コード例 #1
def vesicle(OuterRadius, InnerRadius, numOuter, numInner, minDistInner, minDistOuter, theta1, theta2, phi1, phi2, centrePos, zDirector, omega, filename, nameInner=None, nameOuter=None):
    # Defines a bunch of points in an inner sphere and an outer sphere, 
    # Returns the points on the spherical surface, the atomnames and a list of radial vectors corresponding to each point 
    # which is the direction from that point to or from the centre depending on inner or outer status.
    # The inner sphere has Radial points pointing away from centre 
    # The outer sphere has radial points point towards the centre.
    # No problem with making the inner outside the outer if that makes sense.
    # The points are in a domain defined in spherical polars allowing a section to be removed from the sphere for the classic vesicle look.  
    # The packing parameter on each surface is defined by minDistInner and minDistOuter which is the min allowed distance between points on the inner and outer respectively.
    # Translates the sphere to centrePos with the Z pole of sphere aligned with director and an angle omega rotation about that axis.
    # Filename defines the packing algorithm parameters. (How hard to try, name of atom in the structure etc).
    # Name can be overridden by the name parameters 
    SphereBBG = SPSBBG(filename)
    # generate the outer sphere
    outerSphereBB = SphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(numOuter, OuterRadius, theta1, theta2, phi1, phi2, minDistOuter, visualiseEnvelope=(100000, 1000, 'sphereEnvelope.xyz'))
    outerSphereBB.transformBBToLabFrame(zDirector, centrePos, omega)
    outerSphereXYZ = outerSphereBB.blockXYZVals
    outerDirectors = [ centrePos - a for a in outerSphereXYZ]
    outerDirectorsNorm = [ a/np.linalg.norm(a) for a in outerDirectors]
    if nameOuter=='None':
        namesOuter = outerSphereBB.blockAtomNames
        namesOuter = [nameOuter] * numOuter
    # generate the inner sphere
    innerSphereBB = SphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(numInner, InnerRadius, theta1, theta2, phi1, phi2, minDistInner)
    innerSphereBB.transformBBToLabFrame(zDirector, centrePos, omega)
    innerSphereXYZ = innerSphereBB.blockXYZVals
    innerDirectors = [ a - centrePos for a in innerSphereXYZ]
    innerDirectorsNorm = [ a/np.linalg.norm(a) for a in innerDirectors]
    if nameInner=='None':
        namesInner = innerSphereBB.blockAtomNames
        namesInner = [nameInner] * numInner

    vesXYZVals = outerSphereXYZ + innerSphereXYZ
    vesNames = namesOuter + namesInner     
    vesDirs = outerDirectorsNorm + innerDirectorsNorm     

    return (vesXYZVals, vesNames, vesDirs) 
コード例 #2
def micelle(radius, num, minDist, theta1, theta2, phi1, phi2, centrePos, zDirector, omega, filename, name=None):
    # Defines a bunch of points in a sphere, 
    # Returns the points on the spherical surface, the atomnames and a list of radial vectors point from the surface to the centre. 
    # The points are in a domain defined in spherical polars allowing a section to be removed from the sphere for the classic look.  
    # The packing parameter on the surface is defined by minDist which is the min allowed distance between points.
    # Translates the micelle to centrePos with the Z pole of sphere aligned with director and an angle omega rotation about that axis.
    # Filename defines the packing algorithm parameters. (How hard to try, name of atom in the structure etc).
    # Name can be overridden by the name parameter 
    SphereBBG = SPSBBG(filename)

