def RegisterMagnetLink(self, magnetLink, bot, chat_id): ds = dsdownload.dsdownload()'DS Torrent download for magnetLink') ret, items = ds.db_query("SELECT * FROM USER_SETTING WHERE username='******';") if ret == False:'DS Download User Setting not found..') return False ds_user = items[0][0] sh_dir = items[0][2]'DS Download Config, Download Directory : %s', sh_dir)"DS Download, user:'******', DownloadPath:'%s', Magnet Link : '%s'", ds_user, sh_dir.decode('utf-8'), magnetLink) query = u"INSERT INTO download_queue (username, url, status, filename, pid, created_time, destination) VALUES ('%s', '%s', 1, 'Magnet Link', %d, %d, '%s');" % (ds_user, magnetLink, os.getpid(), int(time.time()), sh_dir.decode('utf-8')) log.debug(query) ret = ds.db_exec(query.encode('utf-8'))'torrent download query complete') hide_keyboard = {'hide_keyboard': True} if ret == True: msg = 'Magnet Link 가 등록 되었습니다.\n다운로드를 시작합니다.' bot.sendMessage(chat_id, msg, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, u'Magnet Link 등록 실패', reply_markup=hide_keyboard) return True
def ReceiveTorrentFile(self, fileid, file_name, file_ext, file_type, bot, chat_id): watch_dir = main.botConfig.GetTorrentWatchDir() filename = file_name + "." + file_ext ds = dsdownload.dsdownload()'DS Torrent download') ret, items = ds.db_query("SELECT * FROM USER_SETTING WHERE username='******';") if ret == False:'DS Download User Setting not found..') return ds_user = items[0][0] #watch_dir = items[0][5]'ReceiveTorrentFile, ds_user:%s, Watch:%s', ds_user, watch_dir.decode('utf-8')) #bot.download_file(fileid, watch_dir + file_name ) log.debug('downoad success')'%s download success', filename.decode('utf-8')) hide_keyboard = {'hide_keyboard': True} #msg = file_name.decode('utf-8') + ' 파일을 ' + watch_dir.decode('utf-8') + ' 경로에 다운로드 하였습니다'; bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Torrent File Download...', reply_markup=hide_keyboard) return True
def ReceiveTorrentFile(self, fileid, file_name, file_ext, file_type, bot, chat_id): watch_dir = main.botConfig.GetTorrentWatchDir() filename = file_name + "." + file_ext ds = dsdownload.dsdownload()'DS Torrent download') ret, items = ds.db_query("SELECT * FROM USER_SETTING WHERE username='******';") if ret == False:'DS Download User Setting not found..') return ds_user = items[0][0] #watch_dir = items[0][5]'ReceiveTorrentFile, ds_user:%s, Watch:%s', ds_user, watch_dir.decode('utf-8')) bot.download_file(fileid, watch_dir + file_name ) log.debug('downoad success')'%s download success', filename.decode('utf-8')) hide_keyboard = {'hide_keyboard': True} #msg = file_name.decode('utf-8') + ' 파일을 ' + watch_dir.decode('utf-8') + ' 경로에 다운로드 하였습니다'; bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Torrent File Download...', reply_markup=hide_keyboard) return True
def on_chat_message(self, msg): try: flavor = telepot.flavor(msg) # inline query test code... # Have to answer inline query to receive chosen result'flavor : %s', flavor) if flavor == 'inline_query':'inline query!!') query_id, from_id, query_string = telepot.glance(msg, flavor=flavor)'Inline Query: id:%s, from:%d, msg:%s', query_id, from_id, query_string) articles = [{ 'type': 'article', 'id': 'abc', 'title': 'ABC', 'message_text': 'Good morning' }], articles) return content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg)"ContentType : '%s'", content_type)"chat_type : '%s'", chat_type)"chat_id : %d", chat_id) # Message to Log Write self.PrintMsg(msg) # Valid User Check if not chat_id in self.valid_user:"Invalid user : %d", chat_id) return log.debug("chat_type:'%s'", chat_type) if chat_type == 'group': groupMsg = self.group_command_handler(unicode(msg['text']), chat_id)"Group Message : %s", groupMsg) return if content_type is 'text': self.command_handler(unicode(msg['text']), chat_id)['text']) return if content_type is 'document': file_name = msg['document']['file_name'] file_id = msg['document']['file_id'] file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) file_type = msg['document']['mime_type'] self.file_handler(file_name, file_id, file_ext[1], file_type, chat_id) return except Exception, e: log.error(e, exc_info=True)
