コード例 #1
def test_auto_elide_label(app_dialog):
    # Click on the Context Selector widget
    app_dialog.open_demo_pane("Auto-Elide Label")
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Auto-Elide Label"].exists(
    ), "Not on the Auto-Elide Label Widget"

    # Validate default lable value
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing el..."].exists(
        ), "Default Auto-Elide text value is good"

    # Slide to the left side to remove the text and validate
    labelIndicator = first(app_dialog.root.buttons["Page left"])
    width, height = labelIndicator.size
    labelIndicator.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 0)
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[""].exists(
    ), "Empty Auto-Elide text value is good"

    # Slide to the right side to show all the text and validate
    labelIndicator = first(app_dialog.root.buttons["Page right"])
    width, height = labelIndicator.size
    labelIndicator.mouseDrag(width * 1, height * 0)
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque non posuere lorem. Donec non lobortis mauris...."].exists(
        ), "Full Auto-Elide text value is good"
コード例 #2
def test_view_mode(app_dialog):
    # Select list mode
    # Make sure list mode button is checked
    assert app_dialog.root.checkboxes[
        "list_mode"].checked, "List view mode is not selected."
    # Make sure thumb scale slider is not available in list mode
    assert (app_dialog.root["thumb_scale"].exists() is
            False), "Thumbnail scale slider shouldn't be visible."

    # Select thumbnail mode
    # Make sure thumbnail mode button is checked
    assert app_dialog.root.checkboxes[
        "thumbnail_mode"].checked, "Thumbnail view mode is not selected."
    # Make sure thumb scale slider is available in lithumbnail mode
    assert app_dialog.root["thumb_scale"].exists(
    ), "Thumbnail scale slider isn't available."

    # Validate thumbnail slider
    # Move slider to get small thumbnails
    thumbnailSlider = first(app_dialog.root["position"])
    width, height = thumbnailSlider.size
    thumbnailSlider.mouseDrag(width * -15, height * 0)

    # Move slider to get big thumbnails
    thumbnailSlider = first(app_dialog.root["position"])
    width, height = thumbnailSlider.size
    thumbnailSlider.mouseDrag(width * 15, height * 0)
コード例 #3
def test_shotgun_hierarchy(app_dialog):
    # Click on the Shotgun Hierarchy widget
    app_dialog.open_demo_pane("ShotGrid Hierarchy")
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["ShotGrid Hierarchy"].exists(
    ), "Not on the ShotGrid Hierarchy widget"

    # Wait until widget is showing up
    app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Demo: Animation"].waitExist(), 30

    # Click on Demo: Animation entity
    app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Demo: Animation"].get().mouseDoubleClick()
        "bunny_080_0010_layout_v001"].waitExist(), 30

    # Scroll down in the navigation table to show more asset type characters
    tableScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars[2])
    width, height = tableScrollBar.size
    tableScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)

    # Validate last entries is available
    assert (
    ), "Last Demo: Animation entry is missing in the ShotGrid Hierarchy widget"

    # Click on Demo: Animation Shots entity
        "bunny_080_0200_layout_v001"].waitExist(), 30

    # Validate Shots are showing up
    app_dialog.root.outlineitems["bunny_010"].waitExist(), 30
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["bunny_010"].exists(
    ), "bunny_010 is missing from the ShotGrid Entity Model widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["bunny_080"].exists(
    ), "bunny_080 is missing from the ShotGrid Entity Model widget"

    # Click on bunny_080 entity model
    if (app_dialog.root.tables.rows["40"].cells["bunny_080_0200_layout_v001"].
            exists() is True):
            "bunny_080_0200_layout_v001"].waitExist(), 30
        # Scroll down
        tableScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars[2])
        width, height = tableScrollBar.size
        tableScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)
        # Validate bunny_080_0200_layout_v001 is showing up
            "bunny_080_0200_layout_v001"].waitExist(), 30

