コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, master):
     # Loop frames hold the routine frame with steps and sub-loops, as well as a bar to specify # iterations
     self.box = LabelFrame(master, text="Loop")
     self.iterations = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 0, "Number of iterations: ")
     self.currIter = Label(self.box, text="") #Displays current iteration while running
     self.currIter.grid(row=0, column=2)
     self.steptype = "Loop" #also alows Loops to be saved and loaded as if steps.
     super(Loop, self).__init__(self.box)
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, _super):
     Step.__init__(self, _super)
     self.box.config(text = self.parameter)
     self.temp = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 2, "Temperature (C): ")
     self.time = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 0, "Time (s):")
     self.steptype = "TempStep"
コード例 #3
 def __init__(
     self, _super
 ):  # super is a reference to the procedure holding the item instance
     Step.__init__(self, _super)
     self.steptype = "PauseStep"
     self.time = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 0, "Time (s):")
     self.time.expression = None
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self, _super):
     Step.__init__(self, _super)
     self.Valve = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 0, "Valve:", width=16)
     self.Valve.expression = False
     self.State = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 2, "State:", width=16)
     self.State.expression = False
     self.entries = [self.Valve, self.State]
     self.steptype = "ValveStep"
コード例 #5
ファイル: StudentContainer.py プロジェクト: rzuniga64/python
    def make_widgets(self):
        # Labels and Edit boxes
        self.le0 = LabelEntry(self.frame1, text="First Name", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le0.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le1 = LabelEntry(self.frame1, text="Last Name", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le1.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le2 = LabelEntry(self.frame2, text="Street", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le2.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le3 = LabelEntry(self.frame2, text="City", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le3.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le4 = LabelEntry(self.frame3, text="State", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le4.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le5 = LabelEntry(self.frame3, text="Zip", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le5.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le6 = LabelEntry(self.frame4, text="Email", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le6.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le7 = LabelEntry(self.frame4, text="Phone", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le7.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le8 = LabelEntry(self.frame5, text="School", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le8.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le9 = LabelEntry(self.frame5, text="Major", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le9.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)

        # Add button and label
        add_button = Button(self.frame6, text="Add to database", command=self.on_click_add)
        add_button.config(relief=RAISED, bg="light blue", fg="black")
        add_button.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
        Label(self.frame6, textvariable=self.message).pack(side=LEFT)

        # Text box and scrollbar
        sbar = Scrollbar(self.frame7)
        text = Text(self.frame7, relief=SUNKEN)
        text.config(yscrollcommand=sbar.set, bd=5, height=15, width=130)
        sbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
        text.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.text = text

        # Display, Clear and Quit buttons
        display_button = Button(self.frame8, text="Display students", command=self.on_click_display)
        display_button.config(relief=RAISED, bg="light blue", fg="black")
        display_button.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
        clear_button = Button(self.frame8, text="Clear", command=self.clear_text)
        clear_button.config(relief=RAISED, bg="light blue", fg="black")
        clear_button.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
        quit_button = Button(self.frame8, text="Quit", command=exit)
        quit_button.config(relief=RAISED, bg="light blue", fg="black")
        quit_button.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, _super):
        Step.__init__(self, _super)
        self.rate = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 0, "Rate (cycles/s):", width=3)
        self.nCycles = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 2, "Number of Cycles:", width=9)
        self.steptype = "PumpStep"

        valvesbox = LabelFrame(self.box)
        valvesbox.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=10)
        self.valveEntries = []
        for valve in (1, 2, 3):
                           2 * valve,
                           " --> Valve " + str(valve) + ": ",
        self.entries = [self.rate, self.nCycles] + self.valveEntries
コード例 #7
class Loop(ArduinoErrorProofedRoutine):
    activeLoop = None  #reference active loop so that if a protocol is cancelled while a loop is running, we can remove "iterations:" label.

