コード例 #1
class Wizard:
    default_tcp_port = 3200
    default_host_name = 'localhost'
    _log = Log.create()

    def __init__(self):
        self.host_name = Wizard.default_host_name
        self.port_number = Wizard.default_tcp_port
        self.ball_transform_updated= None
        self.agent_transform_updated = None

    def run(self):
        Wizard._log.info("Connecting via TCP to " + self.host_name + ":" str(self.port_number))

            self.client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            client.connect((self.host_name, self.port_number))
            AgentHost._log.Error('Unable to connect to '+ self.host_name+ " : "+ self.port_number)
        self._is_running = True

        with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) as client:
            client.connect((self.host_name, self.port_number))
            while self._is_running:
                length = NetworkUtil.get_length(client, 5)

                if length == 0:
                    Wizard._log('Ignoring zero-length message recieved from server.')
                sexp = SExpressionReader(client, length)

                ball_event = self.ball_transform_updated
                agent_event = self.agent_transform_updated

                if ball_event != None or agent_event != None:
                    game_time = timedelta()
                    if sexp.in(2):
                        if sexp.take() == 'time':
                            time_val = sexp.take()
                            secs = float(time_val)
                            game_time = timedelta(time_val)

                    if sexp.skip(1) and sexp.in(1) and sexp.skip(35) and sexp.in(1) and sexp.skip(1) and sexp.in(1) and sexp.skip(1):
                        transform = Wizard.try_read_transform_matrix(sexp)

                        if transform[0] and ball_event != None:
                            ball_event(game_time, transform[1])

                        if agent_event != None and sexp.out(2):
                            done = False

                            while not done:

                                if sexp.in(3):
                                    transform = Wizard.try_read_transform_matrix(sexp)
                                    if sexp.take() == 'SLT' and transform[0]:
                                        agent_event(game_time, transform[1])
                                    if not sexp.out(3):
                                        done = True
                                    done = True

    def try_read_transform_matrix(sexp):

        values = [float() for i in range(8)]
        for i in range(16):
            s = sexp.take()

            if s == None:
                return False, None 

                d = float(s)

            except ValueError:
                  return False, None
            values[i] = d

        transform = TransformationMatrix(values)
        return True, transform
    def stop(self):
        self._is_running = False

    def get_side_string(team_side):
        if team_side == FieldSide.left:
            return 'Left'
        elif team_side == FieldSide:
            return 'Right'
        elif team_side == FieldSide:
            return 'None'
            raise(BaseException('Unexpected valued for fieldside num' + str(team_side)))

    def get_vector_string(vector):
        return str(vector.x)+ " " + str(vector.y) + " " + str(vector.z)

    def set_agent_position(self,uniform_num, team_side, new_position):
        self.send_command('(agent (unum ' + str(uniform_num)+ ") (team " + self.get_side_string(team_side) + ") (pos " + self.get_vector_string(new_position)+ "))")
    def set_agent_position_and_direction(self, uniform_num, team_side, new_position, new_direction):
        self.send_command("(agent (unum " + str(uniform_num)+ ") (team " + self.get_side_string(team_side)+ " ) (move " + self.get_vector_string(new_position) " " + str(new_direction.degrees) + "))" )

    def set_agent_battery_level(self, uniform_num, team_side, battery_level):
        self.send_command("(agent (unum " + str(uniform_num)+ ") (team " + self.get_side_string(team_side) + ") (battery " + str(battery_level)+ "))")

    def set_tempeature(self, uniform_num, team_side, temperature):
        self.send_command("(agent (unum " +str(uniform_num) + ") (team " +self.get_side_string(team_side + ") (temperature " + str(temperature)"))"))
    def set_ball_position(self, new_position):
        self.send_command("(ball (pos " + self.get_vector_string(new_position) + "))")

    def set_ball_position_and_velocity(self, new_position, new_velocity):
        self.send_command("(ball (pos " + self.get_vector_string(new_position)+ ") (vel " + self.get_vector_string(new_velocity)"))" )

    def set_ball_velocity(self, new_velocity):
        self.send_command("(ball (vel " + self.get_vector_string(new_velocity)+ "))")
    def set_play_mode(self, play_mode):
        self.send_command("(playmode " + play_mode.get_server_string + ")")

    def drop_ball(self):

    def kick_off(self, team):
        self.send_command("(kickoff " + self.get_side_string(team) + ")")

    def select_agent(self, uniform_num, team_side):
        self.send_command("(select (unum " + str(uniform_num) + ") (team " + self.get_side_string(team_side + "))"))

    def kill_agent(self, uniform_num, team_side):
        self.send_command("(agent (unum " + str(uniform_num + ") (team "+ self.get_side_string(team_side + "))")))

    def kill_selected_agent(self):

    def repoisition_agent(self, uniform_num, team_side):
        self.send_command("(repos (unum " + str(uniform_num) + ") (team " + self.get_side_string(team_side) + "))")

    def repoisition_selected_agent(self):

    def kill_simulator(self):

    def send_command(self, string):
        NetworkUtil.write_string_with_32_bit_length_prefex(self.client, string)