コード例 #1
    def __init__(self,
                 n_ins=46 * 4,
                 hidden_layers_sizes=[20, 20],
        """This class is made to support a variable number of layers.

        :type numpy_rng: numpy.random.RandomState
        :param numpy_rng: numpy random number generator used to draw initial

        :type theano_rng: theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams
        :param theano_rng: Theano random generator; if None is given one is
                           generated based on a seed drawn from `rng`

        :type n_ins: int
        :param n_ins: dimension of the input to the DBN

        :type n_layers_sizes: list of ints
        :param n_layers_sizes: intermediate layers size, must contain
                               at least one value

        :type n_outs: int
        :param n_outs: dimension of the output of the network

        self.sigmoid_layers = []
        self.rbm_layers = []
        self.params = []
        self.n_layers = len(hidden_layers_sizes)

        assert self.n_layers > 0

        if not theano_rng:
            theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2**30))

        # allocate symbolic variables for the data
        self.x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
        self.y = T.imatrix('y')  # the labels are presented as 1D vector
        # of [int] labels

        # The DBN is an MLP, for which all weights of intermediate
        # layers are shared with a different RBM.  We will first
        # construct the DBN as a deep multilayer perceptron, and when
        # constructing each sigmoidal layer we also construct an RBM
        # that shares weights with that layer. During pretraining we
        # will train these RBMs (which will lead to chainging the
        # weights of the MLP as well) During finetuning we will finish
        # training the DBN by doing stochastic gradient descent on the
        # MLP.

        for i in xrange(self.n_layers):
            # construct the sigmoidal layer

            # the size of the input is either the number of hidden
            # units of the layer below or the input size if we are on
            # the first layer
            if i == 0:
                input_size = n_ins
                input_size = hidden_layers_sizes[i - 1]

            # the input to this layer is either the activation of the
            # hidden layer below or the input of the DBN if you are on
            # the first layer
            if i == 0:
                layer_input = self.x
                layer_input = self.sigmoid_layers[-1].output

            sigmoid_layer = HiddenLayer(rng=numpy_rng,

            # add the layer to our list of layers

            # its arguably a philosophical question...  but we are
            # going to only declare that the parameters of the
            # sigmoid_layers are parameters of the DBN. The visible
            # biases in the RBM are parameters of those RBMs, but not
            # of the DBN.

            # Construct an RBM that shared weights with this layer
            rbm_layer = RBM(numpy_rng=numpy_rng,

        # We now need to add a logistic layer on top of the MLP
        self.logLayer = LogisticRegression_tied(
            X=self.sigmoid_layers[-1].output, n_in=hidden_layers_sizes[-1])
        #, n_out=n_outs)

        # compute the cost for second phase of training, defined as the
        # negative log likelihood of the logistic regression (output) layer
        self.finetune_cost = self.logLayer.negative_log_likelihood(self.y)

        # compute the gradients with respect to the model parameters
        # symbolic variable that points to the number of errors made on the
        # minibatch given by self.x and self.y
        self.errors = self.logLayer.errors(self.y)