コード例 #1
ファイル: rooms.py プロジェクト: sofian86/indico-gh-test
class RHRoomBookingMapOfRoomsWidget(RHRoomBookingBase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        RHRoomBookingBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self._cache = GenericCache('MapOfRooms')

    def _checkParams(self):
        RHRoomBookingBase._checkParams(self, request.args)
        self._room_id = request.args.get('roomID')

    def _process(self):
        key = str(sorted(dict(request.args, lang=session.lang, user=session.user.getId()).items()))
        html = self._cache.get(key)
        if not html:
            default_location = Location.default_location
            aspects = [a.to_serializable() for a in default_location.aspects]
            buildings = default_location.get_buildings()
            html = WPRoomBookingMapOfRoomsWidget(self,
            self._cache.set(key, html, 3600)
        return html
コード例 #2
ファイル: rooms.py プロジェクト: pferreir/indico-backup
class RHRoomBookingMapOfRoomsWidget(RHRoomBookingBase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        RHRoomBookingBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self._cache = GenericCache('MapOfRooms')

    def _checkParams(self):
        RHRoomBookingBase._checkParams(self, request.args)
        self._room_id = request.args.get('roomID')

    def _process(self):
        key = str(
        html = self._cache.get(key)
        if not html:
            default_location = Location.default_location
            aspects = [a.to_serializable() for a in default_location.aspects]
            buildings = default_location.get_buildings()
            html = WPRoomBookingMapOfRoomsWidget(
            self._cache.set(key, html, 3600)
        return html
コード例 #3
ファイル: controllers.py プロジェクト: stomanin/indico
 def _send_confirmation(self, email):
     token_storage = GenericCache('confirm-email')
     data = {'email': email, 'user_id': self.user.id}
     token = make_unique_token(lambda t: not token_storage.get(t))
     token_storage.set(token, data, 24 * 3600)
     GenericMailer.send(make_email(email, template=get_template_module('users/emails/verify_email.txt',
                                                                       user=self.user, email=email, token=token)))
コード例 #4
ファイル: controllers.py プロジェクト: fph/indico
 def _send_confirmation(self, email):
     token_storage = GenericCache('confirm-email')
     data = {'email': email, 'user_id': self.user.id}
     token = make_unique_token(lambda t: not token_storage.get(t))
     token_storage.set(token, data, 24 * 3600)
     GenericMailer.send(make_email(email, template=get_template_module('users/emails/verify_email.txt',
                                                                       user=self.user, email=email, token=token)))
コード例 #5
ファイル: reglists.py プロジェクト: irek-zaripov/indico
 def _get_user_data(self):
     user_id = request.args.get('user')
     if user_id is None:
         return {}
     elif user_id.isdigit():
         # existing indico user
         user = User.find_first(id=user_id, is_deleted=False)
         return {t.name: getattr(user, t.name, None) if user else '' for t in PersonalDataType}
         # non-indico user
         data = GenericCache('pending_identities').get(user_id, {})
         return {t.name: data.get(t.name) for t in PersonalDataType}
コード例 #6
ファイル: mail.py プロジェクト: Ictp/indico
def send_login_info(user, event=None):
    token_storage = GenericCache('resetpass')
    endpoint = 'event.confLogin-resetPassword' if event else 'user.signIn-resetPassword'

    idList = user.getIdentityList()
    logins = []
    for id in idList:
        if not hasattr(id, 'setPassword'):
            config = Config.getInstance()
            extra_message = config.getAuthenticatorConfigById(id.getAuthenticatorTag()).get("ResetPasswordMessage")
            msg = _("Sorry, you are using an externally managed account (%s) to login into Indico.") % id.getLogin()
            if extra_message:
                msg += "\n" + extra_message
                'tag': id.getAuthenticatorTag(),
                'login': id.getLogin(),
                'error': msg
            tag = id.getAuthenticatorTag()
            login = id.getLogin()
            data = {'tag': tag, 'login': login}
            token = str(uuid.uuid4())
            while token_storage.get(token):
                token = str(uuid.uuid4())
            token_storage.set(token, data, 6*3600)
            url = url_for(endpoint, event, token=token, _external=True, _secure=True)
                'tag': tag,
                'login': login,
                'link': url
    if not logins:
        url = urlHandlers.UHUserDetails.getURL(user)
        text = _("Sorry, we did not find your login.\nPlease, create one here:\n%s") % url
        text = _("You can use the following links within the next six hours to reset your password.")
        for entry in logins:
            text += "\n\n==================\n"
            if 'link' in entry:
                text += _("Click below to reset your password for the %s login '%s':\n") % (entry['tag'],
                text += entry['link']
                text += entry['error']
            text += "\n==================\n"
    maildata = {
        "fromAddr": "Indico Mailer <%s>" % Config.getInstance().getNoReplyEmail(),
        "toList": [user.getEmail()],
        "subject": _("[%s] Login Information") % getSubjectIndicoTitle(),
        "body": text
コード例 #7
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: marcosmolla/indico
 def has_member(self, user):
     cache = GenericCache('group-membership')
     key = '{}:{}:{}'.format(self.provider, self.name, user.id)
     rv = cache.get(key)
     if rv is not None:
         return rv
     elif self.group is None:
         warn('Tried to check if {} is in invalid group {}'.format(user, self))
         rv = False
         rv = any(x[1] in self.group for x in user.iter_identifiers(check_providers=True, providers={self.provider}))
     cache.set(key, rv, 1800)
     return rv
コード例 #8
ファイル: reglists.py プロジェクト: nyimbi/indico
 def _get_user_data(self):
     user_id = request.args.get('user')
     if user_id is None:
         return {}
     elif user_id.isdigit():
         # existing indico user
         user = User.find_first(id=user_id, is_deleted=False)
         user_data = {t.name: getattr(user, t.name, None) if user else '' for t in PersonalDataType}
         # non-indico user
         data = GenericCache('pending_identities').get(user_id, {})
         user_data = {t.name: data.get(t.name) for t in PersonalDataType}
     user_data['title'] = get_title_uuid(self.regform, user_data['title'])
     return user_data
コード例 #9
ファイル: reglists.py プロジェクト: florv/indico
 def _get_user_data(self):
     user_id = request.args.get("user")
     if user_id is None:
         return {}
     elif user_id.isdigit():
         # existing indico user
         user = User.find_first(id=user_id, is_deleted=False)
         user_data = {t.name: getattr(user, t.name, None) if user else "" for t in PersonalDataType}
         # non-indico user
         data = GenericCache("pending_identities").get(user_id, {})
         user_data = {t.name: data.get(t.name) for t in PersonalDataType}
     user_data["title"] = get_title_uuid(self.regform, user_data["title"])
     return user_data
コード例 #10
def principal_from_fossil(fossil,
    """Gets a GroupWrapper or AvatarUserWrapper from a fossil"""
    from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
    from indico.modules.users import User

