] = filesMetadata.keys()

        # Add all new files to the transformation
        for runID in sorted(runDict):
          lfnList = runDict[runID]
          # We enter all files of a run at once, otherwise do it by chunks
          lfnChunks = [lfnList] if runID else breakListIntoChunks(lfnList, self.chunkSize)
          for lfnChunk in lfnChunks:
            # Add the files to the transformation
            self._logVerbose('Adding %d lfns for transformation' % len(lfnChunk), transID=transID)
            result = self.transClient.addFilesToTransformation(transID, lfnChunk)
            if not result['OK']:
              self._logError("Failed to add %d lfns to transformation" % len(lfnChunk), result['Message'],
              return result
              # Handle errors
              errors = {}
              for lfn, error in result['Value']['Failed'].iteritems():
                errors.setdefault(error, []).append(lfn)
              for error, lfns in errors.iteritems():
                self._logWarn("Failed to add files to transformation", error, transID=transID)
                self._logVerbose("\n\t".join([''] + lfns))
              # Add the metadata and RunNumber to the newly inserted files
              addedLfns = [lfn for (lfn, status) in result['Value']['Successful'].iteritems() if status == 'Added']
              if addedLfns:
                # Add files metadata: size and file type
                lfnDict = dict((lfn, {'Size': filesMetadata[lfn]['FileSize'],
                                      'FileType': filesMetadata[lfn]['FileType']})
                               for lfn in addedLfns)
                res = self.transClient.setParameterToTransformationFiles(transID, lfnDict)
                if not res['OK']:
                  self._logError("Failed to set transformation files metadata", res['Message'])
                  return res
                # Add run information if it exists
                if runID:
                  self._logInfo("Added %d files to transformation for run %d, now including run information"
                                % (len(addedLfns), runID), transID=transID)
                  self._logVerbose("Associating %d files to run %d" % (len(addedLfns), runID), transID=transID)
                  res = self.transClient.addTransformationRunFiles(transID, runID, addedLfns)
                  if not res['OK']:
                    self._logError("Failed to associate %d files to run %d" % (len(addedLfns), runID),
                                   res['Message'], transID=transID)
                    return res
                  self._logInfo("Added %d files to transformation" % len(addedLfns), transID=transID)

      except Exception as x:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        self._logException('Exception while adding files to transformation',
        self._logInfo("Processed transformation", transID=transID, reftime=startTime)
        if transID in self.bkQueriesInCheck:
        self.transInThread.pop(transID, None)

    return S_OK()

  def __timeStampForTransformation(self, transID, bkQuery, now):
    """ Determine the correct time stamp to use for this transformation

    fullTimeLog = self.fullTimeLog.setdefault(transID, now)
    bkQueryLog = self.bkQueries.setdefault(transID, {})

    bkQueryLog.pop('StartDate', None)
    self.bkQueries[transID] = bkQuery.copy()
    if transID in self.timeLog \
            and bkQueryLog == bkQuery \
            and (now - fullTimeLog) < datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.fullUpdatePeriod):
      # If it is more than a day since the last reduced query, make a full query just in case
      timeStamp = self.timeLog[transID]
      delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.bkUpdateLatency)
      bkQuery['StartDate'] = (timeStamp - delta).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    if 'StartDate' not in bkQuery:
      self.fullTimeLog[transID] = now

  def __getFiles(self, transID, bkQuery, now):
    """ Perform the query to the Bookkeeping
    self._logInfo("Using BK query for transformation: %s" % str(bkQuery), transID=transID)
    start = time.time()
    result = self.bkClient.getFiles(bkQuery)
    self._logVerbose("BK query time: %.2f seconds." % (time.time() - start), transID=transID)
    if not result['OK']:
      raise RuntimeError(result['Message'])
      self.__updateTimeStamp(transID, now)
      if result['Value']:
        self._logInfo("Obtained %d files from BK" % len(result['Value']), transID=transID)
      return result['Value']

  def __updateTimeStamp(self, transID, now):
    Update time stamp for current transformation to now
    self.timeLog[transID] = now

