コード例 #1
    def evaluate(self, tokens, evaluation=''):
        """A basic parser for a custom attribute grammar.

        One thing to note is that ambiguous grammars need to be iterated over,
        since the duplicate rules can't be mapped via dictionary key.
        Unambiguous grammars are therefore more performant,
        because the lookup is O(1) vs. O(N).
        if self.DEBUG:
            prnt('Ruleset', self.rules)
            print('\nEvaluating tokens: {}'.format(tokens))
        for token in tokens:
            for rule in self.rules:
                # Expressions are already parsed when adding: (L => R = [L, R])
                left, right = rule
                print('Current rule = {} => {}'.format(left, right))
                if token == left:
                    is_attr = self.attr_token in right
                    is_terminal = right.endswith(self.terminus)
                    if is_attr and is_terminal:
                        print('\nEvaluating terminal: `{}`'.format(token))
                        evaluation += self._parse_terminal(
                            self._attr(right), token)
                        non_terms = list(right)
                        print('\nEvaluating non-terminal {}'.format(non_terms))
                        evaluation += self.evaluate(non_terms,
        return evaluation
コード例 #2
ファイル: context_sensitive.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
    def evaluate(self, tokens=None, evaluation=''):
        """A basic parser for a custom attribute grammar.

        One thing to note is that ambiguous grammars need to be iterated over,
        since the duplicate rules can't be mapped via dictionary key.
        Unambiguous grammars are therefore more performant,
        because the lookup is O(1) vs. O(N).
        if tokens is None:
            if hasattr(self, 'tokens'):
                tokens = self.tokens
                raise ContextFreeGrammar.InvalidTokenSet
        expressions = [r[0] for r in self.rules]
        tokens = [r[1] for r in self.rules]
        groups = [[expressions[k], tokens[k].split(' ')]
                  for k, _ in enumerate(tokens)]
        prnt('Groups', groups)
        evaluation = self._evaluate(groups, evaluation='')
        new_tokens = list(evaluation)
        for token in new_tokens:
            for expression in expressions:
                if token in list(expression):
                    token = self._evaluate(groups, evaluation=evaluation)
        if ContextSensitiveGrammar.DEBUG:
            print('Final evaluation in `evaluate`: {}'.format(
                evaluation, ''.join(new_tokens)))
        return evaluation
コード例 #3
ファイル: sql_alchemy.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
def insert_all(max_records):
    people = [random_person() for n in range(max_records)]
    prnt('Records to create:', people)
    for person in people:
        # Don't need this prop for our example schema.
        del person['address']
コード例 #4
    def evaluate(self, tokens, evaluation=''):
        """A basic parser for a custom attribute grammar.

        One thing to note is that ambiguous grammars need to be iterated over,
        since the duplicate rules can't be mapped via dictionary key.
        Unambiguous grammars are therefore more performant,
        because the lookup is O(1) vs. O(N).
        if self.DEBUG:
            prnt('Ruleset', self.rules)
            print('\nEvaluating tokens: {}'.format(tokens))
        for token in tokens:
            for rule in self.rules:
                # Expressions are already parsed when adding: (L => R = [L, R])
                left, right = rule
                print('Current rule = {} => {}'.format(left, right))
                if token == left:
                    is_attr = self.attr_token in right
                    is_terminal = right.endswith(self.terminus)
                    if is_attr and is_terminal:
                        print('\nEvaluating terminal: `{}`'.format(token))
                        evaluation += self._parse_terminal(
                            self._attr(right), token)
                        non_terms = list(right)
                        print('\nEvaluating non-terminal {}'.format(non_terms))
                        evaluation += self.evaluate(
                            non_terms, evaluation=evaluation)
        return evaluation
コード例 #5
ファイル: context_sensitive.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
    def evaluate(self, tokens=None, evaluation=''):
        """A basic parser for a custom attribute grammar.