    # Loop.__init__
    # Input:
    #   master - a Tkinter frame that the Loop will be nested in
    # Output:
    #   None
    def __init__(self, master):
        # Loop frames hold the routine frame with steps and sub-loops, as well as a bar to specify # iterations
        self.box = LabelFrame(master, text="Loop")
        self.iterations = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 0, "Number of iterations: ")
        self.currIter = Label(
            self.box, text="")  #Displays current iteration while running
        self.currIter.grid(row=0, column=2)
        self.steptype = "Loop"  #also alows Loops to be saved and loaded as if steps.
        super(Loop, self).__init__(self.box)

    # Loop.draw:
    #   Inputs:
    #       _row - the row of the Tkinter parent frame in which the loop will be drawn with the grid manager
    #       _cos - the column of the Tkinter parent frame in which the loop will be drawn with the grid manager
    #   Output: None
    def draw(self, _row, _col):
        self.box.grid(row=_row, column=_col, sticky=W)
        super(Loop, self).draw(1, 0)

    # Loop.saveEntries: Called before running or saving a protocol. Checks to make sure all entries are valid (recursively
    #   for nested loops) and saves the values so the protocol will not crash even if the user changes values during a run.
    # Input:
    #   iters - a tuple containing the number of iterations each outer loop will be iterated over. The immediate outer
    #           loop is first, the second outer loop is second, and so on. This is used for recursive error checking.
    # Output: None
    def saveEntries(self, iters=None):
        saveIter = self.iterations.get()
        if saveIter == "":
            raise ValueError("Error: Unfilled number of iterations in loop.")
            self.saveIter = int(saveIter)
            raise ValueError(saveIter + " is not a valid n")
        if self.saveIter < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "You must loop over a postitive integer number of iterations.")
        if self.steps == []:
            raise Exception("You cannot run a loop with no steps!")
        for item in self.steps:
            if iters:
                _iters = tuple([self.saveIter] + list(iters))
                _iters = (self.saveIter, )

                if item.box.cget('bg') == "yellow":
            except Exception as E:
                if hasattr(
                        item, 'activeLoop'
                ):  # then item is a loop. Only turn yellow if iteration error.
                    if E.message in (
                            "Error: Unfilled number of iterations in loop.",
                            "You must loop over a postitive integer number of iterations.",
                            "You cannot run a loop with no steps!"
                    ) or " is not a valid n" in E.message:
                # turn yellow
                else:  # turn yellow
                # in anycase, raise the error again.
                raise E

    # Loop.save: Called recursively when Protocol.save is called. Returns information necessary to reconstruct loop to calling object.
    #   Inputs:
    #       None
    #   Outputs:
    #       savedLoop - A list of information necessary to reconstruct the loop to be saved in a JSON file.
    def save(self):
        savedLoop = super(Loop, self).save()
        if hasattr(
                self.stepImplementation, '__iter__'
        ):  # if more than one step can be used in the protocol (self.stepImplementation is an iterable)
            stepImp = [s.__name__ for s in self.stepImplementation]
            savedLoop = ["Loop", stepImp, self.iterations.get()] + savedLoop
        else:  #Otherwise only one steptype is used in a protocol
            savedLoop = [
                "Loop", self.stepImplementation.__name__,
            ] + savedLoop
        return savedLoop

    # Called recursively when Protocol.loadProtocol is called. Reconstructs loop saved by Loop.save
    #   Inputs:
    #       savedLoop - list of information to reconstruct saved loop object, generated by Loop.saved and retrieved from
    #           a JSON file.
    #   Outputs:
    #       None
    def load(self, savedLoop):
        stepImp = savedLoop[0]
        self.stepImplementation = []
        if type(stepImp) == list:
            for s in stepImp:
            self.stepImplementation = eval(stepImp)
        self.iterations.insert(0, savedLoop[1])
        self.iterations.saved = savedLoop[1]
        super(Loop, self).load(savedLoop[2:])

    # Loop.run - executes the loop
    # Inputs:
    #   iter - a tuple containing the current iteration values of outer loops. The current loop is at bin 0, the first
    #       outer Loop is at bin 1, ect.
    # Outputs:
    #       Returns "Error" if there is an error while running. This propogates up through the recursive structure to
    #       cancel the run.
    def run(self, iter=None):
        Loop.activeLoop = self  #this marker allows steps to clean up iteration counter if the protocol is canceled
        for i in range(1, self.saveIter + 1):
            self.currIter.config(text="Iteration: " + str(i))
            if not iter:
                iter0 = (i, )

                iter0 = (i, ) + iter
            if super(Loop, self).run(
            ) == "Error":  #run through one iteration of the loop
                return "Error"
        Loop.activeLoop = None
コード例 #8
class PauseStep(Step):
    parameter = "Pause"