  def __addRunsMetadata(self, transID, runsList):
    """ Add the run metadata
    runsInCache = self.transClient.getRunsInCache({'Name': ['TCK', 'CondDb', 'DDDB']})
    if not runsInCache['OK']:
      raise RuntimeError(runsInCache['Message'])
    newRuns = list(set(runsList) - set(runsInCache['Value']))
    if newRuns:
      self._logVerbose("Associating run metadata to %d runs" % len(newRuns), transID=transID)
      res = self.bkClient.getRunInformation({'RunNumber': newRuns, 'Fields': ['TCK', 'CondDb', 'DDDB']})
      if not res['OK']:
        raise RuntimeError(res['Message'])
        for run, runMeta in res['Value'].iteritems():
          res = self.transClient.addRunsMetadata(run, runMeta)
          if not res['OK']:
            raise RuntimeError(res['Message'])
    # Add run duration to the metadata
    runsInCache = self.transClient.getRunsInCache({'Name': ['Duration']})
    if not runsInCache['OK']:
      raise RuntimeError(runsInCache['Message'])
    newRuns = list(set(runsList) - set(runsInCache['Value']))
    if newRuns:
      self._logVerbose("Associating run duration to %d runs" % len(newRuns), transID=transID)
      res = self.bkClient.getRunInformation({'RunNumber': newRuns, 'Fields': ['JobStart', 'JobEnd']})
      if not res['OK']:
        raise RuntimeError(res['Message'])
        for run, runMeta in res['Value'].iteritems():
          duration = (runMeta['JobEnd'] - runMeta['JobStart']).seconds
          res = self.transClient.addRunsMetadata(run, {'Duration': duration})
          if not res['OK']:
            raise RuntimeError(res['Message'])

  def finalize(self):
    """ Gracious finalization
    if self.bkQueriesInCheck:
      self._logInfo("Wait for queue to get empty before terminating the agent (%d tasks)" % len(self.transInThread))
      self.bkQueriesInCheck = []
      while self.transInThread:
      self.log.info("Threads are empty, terminating the agent...")
    return S_OK()
コード例 #4
    elif opt == 'AddRuns':
            settings[opt] = [int(runID) for runID in val.split(',')]
        except TypeError:
            gLogger.error("Invalid run list", str(val))
    elif opt == 'List':
        settings[opt] = True
if 'AddRuns' in settings and ('StartRun' in settings or 'EndRun' in settings):
        'Incompatible requests, cannot set run list and start/end run')

from LHCbDIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient
client = TransformationClient()
res = client.getBookkeepingQuery(prodId)
if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error("Error retrieving BKQuery for transformation %s" % prodId,
bkDict = res['Value']
startRun = bkDict.get('StartRun', 0)
endRun = bkDict.get('EndRun', 0)
runNumbers = bkDict.get('RunNumbers', 'All')

if ('StartRun' in settings
        or 'EndRun' in settings) and runNumbers and runNumbers != 'All':
    gLogger.notice("Transformation %d has RunNumbers key" % prodId)
    settings = {'List': True}

if 'AddRuns' in settings and (startRun or endRun):
コード例 #5
class ProcessingProgress( object ):

  def __init__( self, cacheFile = None ):
    if not cacheFile:
      self.prodStatFile = os.path.join( os.environ['HOME'], ".dirac/work", "dirac-production-stats.pkl" )
      self.prodStatFile = cacheFile
    self.cacheVersion = '0.0'
    self.clearCache = []
    self.cachedInfo = {}

    # Recuperate the previous cached information

    self.bk = BookkeepingClient()
    self.transClient = TransformationClient()

  def setClearCache( self, clearCache ):
    self.clearCache = clearCache

  def __getProdBkDict( self, prod ):
    res = self.transClient.getBookkeepingQuery( prod )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Couldn't get BK query on production %d" % prod )
      return {}
    prodBKDict = res['Value']
    return prodBKDict

  def getFullStats( self, bkQuery, printResult = False ):
    processingPass = bkQuery.getProcessingPass()
    if printResult:
      gLogger.info( "\nStatistics for processing %s, condition %s\n" % ( processingPass, bkQuery.getConditions() ) )
    prodStats = []
    processingPass = processingPass.split( '/' )
    if len( processingPass ) != 4 or processingPass[1] != "Real Data":
      gLogger.error( "Processing pass should be /Real Data/<Reco>/<Stripping>" )
      return []