        One thing to note is that ambiguous grammars need to be iterated over,
        since the duplicate rules can't be mapped via dictionary key.
        Unambiguous grammars are therefore more performant,
        because the lookup is O(1) vs. O(N).
        if tokens is None:
            if hasattr(self, 'tokens'):
                tokens = self.tokens
                raise ContextFreeGrammar.InvalidTokenSet
        expressions = [r[0] for r in self.rules]
        tokens = [r[1] for r in self.rules]
        groups = [[
            tokens[k].split(' ')] for k, _ in enumerate(tokens)
        prnt('Groups', groups)
        evaluation = self._evaluate(groups, evaluation='')
        new_tokens = list(evaluation)
        for token in new_tokens:
            for expression in expressions:
                if token in list(expression):
                    token = self._evaluate(groups, evaluation=evaluation)
        if ContextSensitiveGrammar.DEBUG:
            print('Final evaluation in `evaluate`: {}'.format(
                evaluation, ''.join(new_tokens)))
        return evaluation
コード例 #6
def insert_all(max_records):
    people = [random_person() for n in range(max_records)]
    prnt('Records to create:', people)
    for person in people:
        # Don't need this prop for our example schema.
        del person['address']
コード例 #7
 def _view(self, suffixes):
     prnt(suffixes[0][:-1], '')
     for k, substr in enumerate(suffixes):
         max_width = (len(suffixes[:-1]) + 30)
         spaces = '~' * max_width
         print(' {}{} {}... k={}'.format(
             substr, ' ' * (max_width - len(substr) - 12), len(substr), k))
コード例 #8
ファイル: generators.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
def readfile(filename):
    """Read a file, without loading into memory."""
    with open(filename, 'r+') as tempfile:
        while True:
            data = tempfile.read(1024)
            if not data:
                raise StopIteration
            prnt('Read line ================ ', data)
            yield data
コード例 #9
ファイル: cartesian_trees.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
 def encode(self, seq=None):
     """Encode the objects' sequence data as a normal graph
     representative dictionary."""
     super(CartesianTree, self).__init__()
     prnt('Encoding with new sequence...', seq)
     self.sequence = self.subdivide(
         seq if seq is not None else self.sequence)
     if DEBUG:
コード例 #10
def readfile(filename):
    """Read a file, without loading into memory."""
    with open(filename, 'r+') as tempfile:
        while True:
            data = tempfile.read(1024)
            if not data:
                raise StopIteration
            prnt('Read line ================ ', data)
            yield data
コード例 #11
ファイル: cartesian_trees.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
 def encode(self, seq=None):
     """Encode the objects' sequence data as a normal graph
     representative dictionary."""
     super(CartesianTree, self).__init__()
     prnt('Encoding with new sequence...', seq)
     self.sequence = self.subdivide(
         seq if seq is not None else self.sequence)
     if DEBUG:
コード例 #12
ファイル: pointer_machine.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
 def traverse_word(self):
     prnt('Graph nodes beginning', self.graph.vertices)
     start, end = 0, len(self.word)
     while start < end:
         # Print must come before next step,
         # otterwise it will print the letters shifted.
         print('Counter: {}, Output: {}, Curr val: {}, Curr key: {}'.format(
             start, self.output, self.curr_val, self.curr_key))
         start += 1
コード例 #13
ファイル: pointer_machine.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
 def traverse_word(self):
     prnt('Graph nodes beginning', self.graph.vertices)
     start, end = 0, len(self.word)
     while start < end:
         # Print must come before next step,
         # otterwise it will print the letters shifted.
         print('Counter: {}, Output: {}, Curr val: {}, Curr key: {}'.format(
             start, self.output, self.curr_val, self.curr_key))
         start += 1
コード例 #14
ファイル: pointer_machine.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
    def _run_step(self):
        if self.DEBUG:
            prnt('curr node (before):', self.curr_node)

        # Visually update
        if self.DEBUG:
            prnt('curr node (after):', self.curr_node)

        if self.curr_node is not None:
            # Add to the string as the program runs.
            self.output += self.curr_val
コード例 #15
ファイル: pointer_machine.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
    def _run_step(self):
        if self.DEBUG:
            prnt('curr node (before):', self.curr_node)

        # Visually update
        if self.DEBUG:
            prnt('curr node (after):', self.curr_node)

        if self.curr_node is not None:
            # Add to the string as the program runs.
            self.output += self.curr_val
コード例 #16
def suggest_errors(name, func):
    print_h2('Suggestions for: {}'.format(name))
    args, varargs, keywords, defaults = insp.getargspec(func)
    prnt('Args:', args)
    prnt('VarArgs:', varargs)
    prnt('Kwargs:', keywords)
    prnt('Defaults:', '')

    if defaults is not None:
        for val in defaults:
            if isinstance(val, int):
                print('Default val "{}" is an int; '
                      'have you tried testing a float?'.format(val))
            if isinstance(val, float):
                print('Default val "{}" is an float; '
                      'have you tried testing an int?'.format(val))
            if isinstance(val, str):
                print('Default val "{}" is a str; '
                      'have you tried testing a string? or None?'.format(val))
            if isinstance(val, list):
                print('Default val "{}" is a list; '
                      'have you tried testing empty? '
                      'full of values? with a dictionary?'.format(val))
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                print('Default val "{}" is a dict; '
                      'have you tried testing empty? '
                      'full of values? with a list? '
                      'with bad keys'.format(val))
            if isinstance(val, bool):
                print('Default val "{}" is a bool; have you tried the '
                      'opposite ({})?'.format(val, not val))
コード例 #17
def print_nodes(node):
    def _fmt(node):
        return '[<{}.{}>] {divider} '.format(
            divider='....' if node.next is not None else '') \
            if node is not None else ''

    path, count = '', 0
    cmd_title('Printing Nodes')
    # Follows a node along it's next target, until next is None.
    while node is not None:
        path += _fmt(node)
        count += 1
        node = node.next
    prnt('Linked List\n', path, newlines=False)
コード例 #18
ファイル: context_sensitive.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
    def simple_rule(rule, string=''):
        _rule = list(rule)
        _string = list(string)
        if ContextSensitiveGrammar.DEBUG:
            print('simple rule: {} and string: {}'.format(_rule, _string))
        # We only replace tokens that match a rule.
        # The rest remain unchanged.
        for k, char in enumerate(string):
            if char in _rule:
                _string[k] = ''.join(string).replace(' ', '')
                # Replace the token with the rules' string
                _string[k] = ContextSensitiveGrammar.simple_rule(
                    rule, string=_string)

