コード例 #1
ファイル: admin.py プロジェクト: mrozekma/Sprint
def adminInfo(handler):
	requirePriv(handler, 'Admin')

	print "<div class=\"info\">"

	print "<h3>Uptime</h3>"
	loadTime = getLoadtime()
	print "Started %s<br>" % loadTime
	print "Up for %s<br>" % timesince(loadTime)
	print "Total requests: %d<br>" % server().getTotalRequests()
	print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/admin/restart\">"
	print Button('Restart', type = 'submit').negative()
	print "</form>"

	print "<h3>Threads</h3>"
	print "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">"
	print "<tr><th>ID</th><th class=\"main\">Name</th><th>Alive</th><th>Daemon</th></tr>"
	for thread in sorted(threads(), key = lambda thread: thread.name):
		print "<tr><td>%s</td><td>" % ('None' if thread.ident is None else "%x" % abs(thread.ident))
		print thread.name
		print "<br>"
			print CollapsibleBox('Traceback', formatTrace(traceback.extract_stack(sys._current_frames()[thread.ident])))
		except Exception:
		print "</td><td class=\"%s\">&nbsp;</td><td class=\"%s\">&nbsp;</td></tr>" % ('yes' if thread.isAlive() else 'no', 'yes' if thread.daemon else 'no')
	print "</table>"

	print "<h3>Locks</h3>"
	print "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">"
	print "<tr><th class=\"main\">Name</th><th>Available</th><th>Reentrant</th></tr>"
	for (name, lock) in sorted(locks.iteritems()):
		print "<tr><td>"
		print name
		avail = lock.avail()
		if not avail:
			print "<br>"
			writer = ResponseWriter()
				owner, tb = lock.owner, lock.tb
				name = ("%x" % abs(owner)) if owner else 'None'
				#TODO Is there no O(1) way to do this?
				for thread in threads():
					if thread.ident == owner:
						name = "%s (%x)" % (thread.name, abs(owner))
				print "Owned by: <b>%s</b><br><br>" % name
				if tb:
					print "Acquisition traceback:<br>"
					print formatTrace(tb)
					print "<br>"
				print "Current traceback:<br>"
				print formatTrace(traceback.extract_stack(sys._current_frames()[owner]))
			except Exception, e:
				print "<i>(Unable to retrieve stack trace)</i>"
			print CollapsibleBox('Ownership', writer.done())
		print "</td><td class=\"%s\">%s</td><td class=\"%s\">&nbsp;</td></tr>" % ('yes' if avail else 'no', '&nbsp;' if avail else (lock.owner or '???'), 'yes' if lock.reentrant() else 'no')
コード例 #2
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: mrozekma/Sprint
def info(context):
	revisionHash, revisionDate, revisionRelative = getRevisionInfo()
	print "Sprint tool, revision %s" % link(revisionHash, gitURL % {'hash': revisionHash})
	if isDevMode():
		print clr("Development mode", 'red')
		print clr("Production mode", 'green')
	loadTime = getLoadtime()
	print "Started %s" % clr(loadTime)
	print "Up for %s" % clr(timesince(loadTime))
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: mrozekma/Sprint
def apiUptime(handler):
	handler.wrappers = False
	delta = getNow() - getLoadtime()
	print delta.days * 60 * 60 * 24 + delta.seconds