    # Get production numbers for the Reco
    recoBKQuery = BKQuery( bkQuery )
    recoBKQuery.setProcessingPass( '/'.join( processingPass[0:3] ) )
    recoList = recoBKQuery.getBKProductions( visible = False )
    recoRunRanges = {}
    recoDQFlags = []
    for prod in recoList:
      prodBKDict = self.__getProdBkDict( prod )
      if prodBKDict:
        recoRunRanges[prod] = [prodBKDict.get( "StartRun", 0 ), prodBKDict.get( "EndRun", sys.maxint )]
        dqFlags = prodBKDict.get( "DataQualityFlag", ['UNCHECKED', 'EXPRESS_OK', 'OK'] )
        if isinstance( dqFlags, basestring ):
          dqFlags = dqFlags.split( ',' )
        recoDQFlags += [fl for fl in dqFlags if fl not in recoDQFlags]
        recoRunRanges[prod] = [0, 0]
    # Sort productions by runs
      recoList.sort( cmp = ( lambda p1, p2: int( recoRunRanges[p1][0] - recoRunRanges[p2][1] ) ) )
      print "Exception in sorting productions:"
      for p in recoList:
        print p, recoRunRanges[p]
    gLogger.verbose( "Reconstruction productions found (%d): %s" % ( len( recoList ), str( sorted( recoList ) ) ) )
    gLogger.verbose( "Reconstruction DQ flags: %s" % str( recoDQFlags ) )

    # Get productions for merging
    mergeList = []
    mergeStripProds = {}
    # Get stripping productions as parents of merging productions
    stripList = []
    for prod in bkQuery.getBKProductions( visible = False ):
      prodBKDict = self.__getProdBkDict( prod )
      gLogger.verbose( "BK query for production %s: %s" % ( prod, str( prodBKDict ) ) )
      mergedTypes = prodBKDict.get( 'FileType' )
      if type( mergedTypes ) != type( [] ):
        mergedTypes = [mergedTypes]
      if [ft for ft in bkQuery.getFileTypeList() if ft in mergedTypes] and 'ProductionID' in prodBKDict:
        mergeList.append( prod )
        prods = prodBKDict['ProductionID']
        if type( prods ) != type( [] ):
          prods = [prods]
        stripList += prods
        mergeStripProds[prod] = [str( p ) for p in prods]
        _msgTuple = ( str( bkQuery.getFileTypeList() ), prod, str( prodBKDict ) )
        gLogger.verbose( "Could not find production or filetype %s in BKquery of production %d (%s)" % _msgTuple )
    mergeList.sort( cmp = ( lambda p1, p2: int( mergeStripProds[p1][0] ) - int( mergeStripProds[p2][0] ) ) )
    gLogger.verbose( "Merging productions found: %s" % str( mergeList ) )

    # get list of stripping productions (from merging)
    stripRunRanges = {}
    for prod in stripList:
      prodBKDict = self.__getProdBkDict( prod )
      if prodBKDict:
        stripRunRanges[prod] = [prodBKDict.get( "StartRun", 0 ), prodBKDict.get( "EndRun", sys.maxint )]
        stripRunRanges[prod] = [0, 0]
    # Sort productions by runs
      stripList.sort( cmp = ( lambda p1, p2: int( stripRunRanges[p1][0] - stripRunRanges[p2][1] ) ) )
      print "Error when sorting stripping productions:"
      for prodStrip in stripList:
        print prodStrip, stripRunRanges[prodStrip]
    gLogger.verbose( "Stripping productions found (%d): %s" % ( len( stripList ), str( sorted( stripList ) ) ) )

    # Get all runs corresponding to the run range used by the Reco productions
    rawBKQuery = BKQuery( bkQuery )
    rawBKQuery.setProcessingPass( '/Real Data' )
    rawBKQuery.setFileType( "RAW" )
    # get the list of runs (-prodNum)
    fullRunList = rawBKQuery.getBKRuns()
    gLogger.verbose( "Initial list of runs: %s" % str( fullRunList ) )
    recoRunList = []
    openProd = False
    for prod in [p for p in recoList]:
      # Forget fully openProd productions
      # Don't consider productions without a BK query (these are individual files)
      if recoRunRanges[prod][1] == sys.maxint and recoRunRanges[prod][0] != -sys.maxint:
        openProd = True
        # Try and find if that open production overlaps with a closed one, in which case, remove it
        # Do nothing for derived productions
        for p in [p for p in recoList if p != prod and recoRunRanges[prod] != recoRunRanges[p]]:
          if recoRunRanges[prod][0] < recoRunRanges[p][1] and recoRunRanges[p][1] != sys.maxint:
            openProd = False
            gLogger.verbose( "Production %s was removed as redundant..." % str( prod ) )
            recoList.remove( prod )
        if not openProd: continue
      recoRunList += [run for run in fullRunList if run not in recoRunList and run >= recoRunRanges[prod][0] and run <= recoRunRanges[prod][1]]
    gLogger.verbose( "List of runs matching Reco (%d): %s" % ( len( recoRunList ), str( sorted( recoRunList ) ) ) )