        ret = ''.join(_string)
        if ContextSensitiveGrammar.DEBUG:
            prnt('simple rule retval: ', ret)
        return ret
コード例 #19
ファイル: context_sensitive.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
    def simple_rule(rule, string=''):
        _rule = list(rule)
        _string = list(string)
        if ContextSensitiveGrammar.DEBUG:
            print('simple rule: {} and string: {}'.format(_rule, _string))
        # We only replace tokens that match a rule.
        # The rest remain unchanged.
        for k, char in enumerate(string):
            if char in _rule:
                _string[k] = ''.join(string).replace(' ', '')
                # Replace the token with the rules' string
                _string[k] = ContextSensitiveGrammar.simple_rule(
                    rule, string=_string)

        ret = ''.join(_string)
        if ContextSensitiveGrammar.DEBUG:
            prnt('simple rule retval: ', ret)
        return ret
コード例 #20
 def cfg2():
     prnt('Ambiguous CFG result', ambiguous_cfg.evaluate(tokens=tokens))
コード例 #21
ファイル: redis_db.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
DEBUG = True if __name__ == '__main__' else False

faker = Factory.create()
redis_conn = Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
pipe = redis_conn.pipeline()

testing = {}

def insert_name(*args, **kwargs):
    key = faker.name()
    val = faker.email()
    testing[key] = val
    pipe.set(key, val)

def insert_all(max_records):
    for n in range(max_records):

    with Section('Redis (via Redis-py)'):
        run_trials(insert_all, trials=10)
        print_success('This is **too** easy!')
        # Use single pipeline for speed.
        res = pipe.execute()
        prnt('Result from Redis store pipeline execution: ', res)
コード例 #22
ファイル: mongo_db.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
        'created': dt.now()

def insert_all(max_records):
    global _count
    global _testdata
    for n in range(max_records):
        _count += 1
        data = make_person()

    with Section('MongoDB (via pymongo)'):
        # Clean up stale collection beforehand, if it exists.
        run_trials(insert_all, trials=10)
        res = collection.find({})
        # Assert all names are correct
        mongo_res = []
        for k, item in enumerate(res):
        prnt('Result from MongoDB execution, names only: ', mongo_res)
        # Check database count vs. local increment
        assert sorted(mongo_res) == sorted(_testdata)
        assert _count == collection.count()
コード例 #23
ファイル: basic.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
    if length < segments:
        length = segments
    return [[_ for _ in combochars(n, segments)] for n in range(2, length)]

def cartesian(max_chars, max_nums, unique=False):
    res = [''.join(prod[0]) for prod in product(
        combochars(max_chars, 2), range(0, max_nums))]
    if unique:
        return list(set(res))
        return res

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Combinatorics'):
        prnt('Unique chars', uniqchars(10))
        fact = factorial(12)
        prnt('Final factorial amount:', fact[0])
        combos = combochars(4, 2)
        prnt('Permutations of random letters', ', '.join(
            [''.join(combo) for combo in combos]))
            'Combinations of multiple permutations of random letters',
            group_combochars(6, segments=2))
        prnt('Cartesian product of two sets', cartesian(4, 4))
            'Cartesian product of two sets (unique)',
            cartesian(4, 4, unique=True))
コード例 #24
ファイル: postgresql_psycopg2.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
    with Section('PostgreSQL (via psycopg2)'):
        # Starting postgresql on mac:
        # `postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres/data`
            conn = psycopg2.connect(
                dbname='ctabor', user='******', host='localhost', password='')
            print_success('Successfully connected!')
            print_error('Could not connect to PostgreSql :(')
            raise Exception

        cur = conn.cursor()
        # Always clean up DB for this demo.
        cur.execute("""DROP TABLE people""")
        cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE people(id serial PRIMARY KEY,
            name varchar, email varchar, address varchar)""")

        print_h2('Adding a bunch of records...')
        run_trials(insert_all, trials=10)

        print_h2('Reading all records...')

        cur.execute('SELECT * FROM people;')
        records = cur.fetchall()
        prnt('SQL Records', records)
        # Close up shop to prevent zombie processes, etc.
コード例 #25
ファイル: number_theory.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
def test_number(*args):
    func, args = args[0], args[1:]
        prnt(func.func_name, [_ for _ in func(*args)])
    except TypeError:
        prnt(func.func_name, func(*args))
コード例 #26
ファイル: container.py プロジェクト: DivyaShanmugam/MoAL