    # generate the inner sphere
    SphereBB = SphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(num, radius, theta1, theta2, phi1, phi2, minDist)
    SphereBB.transformBBToLabFrame(zDirector, centrePos, omega)
    SphereXYZ = SphereBB.blockXYZVals
    Directors = [ a - centrePos for a in SphereXYZ]
    DirectorsNorm = [ a/np.linalg.norm(a) for a in Directors]
    if name=='None':
        names = SphereBB.blockAtomNames
        names = [name] * num

    return (SphereXYZ, names, DirectorsNorm) 
コード例 #3
def makeSphereAndPolymers(numA, numB, numPolymersPerSphere, FMaxRadius,
                          FMinRadius, FZ1, FZ2, alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2,
                          AtomicMinDist, bondLength, filename):
    SphereBBG = SPSBBG('SurfacePackSphere.txt')
    Polymer1Generator = RPBBG('RandomPolymer.txt')

    centerPos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    # generate the XYZVals in the packed spaced
    Polymer1SphereBB = SphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(numPolymersPerSphere,
                                                       FZ2, -90, 90, -180, 180,
    Polymer1SphereBB.transformBBToLabFrame(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
                                           centerPos, 0.0)
    Polymer1SphereBB.exportBBK(filename + "_sphereBasePoints")
    Polymer1SpherePoints = Polymer1SphereBB.blockXYZVals

    envelopeList = [
        'frustum ' + str(FZ1) + ' ' + str(FMaxRadius) + ' ' +
        str(FZ2 - AtomicMinDist) + ' ' + str(FMinRadius)

    polymerStartPoint = np.array([0.0, 0.0, FZ2])
    polymer1Strands = [
                                                visualiseEnvelope=(0, 100))
        for _ in range(numPolymersPerSphere)

    [strand.setBlockRefPoint(polymerStartPoint) for strand in polymer1Strands]

    names = ['O'] * numA
    names = np.concatenate((names, ['C'] * numB), 0)

    strandNum = 0
    for strand in polymer1Strands:
        strand.blockAtomNames = names[:]
        strand.exportBBK(filename + "_strand" + str(strandNum))
        strandNum += 1

    directors = [(pos - centerPos) / np.linalg.norm(pos - centerPos)
                 for pos in Polymer1SpherePoints]

    allNames = []

    curStrand = 0
    for director, pos, strand in zip(directors, Polymer1SpherePoints,
        strand.transformBBToLabFrame(director, pos, 0.0)
        if curStrand == 0:
            xyzVals = strand.blockXYZVals
            allNames = strand.blockAtomNames
            xyzVals = np.concatenate((xyzVals, strand.blockXYZVals), 0)
            allNames = np.concatenate((allNames, strand.blockAtomNames), 0)
        curStrand += 1

    fIO.saveXYZList(xyzVals, allNames, filename + "_sphere.xyz")
コード例 #4
import numpy as np
import copy as cp
from Library.SurfacePackSphere import SurfacePackSphereBBG as SPSBBG
from Library.randomPolymer import RandomPolymerPackBBG as RPBBG
import Utilities.coordSystems as coords
import Utilities.fileIO as fIO

if __name__ == "__main__":
    SphereBBG = SPSBBG('SurfacePackSphere.txt')
    PolymerGenerator = RPBBG('RandomPolymer.txt')

    numPoints = 100
    radius = 20
    theta1 = -90
    theta2 = 90
    phi1 = -180
    phi2 = 180
    minDist = 1

    baseSPhereBB = SphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(numPoints, radius, theta1,
                                                   theta2, phi1, phi2, minDist)
    fIO.saveXYZ(baseSPhereBB.blockXYZVals, 'C', "mollieShere.xyz")

    numMonomers = 100
    pointA = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    alpha1 = 40
    alpha2 = 50
    beta1 = 110
    beta2 = 130
    minDist = 1.0
コード例 #5
    brushDict2['beta1'] = 155
    brushDict2['beta2'] = 175
    brushDict2['minDist'] = 1.0
    brushDict2['bondLength'] = 2.0
    brushDict2['Z1'] = 2
    brushDict2['R1'] = 50
    brushDict2['Z2'] = 1.5 * brushDict2['numMonomers'] * brushDict2['bondLength'] + brushDict2['Z1']
    brushDict2['R2'] = 50
    polymerBrushDict['backbones'] = [backboneDict1, backboneDict2]#, backboneDict1, backboneDict2]
    polymerBrushDict['brushes'] = [brushDict1, brushDict2]#, brushDict1, brushDict2]
    polymerBrushDict['connectors'] = [connectorDict12]#, connectorDict12, connectorDict12]
    from Library.SurfacePackSphere import SurfacePackSphereBBG as SPSBBG
    SphereBBG = SPSBBG('SurfacePackSphere.txt')