    restrictToStripping = True
    if restrictToStripping and not openProd and stripList:
      runList = []
      for prod in stripList:
        runList += [run for run in recoRunList if run not in runList and run >= stripRunRanges[prod][0] and run <= stripRunRanges[prod][1]]
      runList = recoRunList
    gLogger.verbose( "Final list of runs matching Reco and Stripping (%d): %s" % ( len( runList ), str( sorted( runList ) ) ) )

    # Now get statistics from the runs
    info, runInfo = self._getStatsFromRuns( int( bkQuery.getEventTypeList()[0] ), runList, recoDQFlags )
    rawInfo = StatInfo( processingPass[1], info )
    prodStats.append( rawInfo )
    if printResult:
      gLogger.info( "%s - All runs in Reco productions" % processingPass[1] )
      for fileInfo in runInfo:
        if runInfo[fileInfo]:
          gLogger.info( "%s runs (%d): %s" % ( fileInfo, len( runInfo[fileInfo] ), str( runInfo[fileInfo] ) ) )
      summStr = "%s files, " % rawInfo.getItemAsString( 'Files' )
      summStr += "%s events in " % rawInfo.getItemAsString( 'Events' )
      summStr += "%s runs, luminosity (pb-1):All=%s, Bad=%s, OK=%s" % ( rawInfo.getItemAsString( 'Runs' ),
                                                                        rawInfo.getItemAsString( 'Lumi' ),
                                                                        rawInfo.getItemAsString( 'BadLumi' ),
                                                                        rawInfo.getItemAsString( 'OKLumi' ) )
      gLogger.info( summStr )

    # Create the info for the 3 sets of productions
    prodSets = []
    fileType = bkQuery.getFileTypeList()[0]
    prodSets.append( {'Name': processingPass[2], 'FileType': ['SDST', 'FULL.DST'], 'List':recoList,
                      'RunRange':recoRunRanges, 'MotherProds':None, 'AllReplicas':False } )
    prodSets.append( {'Name': processingPass[3], 'FileType': fileType, 'List':stripList,
                      'RunRange':stripRunRanges, 'MotherProds':None, 'AllReplicas':True, 'StatForOK':False } )
    prodSets.append( {'Name': "Merging (%s)" % fileType.split( '.' )[0], 'FileType': fileType, 'List':mergeList,
                      'RunRange':None, 'MotherProds':mergeStripProds, 'AllReplicas':False } )

    prevInfo = rawInfo
    for prodSet in prodSets:
      info = StatInfo( prodSet['Name'], self._getProdInfo( prodSet, runList, printResult = printResult ) )
      info.setRawInfo( rawInfo )
      info.setPrevInfo( prevInfo )
      prevInfo = info
      prodStats.append( info )

    return prodStats

  def __sumProdInfo( info, totInfo ):
    for inf in info:
      for flag in info[inf]:
        if inf == 'Runs':
          totInfo[inf][flag] = totInfo.setdefault( inf, {} ).setdefault( flag, [] ) + info[inf][flag]
          totInfo[inf][flag] = totInfo.setdefault( inf, {} ).setdefault( flag, 0 ) + info[inf][flag]
    return totInfo