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with Section("Container Abstract Data Type"):
        val_cont = ContainerADT()
        for n in range(4):
            val_cont[n * n] = randchars(n)
            val_cont.insert(n, randchars(n))

        for el in val_cont:
            print("Iterator: {}, membership check ({}) => {}".format(val_cont[el], el, el in val_cont))

        prnt("Value Container", val_cont.elements)

        prnt("Empty Container", val_cont.elements)
        assert len(val_cont) == 0

        ref_cont = ReferenceContainer()

        prnt("Reference Container...", ref_cont)

        meta = ReferenceContainer()
        ref_cont.insert("meta", meta)

        # Change original instance
        meta["foo"] = "bar"
コード例 #27
    def sort(self):
        for k, suffix_group in enumerate(self.strings):
            for j, suffixes in enumerate(suffix_group):
                self.strings[k][j] = sorted(self.strings[k][j])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Suffix Array'):
        DEBUG = False

        word_gen = words_unix_dict()

        iarray = InfixArray()
        iarray.make_superstring(strings=[word_gen.next() for _ in range(2)])

        prnt('Weird infix style substring', iarray)

        ssarray = SuperSuffixArray()
        ssarray.make_superstring(strings=[word_gen.next() for _ in range(10)])

        prnt('Superstring suffix array', ssarray, func=repr)


        prnt('SORTED Superstring suffix array', ssarray, func=repr)

        if DEBUG:
            ssarray2 = SuperSuffixArray()
コード例 #28
ファイル: elasticsearch_db.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
DEBUG = True if __name__ == '__main__' else False

faker = Factory.create()
es = Elasticsearch()

def get_name():
    return {
        'name': faker.name(),
        'email': faker.email(),
        'address': faker.address(),
        'timestamp': dt.now(),

def insert_all(max_records):
    for n in range(max_records):
        res = es.index(index='testing_index',

    with Section('ElasticSearch (via ElasticSearch-py)'):
        res = es.get(index='testing_index', doc_type='test', id=1)
        prnt('ES Results:', res)
コード例 #29
 def add_program(self, *args):
     name, program = args
     if self.DEBUG:
         prnt('Adding program', program)
     self.programs[name] = program
コード例 #30
ファイル: probability.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
    res['heads'][1] = '~{}%'.format(res['heads'][0] // 10.0)
    res['tails'][1] = '~{}%'.format(res['tails'][0] // 10.0)
    return res

def _test(*args):
    values = [rr(1, 999) for d in range(10)]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Probability'):
        values_rand = [rr(1, 999) for d in range(rr(1, 20))]
            ('Probability of a given value:', values_rand),


            ('Probability of multiple given values:',
                values_rand, values_rand[:2]),
            Probability.of_group(values_rand, values_rand[:2], are_equal=True))

            ('Probability of multiple given values:',
                values_rand, values_rand[:4]),
            Probability.of_group(values_rand, values_rand[:4], are_equal=True))

コード例 #31
        print('{} ==> {}'.format(self.program, code))
        self.code = code

    def decode(self):
        """Re-assemble the string sequence into a real data structure
        -- not part of the typical UTM behavior, but signifies the need to
        decode the values into something usable."""
        print('Decoding active program')
        code = {
            int(n.split(';')[0][1]): {
                'value': int(n.split(';')[1][1]),
                'next': int(n.split(';')[2][1])
            for n in self.code.split(':')}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Universal Turing Machine'):
        program = DummyProgramGenerator.make(max_states=5)
        prnt('UTM program', program)
        utm = UniversalTuringMachine(program=program)

        # Add some seed "programs"
        for n in range(4):
        for name, _ in utm.programs.iteritems():
コード例 #32
ファイル: graphs.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
        Optional parameters can be added to the dictionary,
        but of course they are not referenced here."""
        graph = UndirectedGraph({
            0: {'edges': [1, 2], 'val': 'A'},
            1: {'edges': [2, 0], 'val': 'B'},
            2: {'edges': [0], 'val': 'C'},
        assert len(graph.walk(0, 3)) == 0  # non-existent node
        assert len(graph.walk(2, 1)) == 3  # unreachable node
        assert graph.is_closed(1, 2)  # Cycle
        assert graph.is_closed(0, 0)  # Trivial cycle
        assert graph.is_closed(2, 1)  # Cycle

        graph[3] = {'edges': [], 'val': 'D'}
        prnt('Generated graph', graph.vertices)
        deg, vertex = randrange(0, MAX_EDGES), choice(all_vertices)
        print('Has degree {} ... {}? {}'.format(
            deg, vertex, graph.has_degree(deg, vertex)))

        for vertex in graph:
            print('Vertex {} has degree {}'.format(
                vertex, graph.degree(vertex)))
        prnt('graph', graph)
        prnt('Has multiple degrees?', graph.has_multiple_degrees(1))

