def write(self, object, configuration = None, tag = None): """ Write an object to the file :param object: the object to be written :type object: :class:~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms :param configuration: the configuration from which the coordinates are taken (default: current configuration) :type configuration: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.Configuration """ if not ChemicalObjects.isChemicalObject(object): for o in object: self.write(o, configuration) else: toplevel = tag is None if toplevel: tag = Utility.uniqueAttribute() if hasattr(object, 'pdbmap'): for residue in object.pdbmap: self.file.nextResidue(residue[0], ) sorted_atoms = residue[1].items() sorted_atoms.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1].number, y[1].number)) for atom_name, atom in sorted_atoms: atom = object.getAtom(atom) p = atom.position(configuration) if Utility.isDefinedPosition(p): try: occ = atom.occupancy except AttributeError: occ = 0. try: temp = atom.temperature_factor except AttributeError: temp = 0. self.file.writeAtom(atom_name, p/Units.Ang, occ, temp, atom.type.symbol) self.atom_sequence.append(atom) else: self.warning = True setattr(atom, tag, None) else: if hasattr(object, 'is_protein'): for chain in object: self.write(chain, configuration, tag) elif hasattr(object, 'is_chain'): self.file.nextChain(None, for residue in object: self.write(residue, configuration, tag) self.file.terminateChain() elif hasattr(object, 'molecules'): for m in object.molecules: self.write(m, configuration, tag) elif hasattr(object, 'groups'): for g in object.groups: self.write(g, configuration, tag) if toplevel: for a in object.atomList(): if not hasattr(a, tag): self.write(a, configuration, tag) delattr(a, tag)
def write(self, object, configuration = None, tag = None): """ Write an object to the file :param object: the object to be written :type object: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms` :param configuration: the configuration from which the coordinates are taken (default: current configuration) :type configuration: :class:`~MMTK.ParticleProperties.Configuration` """ if not ChemicalObjects.isChemicalObject(object): for o in object: self.write(o, configuration) else: toplevel = tag is None if toplevel: tag = Utility.uniqueAttribute() if hasattr(object, 'pdbmap'): for residue in object.pdbmap: self.file.nextResidue(residue[0], ) sorted_atoms = residue[1].items() sorted_atoms.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1].number, y[1].number)) for atom_name, atom in sorted_atoms: atom = object.getAtom(atom) p = atom.position(configuration) if Utility.isDefinedPosition(p): try: occ = atom.occupancy except AttributeError: occ = 0. try: temp = atom.temperature_factor except AttributeError: temp = 0. self.file.writeAtom(atom_name, p/Units.Ang, occ, temp, atom.type.symbol) self.atom_sequence.append(atom) else: self.warning = True setattr(atom, tag, None) else: if hasattr(object, 'is_protein'): for chain in object: self.write(chain, configuration, tag) elif hasattr(object, 'is_chain'): self.file.nextChain(None, for residue in object: self.write(residue, configuration, tag) self.file.terminateChain() elif hasattr(object, 'molecules'): for m in object.molecules: self.write(m, configuration, tag) elif hasattr(object, 'groups'): for g in object.groups: self.write(g, configuration, tag) if toplevel: for a in object.atomList(): if not hasattr(a, tag): self.write(a, configuration, tag) delattr(a, tag)
def __init__(self, *items, **properties): """ :param items: either a sequence of peptide chain objects, or a string, which is interpreted as the name of a database definition for a protein. If that definition does not exist, the string is taken to be the name of a PDB file, from which all peptide chains are constructed and assembled into a protein. :keyword model: one of "all" (all-atom), "no_hydrogens" or "none" (no hydrogens),"polar_hydrogens" or "polar" (united-atom with only polar hydrogens), "polar_charmm" (like "polar", but defining polar hydrogens like in the CHARMM force field), "polar_opls" (like "polar", but defining polar hydrogens like in the latest OPLS force field), "calpha" (only the |C_alpha| atom of each residue). Default is "all". :type model: str :keyword position: the center-of-mass position of the protein :type position: Scientific.Geometry.Vector :keyword name: a name for the protein :type name: str """ if items == (None,): return = '' if len(items) == 1 and type(items[0]) == type(''): try: filename = Database.databasePath(items[0], 'Proteins') found = 1 except IOError: found = 0 if found: blueprint = Database.BlueprintProtein(items[0]) items = blueprint.chains for attr, value in vars(blueprint).items(): if attr not in ['type', 'chains']: setattr(self, attr, value) else: import PDB conf = PDB.PDBConfiguration(items[0]) model = properties.get('model', 'all') items = conf.createPeptideChains(model) molecules = [] for i in items: if ChemicalObjects.isChemicalObject(i): molecules.append(i) else: molecules = molecules + list(i) for m, i in zip(molecules, range(len(molecules))): m._numbers = [i] if not = 'chain'+`i` ss = self._findSSBridges(molecules) new_mol = {} for m in molecules: new_mol[m] = ([m],[]) for bond in ss: m1 = new_mol[bond[0].topLevelChemicalObject()] m2 = new_mol[bond[1].topLevelChemicalObject()] if m1 == m2: m1[1].append(bond) else: combined = (m1[0] + m2[0], m1[1] + m2[1] + [bond]) for m in combined[0]: new_mol[m] = combined self.molecules = [] while new_mol: m = new_mol.values()[0] for i in m[0]: del new_mol[i] bonds = m[1] if len(m[0]) == 1: m = m[0][0] m._addSSBridges(bonds) else: numbers = sum((i._numbers for i in m[0]), []) m = ConnectedChains(m[0]) m._numbers = numbers m._addSSBridges(bonds) m._finalize() for c in m: c.parent = self m.parent = self self.molecules.append(m) self.atoms = [] self.chains = [] for m in self.molecules: self.atoms.extend(m.atoms) if hasattr(m, 'is_connected_chains'): for c, name, i in zip(range(len(m)), m.chain_names, m._numbers): self.chains.append((m, c, name, i)) else: try: name = except AttributeError: name = '' self.chains.append((m, None, name, m._numbers[0])) self.chains.sort(lambda c1, c2: cmp(c1[3], c2[3])) self.chains = map(lambda c: c[:3], self.chains) self.parent = None self.type = None self.configurations = {} try: = properties['name'] del properties['name'] except KeyError: pass if properties.has_key('position'): self.translateTo(properties['position']) del properties['position'] self.addProperties(properties) undefined = 0 for a in self.atoms: if a.position() is None: undefined += 1 if undefined > 0 and undefined != len(self.atoms): Utility.warning('Some atoms in a protein ' + 'have undefined positions.')