  def _getProdInfo( self, prodSet, runList, printResult = False ):
    totInfo = {}
    if printResult:
      gLogger.info( "" )
    for prod in prodSet['List']:
      info, runInfo = self._getStatsFromBK( prod, prodSet['FileType'], runList, prodSet['AllReplicas'] )
      if info['Files'][''] == 0:
      if not prodSet.get( 'StatForOK', True ):
        for item in info:
          for fl in info[item]:
            if fl == 'OK':
              info[item][fl] = 0 if not item == 'Runs' else []
      runRange = prodSet['RunRange']
      if runRange and prod in runRange and runRange[prod][0] == 0 and runRange[prod][1] == 0:
        for flag in info['Runs']:
          info['Runs'][flag] = []
      totInfo = self.__sumProdInfo( info, totInfo )
      if printResult:
        summStr = "%s production %d -" % ( prodSet['Name'], prod )
        if runRange and prod in runRange:
          firstRun = runRange[prod][0]
          lastRun = runRange[prod][1]
          if firstRun:
            summStr += " From run %d" % int( firstRun )
          if lastRun and lastRun != sys.maxint:
            summStr += " Up to run %d" % int( lastRun )
          if firstRun == 0 and lastRun == 0:
            summStr += "No run range specified"
        motherProds = prodSet['MotherProds']
        if motherProds and prod in motherProds:
          summStr += " from productions %s" % motherProds[prod]
        gLogger.info( summStr )
        for inf in runInfo:
          if runInfo[inf]:
            gLogger.info( "%s runs (%d): %s" % ( inf, len( runInfo[inf] ), str( runInfo[inf] ) ) )
        summStr = "%d files, " % info['Files']['']
        if info['Events']:
          summStr += "%d events in " % info['Events']['']
        _msgTuple = ( len( info['Runs'][''] ), info['Lumi'][''], info['Lumi']['Bad'], info['Lumi']['OK'] )
        summStr += "%d runs, luminosity (pb-1): All=%.3f, Bad=%.3f, OK=%.3f" % _msgTuple
        gLogger.info( summStr )
    for flag in totInfo.get( 'Runs', [] ):
      totInfo['Runs'][flag] = len( totInfo['Runs'][flag] )
    return totInfo

  def outputResults( conditions, processingPass, prodStats ):
    outputString = ""
    _msgTuple = ( conditions, ",", processingPass, "on", time.ctime( time.time() ) )
    outputString += "\nProduction progress for %s %s %s %s %s\n" % _msgTuple
    if len( prodStats ) < 4:
      outputString += "No statistics found for this BK query"
      return outputString
    for i in xrange( 4 ):
      info = prodStats[i]
      if not info:
      name = info.getName()
      outputString += "\nSummary for %s\n" % name
      outputString += "%d files, " % info.getItem( 'Files' )
      if info.getItem( 'Events' ):
        outputString += "%d events in " % info.getItem( 'Events' )
      _msgTuple = ( info.getItem( 'Runs' ), info.getItem( 'Lumi' ), info.getItem( 'BadLumi' ), info.getItem( 'OKLumi' ) )
      outputString += "%d runs, luminosity (pb-1): All=%.3f, Bad=%.3f, OK=%.3f\n" % _msgTuple
      prevStats = prodStats[:i]
      for prevInfo in prevStats:
        name = prevInfo.getName()
        if prevInfo.getItem( 'Runs' ) == 0:
          outputString += "From %s : - No runs...\n" % name
          outputString += "From %s : %.1f%% files, " % ( name, 100.*info.getItem( 'Files' ) / prevInfo.getItem( 'Files' ) )
          if info.getItem( 'Events' ) and prevInfo.getItem( 'Events' ):
            outputString += "%.1f%% events\n" % ( 100.*info.getItem( 'Events' ) / prevInfo.getItem( 'Events' ) )
          outputString += "%.1f%% runs, %.1f%% luminosity\n" \
                          % ( 100. * info.getItem( 'Runs' ) / prevInfo.getItem( 'Runs' ),
                              100. * info.getItem( 'Lumi' ) / prevInfo.getItem( 'Lumi' ) )
    return outputString

  def __getRunsDQFlag( self, runList, evtType ):
    res = self.bk.getRunFilesDataQuality( runList )
    runFlags = {}
    if res['OK']:
      dqFlags = res['Value']
      for dq in dqFlags:
        if dq[2] == evtType:
          runFlags.setdefault( dq[0], [] ).append( dq[1] )
    runDQFlags = {}
    flags = ( 'BAD', 'OK', 'EXPRESS_OK', 'UNCHECKED' )
    for run in runFlags:
      for fl in flags:
        if fl in runFlags[run]:
          runDQFlags[run] = fl
    return runDQFlags