    with Section('Directed Graph'):
        digraph = DirectedGraph()
        digraph.DEBUG = True
        for n in range(MAX_VERTICES):
            digraph[n] = {'edges': _rand_edges(MAX_EDGES), 'val': n}
コード例 #33
ファイル: graphs.py プロジェクト: DivyaShanmugam/MoAL
        The graph is keyed by the node name, which can be any valid
        dictionary key format (e.g. string, number, list, etc...)
        Optional parameters can be added to the dictionary,
        but of course they are not referenced here."""
        graph = UndirectedGraph(
            {0: {"edges": [1, 2], "val": "A"}, 1: {"edges": [2, 0], "val": "B"}, 2: {"edges": [0], "val": "C"}}
        assert len(graph.walk(0, 3)) == 0  # non-existent node
        assert len(graph.walk(2, 1)) == 3  # unreachable node
        assert graph.is_closed(1, 2)  # Cycle
        assert graph.is_closed(0, 0)  # Trivial cycle
        assert graph.is_closed(2, 1)  # Cycle

        graph[3] = {"edges": [], "val": "D"}
        prnt("Generated graph", graph.vertices)
        deg, vertex = randrange(0, MAX_EDGES), choice(all_vertices)
        print("Has degree {} ... {}? {}".format(deg, vertex, graph.has_degree(deg, vertex)))

        for vertex in graph:
            print("Vertex {} has degree {}".format(vertex, graph.degree(vertex)))
        prnt("graph", graph)
        prnt("Has multiple degrees?", graph.has_multiple_degrees(1))

    with Section("Directed Graph"):
        digraph = DirectedGraph()
        digraph.DEBUG = True
        for n in range(MAX_VERTICES):
            digraph[n] = {"edges": _rand_edges(MAX_EDGES), "val": n}
        prnt("Generated directed-graph", digraph.vertices)
        prnt("Digraph", digraph)
コード例 #34
ファイル: sparse.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
__author__ = """Chris Tabor ([email protected])"""

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from os import getcwd
    from os import sys

from MOAL.helpers.display import Section
from MOAL.helpers.display import prnt
from MOAL.helpers.display import print_h2
from MOAL.helpers.datamaker import make_sparselist
from MOAL.helpers.datamaker import make_sparsematrix
from MOAL.helpers.text import gibberish2
from pprint import pprint as ppr
from random import randrange as rr

DEBUG = True if __name__ == '__main__' else False

    with Section('Sparse linear data structures'):
        max = 100
        density = 0.1
        items = {rr(0, max): gibberish2() for _ in range(int(max * density))}
        splist = make_sparselist(items, max)
        prnt('Sparse list', splist)

        sparse_data = {(x, x): gibberish2() for x in range(0, 10)}
        sparsematrix = make_sparsematrix(sparse_data, max, rows=10, cols=10)
        print_h2('Sparse matrix')
コード例 #35
2           | integer

def format_table(code_string):
    s_table = symtable(code_string, 'string', 'exec')
    table = []
    for child in s_table.get_children():
        row = {
            'name': child.get_name(),
            'scope': 'global',
            [subchild.get_name() for subchild in child.get_children()]
    return s_table, table

    with Section('Data structure - symbol table'):
        """Messing around with built-in symbol table parser."""
        prnt('Some example code...', test_func)
        symbols, formatted = format_table(test_func)
        assert len(symbols.lookup('Maths').get_namespaces()) == 1
        assert len(symbols.lookup('Words').get_namespaces()) == 1

        print_simple('Output using stdlib symtable module:',
                     [symbols, formatted])
        prnt('Which might be translated to...', example_output)
コード例 #36
ファイル: pointer_machine.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
    def recalculate(self):
        """Draws/redraws the graph, taking the current value
        and assigning the nodes / paths accordingly.
        Assigns the edge values for each node, and
        updates the value for each symbol in the word as well.

        In the example {0, 1} symbol set machine, each node can have a 0, 1,
        or both 0 and 1 edges, which allow for the instructions
        to be dictated by traversing the graph.

        In a traditional directed graph, nodes are either inbound, or outbound.
        In the SMM, the edges define the direction, but they also encode
        the state symbols that can be used to determine behavior in a way
        that operates like tape, cells, and state in a Turing machine.

        An example graph looks like this:

        graph = {
            0: ...,
            1: {'val': 'A', 'edges': {0: {'to': 0}, 1: {'to': 2},},
            2: ....

        The key is the node, and is used as a pointer to other nodes.
        The edges attribute is a dictionary, keyed by each edge
        that corresponds to all symbol states (e.g. {0, 1} in the example).
        Each key points to a dictionary, representing the node to move to.
        end = len(self.word)
        # Special case for single nodes.
        if end == 1:
            self.graph[0] = {
                'key': 0,
                'val': self.word,  # guaranteed to only be one character
                'edges': {
                    0: {
                        'to': 0
            for key, val in enumerate(self.word):
                self.graph[key] = {'key': key, 'val': val, 'edges': {}}
                # The first nodes 0-edge points to itself,
                # and the 1-edge points to the next node.
                if key == 0:
                    self.graph[key]['edges'] = {
                        0: {
                            'to': 0
                        1: {
                            'to': key + 1
                # The last nodes 0 and 1 edges
                # BOTH point to the previous node.
                elif key == end - 1:
                    self.graph[key]['edges'] = {
                        0: {
                            'to': key - 1
                        1: {
                            'to': key - 1
                # All others; 0-edge points to the previous,
                # 1-edge points to the next.
                    self.graph[key]['edges'] = {
                        0: {
                            'to': key - 1
                        1: {
                            'to': key + 1
        if self.DEBUG:
            prnt('Graph', self.graph.vertices)
コード例 #37
ファイル: pointer_machine.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
    def recalculate(self):
        """Draws/redraws the graph, taking the current value
        and assigning the nodes / paths accordingly.
        Assigns the edge values for each node, and
        updates the value for each symbol in the word as well.

