def getSoapClient(url): _INFO('', ['trying get soap client, url = ' + url]) try: client = Client(url) _INFO('', ['Getting Soap Clent, Success']) #print client except Exception, e: _ERROR('', ['Getting Soap Clent, Failed']) sys.exit(-1)
def get_dist_by_map(map_1, map_2): try: return getDistSimply(float(map_1.split(',')[0]), float(map_1.split(',')[1]), float(map_2.split(',')[0]), float(map_2.split(',')[1])) except Exception, e: _INFO('get_dist', ['map = ' + map_1 + '\t' + map_2]) return 100000000000
def data_writer(room_list, taskcontent): if room_list == []: _ERROR('', ['room_list.size == 0']) return try: InsertHotel_room(room_list) _INFO('', [taskcontent + ' [success]']) _INFO('', ['with ' + str(len(room_list)) + ' values!']) except Exception, e: _ERROR('', [taskcontent + '[failed]']) _ERROR('', [str(e)])
def push_flight_data(source_db_name,source_sql_table_name,dest_db_name,flight_info_sql_table,flight_ticket_info_sql_table): flight_day_info_fuse_dic = fuse_flight_data(source_db_name,source_sql_table_name) try: rds = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, db=0) conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='', charset='utf8',passwd='', db=source_db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() except Exception, e: _INFO('push flight data',['redis or mysql connection error']) _INFO('push flight data',['error code = ' + str(e)]) return None,None
def loadCandidateHotel(): hotelSet = set() conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8',passwd='', db='onlinedb') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = " select H.uid from hotel H, city C where and C.status='Open' " n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() for data in datas: hid = data[0].encode('utf-8').strip() hotelSet.add(hid) _INFO('load candidate hotel',['available hotel size = ' + str(len(hotelSet))]) return hotelSet
def parsePrice(content_temp, city): all_price = [] content = xmlescape(content_temp).replace('\n', '') #print content_temp try: each_hotel_content_list = rateplans_pat.findall(content) if len(each_hotel_content_list) == 0: return all_price _INFO('ctripHotel::parseRoom', ['Parse price failed because of no hotel found']) except Exception, e: _ERROR('ctripHotel::parseRoom', ['Parse price failed because of no hotel found', str(e)])
def loadOpenedHotelSource(): openedSource = set() conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8',passwd='', db='onlinedb') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = " select name from source where status='Open' and type='hotel';" n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() for data in datas: source = data[0].encode('utf-8').strip() openedSource.add(source) _INFO('loadOpenedHotelSource',['opened source size:' + str(len(openedSource))]) return openedSource
def push_train_data(source_db_name,source_sql_table_name,dest_db_name,train_info_sql_table,train_ticket_info_sql_table): conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='', charset='utf8',passwd='', db=source_db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "select train_no,train_type,train_corp,dept_city,dept_id,dest_city,dest_id,dept_day,dept_time,dest_time,dur,price,tax,currency,seat_type,real_class,source,return_rule,stopid,stoptime,daydiff,stop,update_time from " + source_sql_table_name + " ;" #print 'sql: ' + sql _INFO('push train data',['get train data from database...']) try: n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: _INFO('push train data',['Error','execute sql error!']) sys.exit(1)
def loadForexInfo(): forex_rate_dict = {} conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8',passwd='', db='onlinedb') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = 'select currency_code, rate from exchange;' n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() for data in datas: forex = data[0].encode('utf-8').strip() rate = data[1] forex_rate_dict[forex] = rate _INFO('loadForexInfo', ['forex_rate_dict.size = ' + str(len(forex_rate_dict))]) return forex_rate_dict
def loadHidUidInfo(): sid_uid_dict = {} conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8',passwd='', db='onlinedb') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "select source, sid, uid from hotel_unid where status='Open';" n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() for data in datas: source = data[0].encode('utf-8').strip() sid = data[1].encode('utf-8').strip() uid = data[2].encode('utf-8').strip() sid_uid_dict[source + '_' + sid] = uid _INFO('loadHidUidInfo', ['sid_uid_dict.size = ' + str(len(sid_uid_dict))]) return sid_uid_dict