    # Select shot bunny_080_0020
    assert (
    ), "bunny_080_0020_layout_v002 is missing in the ShotGrid Hierarchy widget"
コード例 #4
def test_shotgun_field_delegate(app_dialog):
    # Click on the Shotgun Field Delegate widget
    app_dialog.open_demo_pane("ShotGrid Field Delegate")
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["ShotGrid Field Delegate"].exists(
    ), "Not on the ShotGrid Field Delegate widget"
        "A ShotgunTableView with auto-assigned field delegates:"].waitExist(
        ), 30

    # Validate Demo: Animation is showing up
    if app_dialog.root.tables[0].cells["Demo: Animation*"].exists() is True:
        assert (
            app_dialog.root.tables[0].cells["Demo: Animation*"].exists()
        ), "Demo: Animation project not showing up in the ShotGrid Field Delegate widget"
        assert (
            .exists()), "Demo: Animation project doesn't have a thumbnail"
        # Scroll down
        activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars[1])
        width, height = activityScrollBar.size
        activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)
        # Validate Demo: Animation is showing up
        assert (
            app_dialog.root.tables[0].cells["Demo: Animation*"].exists()
        ), "Demo: Animation project not showing up in the ShotGrid Field Delegate widget"
        assert (
            .exists()), "Demo: Animation project doesn't have a thumbnail"

    # Validate scroll bar is working fine
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars[1])
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)

    # Validate second table
    assert (app_dialog.root.tables[1].cells["New Project"].exists(
    )), "New Project not showing up in the ShotGrid Field Delegate widget"

    # Change New Project name
    app_dialog.root.tables[1].cells["New Project"].get().mouseDoubleClick()
    app_dialog.root.tables[1].cells["New Project"].get().mouseDoubleClick()
    app_dialog.root.tables[1].cells["New Project"].typeIn(" Renamed")
    assert (app_dialog.root.tables[1].cells["Renamed"].exists()
            ), "Project rename didn't work"

    # Validate scroll bar is working fine
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars[2])
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)
コード例 #5
def test_shotgun_globals(app_dialog):
    # Click on the Shotgun Globals widget
    app_dialog.open_demo_pane("Shotgun Globals")
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Shotgun Globals"].exists(
    ), "Not on the Shotgun Globals widget"

    # Wait until widget is showing up
    app_dialog.root.captions["Select an Entity type from the list:"].waitExist(
    ), 30

    # Validate Shotgun globals first dropdown menu

    # Scroll up in the widgets panel and select Asset entity type
    activityScrollBar = first(topwindows.indicators.Position)
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 0)
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Asset"].exists(
    ), "Asset didn't get selected from the firts dropdown menu"
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        ), "Asset didn't get selected from the firts dropdown menu"

    # Validate Shotgun globals second dropdown menu
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Description"].exists(
    ), "Description didn't get selected from the second dropdown menu"
コード例 #6
def test_shotgun_field_widgets_form(app_dialog):
    # Click on the Shotgun Field Widgets Form widget
    app_dialog.open_demo_pane("Shotgun Field Widgets Form")
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Shotgun Field Widgets Form"].exists(
    ), "Not on the Shotgun Field Widgets Form widget"
    app_dialog.root.captions["Analytics Truth Finder Onboarded:"].waitExist(
    ), 30

    # Validate widget interactions
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "> Analytics Truth Finder Onboarded widget value changed to: True"].exists(
        ), ("Checkbox wasn't successfully checked in the Shotgun Field Widgets Form widget"

    # Validate scroll bar is working fine
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars[1])
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)

    # Validate widget interactions
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "> Welcome Page Visited widget value changed to: False"].exists(
        ), "Checkbox wasn't successfully unchecked in the Shotgun Field Widgets Form widget"
コード例 #7
def test_publish_type(app_dialog):
    # Make sure buttons are available
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Select All"].exists(
    ), "Select All button is missing"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Select None"].exists(
    ), "Select None button is missing"

    # Unselect Folders. That checkbox is hidden from qt so I need to do some hack to select it.
    foldersCheckbox = first(
    width, height = foldersCheckbox.size
    foldersCheckbox.mouseClick(width * 0.05, height * 0.5)

    # Make sure Big Buck Bunny project is no more showing up in the publish view
    assert (
        app_dialog.root["publish_view"].listitems["*Big Buck Bunny"].exists()
        is False), "Big Buck Bunny project shouldn't be visible."