    # PauseStep.__init__: intializes PauseStep
    #   Input:
    #       _super - parent Tkinter frame object in which to draw PauseStep instance
    #   Output: None
    def __init__(
        self, _super
    ):  # super is a reference to the procedure holding the item instance
        Step.__init__(self, _super)
        self.steptype = "PauseStep"
        self.time = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 0, "Time (s):")
        self.time.expression = None

    # PauseStep.saveEntries: Save user entered time value for running or writing to file.
    #   Inputs:
    #       type - data types accepted - float for PauseStep
    #       iters - tuple of loop iterations. None if the step is not inside a loop. The iteration of the immediate loop
    #               is stored in i[0], the first outer loop in i[1], and the nth outer loop in i[n].
    #   Output: None
    def saveEntries(self, type="float", iters=None):
        timeEntry = self.time.get()
        if not iters:
            time = float(timeEntry)
            if time < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid pause time: " + self.timeEntry +
                    "; you cannot pause for a negative amount of time.")
            self.time.expression = False
            self.recursiveIterCheck(iters, timeEntry, self.inputCheckForPause,
            self.time.expression = True

    # PauseStep.inputCheckForPause: If PauseStep is in a loop and has an expression entry for a pause time as a function
    # of the loop iteration, inputCheckForPause checks whether the expression evaluates to a valid time on
    # the given iteration.
    #   Input:
    #       input - Expression for the pause time
    #       i - tuple of iterations for each outer loop. The immediate outer loop is the the first position, the
    #           outer-most loop is in the last position.
    #   Output: None, but throws an error if invalid.
    def inputCheckForPause(self, expression, i):
            time = eval(expression, {}, {'i': i})
            raise ValueError(
                "Expression " + expression +
                " in Pause step does not evaluate to a positive float on "
                "iteration " + self.iterToString(i) + ".")
        if (type(time) != float and type(time) != int) or time < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot pause for " + expression + " seconds on iteration" +
                self.iterToString(i) +
                ". You can only pause for a positive integer of float number of seconds."

    # Step.run pauses the protocol. The function is still called run to allow duck typing.
    #   Input:
    #       cleanup - function to cleanup after step: None for Step.run
    #       iter - tuple of the number iterations for each outer loop. The immediate outer loop is the the first
    #       position, the outer-most loop is in the last position.
    #   Output: None
    def run(self, iter=None):
        i = iter
        if self.time.expression:
            runtime = eval(self.time.saved, {}, {'i': i})
            runtime = self.time.saved
        Step.pause(self, runtime)
コード例 #9
class PumpStep(Step):
    parameter = "Pump"

    # PumpStep.__init__
    #   Input:
    #       _super - parent Tkinter frame object in which to draw ValveStep instance
    #   Output: None
    def __init__(self, _super):
        Step.__init__(self, _super)
        self.rate = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 0, "Rate (cycles/s):", width=3)
        self.nCycles = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 2, "Number of Cycles:", width=9)
        self.steptype = "PumpStep"

        valvesbox = LabelFrame(self.box)
        valvesbox.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=10)
        self.valveEntries = []
        for valve in (1, 2, 3):
                           2 * valve,
                           " --> Valve " + str(valve) + ": ",
        self.entries = [self.rate, self.nCycles] + self.valveEntries

    # PumpStep.saveEntries: Saves user entered entries in PumpStep for running or writing to saved file. If there are
    # Expressions that evaluate as a function of loop iteration, all loop iterations are checked recursively.
    #   Inputs:
    #       type - data type the user entries should be, for PumpStep, should be ints.
    #       iters - tuple of loop iterations. None if the step is not inside a loop. The iteration of the immediate loop
    #               is stored in i[0], the first outer loop in i[1], and the nth outer loop in i[n].
    #   Output: None
    def saveEntries(self, type="int", iters=None):
        rate = self.rate.get()
        cycles = self.nCycles.get()