def GetDongneWether(self, bot, chat_id, dongne_name): query = u"select code, sido, gugun, dong from kma_dongne where dong like '%" + dongne_name + "%';" log.debug(query) hide_keyboard = {'hide_keyboard': True} if dongne_name == u'전국 날씨': today, tomorrow = self.GetWeatherSummary(u'전국날씨') bot.sendMessage(chat_id, today, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) return db = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query) rowdata = cursor.fetchall() before_sido = '' # 동네 이름이 여러개 있을 경우 모두 출력 for row in rowdata: code = str(row[0]) sido = row[1] gugun = row[2] dong = row[3] dong_url = "" + code + '00''dongne weather url : %s', dong_url) data = urllib.urlopen(dong_url) sp = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(data) dongne = sp.findAll('data', attrs={'seq': '0'}) # 풍속의 소수점이 길게 나오는 케이스로 인해 소수점 2자리까지만 표현 ws = round(float(dongne[0].find('ws').text), 2) weather_info = sido + ' ' + gugun + ' ' + dong + u' 날씨\n'\ u'날씨 : ' + dongne[0].find('wfkor').text + u'\n'\ u'온도 : ' + dongne[0].find('temp').text + u"℃\n"\ u'풍속 : ' + str(ws) + u"m/s\n"\ u'풍향 : ' + dongne[0].find('wdkor').text + u"풍\n"\ u'습도 : ' + dongne[0].find('reh').text + u"%\n"\ u'강수 확률 : ' + dongne[0].find('pop').text + u"%\n" sp.close() data.close() bot.sendMessage(chat_id, weather_info, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) # 시도별 날씨 요약본 가져 오기 if before_sido != sido: today, tomorrow = self.GetWeatherSummary(sido) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, today, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) before_sido = sido cursor.close() db.close()
def SendMarkupMessage(self, chat_id, message, show_keyboard): log.debug(message) if show_keyboard == '': self.sendMessage(chat_id, message, parse_mode='Markdown') else: self.sendMessage(chat_id, message, parse_mode='Markdown', reply_markup=show_keyboard)
def on_close(self, exception): if type(exception) == telepot.helper.WaitTooLong: log.debug('Wait Timeout') if self.cur_mode != '': #self.sender.sendMessage('입력 시간이 초과 되었습니다', reply_markup=self.hide_keyboard) self.cur_mode = '' else: log.error('on_close - exception :') log.error(exception) log.exception("on_close - exception :") traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
def on_chat_message(self, msg): try: flavor = telepot.flavor(msg) # inline query test code... # Have to answer inline query to receive chosen result'flavor : %s', flavor) if flavor == 'inline_query':'inline query!!') query_id, from_id, query_string = telepot.glance(msg, flavor=flavor)'Inline Query: id:%s, from:%d, msg:%s', query_id, from_id, query_string) articles = [{'type': 'article', 'id': 'abc', 'title': 'ABC', 'message_text': 'Good morning'}], articles) return content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg)"ContentType : '%s'", content_type)"chat_type : '%s'", chat_type)"chat_id : %d", chat_id) # Message to Log Write self.PrintMsg(msg) # Valid User Check if not chat_id in self.valid_user:"Invalid user : %d", chat_id) return log.debug("chat_type:'%s'", chat_type) if chat_type == 'group': groupMsg = self.group_command_handler(unicode(msg['text']), chat_id)"Group Message : %s", groupMsg) return if content_type is 'text': self.command_handler(unicode(msg['text']), chat_id)['text']) return if content_type is 'document': file_name = msg['document']['file_name'] file_id = msg['document']['file_id'] file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) file_type = msg['document']['mime_type'] self.file_handler(file_name, file_id, file_ext[1], file_type, chat_id) return except Exception, e: log.error(e, exc_info=True)