    numPolymersPerSphere =  800 #400
    UnimerBaseRadius = 10
    SphereRadius = 1200
    PhiMin = -15
    PhiMax = 15    
    ThetaMin = -10
    ThetaMax = 10
    centerPos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    # generate the XYZVals packed in the outer sphere
    outerSpherePointsBB = SphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(numPolymersPerSphere, SphereRadius, ThetaMin, ThetaMax, PhiMin, PhiMax, UnimerBaseRadius)
    outerSpherePointsBB.transformBBToLabFrame(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), centerPos, 0.0)
コード例 #6
import numpy as np
from Library.SurfacePackSphere import SurfacePackSphereBBG as SPSBBG
from Library.randomPolymer import RandomPolymerPackBBG as RPBBG
import Utilities.coordSystems as coords
import Utilities.fileIO as fIO

SphereBBG = SPSBBG('SurfacePackSphere.txt')
PolymerGenerator = RPBBG('RandomPolymer.txt')

numA = 30
numB = 50
numMonomersPerPolymer = numA + numB
bondLength = 1.5
atomicMinDist = 1.0
maxPolymerLength = float(numMonomersPerPolymer) * bondLength
minRadius = 50
midLayerRadius = minRadius + maxPolymerLength
minTheta = -90
maxTheta = 90
minPhi = -135
maxPhi = 135

innerSphereFrustumInnerRadius = 2 * bondLength  # initialising variable
# loop until the innerSphere inner R is 1.5 * bondLength
numPolymersPerInnerSphere = 1
while innerSphereFrustumInnerRadius > 1.5 * bondLength:
    innerSphereFrustumOuterZ = midLayerRadius - bondLength / 2.0
    innerSphereFrustumInnerZ = midLayerRadius - bondLength / 2.0 - maxPolymerLength
    innerSphereFrustumOuterRadius = np.sqrt(
        0.75 * 4.0 * np.power(innerSphereFrustumOuterZ, 2.0) /
コード例 #7
def makeCluster(nodes, radius, minDist, packingFraction):
    CylinderBBG = SPCBBG('SurfacePackCylinder.txt')
    SphereBBG = SPSBBG('SurfacePackSphere.txt')

    # useful debug tool
    removeClosePointsFlag = True
    removeInnerPointsFlag = True
    includeSpheres = True
    includeCylinders = True

    # determine the point density so it is the same on spheres and cylinders
    # number of points on Sphere = Area of sphere divided by area of circles of radius minDist.
    # np.pi's cancel out. Apply the packing fraction is the ratio relative to perfect packing
    nS = int(packingFraction * 4.0 * (radius**2) / minDist**2)

    # compute number of points per unit length for each cylinder
    # circumference * 1 unit length / base area of each point on surface
    # the np.pi's cancel out
    nCUnit_float = packingFraction * (2.0 * radius) / minDist**2

    # set the root point of the cluster
    rootPoint = nodes[0]

    if includeSpheres:
        # populate each sphere with specified number of points minDist apart
        spheres = [
            SphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(nS, radius, -90.0, 90.0, -180.0,
                                            180.0, minDist)
            for _ in range(0, len(nodes))

        # compute an array of the sphere directors. Each sphere centred at origin so each pos is its own radial vector.
        # just normalise it and return in seperate array.
        sphereDirectors = [[
            pos / np.linalg.norm(pos) for pos in sphere.blockXYZVals
        ] for sphere in spheres]

        # translate the sphere points so the centre of each sphere is at the given node.
        # Return an array the same shape as the director array for each point
        sphereXYZPoints = [[nodes[index] + pos for pos in sphere.blockXYZVals]
                           for index, sphere in enumerate(spheres)]