  def _getStatsFromRuns( self, evtType, runList, recoDQFlags ):
    info = dict.fromkeys( ( 'Events', 'Runs', 'Files', 'Lumi' ), {} )
    for inf in info:
      info[inf] = dict.fromkeys( ( 'Bad', 'OK', '' ), 0 )
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    # Set to True to renew the cache
    clearCache = 'RAW' in self.clearCache
    newRuns = [ run for run in runList if clearCache
                or run not in self.cachedInfo
                or 'DQFlag' not in self.cachedInfo[run]
                or ( now - self.cachedInfo[run]['Time'] ) < datetime.timedelta( days = 2 )   ]
    if newRuns:
      runFlags = self.__getRunsDQFlag( newRuns, evtType )
      runFlags = {}
    runsByDQFlag = {}
    runInfo = {}
    for run in runList:
      cached = self.cachedInfo.get( run, {} )
      cachedTime = cached.get( 'Time', None )
      if run not in newRuns:
        cachedFiles = cached.get( 'Files', 0 )
        cachedEvents = cached.get( 'EventStat', 0 )
        cachedLumi = cached.get( 'Luminosity', 0 )
        dqFlag = cached.get( 'DQFlag', None )
        res = self.bk.getRunInformations( run )
        if res['OK']:
          val = res['Value']
          ind = val['Stream'].index( 90000000 )
          cachedFiles = val['Number of file'][ind]
          cachedEvents = val['Number of events'][ind]
          cachedLumi = val['luminosity'][ind]
          cachedTime = val['RunStart']
          gLogger.error( "Unable to get run information for run %s" % str( run ) )
        dqFlag = runFlags[run]
      self.cachedInfo[run] = { 'Time':cachedTime, 'Files':cachedFiles, 'EventStat': cachedEvents,
                              'Luminosity': cachedLumi, 'DQFlag':dqFlag }
      runsByDQFlag[dqFlag] = runsByDQFlag.setdefault( dqFlag, 0 ) + 1
      if dqFlag == "BAD":
        runInfo.setdefault( 'BAD', [] ).append( run )
      elif dqFlag not in recoDQFlags and dqFlag != 'OK' :
        runInfo.setdefault( 'Untagged', [] ).append( run )
      # Now count...
      flags = []
      if dqFlag != 'BAD':
        flags.append( '' )
        # OK in recoDQFlags means we take everything that is not BAD (reprocessing or new convention)
        if dqFlag in recoDQFlags or dqFlag == 'OK':
          flags.append( 'OK' )
        flags.append( 'Bad' )
      for flag in flags:
        info['Runs'][flag] += 1
        info['Files'][flag] += cachedFiles
        info['Events'][flag] += cachedEvents
        info['Lumi'][flag] += cachedLumi

    # Set lumi in pb-1
    for flag in info['Lumi']:
      info['Lumi'][flag] /= 1000000.
    gLogger.info( "Runs per flag:" )
    for key in runsByDQFlag:
      gLogger.info( "%s : %d" % ( key, runsByDQFlag[key] ) )
    for flag in runInfo:
    return info, runInfo

  def __getLfnsMetadata( self, lfns ):
    lfnDict = {}
    if len( lfns ):
      gLogger.verbose( "Getting metadata for %d files" % len( lfns ) )
      for lfnChunk in breakListIntoChunks( lfns, 1000 ):
        while True:
          res = self.bk.getFileMetadata( lfnChunk )
          if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error( "Error getting files metadata, retrying...", res['Message'] )
        metadata = res['Value']['Successful']
        for lfn in lfnChunk:
          lfnDict[lfn] = {}
          for meta in ( 'EventStat', 'Luminosity', 'DQFlag', 'RunNumber' ):
            lfnDict[lfn][meta] = metadata[lfn][meta]
    return lfnDict

  def _getStatsFromBK( self, prod, fileType, runList, allReplicas ):
    bkQueryDict = { "ProductionID": prod, "FileType": fileType }
    bkStr = str( bkQueryDict )
    bkQuery = BKQuery( bkQueryDict, visible = not allReplicas )
    if allReplicas:
      bkQuery.setOption( 'ReplicaFlag', "All" )
    cached = self.cachedInfo.get( bkStr, {} )
    cachedTime = cached.get( 'Time', None )
    cachedLfns = cached.get( 'Lfns', {} )
    if isinstance( fileType, basestring ):
      fileType = [fileType]
    if set( fileType ).intersection( set( self.clearCache ) ):
      cachedTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta( days = 8 )
      cachedTime = None
      cachedLfns = {}
      gLogger.verbose( "Cleared cache for production %s, file type %s" % ( str( prod ), fileType ) )
    # Update if needed the cached information on LFNs
    if cachedLfns:
      lfns = [lfn for lfn in cachedLfns if cachedLfns[lfn].get( 'DQFlag' ) not in ( 'OK', 'BAD' )]
      for lfnChunk in breakListIntoChunks( lfns, 1000 ):
        #  get the DQFlag of files that are not yet OK
        while True:
          res = self.bk.getFileMetadata( lfnChunk )
          if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.error( "Error getting files metadata for cached files, bkQuery %s: %s" % ( bkStr, res['Message'] ) )
            metadata = res['Value']['Successful']
            for lfn in lfnChunk:
              cachedLfns[lfn]['DQFlag'] = metadata[lfn]['DQFlag']

