def _sendWithAttachment(self, receivers, title, content, attachment=None): # 设置eamil信息 # 添加一个MIMEmultipart类,处理正文及附件 message = MIMEMultipart() message['From'] = self.sender message['To'] = receivers[0] message['Subject'] = title part = MIMEApplication(open(attachment, 'rb').read()) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=attachment) # 将内容附加到邮件主体中 message.attach(MIMEText(content, 'plain', 'utf-8')) message.attach(part) # 登录并发送 try: smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP_SSL( ) if self.sendType == "ssl" else smtplib.SMTP() smtpObj.connect(self.mailHost, self.mailPort) smtpObj.ehlo() if self.sendType == "tls": smtpObj.starttls() smtpObj.login(self.sender, self.passwd) smtpObj.sendmail(self.sender, receivers, message.as_string()) Log.i(MailReporter.TAG, 'Mail successfully sent to ' + receivers[0]) smtpObj.quit() except smtplib.SMTPException as e: Log.e(MailReporter.TAG, 'send() error', e)
def _sendText(self, receivers, title, content): # 设置email信息 # 邮件内容设置 message = MIMEText(content, 'plain', 'utf-8') # 邮件主题 message['Subject'] = title # 发送方信息 message['From'] = self.sender # 接受方信息 message['To'] = receivers[0] try: smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP_SSL( ) if self.sendType == "ssl" else smtplib.SMTP() # 连接到服务器 smtpObj.connect(self.mailHost, self.mailPort) smtpObj.ehlo() if self.sendType == "tls": smtpObj.starttls() # 登录到服务器 smtpObj.login(self.sender, self.passwd) # 发送 smtpObj.sendmail(self.sender, receivers, message.as_string()) # 退出 smtpObj.quit() Log.i(MailReporter.TAG, 'Mail successfully sent to ' + receivers[0]) except smtplib.SMTPException as e: Log.e(MailReporter.TAG, 'send() error', e)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 测试日志辅助类 import sys sys.path.append("../") from LogHelper import Log TAG = "Test" Log.d(TAG, "Hello") Log.e(TAG, "World!") Log.i(TAG, "Hehe") Log.w(TAG, "XXXX")