コード例 #1
    def _set_parameter_slha(self, idx, parameter):
        """ Set parameter in SUSYHIT input file. """

        LGR.debug('Set index %s to %s in SLHA.', idx, parameter)
        # Set regular expressions in SLHA file
        slha_in = '^ {} '.format(idx)
        slha_out = ' {} '.format(idx)

        # Read file
        with open(
                                  self._get_susyhit_filename()), 'r') as f_in:
            lines = f_in.readlines()

        # Make changes and overwrite file
        with open(
                                  self._get_susyhit_filename()), 'w') as f_in:
            has_replacement = False
            for line in lines:
                t_new = subn('{}.*'.format(slha_in),
                             '{}{}'.format(slha_out, parameter), line)
                if t_new[1] > 0:
                    LGR.debug('Replaced "%s" with "%s" in input file.',
                              line.rstrip(), t_new[0].rstrip())
                    has_replacement = True
            if not has_replacement:
                raise RuntimeError('No replacement in SUSYHIT input file has '
                                   'been done.')
コード例 #2
    def set_axis(self, axis_x, axis_y):
        """ Set axis labels. """

        # Set the main label
        axis_x = self._get_axis_label(axis_x)
        axis_y = self._get_axis_label(axis_y)

        ## Add all additional labels from the dictionaries
        #for key, value in axis_x_add.iteritems():
        #    if value == 0:
        #        axis_x += ' = {}'.format(self._get_axis_label(key))
        #    elif value > 0:
        #        axis_x += ' = {} - {}'.format(self._get_axis_label(key), value)
        #    else:
        #        axis_x += ' = {} + {}'.format(self._get_axis_label(key),
        #                                      abs(value))
        #for key, value in axis_y_add.iteritems():
        #    if value == 0:
        #        axis_y += ' = {}'.format(self._get_axis_label(key))
        #    elif value > 0:
        #        axis_y += ' = {} - {}'.format(self._get_axis_label(key), value)
        #    else:
        #        axis_y += ' = {} + {}'.format(self._get_axis_label(key),
        #                                      abs(value))

        ## Add unit
        #axis_x += ' [GeV]'
        #axis_y += ' [GeV]'


        LGR.debug('Set x axis to %s', axis_x)
        LGR.debug('Set y axis to %s', axis_y)
コード例 #3
    def _get_m(self, id_particle):
        """ Return mass of particle with ID id_particle. """

        with open('{}/susyhit_slha.out'.format(self._dir_susyhit),
                  'r') as f_susyhit:
            f_susyhit_mass = dropwhile(lambda l: not search('^BLOCK MASS', l),
            for line in f_susyhit_mass:
                if search('^ *{}'.format(id_particle), line):
                    mass = float((line.split())[1])
                    LGR.debug('Found mass %s for particle %s from line %s.',
                              mass, id_particle, line.rstrip())
                    return abs(mass)
コード例 #4
    def _run_external(
            cmd,  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        """ Run external software, such as SUSYHIT or SModelS. """

        # If logging level is not set to debug, suppress output
        LGR.debug('Output from %s:', name)
        if LGR.getEffectiveLevel() > 10:
            cmd += ' &> /dev/null'
        # Logic inverted: bash success (0) is python failure
        if system(cmd) and check_for_error:
            raise RuntimeError('Could not run {}.'.format(name))
コード例 #5
    def get_xs(self, com, path):
        """ Get cross section from SLHA. """

        # Regex to be searched in SLHA file
        if com == 13:
            regex_xs = r'XSECTION *1\.30E\+04 *2212 2212 2'
        elif com == 8:
            regex_xs = r'XSECTION *8\.00E\+03 *2212 2212 2'
            raise ValueError('Only cross-sections of 8 or 13 TeV are allowed.')

        with open('{}/susyhit_slha.out'.format(path), 'r') as f_susyhit:
            found_xsec = False
            for line in f_susyhit:
                if found_xsec:
                    # Multiply by 1000. to get cross section in fb
                    self._xs.append(1000. * float(line.split()[6]))
                    found_xsec = False
                # If the xs matches, set bool, next line will have the xs
                if search(regex_xs, line):
                    found_xsec = True
コード例 #6
    def _get_br_1leg(self, id_parent):
        """ Get branching ratio into particles for one particle. """

        br_leptons_1leg = []
        br_jets_1leg = []
        br_photons_1leg = []

        LGR.debug('Branching ratios for particle %s:', id_parent)

        # Loop over all decay modes
        for list_decay in self._prob_tree(id_parent):

            LGR.debug('list_decay: %s', list_decay)

            br_single = list_decay[0]