        # Check if valve entries are ok for all loop iterations.
        valves = []
        allInt = True
        for v in self.valveEntries:
            v0 = v.get()
                v1 = int(v0)
                if v1 not in self.btndict:
                    raise ValueError(
                        v0 +
                        " in pump step is not a valid valve. Valid valves are "
                        + self.btndict["AvailablePinsStatement"] + ".")
                v.expression = False
                if not iters:
                    raise ValueError(
                        v0 +
                        " in pump step is not a valid valve. Valid valves are "
                        + self.btndict["AvailablePinsStatement"] + ".")
                else:  #check if valid expression fo valve
                    self.recursiveIterCheck(iters, v0,
                                            self.checkValidValveEntry, ())
                    v.expression = True
                    allInt = False
        if allInt:
            if len(set(valves)) < 3:
                raise ValueError("There are duplicate valve entries")
            self.recursiveIterCheck(iters, valves, self.checkDuplicateValves,

            rate1 = int(rate)
            if rate1 < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    rate +
                    " is not a valid rate for a pump step. Rates must be positive integers."
            self.rate.expression = False
            if not iters:
                raise ValueError(
                    rate +
                    " is not a valid rate for a pump step. Rates must be positive integers."
            else:  #check if valid expression.
                self.recursiveIterCheck(iters, rate, self.checkValidRate, ())
                self.rate.expression = True

                cycles1 = int(cycles)
                if not iters:
                    raise ValueError(
                        cycles +
                        " is not a valid number of cycles for a pump step. The number of cycles must"
                        " be either a positive integer or -1 to pump indefinitely until interupted."
                else:  # check if valid expression
                    self.recursiveIterCheck(iters, cycles,
                                            self.checkValidCycles, ())
                    self.nCycles.expression = True
                    Step.saveEntries(self, type="int", iters=iters)

            if cycles1 == -1:
                if iters:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Pump steps can pump indefinitely only if they"
                        " are the final step in a protocol.")
                    if hasattr(self, 'last') and not self.last:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Pump steps can pump indefinitely only if they"
                            " are the final step in a protocol.")

            if cycles1 < -1:
                if iters:
                    raise ValueError(
                        cycles +
                        " is not a valid number of cycles for a pump step. The number of cycles must be"
                        " a positive integer.")
                    raise ValueError(
                        cycles +
                        " is not a valid number of cycles for a pump step. The number of cycles must be"
                        " a positive integer, or -1 on the final step of a protocol to pump indefinitely."
            self.nCycles.expression = False
        except ValueError as E:
            raise E

        Step.saveEntries(self, type="int", iters=iters)

    # PumpStep.checkValidRate: If pumpstep is in a loop and has an expression entry for rate as a function of the loop
    # iteration, checkValidRate checks whether the expression evaluates to a valid rate on the given iteration.
    #   Input:
    #       input - Expression for the rate
    #       i - tuple of iterations for each outer loop. The immediate outer loop is the the first position, the
    #           outer-most loop is in the last position.
    #   Output: None, but throws an error if invalid.
    def checkValidRate(self, input, i):
            rate = eval(input, {}, {'i': i})
            if type(rate) != int or rate < 1:
                raise ValueError()
            raise ValueError(
                input +
                " is not a valid rate for a pump step. Rates must be positive integers or, in a "
                "loop, python expressions evaluating to positive integers." +
        if (type(rate) != int and type(rate) != float) or rate < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                input +
                " is not a valid rate for a pump step. Rates must be positive integers or, in a "
                "loop, python expressions evaluating to positive integers." +

    # PumpStep.checkValidCycles: If pumpstep is in a loop and has an expression entry for number of cycles as a function
    # of the loop iteration, checkValidCycles checks whether the expression evaluates to a valid number of cycles on
    # the given iteration.
    #   Input:
    #       input - Expression for the number of cycles
    #       i - tuple of iterations for each outer loop. The immediate outer loop is the the first position, the
    #           outer-most loop is in the last position.
    #   Output: None, but throws an error if invalid.
    def checkValidCycles(self, input, i):
            cycles = eval(input, {}, {'i': i})
            if type(cycles) != int or cycles < 1:
                raise ValueError()
            raise ValueError(
                input +
                " is not a valid number of cycles for a pump step. The number of cycles must be"
                " a positive integer.")
        if cycles == -1:
            raise ValueError("You cannot pump indefinately inside a loop. " +
                             input + " in pump step evaluates to -1 on"
                             " iteration " + self.iterToString(i) + ".")
        if type(cycles) != int or int < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Number of cycles" + input + " evaluates to " + cycles +
                " on iteration " + self.iterToString(i) +
                ". The number of cycles must be a positive integer.")