def push_flight_data(source_db_name, source_sql_table_name, dest_db_name, flight_info_sql_table, flight_ticket_info_sql_table): flight_day_info_fuse_dic = fuse_flight_data(source_db_name, source_sql_table_name) try: rds = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, db=0) conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='', charset='utf8', passwd='', db=source_db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() except Exception, e: _INFO('push flight data', ['redis or mysql connection error']) _INFO('push flight data', ['error code = ' + str(e)]) return None, None
def fuse_flight_data(db_name,table_name): conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8',passwd='', db=db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() flight_info = {} flight_day_info = {} src_table = table_name sql = "select flight_no,plane_type,flight_corp,dept_id,dest_id,dept_time,dest_time,daydiff,seat_type,real_class,stop_id,source,dept_day,stop_time from " + src_table + " ;"; try: cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: _INFO('fuse flight data',['execute sql error! sql = ' + sql]) _INFO('fuse flight data',['Error! ' + str(e)]) return flight_info, flight_day_info
def loadCandidateHotel(): hotelSet = set() conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8', passwd='', db='onlinedb') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = " select H.uid from hotel H, city C where and C.status='Open' " n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() for data in datas: hid = data[0].encode('utf-8').strip() hotelSet.add(hid) _INFO('load candidate hotel', ['available hotel size = ' + str(len(hotelSet))]) return hotelSet
def loadForexInfo(): forex_rate_dic = {} conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8',passwd='', db='onlinedb') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = 'select currency_code, rate from exchange;' n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() for data in datas: forex = data[0].encode('utf-8').strip() rate = data[1] forex_rate_dic[forex] = rate _INFO('load forex info',['forex_size = ' + str(len(forex_rate_dic))]) cursor.close() conn.close() return forex_rate_dic
def loadOpenedHotelSource(): openedSource = set() conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8', passwd='', db='onlinedb') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = " select name from source where status='Open' and type='hotel';" n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() for data in datas: source = data[0].encode('utf-8').strip() openedSource.add(source) _INFO('loadOpenedHotelSource', ['opened source size:' + str(len(openedSource))]) return openedSource
def fuse_flight_data(db_name, table_name): conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8', passwd='', db=db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() flight_info = {} flight_day_info = {} src_table = table_name sql = "select flight_no,plane_type,flight_corp,dept_id,dest_id,dept_time,dest_time,daydiff,seat_type,real_class,stop_id,source,dept_day,stop_time from " + src_table + " ;" try: cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: _INFO('fuse flight data', ['execute sql error! sql = ' + sql]) _INFO('fuse flight data', ['Error! ' + str(e)]) return flight_info, flight_day_info
def loadHidUidInfo(): sid_uid_dict = {} conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8', passwd='', db='onlinedb') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "select source, sid, uid from hotel_unid where status='Open';" n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() for data in datas: source = data[0].encode('utf-8').strip() sid = data[1].encode('utf-8').strip() uid = data[2].encode('utf-8').strip() sid_uid_dict[source + '_' + sid] = uid _INFO('loadHidUidInfo', ['sid_uid_dict.size = ' + str(len(sid_uid_dict))]) return sid_uid_dict
def load_city_data(db_ip,db_name,table_name): conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = dev_db_ip,user = dev_db_user,passwd = dev_db_pwd,db = dev_db_name,charset='utf8') cursor = conn.cursor() #sql = "select id,name,country,map_info from " + table_name sql = "select,,,%s.map_info from %s,country where %s.country_id=country.mid" % \ (table_name, table_name, table_name, table_name, table_name) print sql cursor.execute(sql) cid2name = {} cid2mapInfo = {} for data in cursor.fetchall(): if None in data: continue cid = data[0].encode('utf-8') city = data[1].encode('utf-8').strip().lower() country = data[2].encode('utf-8').strip().lower() map_info = data[3].encode('utf-8').strip() try: tmp_list = map_info.strip().split(',') lng = float(tmp_list[0]) lat = float(tmp_list[1]) except: continue cid2name[cid] = (city,country) cid2mapInfo[cid] = map_info _INFO('Load ready city',['ready city count:' + str(len(cid2name))]) return cid2name,cid2mapInfo