            # Check if we have unknown particles in the final state
            has_unknowns = False

            # Calculate number of particles for specific decay mode
            no_leptons = 0
            no_jets = 0
            no_photons = 0
            for id_particle in list_decay[1]:
                if self._is_unknown(id_particle):
                    has_unknowns = True
                no_leptons += self._is_lepton(id_particle)
                no_jets += self._is_jet(id_particle)
                no_photons += self._is_photon(id_particle)

            # Calculate total branching ratio for consistency;
            # this number will not exactly add up to 1, since rare decay modes
            # are missing and due to obnoxious python rounding errors
            if has_unknowns:

            # Make sure lists are long enough
            self._expand_list(br_leptons_1leg, no_leptons)
            self._expand_list(br_jets_1leg, no_jets)
            self._expand_list(br_photons_1leg, no_photons)

            # Fill branching ratio
            br_leptons_1leg[no_leptons] += br_single
            br_jets_1leg[no_jets] += br_single
            br_photons_1leg[no_photons] += br_single

        # If all lists are empty, we don't get any particles (LSP production)
        if not (br_leptons_1leg and br_jets_1leg and br_photons_1leg):
            br_leptons_1leg = [1]
            br_jets_1leg = [1]
            br_photons_1leg = [1]

        LGR.debug('Branching ratios into leptons: %s', br_leptons_1leg)
        LGR.debug('Branching ratios into jets: %s', br_jets_1leg)
        LGR.debug('Branching ratios into photons: %s', br_photons_1leg)
        LGR.debug('Total branching ratio: %s', sum(br_leptons_1leg))

        return br_leptons_1leg, br_jets_1leg, br_photons_1leg
コード例 #7
    def _get_brs(self, id_parent_1, id_parent_2=-1., weight=1.):
        """ Get probabilites for branching into one, two, ... leptons and jets.
        This includes the combinatorics from 2 parent particles. The
        probabilities are weighted by weight. """

        # If id_parent_2 is not set, set it to same value as id_parent_1
        if id_parent_2 < 0:
            id_parent_2 = id_parent_1

        br_leptons_1leg_1, br_jets_1leg_1, br_photons_1leg_1 = \

        # Don't call self._get_br_1leg() again if both parent particles are the
        # same
        if id_parent_2 == id_parent_1:
            br_leptons_1leg_2 = br_leptons_1leg_1
            br_jets_1leg_2 = br_jets_1leg_1
            br_photons_1leg_2 = br_photons_1leg_1
            br_leptons_1leg_2, br_jets_1leg_2, br_photons_1leg_2 = \

        # Create list with right length
        br_leptons_2leg = [0] * (len(br_leptons_1leg_1) +
                                 len(br_leptons_1leg_2) - 1)
        br_jets_2leg = [0] * (len(br_jets_1leg_1) + len(br_jets_1leg_2) - 1)
        br_photons_2leg = [0] * (len(br_photons_1leg_1) +
                                 len(br_photons_1leg_2) - 1)

        # Combinatorics going from one leg to two legs
        for idx_l1, br_l1 in enumerate(br_leptons_1leg_1):
            for idx_l2, br_l2 in enumerate(br_leptons_1leg_2):
                br_leptons_2leg[idx_l1 + idx_l2] += br_l1 * br_l2

        for idx_j1, br_j1 in enumerate(br_jets_1leg_1):
            for idx_j2, br_j2 in enumerate(br_jets_1leg_2):
                br_jets_2leg[idx_j1 + idx_j2] += br_j1 * br_j2

        for idx_l1, br_l1 in enumerate(br_photons_1leg_1):
            for idx_l2, br_l2 in enumerate(br_photons_1leg_2):
                br_photons_2leg[idx_l1 + idx_l2] += br_l1 * br_l2

        # If total branching ratio (for both legs) is under a certain
        # threshold, throw a warning; this can have many reasons, like unknown
        # (ignored) particle decays, or thresholds to limit computing time
        #if sum(br_leptons_2leg) < .9:
        #    LGR.warning('The defined threshold led to a total branching '
        #                'ratio of %s. You might want to consider lowering the '
        #                'threshold.', sum(br_leptons_2leg))

        LGR.debug('Parent particle (1st leg): %s', id_parent_1)
        LGR.debug('Parent particle (2nd leg): %s', id_parent_2)
        LGR.debug('Branching ratios into leptons (1st leg): %s',
        LGR.debug('Branching ratios into leptons (2nd leg): %s',
        LGR.debug('Branching ratios into leptons (both legs): %s',