    # PumpStep.specifyPump: Create pump object using a ValveControllerObject. Set upon instantiation of ValveController
    # in KATARAGUI.connect.
    #   Inputs:
    #       v1 - the first valve in the peristaltic pump
    #       v2 - the second valve in the peristaltic pump
    #       v3 - the third valve in the peristaltic pump
    #   Output:
    #       returns KATARAPump Object
    def specifyPump(self, v1, v2, v3):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Error: Pumpstep.specifyPump must be set upon initialization of the device."

    # PumpStep.changeValveColor: Changes the color of the valve button while the pump is running.
    #   Input:
    #       color - the color to change the valve button to.
    #   Output: None
    def changeValveColor(self, color):
        for v in self.pump.valves:

    # PumpStep.cleanup: Resests GUI after finishing pump sequence.
    #   Inputs: None
    #   Outputs: None
    def cleanup(
    ):  #call this method if a protocol is canceled in the middle of a pump step

    # PumpStep.run: runs the pump sequence.
    #   Inputs:
    #       iters - tuple of loop iterations. None if the step is not inside a loop. The iteration of the immediate loop
    #               is stored in i[0], the first outer loop in i[1], and the nth outer loop in i[n].
    #       time - time to pause thread while the pump sequence is running.
    #   Outputs: None
    #def run(self, cleanup = None, iter = None, time = None):
    def run(self, iter=None, time=None):
        i = iter

        valves = []
        for v in self.valveEntries:
            if v.expression:
                valves.append(eval(v.saved, {}, {'i': i}))
        self.pump = self.specifyPump(valves[0], valves[1], valves[2])
        if self.nCycles.expression:
            nCycles = eval(self.nCycles.saved, {}, {'i': i})
            nCycles = self.nCycles.saved
        if self.rate.expression:
            rate = eval(self.rate.saved, {}, {'i': i})
            rate = self.rate.saved
        self.pump.forward(rate, nCycles)
        if nCycles == -1:
            Step.pause(self, float('Inf'), cleanup=self.cleanup)
                       float(nCycles) / float(rate),
        Step.pause(self, time, cleanup=self.cleanup)

    # PumpStep.checkValidValveEntry: If PumpStep is in a loop and has an expression entry for a valve as a function
    # of the loop iteration, checkValidValve checks whether the expression evaluates to a valid valve on
    # the given iteration.
    #   Input:
    #       input - Expression for the valve
    #       i - tuple of iterations for each outer loop. The immediate outer loop is the the first position, the
    #           outer-most loop is in the last position.
    #   Output: None, but throws an error if invalid.
    def checkValidValveEntry(self, valve, i):
            valve = eval(valve, {}, {'i': i})
            print(i, valve)
            raise ValueError(
                "Valve entry must either be an available valve or a valid python expression "
                "evaluating to an available valve. Available valves are " +
                self.btndict["AvailablePinsStatement"] + ". " +
        if valve not in self.btndict or type(valve) != int or valve < 1:
            raise ValueError("Valve entry " + str(valve) + " evaluates to " +
                             str(valve) + " on iteration " +
                             self.iterToString(i) + ". Available valves are " +

    # PumpStep.checkDuplicateValves: Checks if expressions for valves evaluate to duplicates on a given loop iteration.
    #   Inputs:
    #       valves - list of valves to evaluate
    #       i - the iteration of all outer loops.
    #   Outputs: None
    def checkDuplicateValves(self, valves, i):
        evaledValves = []
        for v in valves:
            evaledValves.append(eval(v, {}, {'i': i}))
        if len(set(evaledValves)) < 3:
            raise ValueError("There are duplicate valves on iteration " +
コード例 #10
class ValveStep(Step):
    parameter = "Open/close valve"  # this text is included in add step dialog boxes.