    # Click on Select All button
    app_dialog.root.buttons["Select All"].mouseClick()

    # Make sure Big Buck Bunny project is showing up in the publish view
    assert (app_dialog.root["publish_view"].listitems["*Big Buck Bunny"].
            exists()), "Big Buck Bunny project ins't available."
コード例 #8
def test_publish_type(app_dialog, tk_test_project):
    # Make sure buttons are available
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons[
        "Select All"
    ].exists(), "Select All button is missing"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons[
        "Select None"
    ].exists(), "Select None button is missing"

    # Unselect Folders. That checkbox is hidden from qt so I need to do some hack to select it.
    foldersCheckbox = first(app_dialog.root["publish_type_list"].listitems["Folders"])
    width, height = foldersCheckbox.size
    foldersCheckbox.mouseClick(width * 0.05, height * 0.5)
    # Make sure Toolkit UI Automation project is no more showing up in the publish view
    assert (
        .listitems["*" + str(tk_test_project["name"])]
        is False
    ), "Toolkit UI Automation project shouldn't be visible."

    # Click on Select All button
    app_dialog.root.buttons["Select All"].mouseClick()

    # Make sure Toolkit UI Automation project is showing up in the publish view
    assert (
        .listitems["*" + str(tk_test_project["name"])]
    ), "Toolkit UI Automation project ins't available."

    # Make sure publish item is showing up correctly
    # app_dialog.root["publish_view"].listitems["Character"].waitExist(timeout=30)
    # app_dialog.root["publish_view"].listitems["Character"].get().mouseDoubleClick()

    # Make sure published file detail view is good
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Name*sven.png*Type*No Type*Version*001*Link*Asset AssetAutomation*Task*Model*Waiting to Start*Review*Pending Review"
    ].exists(), "Published File informations is missing."
    assert (
    ), "Version isn't visible."
    # This mouseSlide() is to get the version item's tooltip showing up.
    app_dialog.root["history_view"].listitems["001"].get().mouseSlide(width * 0.25)
        "Version 001*This file was published by the toolkit ui automation"
コード例 #9
def test_action_items(app_dialog):
    # Click on the Actions drop down menu. That menu is hidden from qt so I need to do some hack to select it.
    folderThumbnail = first(
        app_dialog.root["publish_view"].listitems["*Big Buck Bunny"])
    width, height = folderThumbnail.size
    app_dialog.root["publish_view"].listitems["*Big Buck Bunny"].get(
    folderThumbnail.mouseClick(width * 0.9, height * 0.9)

    # Validate action items.
    assert topwindows.menuitems["Show details in Shotgun"].exists(
    ), "Show details in Shotgun isn't available."
    assert topwindows.menuitems["Show in Media Center"].exists(
    ), "Show in Media Center isn't available."
コード例 #10
def test_note_editor(app_dialog):
    # Click on the Note Editor widget
    app_dialog.open_demo_pane("Note Editor")
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Note Editor"].exists(
    ), "Not on the Note Editor widget"

    # Click to create a new note
    if app_dialog.root.captions["Click to create a new note..."].exists():
        app_dialog.root.captions["Click to create a new note..."].get(

    # Validate that all buttons are available
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Cancel"].exists(
    ), "Cancel buttons is not showing up"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Attach Files"].exists(
    ), "Attach Screenshot buttons is not showing up"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Take Screenshot"].exists(
    ), "Take Screenshot buttons is not showing up"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Create Note"].exists(
    ), "Create Note buttons is not showing up"

    # Validate that the File browser is showing up after clicking on the Files to attach button then close it
    app_dialog.root.buttons["Attach Files"].get().mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Select files to attach."].waitExist(), 30
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Select files to attach."].buttons["Close"].get(