        # Fill class variables
        for idx, br in enumerate(br_leptons_2leg):
                self._br_leptons[idx] += weight * br
            except IndexError:
                self._br_leptons.append(weight * br)
        for idx, br in enumerate(br_jets_2leg):
                self._br_jets[idx] += weight * br
            except IndexError:
                self._br_jets.append(weight * br)
        for idx, br in enumerate(br_photons_2leg):
                self._br_photons[idx] += weight * br
            except IndexError:
                self._br_photons.append(weight * br)
コード例 #8
    def _fill_dict_susy(self, id_particle):
        """ Translate SUSYHIT output into python dictionaries. The format of the
        dictionary is:
        dict[id_particle] = [
                                [prob., [child1, child2, ...]],
                                [prob., [child1, child2, ...]],
                            ] """

        # Open SUSYHIT output file
        with open('{}/susyhit_slha.out'.format(
                self._dir_susyhit)) as f_susyhit_out:
            # Select range to be read from file
            f_susyhit_out_start = dropwhile(
                lambda l: not search('^DECAY *{}'.format(abs(id_particle)), l),
            f_susyhit_out_range = takewhile(
                lambda l: not search('^# *PDG', l) and not search(
                    '^XSECTION', l), f_susyhit_out_start)

            # LGR.debug('Range selected from SUSYHIT output file for particle '
            #           '%s:', id_particle)

            # List of all decays
            list_decays = []
            # Loop over selected range and filter out comments
            for line in ifilterfalse(lambda l: search('^ *#|^DECAY', l),
                # LGR.debug(line.rstrip())

                # Split line into list, format is
                # [prob., # of childs, child1, child2, ..., comments]
                list_line_str_comments = line.rstrip().split()
                # LGR.debug('list: %s', list_line_str_comments)

                # Skip empty lines
                if len(list_line_str_comments) == 0:

                # Strip all comments from list_line_comments
                list_line_str = list(
                    takewhile(lambda m: not str(m).startswith('#'),
                # LGR.debug('list stripped from comments: %s', list_line_str)
                del list_line_str_comments

                # list_line_str needs to have length of at least 4, otherwise
                # something's wrong with the input
                if len(list_line_str) < 3:
                    raise IndexError('list_line_str {} needs to have at least '
                                     '4 elements. Something seems to be wrong '
                                     'with the input.'.format(list_line_str))

                # Convert first element (branching ratio) to float
                # and other elements (number of daughter particles and particle
                # ID's) to integers
                list_line = []
                list_line.append([int(x) for x in list_line_str[1:]])
                # LGR.debug('list as numbers: %s', list_line)
                del list_line_str

                # According to SLHA format, second number per line should be
                # number of daughter particles
                if list_line[1][0] + 1 != len(list_line[1]):
                    raise IndexError('According to SLHA format, second number '
                                     'per line should be number of daugher '
                                     'particles. Something seems to be wrong '
                                     'with the input.')

                # Once we checked for consistency, we can remove list_line[1],
                # since it is redundant
                del list_line[1][0]

                if isnan(list_line[0]):
                    LGR.warning('Some decays have a branching ratio of "NaN" '
                                'in the SUSYHIT output file. These decays are '

                # Fill list of decays
                del list_line

            # Check if list of decays is empty
            if not list_decays:
                # If it is a SM particle, it probably needs to be filled by
                # hand, if it is a SUSY particle, it will be ignored
                #if abs(id_particle) < 1000000:
                #    raise IndexError('SM particle {} could not be found in '
                #                     'dictionary. Maybe it needs to be filled'
                #                     ' by hand?'.format(id_particle))

                # If the particle has no known decay modes, according to
                # SUSYHIT, then we define its decay to 100 % into the unknown
                # (and ignored) particle 999 (which is a final state)
                list_decays.append([1., [999]])
                    'Added particle %s to list of ignored particles. '
                    'It does not seem to have any decay modes in the '
                    'SUSYHIT output file.', id_particle)

            # Loop over list_decays to print debug information and sum up
            # branching ratios
            sum_br = 0
            for list_decay in list_decays:
                sum_br += list_decay[0]
                LGR.debug('list_decay: %s', list_decay)

            # Fill dictionary
            self._d_susy[abs(id_particle)] = list_decays
                'Filled decay modes from particle with ID %s into '
                'dictionary.', id_particle)
コード例 #9
    def do_scan(self):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
        """ Loops over the different mass combinations and calls appropriate
        functions to set masses in the SUSYHIT input file and to fill the
        python dictionary. """

        # Make backup SUSYHIT input file
        system('mv {}/{}.in{{,.orig}}'.format(self._dir_susyhit,

        # Copy template input file
        system('cp {}.template {}/{}.in'.format(self._get_susyhit_filename(),

        # Fill SM dictionary

        # # Calculate total number of different mass combinations
        # total = len(M_GLUINOS) * len(M_CHARGINOS1) * len(M_NEUTRALINOS1)
        total = len(self.l_prmtr_x) * len(self.l_prmtr_y)

