コード例 #1
def generateRSAkeypair():
    Generates a pair of 1024bit RSA public and private keys , returns a
    65537 is a standard value used for RSA encryption, a known prime that is efficient for binary computations 
    rsakeypair = RSA.gen_key(1024, 65537, empty_callback)
    return rsakeypair
    def fetchBulkKey(self, label):
        """Given a bulk key label, pull the key down from the network,
		and decrypt it using my private key.  Then store the key
		into self storage for later decrypt operations."""

        # Do we have the key already?
        if label in self.bulkKeys:

        logging.debug("Fetching encrypted bulk key from %s" % label)

        # Note that we do not currently support any authentication model for bulk key
        # retrieval other than the usual weave username-password pair.  To support
        # distributed key models for the more advanced sharing scenarios, we will need
        # to revisit that.
        keyData = self.ctx.http_get(label)
        keyPayload = json.loads(keyData['payload'])
        bulkIV = base64.decodestring(keyPayload['bulkIV'])

        keyRing = keyPayload['keyring']

        # In a future world where we have sharing, the keys of the keyring dictionary will
        # define public key domains for the symmetric bulk keys stored on the ring.
        # Right now, the first item is always the pubkey of a user, and we just grab the first value.

        # We should really make sure that the key we have here matches the private key
        # we're using to unwrap, or none of this makes sense.

        # Now, using the user's private key, we will unwrap the symmetric key.
        encryptedBulkKey = base64.decodestring(keyRing.items()[0][1])

        # This is analogous to this openssl command-line invocation:
        # openssl rsautl -decrypt -keyform DER -inkey privkey.der -in wrapped_symkey.dat -out unwrapped_symkey.dat
        # ... except that M2Crypto doesn't have an API for DER importing,
        # so we have to PEM-encode the key (with base64 and header/footer blocks).
        # So what we're actually doing is:
        # openssl rsautl -decrypt -keyform PEM -inkey privkey.pem -in wrapped_symkey.dat -out unwrapped_symkey.dat

        logging.debug("Decrypting encrypted bulk key %s" % label)

        pemEncoded = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
        pemEncoded += base64.encodestring(self.privateKey)
        pemEncoded += "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"

        # Create an EVP, extract the RSA key from it, and do the decrypt
        evp = load_key_string(pemEncoded)
        rsa = M2Crypto.m2.pkey_get1_rsa(evp.pkey)
        rsaObj = RSA.RSA(rsa)
        unwrappedSymKey = rsaObj.private_decrypt(encryptedBulkKey,

        # And save it for later use
        self.bulkKeys[label] = unwrappedSymKey
        self.bulkKeyIVs[label] = bulkIV
        logging.debug("Succesfully decrypted bulk key from %s" % label)
コード例 #3
def load_public_rsakey_from_b64string(keyinbase64):
    Converts an rsa public key from base64 and loads it into a rsakey object
    the resulting rsakey object can be used with rsakey.public_encrypt or public_decrypt
    input keyinbase64 : string containing the key in base64, return of the last object
    returns : rsakey onject with the public key part loaded
    # decoded the string from base64
    keyinbase64 = b64decode(keyinbase64)
    # make a memory buffer
    pubkey_buffer = BIO.MemoryBuffer(keyinbase64)
    # load it into an rsakey object
    rsakey = RSA.load_pub_key_bio(pubkey_buffer)
    # return rsakey
    return rsakey