        In the example {0, 1} symbol set machine, each node can have a 0, 1,
        or both 0 and 1 edges, which allow for the instructions
        to be dictated by traversing the graph.

        In a traditional directed graph, nodes are either inbound, or outbound.
        In the SMM, the edges define the direction, but they also encode
        the state symbols that can be used to determine behavior in a way
        that operates like tape, cells, and state in a Turing machine.

        An example graph looks like this:

        graph = {
            0: ...,
            1: {'val': 'A', 'edges': {0: {'to': 0}, 1: {'to': 2},},
            2: ....

        The key is the node, and is used as a pointer to other nodes.
        The edges attribute is a dictionary, keyed by each edge
        that corresponds to all symbol states (e.g. {0, 1} in the example).
        Each key points to a dictionary, representing the node to move to.
        end = len(self.word)
        # Special case for single nodes.
        if end == 1:
            self.graph[0] = {
                'key': 0,
                'val': self.word,  # guaranteed to only be one character
                'edges': {0: {'to': 0}, }
            for key, val in enumerate(self.word):
                self.graph[key] = {
                    'key': key,
                    'val': val,
                    'edges': {}
                # The first nodes 0-edge points to itself,
                # and the 1-edge points to the next node.
                if key == 0:
                    self.graph[key]['edges'] = {
                        0: {'to': 0},
                        1: {'to': key + 1}}
                # The last nodes 0 and 1 edges
                # BOTH point to the previous node.
                elif key == end - 1:
                    self.graph[key]['edges'] = {
                        0: {'to': key - 1},
                        1: {'to': key - 1}}
                # All others; 0-edge points to the previous,
                # 1-edge points to the next.
                    self.graph[key]['edges'] = {
                        0: {'to': key - 1},
                        1: {'to': key + 1}}
        if self.DEBUG:
            prnt('Graph', self.graph.vertices)
コード例 #38
ファイル: number_theory.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
        test_number(lg, 10)
        [test_number(lg_custom, 10, n) for n in range(10)]
        test_number(square, 10)
        test_number(fibo, 10)
        test_number(cube, 10)
        test_number(rand, 10)
        test_number(triangle, 10)
        [test_number(gcd, rr(999, 9999), rr(999, 9999)) for _ in range(4)]

        funcs = [
            lambda x: x**2, lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: x // 2,
            lambda x: x * x - x // x + x

            prnt('Series of series with: {}'.format(getsource(f)),
                 [map(f, (n for n in range(1, _))) for _ in fibo(8)])
            for f in funcs

            prnt('Factor {}'.format(n), [f for f in factor(rr(100, 9999))][0])
            for n in range(4)

        prnt('Factorial', [f for f in factorials(10)])

        [f for f in factor_factorials(10)]

        # Misc. exercises

        test_number(exercise_1_2, 20)
コード例 #39
 def add_program(self, *args):
     name, program = args
     if self.DEBUG:
         prnt('Adding program', program)
     self.programs[name] = program
コード例 #40
ファイル: redis_db.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
DEBUG = True if __name__ == '__main__' else False

faker = Factory.create()
redis_conn = Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
pipe = redis_conn.pipeline()

testing = {}

def insert_name(*args, **kwargs):
    key = faker.name()
    val = faker.email()
    testing[key] = val
    pipe.set(key, val)

def insert_all(max_records):
    for n in range(max_records):

    with Section('Redis (via Redis-py)'):
        run_trials(insert_all, trials=10)
        print_success('This is **too** easy!')
        # Use single pipeline for speed.
        res = pipe.execute()
        prnt('Result from Redis store pipeline execution: ', res)
コード例 #41
        print('{} ==> {}'.format(self.program, code))
        self.code = code

    def decode(self):
        """Re-assemble the string sequence into a real data structure
        -- not part of the typical UTM behavior, but signifies the need to
        decode the values into something usable."""
        print('Decoding active program')
        code = {
            int(n.split(';')[0][1]): {
                'value': int(n.split(';')[1][1]),
                'next': int(n.split(';')[2][1])
            for n in self.code.split(':')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Universal Turing Machine'):
        program = DummyProgramGenerator.make(max_states=5)
        prnt('UTM program', program)
        utm = UniversalTuringMachine(program=program)