    # Validate that all buttons are available
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Cancel"].exists(
    ), "Cancel button is not showing up"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["add_button"].exists(
    ), "Add attachments button is not showing up"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["remove_button"].exists(
    ), "Remove attachments button is not showing up"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Create Note"].exists(
    ), "Create Note button is not showing up"

    # Take a screenshot
    app_dialog.root.buttons["Take Screenshot"].get().mouseClick()
    MyOGL = first(app_dialog.root)
    width, height = MyOGL.size
    MyOGL.mouseSlide(width * 0, height * 0)
    MyOGL.mouseDrag(width * 1, height * 1)

    # Add a note
    app_dialog.root.textfields.typeIn("New Note")
    app_dialog.root.buttons["Create Note"].get().mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.captions["Click to create a new note..."].waitExist(), 30
コード例 #11
def test_screen_capture(app_dialog):
    # Click on the Screen Capture widget
    app_dialog.open_demo_pane("Screen Capture")
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Screen Capture"].exists(
    ), "Not on the Screen Capture widget"

    # Validate get_desktop_pixmap button

    # Validate screen_capture button
    MyOGL = first(app_dialog.root)
    width, height = MyOGL.size
    MyOGL.mouseSlide(width * 0, height * 0)
    MyOGL.mouseDrag(width * 1, height * 1)

    # Validate screen_capture_file button
    MyOGL = first(app_dialog.root)
    width, height = MyOGL.size
    MyOGL.mouseSlide(width * 0, height * 0)
    MyOGL.mouseDrag(width * 1, height * 1)
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Output file: *"].exists(
    ), "Output file is missing"
コード例 #12
def test_activity_stream(app_dialog):
    # Validate that Demo app is on the welcome page
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Help With this App"].exists(
    ), "Not on the Demos app Welcome Page"

    # Click on the Activity Stream widget
    app_dialog.open_demo_pane("Activity Stream")
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Activity Stream"].exists(
    ), "Not on the Activity Stream widget"

    # Wait until note creation field is showing up.
    while app_dialog.root.captions["Loading Shotgun Data..."].exists():

    # Click to create a new note
    app_dialog.root.captions["Click to create a new note..."].get().mouseClick(

    # Validate that all buttons are available
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Cancel"].exists(
    ), "Cancel buttons is not showing up"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Attach Files"].exists(
    ), "Attach Screenshot buttons is not showing up"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Take Screenshot"].exists(
    ), "Take Screenshot buttons is not showing up"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Create Note"].exists(
    ), "Create Note buttons is not showing up"

    # Add a note
    app_dialog.root.textfields.typeIn("New Note")
    app_dialog.root.buttons["Create Note"].get().mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.waitIdle(), 30
    app_dialog.root.captions["New Note"].get().waitExist(), 30

    # Validate the Note gets created
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["New Note"].exists(
    ), "New note wasn't created"
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Reply to this Note"].exists(
    ), "New note wasn't created"

    # Scroll down in the activity stream
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars[1])
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons[
        "Click here to see the Activity stream in Shotgun."].exists(
        ), "Hyperlink to see the Activity Stream in Shotgun is missing"
コード例 #13
def test_activity_notes_tabs(
    app_dialog, tk_test_project, tk_test_entities, tk_test_current_user
    Activity and Notes tabs validation
    # Wait for the UI to show up and click on the Activity tab
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    if app_dialog.root.buttons["Click to go to your work area"].exists() is True:
        app_dialog.root.buttons["Click to go to your work area"].mouseClick()

    # Click on the Activity tab
    assert (
        or app_dialog.root.tabs["Activity"].focused
    ), "Activity tab should be selected by default"

    # Wait until note creation field is showing up.
    wait = time.time()
    while wait + 30 > time.time():
        if app_dialog.root.captions["Loading SG Data..."].exists():