    # Now get the new files since last time...
    if cachedTime:
      bkQuery.setOption( 'StartDate', cachedTime.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) )
    gLogger.verbose( "Getting files for BKQuery %s" % str( bkQuery ) )
    cachedTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    lfns = [lfn for lfn in bkQuery.getLFNs( printOutput = False ) if lfn not in cachedLfns]
    gLogger.verbose( "Returned %d files" % len( lfns ) )
    cachedLfns.update( self.__getLfnsMetadata( lfns ) )

    self.cachedInfo[bkStr] = { 'Time':cachedTime, 'Lfns':cachedLfns }

    # Now sum up all information for the files
    info = dict.fromkeys( ( 'Events', 'Runs', 'Files', 'Lumi' ), {} )
    for inf in info:
      if inf == 'Runs':
        for flag in ( 'Bad', 'OK', '' ):
          info[inf][flag] = []
        info[inf] = dict.fromkeys( ( 'Bad', 'OK', '' ), 0 )

    for lfn in cachedLfns:
      lfnInfo = cachedLfns[lfn]
      run = lfnInfo['RunNumber']
      if run in runList and run in self.cachedInfo and self.cachedInfo[run]['DQFlag'] != 'BAD':
        dqFlag = cachedLfns[lfn]['DQFlag']
        flags = []
        if dqFlag != 'BAD':
          flags.append( '' )
          flags.append( 'Bad' )
        if dqFlag == 'OK':
          flags.append( 'OK' )
        for flag in flags:
          if run not in info['Runs'][flag]:
            info['Runs'][flag].append( run )
          info['Files'][flag] += 1
          info['Events'][flag] += lfnInfo['EventStat']
          info['Lumi'][flag] += lfnInfo['Luminosity']

    runInfo = {}
    if 'BAD' in info['Runs']:
      runInfo['BAD'] = info['Runs']['BAD']
      runInfo['BAD'] = []
    if '' in info['Runs'] and 'OK' in info['Runs']:
      runInfo['Untagged'] = [run for run in info['Runs'][''] if run not in info['Runs']['OK']]
      runInfo['Untagged'] = []
    # for f in info['Runs']:
    #  info['Runs'][f] = len( info['Runs'][f] )
    for flag in info['Lumi']:
      info['Lumi'][flag] /= 1000000.
    return info, runInfo

  def getPreviousStats( self, processingPass ):
    prevStats = self.cachedInfo.get( 'ProdStats', {} ).get( processingPass )
    if prevStats:
        _name = prevStats['ProdStats'][0][0].getName()
        prevStats = None
    return prevStats

  def setPreviousStats( self, processingPass, prevStats ):
    self.cachedInfo.setdefault( 'ProdStats', {} )[processingPass] = prevStats

  def readCache( self ):
    if not os.path.exists( self.prodStatFile ):
      gLogger.info( "Created cached file %s" % self.prodStatFile )
      self.cachedInfo = {}
    fileRead = False
    while not fileRead:
        with FileLock( self.prodStatFile ):
          lFile = open( self.prodStatFile, 'r' )
          cachedVersion = pickle.load( lFile )
          startTime = time.time()
          if cachedVersion == self.cacheVersion:
            self.cachedInfo = pickle.load( lFile )
            _msgTuple = ( self.prodStatFile, time.time() - startTime )
            gLogger.info( "Loaded cached information from %s in %.3f seconds" % _msgTuple )
            _msgTuple = ( cachedVersion, self.cacheVersion )
            gLogger.info( "Incompatible versions of cache, reset information (%s, expect %s)" % _msgTuple )
            self.cachedInfo = {}
          fileRead = True
      except FileLockException, error:
        gLogger.error( "Lock exception: %s while reading pickle file %s" % ( error, self.prodStatFile ) )