def main(): spout = Spout(displayMode='Receive', displayWindow=True) receiver_name = 'py_receiver' spout.receiverInit(receiver_name) sender_name = 'py_sender' spout.senderInit(sender_name) while True: receive_img = spout.receiverData() img = cv2.GaussianBlur(receive_img, (3, 3), 0) send_img = cv2.Canny(img, 50, 150) send_img = cv2.cvtColor(send_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA) spout.senderData(send_img) cv2.imshow('sender', send_img) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def generate_images(network_pkl): global z tflib.init_tf() print('Loading networks from "%s"...' % network_pkl) with dnnlib.util.open_url(network_pkl) as fp: _G, _D, Gs = pickle.load(fp) Gs_kwargs = { 'output_transform': dict(func=tflib.convert_images_to_uint8, nchw_to_nhwc=True), 'randomize_noise': False } noise_vars = [var for name, var in Gs.components.synthesis.vars.items( ) if name.startswith('noise')] label = np.zeros([1] + Gs.input_shapes[1][1:]) # create spout object spout = Spout(silent=False, width=512, height=512) # create sender spout.createSender('output') while True: # check on close window spout.check() server.handle_request() Gs_kwargs['truncation_psi'] = psi # GENERATION: seed = 74 # random.randrange(9999) rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed) # z = rnd.randn(1, *Gs.input_shape[1:]) # [minibatch, component] noise_rnd = np.random.RandomState(1) # fix noise tflib.set_vars({var: noise_rnd.randn(*var.shape.as_list()) for var in noise_vars}) # [height, width] image =, label, **Gs_kwargs) # send data spout.send(image[0])
def main(): # create spout object spout = Spout(silent=False) # create receiver spout.createReceiver('input') # create sender spout.createSender('output') while True: # check on close window spout.check() # receive data data = spout.receive() # send data spout.send(data)
def main(): # create spout object spout = Spout(silent=True, n_rec=3, n_send=3) # create receiver spout.createReceiver('input1', id=0) spout.createReceiver('input2', id=1) spout.createReceiver('input3', id=2) # create sender spout.createSender('output1', id=0) spout.createSender('output2', id=1) spout.createSender('output3', id=2) while True: # check on close window spout.check() # receive data data = spout.receive(id=0) data1 = spout.receive(id=1) data2 = spout.receive(id=2) # send data if random.random() > .9: spout.send(data1) spout.send(data, 1) else: spout.send(data) spout.send(data1, 1) spout.send(data2, id=2)
import time import dlib # requires cmake import numpy as np from align_face import align_face from Library.Spout import Spout spout = Spout(silent = False, width = 1044, height = 1088) spout.createReceiver('input') spout.createSender('output') # python --target=out/seed0002.png --project-in-wplus --save-video --num-steps=1000 --network= while True : # check on close window spout.check() # receive data data = spout.receive() print(data.shape) data = align_face(data) print(data.shape) spout.send(data)
def run_projection( ctx: click.Context, network_pkl: str, initial_learning_rate: float, w_avg_samples: int = 10000, initial_noise_factor: float = 0.05, regularize_noise_weight: float = 1e5, ): """ Project given image to the latent space of pretrained network pickle. Adapted from stylegan3-fun/ """ torch.manual_seed(42) # Load networks. print('Loading networks from "%s"...' % network_pkl) device = torch.device('cuda') with dnnlib.util.open_url(network_pkl) as fp: G = legacy.load_network_pkl(fp)['G_ema'].requires_grad_(False).to( device) # Open Spout stream for target images spout = Spout(silent=False, width=1044, height=1088) # TODO set W and H to 720p ? spout.createReceiver('input') spout.createSender('output') # Stabilize the latent space to make things easier (for StyleGAN3's config t and r models) gen_utils.anchor_latent_space(G) # == Adapted from project() in stylegan3-fun/ == # G = copy.deepcopy(G).eval().requires_grad_(False).to(device) # Compute w stats. z_samples = np.random.RandomState(123).randn(w_avg_samples, G.z_dim) w_samples = G.mapping(torch.from_numpy(z_samples).to(device), None) # [N, L, C] print('Projecting in W+ latent space...') w_avg = torch.mean(w_samples, dim=0, keepdim=True) # [1, L, C] w_std = (torch.sum((w_samples - w_avg)**2) / w_avg_samples)**0.5 # Setup noise inputs (only for StyleGAN2 models) noise_buffs = { name: buf for (name, buf) in G.synthesis.named_buffers() if 'noise_const' in name } w_noise_scale = w_std * initial_noise_factor # noise scale is constant lr = initial_learning_rate # learning rate is constant # Load the VGG16 feature detector. url = '' vgg16 = metric_utils.get_feature_detector(url, device=device) w_opt = w_avg.