    # Click to create a new note
    app_dialog.root.captions["Click to create a new note..."].mouseClick()

    # Validate that all buttons are available
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    assert (
        or app_dialog.root.buttons[27].exists()
    ), "Cancel buttons is not showing up"
    assert (
        app_dialog.root.buttons["Attach Files"].exists()
        or app_dialog.root.buttons[28].exists()
    ), "Attach Screenshot buttons is not showing up"
    assert (
        app_dialog.root.buttons["Take Screenshot"].exists()
        or app_dialog.root.buttons[29].exists()
    ), "Take Screenshot buttons is not showing up"
    assert (
        app_dialog.root.buttons["Create Note"].exists()
        or app_dialog.root.buttons[30].exists()
    ), "Create Note buttons is not showing up"

    # Add a note
    app_dialog.root.textfields.typeIn("New note created by automation")
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    if app_dialog.root.buttons["Create Note"].exists() is True:
        app_dialog.root.buttons["Create Note"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.captions["Reply to this Note"].waitExist(timeout=30)

    # Validate the Note gets created
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "New note created by automation"
    ].exists(), "New note wasn't created"
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Reply to this Note"
    ].exists(), "New note wasn't created"

    # Validate that all activities are showing up in the activity stream
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Published File sven.png was created on Asset AssetAutomation"
    ].exists(), "Published File sven.png creation is missing in the activity stream"
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Version sven.png was created on Asset AssetAutomation"
    ].exists(), "Version sven.png creation is missing in the activity stream"
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Task Rig was created on Asset AssetAutomation"
    ].exists(), "Task Rig creation is missing in the activity stream"
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Task Model was created on Asset AssetAutomation"
    ].exists(), "Task Model creation is missing in the activity stream"
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Asset AssetAutomation was created"
    ].exists(), "Asset AssetAutomation creation is missing in the activity stream"
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Project " + str(tk_test_project["name"]) + " was created"
    ].exists(), (
        "Project Toolkit UI Automation creation is missing in the activity stream"
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons[
        "Click here to see the Activity stream in ShotGrid."
    ].exists(), "Hyperlink to see the Activity Stream in SG is missing"

    # Click on the Notes tab
    assert (
        app_dialog.root.tabs["Notes"].selected or app_dialog.root.tabs["Notes"].focused
    ), "Noted tab should be selected by default"

    # Notes tab validation
    app_dialog.root.captions["All notes for this project, in update order."].waitExist(

    # Open the note item
    app_dialog.root.captions["*Note on " + str(tk_test_project["name"])].waitExist(
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "New note created by automation"
    ].exists(), "New Note is missing"
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Note by "
        + tk_test_current_user["name"]
        + "*Written on*Addressed to: "
        + tk_test_current_user["name"]
        + "*Associated With:*"
        + tk_test_project["name"]
        + "*"
    ].exists(), "Not the Notes details"

    # Create a reply
    app_dialog.root.captions["Reply to this Note"].mouseClick()

    # Validate that all buttons are available
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    assert (
        or app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons[1].exists()
    ), "Cancel buttons is not showing up"
    assert (
        app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Attach Files"].exists()
        or app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons[2].exists()
    ), "Attach Screenshot buttons is not showing up"
    assert (
        app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Take Screenshot"].exists()
        or app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons[3].exists()
    ), "Take Screenshot buttons is not showing up"
    assert (
        app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Create Note"].exists()
        or app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons[4].exists()
    ), "Create Note buttons is not showing up"

    # Validate that the File browser is showing up after clicking on the Files to attach button then close it
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    if app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Attach Files"].exists() is True:
        app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Attach Files"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Select files to attach."].waitExist(timeout=30)

    # Get image path to be published
    image_path = os.path.normpath(

    # Type in image path
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Select files to attach."].textfields[
        "File name:"
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Select files to attach."].textfields["File name:"].pasteIn(
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Select files to attach."].textfields[
        "File name:"
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Select files to attach."].textfields["File name:"].typeIn(

    # Validate that all buttons are available
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    assert (
        or app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons[1].exists()
    ), "Cancel button is not showing up"
    assert (
    ), "Add attachments button is not showing up"
    assert (
    ), "Remove attachments button is not showing up"
    assert (
        app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Create Note"].exists()
        or app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons[2].exists()
    ), "Create Note button is not showing up"
    if app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Create Note"].exists() is True:
        app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Create Note"].mouseClick()