def ReceiveTorrentFile(self, fileid, file_name, file_ext, file_type, bot, chat_id): watch_dir = main.botConfig.GetTorrentWatchDir() filename = file_name + "." + file_ext ds = dsdownload.dsdownload()'DS Torrent download') ret, items = ds.db_query( "SELECT * FROM USER_SETTING WHERE username='******';") if ret == False:'DS Download User Setting not found..') return ds_user = items[0][0] #watch_dir = items[0][5]'ReceiveTorrentFile, ds_user:%s, Watch:%s', ds_user, watch_dir.decode('utf-8')) try: filename = filename.encode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: "ReceiveTorrentFile Exception : it was not a ascii-encoded unicode string" ) filename = fileid + '.torrent' except UnicodeEncodeError: "ReceiveTorrentFile Exception : It may have been an ascii-encoded unicode string" ) filename = fileid + '.torrent' except:"ReceiveTorrentFile Exception : it is wrong string") filename = fileid + '.torrent' bot.download_file(fileid, watch_dir + file_name) log.debug('downoad success')'[%s] download success', filename) hide_keyboard = {'hide_keyboard': True} #msg = file_name.decode('utf-8') + ' 파일을 ' + watch_dir.decode('utf-8') + ' 경로에 다운로드 하였습니다'; #msg = "%s 파일을\n'%s'\n경로에 다운로드 하였습니다" % (filename.encode('utf-8'), watch_dir.encode('utf-8')) msg = 'Torrent 파일을 Watch 경로에 다운로드 하였습니다\n잠시 후 다운로드가 시작됩니다' bot.sendMessage(chat_id, msg, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) return True
def torrent_download(self, selected, bot, chat_id): ds = dsdownload.dsdownload()'DS Torrent download') if type(selected) is int == False:'Torrent Download, Selected number type is not int!') bot.sendMessage(chat_id, u'입력값 오류') return False ret, items = ds.db_query( "SELECT * FROM USER_SETTING WHERE username='******';") if ret == False:'DS Download User Setting not found..') return False ds_user = items[0][0] sh_dir = items[0][2]'DS Download Config, Download Directory : %s', sh_dir) index = int(selected.split('.')[0]) - 1 magnet = self.navi.entries[index].link "DS Download, user:'******', DownloadPath:'%s', Magnet Link : '%s'", ds_user, sh_dir.decode('utf-8'), magnet) query = u"INSERT INTO download_queue (username, url, status, filename, pid, created_time, destination) VALUES ('%s', '%s', 1, 'Magnet Link', %d, %d, '%s');" % ( ds_user, magnet, os.getpid(), int( time.time()), sh_dir.decode('utf-8')) log.debug(query) ret = ds.db_exec(query.encode('utf-8'))'torrent download query complete') hide_keyboard = {'hide_keyboard': True} if ret == True: msg = self.navi.entries[index].title + u' 다운로드를 시작합니다' bot.sendMessage(chat_id, msg, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) self.navi.clear() else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, u'다운로드 실패', reply_markup=hide_keyboard) return True
def GetWeatherSummary(self, LocalName):'GetWeatherSummary : ' + LocalName) sumurl = self.GetSummaryUrl(LocalName) log.debug('url : ' + sumurl) data = urllib.urlopen(sumurl) soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(data) week_summary = soup.findAll('table', attrs={'class':'table_announcementtime'}) today_summary = LocalName + ' ' + week_summary[0].find('caption').text + '\n' + \ week_summary[0].find('p').text.replace(u'다.', u'다.\n') + '\n' tomorrow_summary = LocalName + ' ' + week_summary[1].find('caption').text + '\n' + \ week_summary[1].find('p').text.replace(u'다.', u'다.\n') + '\n' soup.close() data.close() return today_summary, tomorrow_summary