        # Define counter to count from 1 to total
        counter = 0

        # Create MassScanPlots object for plotting
        plots = MassScanPlots()

        # Set the plot axis labels
        plots.set_axis(self._prmtr_id_x, self._prmtr_id_y)

        # Set the text describing the different parameter values
        plots.set_text(self._prmtr_id_x, self._d_prmtr_x_add,
        plots.set_text(self._prmtr_id_y, self._d_prmtr_y_add,

        for prmtr_x in self.l_prmtr_x:
            for prmtr_y in self.l_prmtr_y:

                # Clear SUSY dictionary (SM can stay)

                counter += 1

                # Reset error
                self._error = False

                LGR.info('Processing mass combination %3d of %3d: (%4d/%4d).',
                         counter, total, prmtr_x, prmtr_y)

                LGR.debug('prmtr_x = %4d  -  prmtr_y = %4d', prmtr_x, prmtr_y)

                self._set_parameter_all(prmtr_x, prmtr_y)

                # Run SUSYHIT
                                   'cd {} && ./run'.format(self._dir_susyhit))
                if not self._check_susyhit_output():
                    self._skip_point(prmtr_x, prmtr_y)

                # Check for LSP
                if not self._error and not self._check_lsp():
                    self._skip_point(prmtr_x, prmtr_y)

                # Get particle masses
                if not self._error and self._calc_masses:

                # Get particle lifetimes
                if not self._error and self._calc_br:

                # Calculate cross-section with SModelS
                if not self._error and (self._calc_xs or self._calc_mu):
                    # 8 TeV cross-sections to check if the model is already
                    # excluded and 13 TeV cross-sections for cross-sections
                    # itself
                    for com in [8, 13]:
                            'SModelS', 'runTools xseccomputer '
                            '-p -s {} -f {}/susyhit_slha.out'.format(
                                com, self._dir_susyhit))

                    # Apply k-factors

                    if self._calc_xs:

                # Move SUSYHIT output
                system('cp {}/susyhit_slha.out susyhit_slha_{}_{}.out'.format(
                    self._dir_susyhit, prmtr_x, prmtr_y))
                system('cp {}/suspect2.out suspect2_{}_{}.out'.format(
                    self._dir_susyhit, prmtr_x, prmtr_y))

                # Check if models are already excluded
                if not self._error and self._calc_mu:
                        'SModelS', 'timeout 1800 runSModelS '
                        '-o smodels_summary.txt '
                        '-f {}/susyhit_slha.out'.format(self._dir_susyhit),
                    self._mu = self._get_mu()

                    # Move SModelS output file
                    system('mv smodels_summary.txt smodels_summary_{}_{}.txt '
                           '2>/dev/null'.format(prmtr_x, prmtr_y))

                    LGR.debug('Excluded signal strength: %s', self._mu)

                # Calculate branching ratios into final states
                if not self._error and self._calc_br:
                    if not self._br_leptons or \
                       not self._br_jets or \
                       not self._br_photons:
                        LGR.warning('Some branching ratios are empty.')
                        self._skip_point(prmtr_x, prmtr_y)

                # Get decay channels
                if not self._error and self._calc_br:
                    self._dc_gluino = self._get_dcs(self._id_gluino)
                    self._dc_chargino1 = self._get_dcs(self._id_chargino1)
                    self._dc_chargino2 = self._get_dcs(self._id_chargino2)
                    self._dc_neutralino2 = self._get_dcs(self._id_neutralino2)
                    self._dc_neutralino3 = self._get_dcs(self._id_neutralino3)
                    self._dc_neutralino4 = self._get_dcs(self._id_neutralino4)
                    self._dc_sdown_l = self._get_dcs(self._id_sdown_l)
                    self._dc_sdown_r = self._get_dcs(self._id_sdown_r)
                    self._dc_sup_l = self._get_dcs(self._id_sup_l)
                    self._dc_sup_r = self._get_dcs(self._id_sup_r)
                    self._dc_sstrange_l = self._get_dcs(self._id_sstrange_l)
                    self._dc_sstrange_r = self._get_dcs(self._id_sstrange_r)
                    self._dc_scharm_l = self._get_dcs(self._id_scharm_l)
                    self._dc_scharm_r = self._get_dcs(self._id_scharm_r)

                # If there was an error, empty all values
                if self._error:

                plots = self._fill_plots(plots, prmtr_x, prmtr_y)

        # Restore backup SUSYHIT input file
        system('mv {}/{}.in{{.orig,}}'.format(self._dir_susyhit,

        # Throw error when no list is filled
        if len(plots.coordinate_x) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Nothing to plot.')

        return plots