    # Take a screenshot
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    if app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Take Screenshot"].exists() is True:
        app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Take Screenshot"].mouseClick()
    app_window = first(app_dialog.root)
    width, height = app_window.size
    app_window.mouseSlide(width * 0, height * 0)
    app_window.mouseDrag(width * 1, height * 1)

    # Add a note
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].textfields.typeIn("New Reply")
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    if app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Create Note"].exists() is True:
        app_dialog.root.dialogs["Reply"].buttons["Create Note"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.captions["New Reply"].waitExist(timeout=30)

    # Validate the note gets created
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    if app_dialog.root.buttons["Click to go back"].exists() is True:
        app_dialog.root.buttons["Click to go back"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.captions["All notes for this project, in update order."].waitExist(
    app_dialog.root.captions["New Reply"].waitExist(timeout=30)

    # Go back to the default work area
    # PySide2 doesn't see button's name so we need to use integer to point to it in the hierarchy list
    if app_dialog.root.buttons["Click to go to your work area"].exists() is True:
        app_dialog.root.buttons["Click to go to your work area"].mouseClick()
コード例 #14
def test_shotgun_entity_model(app_dialog):
    # Scroll down in the widgets panel
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.indicators.Position)
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)

    # Click on the Shotgun Entity Model widget
    app_dialog.open_demo_pane("Shotgun Entity Model")
    assert app_dialog.root.captions["Shotgun Entity Model"].exists(
    ), "Not on the Shotgun Entity Model widget"

    # Wait until widget is showing up
    app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Demo: Animation"].waitExist(), 30

    # Click on Demo: Animation entity model
    app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Demo: Animation"].get().mouseDoubleClick()

    # Validate Asset Types are showing up
    app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Character"].waitExist(), 30
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Character"].exists(
    ), "Character is missing from the Shotgun Entity Model widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Environment"].exists(
    ), "Environment is missing from the Shotgun Entity Model widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Matte Painting"].exists(
    ), "Matte Painting is missing from the Shotgun Entity Model widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Prop"].exists(
    ), "Prop is missing from the Shotgun Entity Model widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Vehicle"].exists(
    ), "Vehicle is missing from the Shotgun Entity Model widget"

    # Click on Character entity model

    # Validate Characters are showing up
    app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Alice"].waitExist(), 30
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Alice"].exists(
    ), "Character Alice is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Anders"].exists(
    ), "Character Anders is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Blue Jay"].exists(
    ), "Character Blue Jay is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Buck"].exists(
    ), "Character Buck is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Bunny"].exists(
    ), "Character Bunny is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Caterpillar"].exists(
    ), "Character Caterpillar is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Darcy"].exists(
    ), "Character Darcy is not in the navigation widget"

    # Scroll down in the navigation tree to show more asset type characters
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars[1])
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)

    # Continue to validate that all Characters are there
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Fern"].exists(
    ), "Character Fern is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Flash"].exists(
    ), "Character Flash is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Hamster"].exists(
    ), "Character Hamster is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Jimmy"].exists(
    ), "Character Jimmy is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Jojo"].exists(
    ), "Character Jojo is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Mr Banning"].exists(
    ), "Character Mr Banning is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Mrs Banning"].exists(
    ), "Character Mrs Banning is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Queen"].exists(
    ), "Character Queen is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Scare Crow"].exists(
    ), "Character Scare Crow is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Squirrel"].exists(
    ), "Character Squirrel is not in the navigation widget"
    assert app_dialog.root.outlineitems["Young Bunny"].exists(
    ), "Character Young Bunny is not in the navigation widget"
コード例 #15
def test_description_inheritance(app_dialog, tk_test_project):
    Ensure summary description inheritance is working fine.
    # Click on Browse file to publish and then select the file to publish
    app_dialog.root.buttons["Browse files to publish"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].waitExist(timeout=30)
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].waitIdle(timeout=30)