        # generate sphere names
        sphereNames = [['S'] * len(sphere.blockXYZVals) for sphere in spheres]

    if includeCylinders:
        # define the length of each cylinder in the cluster
        cylinderLengths = [
            np.linalg.norm(rootPoint - node) for node in nodes[1:]

        # define the axial orientation of each cylinder as the unit vector from the rootPoint to the outer node
        cylinderAxes = [(node - rootPoint) / length
                        for node, length in zip(nodes[1:], cylinderLengths)]

        # populate each cylinder with a specified number of points no less than minDist apart
        cylinders = [
            CylinderBBG.generateBuildingBlock(int(length * nCUnit_float),
                                              radius, radius, 0, length,
                                              -180.0, 180.0, minDist)
            for length in cylinderLengths

        # transform the cylinder points so the cylinder axis is aligned with the director away from the central node to the outer node
            cylinderBB.transformBBToLabFrame(director, rootPoint, 0.0)
            for cylinderBB, director in zip(cylinders, cylinderAxes)

        # extract the cylinder points from the building block object
        cylinderXYZPoints = [
            cylinderBB.blockXYZVals for cylinderBB in cylinders

        # compute the director of each point (radial vector pointing away from the cylinder axis (rodrigues formula) (see page 183 in book 5).
        cylinderDirectors = [[
            pos - rootPoint - np.dot(director, pos - rootPoint) * director
            for pos in cylinder
        ] for cylinder, director in zip(cylinderXYZPoints, cylinderAxes)]

        # normalise the directors
        cylinderDirectors = [[pos / np.linalg.norm(pos) for pos in cylinder]
                             for cylinder in cylinderDirectors]

        # generate cylinder names
        cylinderNames = [['C'] * len(cylinder.blockXYZVals)
                         for cylinder in cylinders]

    # For each list of points that we have constructed (spheres and cylinders)
    # go through and remove any of those points that are *inside* the cylindrical shells.
    # None of the spheres would have other sphere points or cylinder point inside them so no need to check them.

    # first deal with the points belonging to the cylindrical surfaces

    if includeCylinders:
        # assume that all the points will survive - set up a flag array for each point that is same dims as director and points array
        cylinderPointFlagsList = [
            len(cylinderPoints) * [True]
            for cylinderPoints in cylinderXYZPoints

    if removeInnerPointsFlag and includeCylinders:
        # loop through the sets of points for each cylinder
        for indexInner, cylinderPoints in enumerate(cylinderXYZPoints):

            # loop through the geometric regions
            for director, length, indexOuter in zip(
                    cylinderAxes, cylinderLengths,
                    range(0, len(cylinderLengths))):
                # don't check a cylinder against itself
                if indexInner != indexOuter:
                    # test the current list of points against the cylinder
                    # Set flags in the flag array for points that need to be removed
                    print("Removing points from cylinder:", indexInner + 1,
                          " of ", len(cylinderXYZPoints),
                          " that are inside cylinder: ", indexOuter + 1, "of ",
                        cylinderPointFlagsList[indexInner], cylinderPoints,
                        rootPoint, director, length, radius)

    if includeCylinders:
        # apply the flags
        cylinderXYZPoints = [[
            for point, flag in zip(pointList, cylinderPointFlagsList[index])
            if flag == True
        ] for index, pointList in enumerate(cylinderXYZPoints)]
        cylinderDirectors = [[
            director for director, flag in zip(
                directorList, cylinderPointFlagsList[index]) if flag == True
        ] for index, directorList in enumerate(cylinderDirectors)]
        cylinderNames = [[
            name for name, flag in zip(nameList, cylinderPointFlagsList[index])
            if flag == True
        ] for index, nameList in enumerate(cylinderNames)]
        # reconstruct the flag list as all true
        cylinderPointFlagsList = [
            len(cylinderPoints) * [True]
            for cylinderPoints in cylinderXYZPoints