def getNewestPrice(candHotelSet, forex_rate_dict, sid_udi_dict, db_name, table_name, city, sc,opened_source_set): _INFO('getNewestPrice', ['Begin']) try: rds = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, db=0) conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8',passwd='', db=db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() except Exception,e : _INFO('getNewestPrice',['redis or mysql connection fail!']) _INFO('getNewestPrice',['error code = ' + str(e)]) return None
def getNewestPrice(candHotelSet, forex_rate_dict, sid_udi_dict, db_name, table_name, city, sc, opened_source_set): _INFO('getNewestPrice', ['Begin']) try: rds = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, db=0) conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8', passwd='', db=db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() except Exception, e: _INFO('getNewestPrice', ['redis or mysql connection fail!']) _INFO('getNewestPrice', ['error code = ' + str(e)]) return None
elif (len(city) <= 0 or city == 'NULL') and (len(sc) > 0 and sc != 'NULL'): sql += ' where source = "' + sc + '" ;' else: sql += ';' n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() key_roominfo_dict = {} key_set = set([]) if len(datas) == 0: _INFO('getNewestPrice', ['city = ' + city + ', sc = ' + sc + ', no result']) return {} sid_set = set(sid_udi_dict.keys()) c = 0 for data in datas: c += 1 if c == 1 or c % 10000 == 0: _INFO('getNewestPrice', ['c = ' + str(c)]) info = {} source = data[2].encode('utf-8').strip() #source real_source = data[5].encode('utf-8').strip() #real_source
sql += ' where source = "' + sc + '" ;' else: sql += ';' n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() key_roominfo_dict = {} key_set = set([]) if len(datas) == 0: _INFO('getNewestPrice', ['city = ' + city + ', sc = ' + sc + ', no result']) return {} sid_set = set(sid_udi_dict.keys()) c = 0 for data in datas: c += 1 if c == 1 or c % 10000 == 0: _INFO('getNewestPrice', ['c = ' + str(c)]) info = {} source = data[2].encode('utf-8').strip() #source real_source = data[5].encode('utf-8').strip() #real_source
user='', charset='utf8', passwd='', db=source_db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() except Exception, e: _INFO('push flight data', ['redis or mysql connection error']) _INFO('push flight data', ['error code = ' + str(e)]) return None, None sql = "select flight_no,plane_type,flight_corp,dept_id,dest_id,dept_day,dept_time,dest_time,dur,rest,price,tax,surcharge,currency,seat_type,real_class,stop_id,stop_time,daydiff,source,return_rule,stop,updatetime from " + source_sql_table_name + " ;" #print 'sql: ' + sql _INFO('push flight data', ['get flight data from database...']) try: n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: _INFO('push flight data', ['Error', 'execute sql error!', 'sql = ' + str(sql)]) sys.exit(1) cursor.close() conn.close() _INFO('push flight data', ['get flight data from sql database done!'])
def getRatePlanByHotelCode(client, hotelcode_set, from_date, to_date, city): AllianceID = '15951' SID = '439022' SecretKey = '4F3E7530-391A-45A3-829B-880FFBBC4264' TimeStamp = str(int(time.time())) RequestType = 'OTA_HotelSearch' Signature = Signate(AllianceID, SID, SecretKey, TimeStamp, RequestType) #print Signature req_xml = minidom.getDOMImplementation() dom = req_xml.createDocument(None, 'Request', None) root = dom.documentElement header = dom.createElement('Header') header.setAttribute('AllianceID', AllianceID) header.setAttribute('SID', SID) header.setAttribute('TimeStamp', TimeStamp) header.setAttribute('RequestType', RequestType) header.setAttribute('Signature', Signature) hotel_request = dom.createElement('HotelRequest') request_body = dom.createElement('RequestBody') request_body.setAttribute('xmlns:ns', '') request_body.setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', '') request_body.setAttribute('xmlns:xsd', '') ns_ota_hsr = dom.createElement('ns:OTA_HotelRatePlanRQ') ns_ota_hsr.setAttribute('Version', '1.0') ns_ota_hsr.setAttribute('TimeStamp', '2012-05-01T00:00:00.000+08:00') ns_rate_plans = dom.createElement('ns:RatePlans') ns_rate_plan = dom.createElement('ns:RatePlan') ns_date_range = dom.createElement('ns:DateRange') ns_date_range.setAttribute('Start', from_date) ns_date_range.setAttribute('End', to_date) ns_rate_plan_candidates = dom.createElement('ns:RatePlanCandidates') for hotelcode in hotelcode_set: ns_rate_plan_candidate = dom.createElement('ns:RatePlanCandidate') ns_rate_plan_candidate.setAttribute('AvailRatesOnlyInd', 'false') ns_hotel_refs = dom.createElement('ns:HotelRefs') ns_hotel_ref = dom.createElement('ns:HotelRef') ns_hotel_ref.setAttribute('HotelCode', hotelcode) ns_hotel_refs.appendChild(ns_hotel_ref) ns_rate_plan_candidate.appendChild(ns_hotel_refs) ns_rate_plan_candidates.appendChild(ns_rate_plan_candidate) ns_rate_plan.appendChild(ns_date_range) ns_rate_plan.appendChild(ns_rate_plan_candidates) ns_rate_plans.appendChild(ns_rate_plan) ns_ota_hsr.appendChild(ns_rate_plans) request_body.appendChild(ns_ota_hsr) hotel_request.appendChild(request_body) root.appendChild(header) root.appendChild(hotel_request) xml_str = dom.toxml().decode('utf-8') room_list = [] try: resp = client.service.Request(xml_str) resp = resp.__str__() _INFO('client.service.Request', ['hotelcode = ' + hotelcode + ', len = ' + str(len(resp))]) room_list = parsePrice(resp, city) #print 'ok2' _INFO('ctripHotel::parsePrice', ['Parsed ' + str(len(room_list)) + ' values']) except Exception, e: _ERROR('ctripHotel::getRatePlanByHotelCode', ['hotelcode = ' + str(hotelcode), str(e)]) return room_list
return all_price _INFO('ctripHotel::parseRoom', ['Parse price failed because of no hotel found']) except Exception, e: _ERROR('ctripHotel::parseRoom', ['Parse price failed because of no hotel found', str(e)]) for each_hotel_content in each_hotel_content_list: room = Room() try: room.source_hotelid = pattern_search(hotelcode_pat, each_hotel_content) if room.source_hotelid == 'NULL': _INFO('ctripHotel::parseRoom', ['Cannot parse this hotel id']) except Exception, e: _ERROR( 'ctripHotel::parseRoom', ['Cannot parse this hotel', str(e)]) #print room.source_hotelid try: each_room_content_list = rateplan_pat.findall(each_hotel_content) if len(each_room_content_list) == 0: _ERROR('ctripHotel::parseRoom', ['Parse this room failed']) return room_list except Exception, e: _ERROR('ctripHotel::parseRoom', ['Parse this room failed', e]) return room_list for each_room_content in each_room_content_list:
sid2uid[key] = uid uid2status = {} for uid in uid2status_set: cand_set = uid2status_set[uid] if 4 in cand_set: uid2status[uid] = 4 elif 2 in cand_set: uid2status[uid] = 2 elif 3 in cand_set: uid2status[uid] = 3 else: uid2status[uid] = 0 _INFO('Load merged data',['merged data count = ' + str(num)]) return uid2sid,uid2cid,sid2uid,uid2status,uid2star #def load_unmerged_data(): # conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', charset='utf8',passwd='',db='merge_hotel_20150706') # cursor = conn.cursor() # # # uid2sid,uid2cid,sid2uid,uid2status = load_merged_data('','merge_hotel_20150706','hotel_unid') # drop_sid = get_confilict_data('','merge_hotel_20150706','hotelinfo_expedia') # # sql = "select source,source_id from hotelinfo_expedia;" # # cursor.execute(sql)
#print 'sql: ' + sql _INFO('push train data',['get train data from database...']) try: n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: _INFO('push train data',['Error','execute sql error!']) sys.exit(1) cursor.close() conn.close() _INFO('push train data',['get train data from sql database done!']) _INFO('push train data',['get available data...']) train_data = {} train_key_set = set() for data in datas: #print data dept_id = data[4].encode('utf-8').strip() dest_id = data[6].encode('utf-8').strip() dept_day = data[7].encode('utf-8').strip().replace('-','') source = data[16].encode('utf-8').strip() update_time = str(data[22]).strip() train_key = 'train_' + dept_id + '_' + dest_id + '_' + dept_day + '_' + source
rds = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, db=0) conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='', charset='utf8',passwd='', db=source_db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() except Exception, e: _INFO('push flight data',['redis or mysql connection error']) _INFO('push flight data',['error code = ' + str(e)]) return None,None sql = "select flight_no,plane_type,flight_corp,dept_id,dest_id,dept_day,dept_time,dest_time,dur,rest,price,tax,surcharge,currency,seat_type,real_class,stop_id,stop_time,daydiff,source,return_rule,stop,updatetime from " + source_sql_table_name + " ;" #print 'sql: ' + sql _INFO('push flight data',['get flight data from database...']) try: n = cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() except Exception, e: _INFO('push flight data',['Error','execute sql error!','sql = ' + str(sql)]) sys.exit(1) cursor.close() conn.close() _INFO('push flight data',['get flight data from sql database done!']) _INFO('push flight data',['get available data...'])