    # Get images path to be published
    # # This is commented out because it is not working on Azure!
    # image_path = os.path.normpath(
    #     os.path.expandvars(
    #         '${TK_TEST_FIXTURES}/files/images/"svenFace.jpg" "sven.png"'
    #     )
    # )
    image_path = os.path.expandvars(

    # Type in image path
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].pasteIn(image_path)
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].waitIdle(timeout=30)
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].typeIn("{ENTER}")
    app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["svenFace.jpg"].waitExist(

    # Open the Browse file to publish and then select the second file to publish
    app_dialog.root["button container"].navIndexes("0").mouseClick()
    # Get images path to be published
    image_path = os.path.expandvars(
    # Type in image path
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].pasteIn(image_path)
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].waitIdle(timeout=30)
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].typeIn("{ENTER}")

    # Validate file to publish is there and the right project is selected
    app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["Publish Summary"].waitExist(
    app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["12 tasks to execute"].waitExist(
    assert (app_dialog.root["context picker widget"].captions[
        "*" + tk_test_project["name"]].exists()
            ), "Context is not set to Toolkit Publish2 UI Automation project."

    # Add a summary description and make sure all items inherited it
    app_dialog.root.textfields.typeIn("Description Summary")
    # Make sure first parent item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: Summary"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    # Make sure first child of the first parent item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: Summary"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    # Make sure second child of the first parent item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: Summary"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    # Scroll down to make sure to have all second items showing up
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars)
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].scrollbars.indicators[
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)
    # Make sure second item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: Summary"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    # Make sure first child of the second item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: Summary"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    # Make sure second child of the second item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: Summary"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"

    # Add description for the first image
    # Scroll up to make sure to have all first items showing up
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars)
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].scrollbars.indicators[
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 0)
    # Select the first parent item
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    # Make sure it is the right item
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["svenFace.jpg"].exists()
            ), "Not the right tree item selected"
    app_dialog.root["item details"].textfields["item description"].typeIn(
        "Description for item 1")
    # Make sure description is not inherited
    assert (
        app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["Description not inherited"].
        exists()), "Description should not be inherited"
    # Make sure first child of the first parent item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: svenFace.jpg"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    # Make sure second child of the first parent item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: svenFace.jpg"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"

    # Add descriptions for the second image
    # Scroll down to make sure to have all second items showing up
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars)
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].scrollbars.indicators[
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)
    # Select the second parent item
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    # Make sure it is the right item
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["sven.png"].exists()
            ), "Not the right tree item selected"
    # Make sure description is still inherited for item 2
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: Summary"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    app_dialog.root["item details"].textfields["item description"].typeIn(
        "Description for item 2")
    # Make sure description is no more inherited
    assert (
        app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["Description not inherited"].
        exists()), "Description should not be inherited"
    # Make sure first child of the second item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: sven.png"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    # Make sure second child of the second item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: sven.png"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"

    # Add description for the first child of the first image
    # Scroll up to make sure to have all first items showing up
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars)
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].scrollbars.indicators[
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 0)
    # Select the first child of the first item
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    # Make sure it is the right item
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["svenFace.jpg_sub"].
            exists()), "Not the right tree item selected"
    # Make sure description is still inherited for item 1 first child
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: svenFace.jpg"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    app_dialog.root["item details"].textfields["item description"].typeIn(
        "Description of the first child for item 1")
    # Make sure description is not inherited
    assert (
        app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["Description not inherited"].
        exists()), "Description should not be inherited"
    # Make sure second child of the first parent item inherited the first child description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: svenFace.jpg_sub"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"