    # do the same for the sphere points
    if includeSpheres:
        # assume that all the points will survive - set up a flag array for each point that is same dims as director and points array
        spherePointFlagsList = [
            len(spherePoints) * [True] for spherePoints in sphereXYZPoints

    if removeInnerPointsFlag and includeSpheres and includeCylinders:
        # loop through the sets of points for each sphere
        for indexInner, spherePoints in enumerate(sphereXYZPoints):

            # loop through the geometric regions
            for director, length, indexOuter in zip(
                    cylinderAxes, cylinderLengths,
                    range(0, len(cylinderLengths))):
                print("Removing points from sphere:", indexInner + 1, " of ",
                      len(sphereXYZPoints), " that are inside cylinder: ",
                      indexOuter + 1, "of ", len(cylinderLengths))
                # test the current list of points against the cylinder
                # set flags in the flag array for points that need to be removed
                                         spherePoints, rootPoint, director,
                                         length, radius)

    if includeSpheres:
        # apply the flags
        sphereXYZPoints = [[
            for point, flag in zip(pointList, spherePointFlagsList[index])
            if flag == True
        ] for index, pointList in enumerate(sphereXYZPoints)]
        sphereDirectors = [[
            director for director, flag in zip(
                directorList, spherePointFlagsList[index]) if flag == True
        ] for index, directorList in enumerate(sphereDirectors)]
        sphereNames = [[
            name for name, flag in zip(nameList, spherePointFlagsList[index])
            if flag == True
        ] for index, nameList in enumerate(sphereNames)]
        # reconstruct the flag list as all true
        spherePointFlagsList = [
            len(spherePoints) * [True] for spherePoints in sphereXYZPoints

    if removeClosePointsFlag and includeCylinders:
        # now flag any points in the cylinders that are within minDist of the remaining points of the other cylinders.
        # Don't check a cylinder against a cylinder that has already been checked.
        for indexTestSet, testPoints in enumerate(cylinderXYZPoints):
            for indexRefSet, refPoints in enumerate(
                    cylinderXYZPoints[indexTestSet + 1:]):
                print("Removing points in cylinder:", indexTestSet + 1, " of ",
                      " due to proximity with cylinder: ",
                      indexRefSet + indexTestSet + 1)
                                   testPoints, refPoints, minDist)

    if removeClosePointsFlag and includeCylinders and includeSpheres:
        # now flag any points in the *cylinders* that are within minDist of the remaining points of their end spheres
        for indexTestSet, testPoints in enumerate(cylinderXYZPoints):
            for indexRefSet, refPoints in enumerate(
                [sphereXYZPoints[0], sphereXYZPoints[indexTestSet + 1]]):
                print("Removing points in cylinder:", indexTestSet + 1, " of ",
                      " due to proximity with sphere: ", indexRefSet + 1,
                      "of 2.")
                                   testPoints, refPoints, minDist)

    if includeCylinders:
        # apply the flags to the cylinders
        cylinderXYZPoints = [[
            for point, flag in zip(pointList, cylinderPointFlagsList[index])
            if flag == True
        ] for index, pointList in enumerate(cylinderXYZPoints)]
        cylinderDirectors = [[
            director for director, flag in zip(
                directorList, cylinderPointFlagsList[index]) if flag == True
        ] for index, directorList in enumerate(cylinderDirectors)]
        cylinderNames = [[
            name for name, flag in zip(nameList, cylinderPointFlagsList[index])
            if flag == True
        ] for index, nameList in enumerate(cylinderNames)]

    allPoints = []
    allDirectors = []
    allNames = []

    # compile output arrays
    if includeCylinders:
        # add the cylinderPoints to output arrays
        allPoints += cylinderXYZPoints
        allDirectors += cylinderDirectors
        allNames += cylinderNames

    if includeSpheres:
        allPoints += sphereXYZPoints
        allDirectors += sphereDirectors
        allNames += sphereNames