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([w_opt] + list(noise_buffs.values()), betas=(0.9, 0.999), lr=initial_learning_rate) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # Init noise. for buf in noise_buffs.values(): buf[:] = torch.randn_like(buf) buf.requires_grad = True # == End setup from project() == # # Project continuously while True: # check on close window spout.check() # receive data data = spout.receive() # data = align_face(data, G.img_resolution) ## TOO SLOW !!! #print(data.shape) # Features for target image. Reshape to 256x256 if it's larger to use with VGG16 # target = np.array(target, dtype=np.uint8) target = torch.tensor(data.transpose([2, 0, 1]), device=device) target = target.unsqueeze(0).to(device).to(torch.float32) if target.shape[2] > 256: target = F.interpolate(target, size=(256, 256), mode='area') target_features = vgg16(target, resize_images=False, return_lpips=True) # Synth images from opt_w. w_noise = torch.randn_like(w_opt) * w_noise_scale ws = w_opt + w_noise synth_images = G.synthesis(ws, noise_mode='const') # Downsample image to 256x256 if it's larger than that. VGG was built for 224x224 images. synth_images = (synth_images + 1) * (255 / 2) if synth_images.shape[2] > 256: synth_images = F.interpolate(synth_images, size=(256, 256), mode='area') # Features for synth images. synth_features = vgg16(synth_images, resize_images=False, return_lpips=True) dist = (target_features - synth_features).square().sum() # Noise regularization. reg_loss = 0.0 for v in noise_buffs.values(): noise = v[None, None, :, :] # must be [1,1,H,W] for F.avg_pool2d() while True: reg_loss += (noise * torch.roll(noise, shifts=1, dims=3)).mean()**2 reg_loss += (noise * torch.roll(noise, shifts=1, dims=2)).mean()**2 if noise.shape[2] <= 8: break noise = F.avg_pool2d(noise, kernel_size=2) loss = dist + reg_loss * regularize_noise_weight # Print in the same line (avoid cluttering the commandline) message = f'dist {dist:.7e} | loss {loss.item():.7e}' print(message, end='\r') # Step optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # Normalize noise. with torch.no_grad(): for buf in noise_buffs.values(): buf -= buf.mean() buf *= buf.square().mean().rsqrt() # Produce image data = gen_utils.w_to_img(G, dlatents=w_opt.detach()[0], noise_mode='const')[0] spout.send(data)
print('PyTorch found cuda - device ' + str(torch.cuda.current_device())) else: print('PyTorch could not find cuda') DIR = 'data/models/' noFiles = len([ name for name in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, name)) ]) pickleName = 'data/models/classifier' + str(noFiles - 1) + '.pkl' learn = load_learner(pickleName, cpu=False) print("Loaded model: " + pickleName) print(next(learn.model.parameters()).is_cuda) # create spout object spout = Spout(silent=False, width=704, height=576, n_rec=3) # create receiver spout.createReceiver('input1', id=0) spout.createReceiver('input2', id=1) spout.createReceiver('input3', id=2) lookAt = 0 while True: # check on close window spout.check() # receive data data = spout.receive(id=lookAt) # predict result = learn.predict(data)
def main(): # create spout object spout = Spout(silent=False) # create receiver spout.createReceiver('vvvvideo') # create sender spout.createSender('output') opt = TestOptions().parse() # get test options # hard-code some parameters for test opt.num_threads = 0 # test code only supports num_threads = 0 opt.batch_size = 1 # test code only supports batch_size = 1 opt.serial_batches = True # disable data shuffling; comment this line if results on randomly chosen images are needed. opt.no_flip = True # no flip; comment this line if results on flipped images are needed. opt.display_id = -1 # no visdom display; the test code saves the results to a HTML file. model = create_model(opt) # create a model given opt.model and other options model.setup(opt) # regular setup: load and print networks; create schedulers dataset = create_dataset(opt) # create a dataset given opt.dataset_mode and other options pix2pix_image = np.zeros((256, 256, 3), np.uint8) start_time = time.time() seconds_to_wait = 1 frame_counter = 0 while True: # check on close window spout.check() # receive data frame = spout.receive() if len(frame) > 10: #pil_image = Image.frombytes('RGBA', (model_image_size, model_image_size), frame, 'raw').convert('RGB') pil_image = Image.fromarray(frame) # learntest # model.update_learning_rate() for i, data in enumerate(dataset): if i >= opt.num_test: # only apply our model to opt.num_test images. break model.set_input(data, pil_image) # unpack data from data loader # learntest # model.optimize_parameters() model.test() # run inference visuals = model.get_current_visuals() # get image results for label, im_data in visuals.items(): im = util.tensor2im(im_data) open_cv_image = numpy.array(im) #open_cv_image = open_cv_image[:, :, ::-1].copy() pix2pix_image = open_cv_image # dim = (256,256) # blank_image = cv2.resize(blank_image, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) # send data spout.send(pix2pix_image) #cv2.imshow("image", pix2pix_image) #cv2.waitKey(1) counter_and_time = print_fps(frame_counter, start_time, seconds_to_wait) frame_counter = counter_and_time[0] start_time = counter_and_time[1]