    # ValveStep.__init__: intializes ValveStep
    #   Input:
    #       _super - parent Tkinter frame object in which to draw ValveStep instance
    #   Output: None
    def __init__(self, _super):
        Step.__init__(self, _super)
        self.Valve = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 0, "Valve:", width=16)
        self.Valve.expression = False
        self.State = LabelEntry(self.box, 0, 2, "State:", width=16)
        self.State.expression = False
        self.entries = [self.Valve, self.State]
        self.steptype = "ValveStep"

    # ValveStep.run: executes valve opening and closing
    #   Inputs:
    #       cleanup - does nothing for this class. Accepted as an argument because routines pass it to every object in
    #               their steps list. Other Step derivatives and loops use it.
    #       iter - tuple of loop iterations. None if the step is not inside a loop. The iteration of the immediate loop
    #               is stored in i[0], the first outer loop in i[1], and the nth outer loop in i[n].
    #   Output: None
    def run(self, cleanup=None, iter=None):
        valves = []
        states = []
        for j in range(len(self.Valve.saved)):
            i = iter
            if self.Valve.expression:
                valves.append(eval(self.Valve.saved[j], {}, {'i': i}))
            if self.State.expression:
                states.append(eval(self.State.saved[j], {}, {'i': i}))
            if states[-1] == 1:
            else:  # the saved state is 0
        self.setValves(valves, states)
        Step.pause(self, 0)

    # ValveStep.saveEntries: save user entries for running or writing to file
    #   Inputs:
    #       type - data type that entries should be. Valve entries should be ints.
    #       iters - tuple of loop iterations. None if the step is not inside a loop. The iteration of the immediate loop
    #               is stored in i[0], the first outer loop in i[1], and the nth outer loop in i[n].
    def saveEntries(self, type="int", iters=None):
        stateEntry = self.State.get()
        valveEntry = self.Valve.get()

        #first check if inputs are list, then check each entry
        stateEntry = stateEntry.replace(' ', '')  #remove spaces
        states = tuple(stateEntry.rsplit(','))
        valves = tuple(valveEntry.rsplit(','))

        if len(set(valves)) < len(valves):
            raise ValueError("There are duplicate pin entries.")

        if len(states) != len(valves):
            if len(states) == 1:
                states = tuple(list(states) * len(valves))
                raise ValueError(
                    "The number of valves and states entered in Valve Step are different."

        self.Valve.expression = [0] * len(states)
        self.State.expression = [0] * len(states)

        # check that all entries are valid
        for i in range(len(states)):
            self.checkValveStateEntry(valves[i], states[i], iters, listNum=i)

        #Save Entries
        self.State.saved = states
        self.Valve.saved = valves

    # ValveStep.checkValveStateEntry: Checks whether entries are valid. If step is in a loop and has an expression
    # That evaluates as a function of the loop iteration, recursively checks if it is valid for all loop iterations.
    #   Inputs:
    #       valve - user valve entry
    #       state - user state entry
    #       iters - tuple of loop iterations. None if the step is not inside a loop. The iteration of the immediate loop
    #               is stored in i[0], the first outer loop in i[1], and the nth outer loop in i[n].
    #       listNum - the position in the comma separated list of user entered valves/states.
    def checkValveStateEntry(self, valve, state, iters, listNum=None):
        if not iters:  # just look for integers
                valve1 = int(valve)
                raise ValueError(
                    valve +
                    " is not an available valve. Available valves are " +
                    self.btndict["AvailablePinsStatement"] + ".")
            if valve1 not in self.btndict:
                raise ValueError(
                    valve +
                    " is not an available valve. Available valves are " +
                    self.btndict["AvailablePinsStatement"] + ".")
            if state not in ("0", "1"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Valve state " + state + "  is not allowed. "
                    "The valve state must be either 1 (energized) or 0 (not energized)."
            self.setEntryExpressionBool(listNum, False, False)