def torrent_download(self, selected, bot, chat_id): ds = dsdownload.dsdownload()'DS Torrent download') if type(selected) is int == False:'Torrent Download, Selected number type is not int!') bot.sendMessage(chat_id, u'입력값 오류') return False ret, items = ds.db_query("SELECT * FROM USER_SETTING WHERE username='******';") if ret == False:'DS Download User Setting not found..') return False ds_user = items[0][0] sh_dir = items[0][2]'DS Download Config, Download Directory : %s', sh_dir) index = int(selected.split('.')[0]) - 1 magnet = self.navi.entries[index].link"DS Download, user:'******', DownloadPath:'%s', Magnet Link : '%s'", ds_user, sh_dir.decode('utf-8'), magnet) query = u"INSERT INTO download_queue (username, url, status, filename, pid, created_time, destination) VALUES ('%s', '%s', 1, 'Magnet Link', %d, %d, '%s');" % (ds_user, magnet, os.getpid(), int(time.time()), sh_dir.decode('utf-8')) log.debug(query) ret = ds.db_exec(query.encode('utf-8'))'torrent download query complete') hide_keyboard = {'hide_keyboard': True} if ret == True: msg = self.navi.entries[index].title + u' 다운로드를 시작합니다' bot.sendMessage(chat_id, msg, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) self.navi.clear() else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, u'다운로드 실패', reply_markup=hide_keyboard) return True
def smart_fill(variable_name): ''' ''' variable_name = variable_name.lower() flag = False for filled_value, variable_name_list in parameter_name_knowledge.items(): for variable_name_db in variable_name_list: if variable_name_db == variable_name: flag = True return filled_value if not flag: msg = '[smart_fill] Failed to find a value for parameter with name "' + variable_name + '".' log.debug(msg) return 'UNKNOWN'
def SendHtmlMessage(self, chat_id, message): log.debug(message) self.sendMessage(chat_id, message, parse_mode='HTML')
def GetDongneWether(self, bot, chat_id, dongne_name): query = u"select code, sido, gugun, dong from kma_dongne where dong like '%" + dongne_name + "%';" log.debug(query) hide_keyboard = {'hide_keyboard': True} if dongne_name == u'전국 날씨': today, tomorrow = self.GetWeatherSummary(u'전국날씨') bot.sendMessage(chat_id, today, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) return db = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(query) rowdata = cursor.fetchall() before_sido = '' # 동네 이름이 여러개 있을 경우 모두 출력 for row in rowdata: code = str(row[0]) sido = row[1] gugun = row[2] dong = row[3] dong_url = "" + code + '00''dongne weather url : %s', dong_url) data = urllib.urlopen(dong_url) sp = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(data) dongne = sp.findAll('data', attrs={'seq':'0'}) # 풍속의 소수점이 길게 나오는 케이스로 인해 소수점 2자리까지만 표현 ws = round(float(dongne[0].find('ws').text), 2) weather_info = sido + ' ' + gugun + ' ' + dong + u' 날씨\n'\ u'날씨 : ' + dongne[0].find('wfkor').text + u'\n'\ u'온도 : ' + dongne[0].find('temp').text + u"℃\n"\ u'풍속 : ' + str(ws) + u"m/s\n"\ u'풍향 : ' + dongne[0].find('wdkor').text + u"풍\n"\ u'습도 : ' + dongne[0].find('reh').text + u"%\n"\ u'강수 확률 : ' + dongne[0].find('pop').text + u"%\n" sp.close() data.close() bot.sendMessage(chat_id, weather_info, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) # 시도별 날씨 요약본 가져 오기 if before_sido != sido: today, tomorrow = self.GetWeatherSummary(sido) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, today, reply_markup=hide_keyboard) before_sido = sido cursor.close() db.close()