        # Add some seed "programs"
        for n in range(4):
        for name, _ in utm.programs.iteritems():
コード例 #42
            if node.title == key:
                return node
            node = node.next
        return None

    with Section('Arrays & Linked Lists'):
        MAX_NODES = 10
        single = SingleNode('head')
        single['next'] = SingleNode('next-1')

        linked_list = build_list(MAX_NODES)
        prnt('Length of linked list:', len(linked_list), newlines=False)

        prnt('Testing iteration', '', newlines=False)
        for node in linked_list:

        del linked_list['node-1']
        del linked_list['node-4']
        del linked_list['node-2']
        del linked_list['node-6']
        del linked_list['tail']

        assert not linked_list['tail']

        prnt('Testing iteration - post delete:', '', newlines=False)
コード例 #43
def matrix_fill(w, h, fill=0):
    """Generates a two-dimensional matrix of W x H,
    filled with zeroes or a custom `fill` value.

    e.g. [[0, 0, 0],
          [0, 0, 0],
          [0, 0, 0]]
    return [[fill for _ in range(w)] for _ in range(h)]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Testing abstract data type extensions'):
        # Testing
        il = intlist([2, 3, 4])
        prnt('ADT - int', (il, il.mul(100), il.add(10).div(4)))

        strs = strlist(['a', 'b', 'c'])

        prnt('ADT - str up, copy, add', (
            strs, strs.up(), strs.copy(2).add('!!')))

        strs2 = strlist(['cat', 'dog', 'monkey'])

        prnt('ADT - str up, shuffle, copy, reverse', (
            strs2, strs2.up(), strs2.copy(3).reverse().shuffle()))

        prnt('ADT - str add, copy, up, add, shuffle', (
            strs2, strs2.add(' ').copy(3).up().add(':D').shuffle()))

        print('Testing strictness')
コード例 #44
ファイル: sparse.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from os import getcwd
    from os import sys

from MOAL.helpers.display import Section
from MOAL.helpers.display import prnt
from MOAL.helpers.display import print_h2
from MOAL.helpers.datamaker import make_sparselist
from MOAL.helpers.datamaker import make_sparsematrix
from MOAL.helpers.text import gibberish2
from pprint import pprint as ppr
from random import randrange as rr

DEBUG = True if __name__ == '__main__' else False

    with Section('Sparse linear data structures'):
        max = 100
        density = 0.1
        items = {rr(0, max): gibberish2() for _ in range(int(max * density))}
        splist = make_sparselist(items, max)
        prnt('Sparse list', splist)

        sparse_data = {(x, x): gibberish2() for x in range(0, 10)}
        sparsematrix = make_sparsematrix(sparse_data, max, rows=10, cols=10)
        print_h2('Sparse matrix')
コード例 #45
ファイル: mongo_db.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
        'url': faker.url(),
        'created': dt.now()

def insert_all(max_records):
    global _count
    global _testdata
    for n in range(max_records):
        _count += 1
        data = make_person()

    with Section('MongoDB (via pymongo)'):
        # Clean up stale collection beforehand, if it exists.
        run_trials(insert_all, trials=10)
        res = collection.find({})
        # Assert all names are correct
        mongo_res = []
        for k, item in enumerate(res):
        prnt('Result from MongoDB execution, names only: ', mongo_res)
        # Check database count vs. local increment
        assert sorted(mongo_res) == sorted(_testdata)
        assert _count == collection.count()
コード例 #46
def reals(max_nums):
    def _range(generator):
        for n in generator:

    yield (_range(wholes(max_nums)), _range(naturals(max_nums)),
           _range(integers(max_nums)), _range(rationals(max_nums)),
    yield '\n'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Basic number sets'):

        prnt('Naturals', '')
        for n in naturals(MAX_NUMS_PER_EXAMPLE):

        prnt('Integers', '')
        for n in integers(MAX_NUMS_PER_EXAMPLE):

        prnt('Rationals', '')
        for n in rationals(MAX_NUMS_PER_EXAMPLE):

        prnt('Irrationals', '')
        for n in irrationals(MAX_NUMS_PER_EXAMPLE):
コード例 #47
ファイル: number_theory.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
def test_number(*args):
    func, args = args[0], args[1:]
        prnt(func.func_name, [_ for _ in func(*args)])
    except TypeError:
        prnt(func.func_name, func(*args))
コード例 #48
 def cfg1():
     prnt('CFG result', '')
     cfg.evaluate(tokens=['B', 'B', 'B', 'V', 'U'])
     cfg.evaluate(tokens=['U', 'C', 'B', 'V', 'U', 'S'])
     cfg.evaluate(tokens=[choice(letters) for _ in range(10)])
コード例 #49
ファイル: tree.py プロジェクト: kvnlnt/MoAL
            2: {'edges': [5], 'val': 'i am greater than 1!', 'parent': 0},
            3: {'edges': [6, 7], 'parent': 1},
            4: {'edges': [], 'parent': 1},
            5: {'edges': [8, 9], 'parent': 2},
            6: {'edges': [10], 'parent': 3},
            7: {'edges': [], 'val': 'lucky number 7', 'parent': 3},
            8: {'edges': [], 'parent': 5},
            9: {'edges': [], 'parent': 5},
            10: {'edges': [11, 12], 'parent': 6},
            11: {'edges': [], 'parent': 10},
            12: {'edges': [], 'parent': 10},

        tree = Tree(graph)
        tree[9] = {'edges': [], 'parent': 5}
        prnt('Tree, subclassed from graph', tree)

        for n in range(len(graph)):
            print('Testing get: {} ... {}'.format(n, graph[n]))

        cmd_title('Testing: children_count', newlines=False)
        assert tree.children_count(1) == 2
        assert tree.children_count(2) == 1
        assert tree.children_count(3) == 2
        assert tree.children_count(9) == 0