            valve = int(valve)
            valveIsInt = True
            valveIsInt = False
        if valveIsInt:
            if valve not in self.btndict:
                raise ValueError("Valve " + str(valve) +
                                 " is not available. Available valves are " +
        if valveIsInt and state in ("0", "1"):
            self.setEntryExpressionBool(listNum, False, False)
        elif state in (
                "0", "1"
        ):  #then either the valve entry is an expression or an error
            self.recursiveIterCheck(iters, valve, self.checkValidValveEntry,
            self.setEntryExpressionBool(listNum, True, False)
        elif valveIsInt:  # Either the state entry is a correct python expression or an error
            self.recursiveIterCheck(iters, state, self.checkValidStateEntry,
            self.setEntryExpressionBool(listNum, False, True)
        else:  #Both the state and valve entries are either expressions or errors
            self.recursiveIterCheck(iters, state, self.checkValidStateEntry,
            self.recursiveIterCheck(iters, valve, self.checkValidValveEntry,
            self.setEntryExpressionBool(listNum, True, True)

    # ValveStep.setEntryExressionBool: Sets whether each user entered state/valve is an expression or hard value.
    #   Inputs:
    #       entry - position in the user entered comma-separated list of valves/states.
    #       valveExprBool - 1 if expression, 0 if not
    #       stateExprBool - 1 if expression, 0 if not
    #   Outputs: None
    def setEntryExpressionBool(self, entry, valveExprBool, stateExprBool):
        self.State.expression[entry] = stateExprBool
        self.Valve.expression[entry] = valveExprBool

    # ValveStep.checkValidValveEntry: Evaluates an expression for a valve entry with given loop iterations and checks
    # whether it is valid.
    #   Inputs:
    #       valve - expression for a valve
    #       i - tuple of the iterations of all loops in which the valve step is nested inside.
    #   Outputs: None, but raises error if the valve entry is invalid at the given loop iterations.
    def checkValidValveEntry(self, valve, i):
            valve1 = eval(valve, {}, {'i': i})
            print(i, valve1)
        except Exception as E:
            raise ValueError(
                "Valve entry must either be an available valve or a valid python expression "
                "evaluating to an available valve. Available valves are " +
                self.btndict["AvailablePinsStatement"] + ". " +
        if valve1 not in self.btndict:
            raise ValueError("Valve entry " + valve + " evaluates to " +
                             str(valve1) + " on iteration " +
                             self.iterToString(i) + ". Available valves are " +

    # ValveStep.checkValidStateEntry: Evaluates an expression for a state entry with given loop iterations and checks
    # whether it is valid.
    #   Inputs:
    #       ste - expression for a state
    #       i - tuple of the iterations of all loops in which the valve step is nested inside.
    #   Outputs: None, but raises error if the state entry is invalid at the given loop iterations.
    def checkValidStateEntry(self, state, i):
            state = eval(state, {}, {'i': i})
            raise ValueError(
                "Valve state " + state + "  is not allowed. "
                "State entries for valve steps must either be 1 (energized), 0 (denergized)"
                " or, if in a loop, a python expression evaluating to 0 or 1."
                + Step.NestingRuleStatement)
        if state not in (0, 1):
            raise ValueError(
                "State entries for valve steps must either be  1 (energized), 0 (denergized),"
                " or a python expression evaluating to 1 or 0. For interation "
                + self.iterToString(i) + " the expression evaluates to " +
                str(state) + ".")

    # ValveStep.setValves: Sends a serial command through a ValveController object to set valve states. Set upon
    # ValveController object's initialization in the KATARAGUI.connect method.
    #   Inputs:
    #       valve - tuple of valves to set the state of
    #       state - tuple of states to set corresponding valves to.
    #   Output: None
    def setValves(self, valve, state):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Error: ValveStep.setValve must be set upon initialization of the device."
コード例 #11
ファイル: StudentContainer.py プロジェクト: rzuniga64/python
class StudentContainer():
    def __init__(self):

        # Create a database to store information typed into the GUI interface
        self.studentdb = StudentDB()
        self.le0, self.le1, self.le2, self.le3, self.le4 = '', '', '', '', ''
        self.le5, self.le6, self.le7, self.le8, self.le9 = '', '', '', '', ''