    # Add descriptions for the first child of the second image
    # Scroll down to make sure to have all second items showing up
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars)
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].scrollbars.indicators[
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)
    # Select the second parent item
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    # Make sure it is the right item
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["sven.png_sub"].exists()
            ), "Not the right tree item selected"
    # Make sure description is still inherited for item 2 first child
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: sven.png"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
    app_dialog.root["item details"].textfields["item description"].typeIn(
        "Description of the first child for item 2")
    # Make sure description is no more inherited
    assert (
        app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["Description not inherited"].
        exists()), "Description should not be inherited"
    # Make sure second child of the second item inherited the summary description
    app_dialog.root["collected items tree"].outlineitems[
    assert (app_dialog.root["item details"].
            captions["Description inherited from: sven.png_sub"].exists()
            ), "Description should be inherited"
コード例 #16
def test_file_publish(app_dialog, tk_test_project):
    Ensure you can publish an image file successfully.
    # Click on Browse file to publish and then select the file to publish
    app_dialog.root.buttons["Browse files to publish"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].waitExist(timeout=30)
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].waitIdle(timeout=30)

    # Get image path to be published
    image_path = os.path.expandvars(

    # Type in image path
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].pasteIn(image_path)
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].waitIdle(timeout=30)
    app_dialog.root.dialogs["Browse files to publish"].textfields[
        "File name:"].typeIn("{ENTER}")

    # Validate file to publish is there and the right project is selected
    app_dialog.root["item details"].captions["svenFace.jpg"].waitExist(
    assert (app_dialog.root["context picker widget"].captions[
        "*" + tk_test_project["name"]].exists()
            ), "Context is not set to Toolkit Publish2 UI Automation."

    # Change context to use a comp task from shot_001
    # Select a shot
    app_dialog.root["context picker widget"].captions[
        "*" + tk_test_project["name"]].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root["context picker widget"].textfields.typeIn("Shot")
    app_dialog.root["context picker widget"].captions["*Shot_001"].waitExist(
    # Select the comp task from the dropdown menu
    app_dialog.root["context picker widget"].checkboxes.mouseClick()

    # Click on validate button
    app_dialog.root["Bottom frame"].buttons["Validate"].mouseClick()
    assert (app_dialog.root["Bottom frame"].
            captions["Validation Complete. All checks passed."].exists()
            ), "Validation didn't complete successfully"

    # Publish
    app_dialog.root["Bottom frame"].buttons["Publish"].mouseClick()
        "Publish Complete! For details, click here."].waitExist(timeout=30)
    assert (app_dialog.root["Bottom frame"].
            captions["Publish Complete! For details, click here."].exists()
            ), "Publish failed."
    assert (app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].captions["Publish*Complete"].exists(
    )), "Publish failed."

    # Validate the Progress Details view
    app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].captions[
        "For more details, click here."].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].captions["Progress Details"].waitExist(
    # Validate Copy to clipboard button
    assert (app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].buttons["Copy to Clipboard"].exists(
    )), "Copy to Clipboard button is missing."
    app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].buttons["Copy to Clipboard"].mouseClick()
    # Validate the plugin is showing up.
    assert (app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].
            outlineitems["File publisher plugin accepted: *svenFace.jpg"].
            exists()), "Missing File Publisher plugins"
    # Scroll down to make sure to have all second items showing up
    activityScrollBar = first(app_dialog.root.scrollbars)
    width, height = activityScrollBar.size
    app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].scrollbars.indicators[
    activityScrollBar.mouseDrag(width * 0, height * 1)
    # Validate the finalizing pass
    assert (app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].
            outlineitems["DEBUG: Executing post finalize hook method..."].
            exists()), "Post finalizing hook is missing"
    assert (app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].
            outlineitems["Publish Complete! For details, click here."].exists(
            )), "Publish Complete! For details, click here is missing"
    # Close Progress Details view
    app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].buttons["Close"].mouseClick()
    app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].captions[
        "To publish again, click here"].waitExist(timeout=30)

    # Return to the main dialog
    app_dialog.root["Upper frame"].captions[
        "To publish again, click here"].mouseClick()

    # make sure you're on the main dialog
    assert app_dialog.root.captions[
        "Drag and drop files or folders here"].exists(
        ), "Drag and drop files or folders here text is missing."
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Browse files to publish"].exists(
    ), "Browse files to publish button is missing."
    assert app_dialog.root.buttons["Browse sequences to publish"].exists(
    ), "Browse folders to publish image sequences button is missing."