from GridWorld.GridWorldMDPClass import GridWorldMDP from MDP.StateAbstractionClass import StateAbstraction from MDP.AbstractMDPClass import AbstractMDP from MDP.ValueIterationClass import ValueIteration from resources.AbstractionTypes import Abstr_type from resources.AbstractionCorrupters import make_corruption from resources.AbstractionMakers import make_abstr import numpy as np # Number of states to corrupt STATE_NUM = 20 # Create abstract MDP mdp = GridWorldMDP() vi = ValueIteration(mdp) vi.run_value_iteration() q_table = vi.get_q_table() state_abstr = make_abstr(q_table, Abstr_type.PI_STAR) abstr_mdp = AbstractMDP(mdp, state_abstr) # Randomly select our list of states and print them out states_to_corrupt = np.random.choice(mdp.get_all_possible_states(), size=STATE_NUM, replace=False) for state in states_to_corrupt: print(state) # Create a corrupt MDP corr_mdp = make_corruption(abstr_mdp, states_to_corrupt)
best_action_intersect = list( set(best_actions_1) & set(best_actions_2)) if len(best_action_intersect) == 0: return False return True def print_policy(policy): ''' Print the policy ''' for key in policy.keys(): print(key, policy[key]) if __name__ == '__main__': # Test that optimal ground policy for FourRooms is representable in # abstaction given by Q* # Get optimal ground policy for FourRooms four_rooms = GridWorldMDP(slip_prob=0.0, gamma=0.99) vi = ValueIteration(four_rooms) vi.run_value_iteration() optimal_policy = vi.get_optimal_policy() #print_policy(optimal_policy) # Get Q* abstraction for FourRooms and optimal abstract policy abstr = make_abstr(vi.get_q_table(), Abstr_type.A_STAR) print(is_optimal_policy_representable(vi, optimal_policy, abstr))
if __name__ == '__main__': # Testing Apra's value iteration on FourRooms ''' grid_mdp_test = GridWorldMDP(height=11, width=11, slip_prob=0.1, gamma=0.95, build_walls=True) value_itr = ValueIteration(grid_mdp_test, 0.0001) value_itr.doValueIteration(10000) #print(value_itr) result = value_itr.get_q_table() for key in result.keys(): print(key[0], key[1], result[key]) #viz = GridWorldVisualizer(grid_mdp_test, value_itr) #viz.visualizeLearnedPolicy() ''' # Testing VI on TaxiMDP mdp = TaxiMDP(slip_prob=0.0, gamma=0.99) value_itr = ValueIteration(mdp, 0.01) value_itr.run_value_iteration(1000) result = value_itr.get_q_table() for key in result.keys(): print(key[0], key[1], result[key]) #state = GridWorldState(1,1) # out = grid_mdp_test.next_possible_states(state,Dir.UP) # print([str(k) for k in out.keys()]) # print(out.values()) # # all_states = grid_mdp_test.get_all_possible_states() # print([str(state) for state in all_states])
def visualize_q_value_error(self, folder, mdp, episodes): """ Create graphs showing the difference in Q-value between the true Q-value (as determined by value iteration) and the Q-values learned by the agents corresponding to the ensemble given by 'folder' :param folder: string indicating the folder containing the q-values of interest :param mdp: MDP (required for value iteration) :param episodes: list of episode numbers for which the errors will be calculated """ # Locate file if self.experiment: q_value_folder = os.path.join(self.experiment.results_dir, folder) else: q_value_folder = os.path.join(self.results_dir, folder) if not os.path.exists(q_value_folder): raise ValueError('Q-value file ' + str(q_value_folder) + ' does not exist') # Read in dataframe q_value_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(q_value_folder, 'q_values.csv'), header=0, error_bad_lines=False) # Create df holding true q-values from value iteration vi = ValueIteration(mdp) vi.run_value_iteration() true_q_values = vi.get_q_table() true_q_value_lists = [] for (state, action), value in true_q_values.items(): true_q_value_lists.append([state, action, value]) names = ['state', 'action', 'true q_value'] true_q_value_df = pd.DataFrame(true_q_value_lists, columns=names) true_q_value_df['state'] = true_q_value_df['state'].astype(str) true_q_value_df['action'] = true_q_value_df['action'].astype(str) # Join dfs and calculate errors joined_df = q_value_df.merge(true_q_value_df, on=['state', 'action']) joined_df['error'] = joined_df['q_value'] - joined_df['true q_value'] #print(joined_df[:10].to_string()) #print(joined_df['ensemble_key'].unique()) # Convert state to literal tuple def lit_eval(val): return ast.literal_eval(val) joined_df['state'] = joined_df['state'].apply(lit_eval) # Create 2d array of all states states = [] for i in range(11, 0, -1): row = [] for j in range(1, 12): row.append((j, i)) states.append(row) #print(states) # Graph the errors for each ensemble and episode number given for episode in episodes: for key in joined_df['ensemble_key'].unique(): print(key) if key != "ground": abstr_type = key.split(',')[0].strip('(') if 'PI' in abstr_type: abstr_type = 'Pi*' elif 'A_STAR' in abstr_type: abstr_type = 'A*' elif 'Q_STAR' in abstr_type: abstr_type = 'Q*' try: num = key.split(',')[1].strip(')') except: print(abstr_type) print(key) quit() title = str(key) + ', episode ' + str(episode) else: abstr_type = 'ground' num = '' fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2) #print(key, episode) # Subset for the given ensemble/episode temp_df = joined_df.loc[(joined_df['episode'] == episode) & (joined_df['ensemble_key'] == key)] # Average error across all ensembles temp_df = temp_df[['state', 'action', 'error']] temp_df = temp_df.groupby(['state', 'action'], as_index=False).mean() #print(temp_df.to_string()) # This will hold the array mapping action to error-per-state error_dict = {} # Create 2d-array of errors where position corresponds to square location. # This is hacky, but it gets the data into a heatmap-able form for i in range(len(states)): row = states[i] up_row = np.array([]) down_row = np.array([]) left_row = np.array([]) right_row = np.array([]) for j in range(len(row)): state_df = temp_df.loc[temp_df['state'] == states[i] [j]] if state_df.empty: up_row = np.append(up_row, 0) down_row = np.append(down_row, 0) left_row = np.append(left_row, 0) right_row = np.append(right_row, 0) else: up_df = state_df.loc[state_df['action'] == 'Dir.UP'] if up_df.empty: up_row = np.append(up_row, 0) else: up_row = np.append(up_row, up_df['error'].values[0]) down_df = state_df.loc[state_df['action'] == 'Dir.DOWN'] if down_df.empty: down_row = np.append(down_row, 0) else: down_row = np.append( down_row, down_df['error'].values[0]) left_df = state_df.loc[state_df['action'] == 'Dir.LEFT'] if left_df.empty: left_row = np.append(left_row, 0) else: left_row = np.append( left_row, left_df['error'].values[0]) right_df = state_df.loc[state_df['action'] == 'Dir.RIGHT'] if right_df.empty: right_row = np.append(right_row, 0) else: right_row = np.append( right_row, right_df['error'].values[0]) """ else: up_row = np.append(up_row, state_df.loc[state_df['action'] == 'Dir.UP']['error'].values[0]) down_row = np.append(down_row, state_df.loc[state_df['action'] == 'Dir.DOWN']['error'].values[0]) left_row = np.append(left_row, state_df.loc[state_df['action'] == 'Dir.LEFT']['error'].values[0]) right_row = np.append(right_row, state_df.loc[state_df['action'] == 'Dir.RIGHT']['error'].values[0]) """ if 'Dir.UP' not in error_dict.keys(): error_dict['Dir.UP'] = up_row else: try: error_dict['Dir.UP'] = np.vstack( [error_dict['Dir.UP'], up_row]) except: print('F**K') print(error_dict['Dir.UP'], up_row) quit() if 'Dir.DOWN' not in error_dict.keys(): error_dict['Dir.DOWN'] = down_row else: error_dict['Dir.DOWN'] = np.vstack( [error_dict['Dir.DOWN'], down_row]) if 'Dir.LEFT' not in error_dict.keys(): error_dict['Dir.LEFT'] = left_row else: error_dict['Dir.LEFT'] = np.vstack( [error_dict['Dir.LEFT'], left_row]) if 'Dir.RIGHT' not in error_dict.keys(): error_dict['Dir.RIGHT'] = right_row else: error_dict['Dir.RIGHT'] = np.vstack( [error_dict['Dir.RIGHT'], right_row]) # Graph figures fig.suptitle(abstr_type + ', mdp' + num + ', episode ' + str(episode)) axs[0, 0].set_title('Up') im = axs[0, 0].imshow(error_dict['Dir.UP'], norm=MidpointNormalize(vmin=-1, vmax=0, midpoint=0), cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr')) axs[0, 1].set_title('Down') im = axs[0, 1].imshow(error_dict['Dir.DOWN'], norm=MidpointNormalize(vmin=-1, vmax=0, midpoint=0), cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr')) axs[1, 0].set_title('Left') im = axs[1, 0].imshow(error_dict['Dir.LEFT'], norm=MidpointNormalize(vmin=-1, vmax=0, midpoint=0), cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr')) axs[1, 1].set_title('Right') im = axs[1, 1].imshow(error_dict['Dir.RIGHT'], norm=MidpointNormalize(vmin=-1, vmax=0, midpoint=0), cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr')) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.01, 0.7]) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax, cmap='bwr') # Save figure file_name = os.path.join( q_value_folder, abstr_type[:-1] + '_mdp' + num[1:] + '_ep' + str(episode)) plt.savefig(file_name) fig.clf()
def __init__(self, mdp, abstr_dicts=None, num_corrupted_mdps=1, num_agents=10, num_episodes=100, results_dir='exp_results/simple', agent_exploration_epsilon=0.1, agent_learning_rate=0.1, detach_interval=None, prevent_cycles=False, variance_threshold=False, reset_q_value=False): self.ground_mdp = mdp self.abstr_dicts = abstr_dicts self.num_agents = num_agents self.num_corrupted_mdps = num_corrupted_mdps self.num_episodes = num_episodes self.results_dir = results_dir self.num_episodes = num_episodes self.agent_exploration_epsilon = agent_exploration_epsilon self.agent_learning_rate = agent_learning_rate self.detach_interval = detach_interval self.prevent_cycles = prevent_cycles self.variance_threshold = variance_threshold self.reset_q_value = reset_q_value # Run VI and get q-table. Used for graphing results vi = ValueIteration(mdp) vi.run_value_iteration() q_table = vi.get_q_table() self.vi_table = q_table = vi # This will hold all the agents. Key is ('explicit errors', abstraction dict number, mdp number), # value is the MDP itself self.agents = {} # Create the corrupt MDPs from the provided abstraction dictionaries self.corrupt_mdp_dict = {} if self.abstr_dicts is not None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'corrupted')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.results_dir, 'corrupted')) for i in range(len(self.abstr_dicts)): abstr_dict = self.abstr_dicts[i] for j in range(self.num_corrupted_mdps): # Make a state abstraction that corresponds to given abstraction dictionary s_a = StateAbstraction(abstr_dict=abstr_dict, epsilon=0) abstr_mdp = AbstractMDP(mdp, s_a) self.corrupt_mdp_dict[('explicit errors', i, j)] = abstr_mdp # Create the agents on the ground MDP ground_agents = [] for i in range(self.num_agents): temp_mdp = SimpleMDP() agent = AbstractionAgent(temp_mdp, epsilon=agent_exploration_epsilon, alpha=agent_learning_rate, decay_exploration=False) ground_agents.append(agent) self.agents['ground'] = ground_agents # Create agents on the corrupt MDPs self.corr_agents = {} for key in self.corrupt_mdp_dict.keys(): corr_ensemble = [] for i in range(self.num_agents): # This makes an AbstractionAgent from the state abstraction corresponding to the abstract MDP temp_mdp = copy.deepcopy(SimpleMDP()) corr_mdp = copy.deepcopy(self.corrupt_mdp_dict[key].copy()) s_a = copy.deepcopy(corr_mdp.state_abstr) agent = AbstractionAgent(temp_mdp, s_a, epsilon=agent_exploration_epsilon, alpha=agent_learning_rate, decay_exploration=False) corr_ensemble.append(agent) self.corr_agents[key] = corr_ensemble # If detach interval is set, create another set of agents that will run detachment algorithm self.corr_detach_agents = {} for key in self.corrupt_mdp_dict.keys(): corr_ensemble = [] for i in range(self.num_agents): print('making detach agent', i) temp_mdp = copy.deepcopy(SimpleMDP()) corr_mdp = copy.deepcopy(self.corrupt_mdp_dict[key].copy()) s_a = copy.deepcopy(corr_mdp.state_abstr) agent = AbstractionAgent(temp_mdp, s_a, epsilon=agent_exploration_epsilon, alpha=agent_learning_rate, decay_exploration=False) corr_ensemble.append(agent) self.corr_detach_agents[key] = corr_ensemble