    # Return the flattened lists of points and directors, which by some minor miracle, should all correspond to each other
    return ([point for minorList in allPoints for point in minorList
             ], [point for minorList in allDirectors for point in minorList],
            [name for minorList in allNames for name in minorList])
コード例 #8
import numpy as np
import copy as cp
from Library.SurfacePackSphere import SurfacePackSphereBBG as SPSBBG
from Library.randomPolymer import RandomPolymerPackBBG as RPBBG

import Utilities.fileIO as fIO

SphereBBG = SPSBBG('SurfacePackSphere.txt')

bondlength = 1.5

Polymer1Generator = RPBBG('RandomPolymer.txt')

numA = 30
numB = 40
numMonomersPerPolymer = numA + numB
numPolymersPerSphere = 180
FMaxRadius = 10
FMinRadius = 3
FZ1 = 80
FZ2 = 15
alpha1 = 40
alpha2 = 80
beta1 = 130
beta2 = 165
AtomicMinDist = 1.0

centerPos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

# generate the XYZVals in the packed spaced
Polymer1SphereBB = SphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(numPolymersPerSphere, FZ2,
コード例 #9
ファイル: peptideVesicle.py プロジェクト: cjforman/vesiform
import numpy as np
from Library.peptideBackbone import peptideBackboneGenerator as PBG
from Library.SurfacePackSphere import SurfacePackSphereBBG as SPSBBG
from Library.VolumePackEllipsoid import VolumePackEllipsoidBBG as VPEBBG
import Utilities.fileIO as fIO
peptideBBG = PBG('betastrand.txt')
sphereBBG = SPSBBG('SurfacePackSphere.txt')
VolSphereBBG = VPEBBG('VolumePackEllipsoid.txt')

numResidues = 5
minDist = 1.0

numStrands = 100
centerPos = np.array([-0,-0, -0])
director = np.array([0, 0, 1])
rotation = 0
radius1 = 22
radius2 = 12
radius3 = 8
theta1 = -90
theta2 = 90
phi1 = -135
phi2 = 135
minDist1 = 3.0
minDist2 = 1.0
minDist3 = 1.0

# generate the XYZVals in the packed spaced
SphereBB = sphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(numStrands, radius1, theta1, theta2, phi1, phi2, minDist1)
SphereBB.transformBBToLabFrame(director, centerPos, rotation)
コード例 #10
    brushDict2['beta1'] = 155
    brushDict2['beta2'] = 175
    brushDict2['minDist'] = 1.0
    brushDict2['bondLength'] = 2.0
    brushDict2['Z1'] = 2
    brushDict2['R1'] = 50
    brushDict2['Z2'] = 1.5 * brushDict2['numMonomers'] * brushDict2['bondLength'] + brushDict2['Z1']
    brushDict2['R2'] = 50
    polymerBrushDict['backbones'] = [backboneDict1, backboneDict2]#, backboneDict1, backboneDict2]
    polymerBrushDict['brushes'] = [brushDict1, brushDict2]#, brushDict1, brushDict2]
    polymerBrushDict['connectors'] = [connectorDict12]#, connectorDict12, connectorDict12]
    from Library.SurfacePackSphere import SurfacePackSphereBBG as SPSBBG
    SphereBBG = SPSBBG('SurfacePackSphere.txt')

    numPolymersPerSphere =  300 #185 #430
    UnimerBaseRadius = 1.75
    SphereRadius = 0.15 * (backboneDict1['Z2'] + backboneDict2['Z2'] - backboneDict1['Z1'] - backboneDict2['Z1'])
    phiMin = -180
    phiMax = 180    
    thetaMin = -90
    thetaMax = 90
    centerPos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    # generate the XYZVals packed in the outer cylinder
    Polymer1SphereBB = SphereBBG.generateBuildingBlock(numPolymersPerSphere, SphereRadius, thetaMin, thetaMax, phiMin, phiMax, UnimerBaseRadius)
    Polymer1SphereBB.transformBBToLabFrame(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), centerPos, 0.0)