        # Create the main window
        self.root = Tk()
        self.root.title("Enter Student Information")
        self.message = StringVar()
        self.text = ' '

        # Create frames
        self.frame1 = Frame(self.root)
        self.frame2 = Frame(self.root)
        self.frame3 = Frame(self.root)
        self.frame4 = Frame(self.root)
        self.frame5 = Frame(self.root)
        self.frame6 = Frame(self.root)
        self.frame7 = Frame(self.root)
        self.frame8 = Frame(self.root)

        # Pack the frames
        self.frame1.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.frame2.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.frame3.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.frame4.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.frame5.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.frame6.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.frame7.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.frame8.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)


        # Start the main loop.

    def make_widgets(self):
        # Labels and Edit boxes
        self.le0 = LabelEntry(self.frame1, text="First Name", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le0.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le1 = LabelEntry(self.frame1, text="Last Name", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le1.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le2 = LabelEntry(self.frame2, text="Street", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le2.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le3 = LabelEntry(self.frame2, text="City", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le3.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le4 = LabelEntry(self.frame3, text="State", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le4.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le5 = LabelEntry(self.frame3, text="Zip", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le5.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le6 = LabelEntry(self.frame4, text="Email", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le6.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le7 = LabelEntry(self.frame4, text="Phone", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le7.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le8 = LabelEntry(self.frame5, text="School", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le8.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)
        self.le9 = LabelEntry(self.frame5, text="Major", width=14, anchor=E)
        self.le9.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=RIGHT)

        # Add button and label
        add_button = Button(self.frame6, text="Add to database", command=self.on_click_add)
        add_button.config(relief=RAISED, bg="light blue", fg="black")
        add_button.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
        Label(self.frame6, textvariable=self.message).pack(side=LEFT)

        # Text box and scrollbar
        sbar = Scrollbar(self.frame7)
        text = Text(self.frame7, relief=SUNKEN)
        text.config(yscrollcommand=sbar.set, bd=5, height=15, width=130)
        sbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
        text.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.text = text

        # Display, Clear and Quit buttons
        display_button = Button(self.frame8, text="Display students", command=self.on_click_display)
        display_button.config(relief=RAISED, bg="light blue", fg="black")
        display_button.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
        clear_button = Button(self.frame8, text="Clear", command=self.clear_text)
        clear_button.config(relief=RAISED, bg="light blue", fg="black")
        clear_button.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
        quit_button = Button(self.frame8, text="Quit", command=exit)
        quit_button.config(relief=RAISED, bg="light blue", fg="black")
        quit_button.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)

    def set_text(self, text=' '):
        self.text.delete('1.0', END)                     # delete current text from text box
        self.text.insert('1.0', text)                    # add at line 1, col 0
        self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '1.0')                # set insert cursor
        self.text.focus()                                # save user a click

    def clear_message(self, count):                        # function run in threads
        for i in range(count):
            sleep(count)                            # simulate real work
            self.message.set(' ')

    def on_click_add(self):
            fname = self.le0.get_entry().strip(' ')
            lname = self.le1.get_entry()
            street = self.le2.get_entry()
            city = self.le3.get_entry()
            state = self.le4.get_entry()
            zipcode = int(self.le5.get_entry())
            email = self.le6.get_entry()
            phone = self.le7.get_entry()
            school = self.le8.get_entry()
            major = self.le9.get_entry()
            student_info = [fname, lname, street, city, state, zipcode, email, phone, school, major]
            is_inserted = self.studentdb.insert_record(student_info)
            if is_inserted:
                self.message.set('Student successfully added!')
                _thread.start_new_thread(self.clear_message, (5,))     # clear the message after 5 sec
        except ValueError:
            self.message.set('Zip: expected number but got a literal. Please correct the error!')
            _thread.start_new_thread(self.clear_message, (10,))     # clear the message after 5 sec

    def on_click_display(self):
        text = ' '
        student_table = self.studentdb.run_query('select * from student')
        for record in student_table:
            for attribute in record:
                text += str(attribute)+' '
            text += '\n'

    def clear_text(self):
        self.text.delete('1.0', END)                     # delete current text from text box