        # Correctness testing

        cmd_title('Testing: get_root', newlines=False)
コード例 #50
ファイル: packing_unpacking.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
        return args, kwargs
    return inner_func(*args, **kwargs)

def nums_and_squares(max_nums):
    return range(0, max_nums), [n * n for n in range(max_nums)]

def div_exp(*nums):
    return [n ** n // n for n in nums]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Python - unpacking'):

        prnt('Arg/kwarg unpacking', '')
        f = func(1, 2, 3, cats=True, dogs=True)
        prnt('Args/kwargs passing', f)

        orig, squares = nums_and_squares(10)
        prnt('Return val (tuple) unpacking', '{}, {}'.format(orig, squares))

        mysandwich = {
            'sandwich': 'Ham & Cheese',
            'slices_cheese': 2,
            'slices_ham': 3

        sand_type, cheeses, hams = mysandwich
        prnt('Unpacking keys (default)', '{}, {}, {}'.format(
            sand_type, cheeses, hams))
コード例 #51
ファイル: postgresql_psycopg2.py プロジェクト: Androbos/MoAL
def insert_all(max_records):
    peeps = [make_person() for n in range(max_records)]
    prnt('Records to create', peeps)
    cur.executemany("""INSERT INTO people(name, email, address)
            VALUES (%(name)s, %(email)s, %(address)s)""", peeps)
コード例 #52
                    is_attr = self.attr_token in right
                    is_terminal = right.endswith(self.terminus)
                    if is_attr and is_terminal:
                        print('\nEvaluating terminal: `{}`'.format(token))
                        evaluation += self._parse_terminal(
                            self._attr(right), token)
                        non_terms = list(right)
                        print('\nEvaluating non-terminal {}'.format(non_terms))
                        evaluation += self.evaluate(
                            non_terms, evaluation=evaluation)
        return evaluation

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Grammar parser - basic'):

        attribute_cfg = AttributeContextFreeGrammar()
        rule_templates = [
            'COMB => ST',
            'S => S.value $',
            'T => T.prop $',
            'X => X.len $',
            'Z => Z.chars $',
        map(attribute_cfg.add_rule, rule_templates)

            'Attribute CFG evaluation result',
            attribute_cfg.evaluate(['COMB', 'COMB', 'Z', 'X', 'S', 'T']))
コード例 #53
ファイル: postgresql_psycopg2.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
    with Section('PostgreSQL (via psycopg2)'):
        # Starting postgresql on mac:
        # `postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres/data`
            conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname='ctabor',
            print_success('Successfully connected!')
            print_error('Could not connect to PostgreSql :(')
            raise Exception

        cur = conn.cursor()
        # Always clean up DB for this demo.
        cur.execute("""DROP TABLE people""")
        cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE people(id serial PRIMARY KEY,
            name varchar, email varchar, address varchar)""")

        print_h2('Adding a bunch of records...')
        run_trials(insert_all, trials=10)

        print_h2('Reading all records...')

        cur.execute('SELECT * FROM people;')
        records = cur.fetchall()
        prnt('SQL Records', records)
        # Close up shop to prevent zombie processes, etc.
コード例 #54
ファイル: postgresql_psycopg2.py プロジェクト: terry07/MoAL
def insert_all(max_records):
    peeps = [make_person() for n in range(max_records)]
    prnt('Records to create', peeps)
        """INSERT INTO people(name, email, address)
            VALUES (%(name)s, %(email)s, %(address)s)""", peeps)
コード例 #55
    See programmerspatch.blogspot.com.au
        /2013/02/ukkonens-suffix-tree-algorithm.html for more information."""

    def __init__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Section('Suffix Tree'):
        words = ['peanut', 'butter', 'banana', 'hotdog']

        shallow = ShallowSuffixTree(words[0])
        deep = DeepSuffixTree(words[0])
        forest = GeneralizedSuffixTree(words)

        prnt('Shallow suffix tree', shallow)
        prnt('Deep suffix tree', deep)
        prnt('Generalized suffix tree aka "suffix forest"', forest)

        DEBUG = True
        if DEBUG:
            for _ in range(100):
                keys = range(0, len(words[0]))

                def _rc(choices):
                    return choice(choices)
                    subset = deep[_rc(keys)][_rc(keys)]
                    if len(subset) > 1 and isinstance(subset, list):
                        prnt('Random choice...', subset)
                except IndexError: