コード例 #1
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: infojunkie/mma
def trackRun(track, line):
    pu._P().ARGUMENTS = []
    pu.addArgument("Seq", None, "Sequence tab.")
    pu.addArgument("Define", "", "For defining.")
    pu.addArgument("Bpm", "4", "Beats per bar.")
    pu.addArgument("Level", "9", "Max volume value.")
    pu.addArgument("Debug", "0", "For debugging.")
    args = pu.parseCommandLine(line)

    seq = args["Seq"]
    bpm = int(args["Bpm"])
    vol = int(args["Level"])
    debug = int(args["Debug"])
    define = args["Define"]

    if define == "":
        cmd = "Sequence " + process_sequence(seq, bpm, vol)
        cmd = process_sequence(seq, bpm, vol)
        cmd = "Define " + define + " " + cmd[2:-2]

    # Hackattack...
    # If we're called from a Begin Drum-Foo then we should not include
    # the track in the resultant command.
    beginData = parse.beginData
    if beginData and beginData[0].upper() == track:
        cmd = track + " " + cmd

    if debug: print("Rhythm: " + cmd)
    # if debug: print(pu._P().COMMANDS)
コード例 #2
def run(line):

    # We parse the arguments. Errors are thrown if something is wrong,
    # printing the correct usage on screen. Default are used if needed.
    # parseCommandLine also takes an optional boolean argument to allow
    # using of arguments not declared with pu.addArgument, default is False.
    args = pu.parseCommandLine(line)

    # This is how we access arguments.
    author = args["Author"]
    year = args["Year"]

    # MIDI specs say we should use (C).
    pu.addCommand("MidiCopyright (C) {} {}".format(year, author))
コード例 #3
def trackRun(trackname, line):
    # We check if track type is correct.
    # We parse the arguments. Errors are thrown if something is wrong,
    # printing the correct usage on screen. Default are used if needed.
    # parseCommandLine also takes an optional boolean argument to allow
    # using of arguments not declared with pu.addArgument, default is False.
    args = pu.parseCommandLine(line)
    # This is how we access arguments.
    pattern = args["Pattern"]
    strum   = args["Strum"]
    volumeN = args["Volume"]
    volumeM = args["VolumeMuted"]
    volumeE = args["VolumeEmph"]
    volumeP = args["VolumePick"]
    # This is the logic for the plugin.
    all_normal = ""
    all_muted = ""
    for bar_pattern in pattern.split(";"):
        if "." in bar_pattern:
            bar_pattern = bar_pattern.lower().split(".")
            # you can avoid commas when not using ue, ux, de, dx
            bar_pattern = bar_pattern.lower()

        strums_normal = []
        strums_muted = []
        step = float(pu.getSysVar("TIME"))/len(bar_pattern)
        for i, c in enumerate(bar_pattern):
            t = 1+step*i
            if c == "u":
                strums_normal.append("{:0.4} -{} {}".format(t, strum, volumeN))
            elif c == "ue":
                strums_normal.append("{:0.4} -{} {}".format(t, strum, volumeE))
            elif c == "um":
                strums_normal.append("{:0.4} 0 0".format(t))
                strums_muted.append("{:0.4} -{} {}".format(t, strum, volumeM))
            elif c == "d":
                strums_normal.append("{:0.4} +{} {}".format(t, strum, volumeN))
            elif c == "de":
                strums_normal.append("{:0.4} +{} {}".format(t, strum, volumeE))
            elif c == "dm":
                strums_normal.append("{:0.4} 0 0".format(t))
                strums_muted.append("{:0.4} +{} {}".format(t, strum, volumeM))
            elif c == "x":
                strums_normal.append("{:0.4} 0 0".format(t))
                strums_muted.append("{:0.4} 0 {}".format(t, volumeM))
            elif c == "0":
                strums_normal.append("{:0.4} 0 0".format(t))
            elif c.lstrip("0").isdigit():
                for s in c:
                    strums_normal.append("{:0.4} 0 {}:{}".format(t, s, volumeP))

            elif c == "-":
                pu.error("{}: unrecognized command in strum pattern: '{}'.".format(pu.getName(), c))    
        bar_normal = ("{" + "; ".join(strums_normal) + ";}") if len(strums_normal) > 0 else "z"
        bar_muted  = ("{" + "; ".join(strums_muted)  + ";}") if len(strums_muted)  > 0 else "z"
        all_normal += bar_normal + " "
        all_muted  += bar_muted + " "

    # If you don't send all the commands together the result is commands 
    # are reversed since each is pushed as the very next command to be executed.
    # So we save all the commands (with addCommand) and send them at the end
    # (with sendCommands).
    pu.addCommand("{} Sequence {}".format(trackname, all_normal))
    pu.addCommand("{}-Muted SeqClear".format(trackname))
    pu.addCommand("{}-Muted Copy {}".format(trackname, trackname))
    pu.addCommand("{}-Muted Voice MutedGuitar".format(trackname))
    pu.addCommand("{}-Muted Sequence {}".format(trackname, all_muted))
コード例 #4
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: sciurius/mma-plugins
def trackRun( track, line ):
    args = pu.parseCommandLine(line)

    pat   = args["Pat"]
    tab   = args["Tab"] or pat
    bpb   = int(args["Bpb"])
    q     = int(args["Q"])
    debug = int(args["Debug"])

    # Init bpb and q from timesig if needed.
    if bpb == 0 or q == 0:
        ( n, d) = timeSig.get()
        if bpb == 0: bpb = n
        if q == 0: q = 2**d;

    # The sequence data is a series of Instrument Pattern pairs.
    # It may be passed in a macro name.
    t = tab.split()
    if len(t) == 1:
        # Macro name.
        t = pu.getVar(tab.upper())
        # MSet macro return list of list. Flatten.
        if len(t) > 0 and isinstance(t[0], list):
            res = []
            for item in t:
                if len(item) > 1 and item[0].isalnum():
                    # Throw away string name.
                    item = item[1:]
            t = res
            # Single value macro. Split.
            t = t.split()

    string = len(t)
    tab = []

    step = -1;
    for s in t:

        # Just in case we're quoted.
        if s[ 0] in "\"'": s = s[1:]
        if s[-1] in "\"'": s = s[:-1]

        # Drop leading string names.
        if s[0].isalnum(): s = s[1:]

        # Verify (and drop) leading and trailing bars.
        if s[0] == '|' and s[-1] == '|': s = s[1:-1]
            raise Exception( "Missing | | in tab element: {}".format(s) )

        # Verify equal width (step size).
        if step < 0:
            step = len(s)
            if step != len(s):
                raise Exception( "Incorrect length item in tab element: |{}| {} <> {}".format(s,len(s),step) )


    # tab now contains N elements (N = strings) each M long (step size).
    if debug: print("FPP: {}".format(tab))

    # Verify and calculate step delta.
    if step % bpb != 0:
        raise Exception( "Step size {} must be multiple of bpb {}".format(bpb,step) )
    # Force floats for python2.
    delta = bpb / ( 1.0 * step )
    if delta <= 0:
        raise Exception( "DELTA ERROR: {} {} {} {}".format(delta,bpb,q,step) )

    # Nice formatting.
    df = len("{:g}".format(delta))
    if df == 1: df = 0
        if df == 3: df = 1
        else: df = 2

    # To collect strings per step.
    res = []
    for i in range(step): res.append('')

    tm = 1
    for i in range(step):
        for j in range(string):
            x = tab[j][i]
            if x == '-': continue
            if x.upper() == 'X': x = 0
            if res[i] == "":
                res[i] = "{:.{}f} 0 ".format(tm,df)
            res[i] += "{}:{} ".format( j+1, 10*int(x) )
        tm += delta

    cmd = "Define " + pat + " " + "; ".join([x for x in res if x])

    # Hackattack...
    # If we're called from a Begin Plectrum-Foo then we should not
    # include the track in the resultant command.
    beginData = parse.beginData
    if beginData and beginData[0].upper() == track:
        cmd = track + " " + cmd

    if debug: print("FPP: " + cmd)

    pat = pat.upper()
    # Set picking pattern. Call after groove change.
    pu.addCommand("DefCall " + pat + " Chords=__OMITTED__")
    pu.addCommand(track + " Sequence " + pat)
    pu.addCommand(" If Ne $$Chords __OMITTED__")
    pu.addCommand("  $Chords")
    pu.addCommand(" EndIf")
    pu.addCommand("Set " + pat + " Call " + pat)

    # if debug: print(pu._P().COMMANDS)

    # For convenience.
    if "PPSETUP" not in macro.macros.vars:
        pp = [ [ track, 'Voice', 'NylonGuitar' ],
               [ track, 'Volume', '100' ] ]
        if "RTIME" in macro.macros.vars:
            pp.append( [ track, 'RTime', macro.macros.vars["RTIME"] ] )
        if "RVOLUME" in macro.macros.vars:
            pp.append( [ track, 'RVolume', macro.macros.vars["RVOLUME"] ] )
        macro.macros.vars["PPSETUP"] = pp
        if debug: print("PPSETUP defined")

コード例 #5
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: infojunkie/mma
def run(line):

    args = pu.parseCommandLine(line)

    # Mandatory.
    groove = args["Groove"]
    seq = args["Seq"]

    # Optional.
    bpm = int(args["Bpm"])
    level = int(args["Level"])
    rvol = int(args["RVolume"])
    rtime = int(args["RTime"])
    seqsz = int(args["SeqSize"])
    clear = int(args["Clear"])
    debug = int(args["Debug"])

    # Some checks.
    if level < 1 or level > 9:
        raise Exception("Rhtythm: Level must be 1 .. 9, not {}".format(level))

    if clear: pu.addCommand("SeqClear")
    if seqsz: pu.addCommand("SeqSize {}".format(seqsz))

    # The sequence data is a series of Instrument Pattern pairs.
    # It may be passed in a macro name.
    line = seq.split()
    if len(line) == 1:
        # Macro name.
        line = pu.getVar(seq.upper())
        # MSet macro return list of list. Flatten.
        if len(line) > 0 and isinstance(line[0], list):
            line = [item for sublist in line for item in sublist]
            # Single value macro. Split.
            line = line.split()

    if len(line) % 2:
        raise Exception(
            "Rhythm: Seq must have an even number of whitespace separated items"

    # Process two at a time.
    while len(line) > 1:

        # Pop off instrument name.
        instr = line.pop(0)
        if re.match(r'^[0-9]+$', instr):
            # If it is a number, use the Zoom predefined names.
            tone = zoomTones[int(instr) - 1]
            instr = zoomNames[int(instr) - 1]
        elif instr in zoomNames:
            i = zoomNames.index(instr)
            tone = zoomTones[i]
            tone = instr

        # Pop off the sequence data.
        seq = line.pop(0)

        pu.addCommand("Begin Drum-" + instr)
        pu.addCommand("  Tone     " + tone)
        if rtime: pu.addCommand("  RTime    {:d}".format(rtime))
        if rvol: pu.addCommand("  RVolume  {:d}".format(rvol))
        pu.addCommand("  Sequence " + process_sequence(seq, bpm, level))

    pu.addCommand("DefGroove " + groove)
    # if debug: print(pu._P().COMMANDS)