    type_ = fossil['_type']
    id_ = fossil['id']
    if type_ == 'Avatar':
        if isinstance(id_, int) or id_.isdigit():
            # regular user
            user = User.get(int(id_))
        elif allow_pending:
            data = GenericCache('pending_identities').get(id_)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Cannot find user '{}' in cache".format(id_))

            data = {k: '' if v is None else v for (k, v) in data.items()}
            email = data['email'].lower()

            # check if there is not already a pending user with that e-mail
            user = User.find_first(email=email, is_pending=True)
            if not user:
                user = User(first_name=data.get('first_name') or '',
                            last_name=data.get('last_name') or '',
                            address=data.get('address', ''),
                            phone=data.get('phone', ''),
                            affiliation=data.get('affiliation', ''),
            raise ValueError(
                "Id '{}' is not a number and allow_pending=False".format(id_))
        if user is None:
            raise ValueError('User does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return user.as_avatar if legacy else user
    elif allow_emails and type_ == 'Email':
        return EmailPrincipal(id_)
    elif allow_groups and type_ in {'LocalGroupWrapper', 'LocalGroup'}:
        group = GroupProxy(int(id_))
        if group.group is None:
            raise ValueError('Local group does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return group.as_legacy_group if legacy else group
    elif allow_groups and type_ in {'LDAPGroupWrapper', 'MultipassGroup'}:
        provider = fossil['provider']
        group = GroupProxy(id_, provider)
        if group.group is None and not allow_missing_groups:
            raise ValueError('Multipass group does not exist: {}:{}'.format(
                provider, id_))
        return group.as_legacy_group if legacy else group
        raise ValueError('Unexpected fossil type: {}'.format(type_))
コード例 #11
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: marcosmolla/indico
 def has_member(self, user):
     cache = GenericCache('group-membership')
     key = '{}:{}:{}'.format(self.provider, self.name, user.id)
     rv = cache.get(key)
     if rv is not None:
         return rv
     elif self.group is None:
         warn('Tried to check if {} is in invalid group {}'.format(
             user, self))
         rv = False
         rv = any(x[1] in self.group
                  for x in user.iter_identifiers(check_providers=True,
     cache.set(key, rv, 1800)
     return rv
コード例 #12
ファイル: searchDisplay.py プロジェクト: arturodr/indico
    def _cacheNextStartingRecord(self, queryHash, page, record, obj):
        data = obj or {}
        data[self._page + 1] = record + 1

        Logger.get("search").debug("set page: %s" % data)
        GenericCache('Search').set((self._sessionHash, queryHash), data,
                                   12 * 3600)
コード例 #13
ファイル: reports.py プロジェクト: florv/indico-plugins
    def get(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create and return a serializable Report object, retrieved from cache if possible"""

        from indico_piwik.plugin import PiwikPlugin

        if not PiwikPlugin.settings.get('cache_enabled'):
            return cls(*args, **kwargs).to_serializable()

        cache = GenericCache('Piwik.Report')
        key = u'{}-{}-{}'.format(cls.__name__, args, kwargs)

        report = cache.get(key)
        if not report:
            report = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            cache.set(key, report, PiwikPlugin.settings.get('cache_ttl'))
        return report.to_serializable()
コード例 #14
class WPRoomBookingMapOfRoomsWidget(WPNotDecorated):
    sidemenu_option = 'map'
    cache = GenericCache('MapOfRooms')

    def getCSSFiles(self):
        return WPNotDecorated.getCSSFiles(self) + ['css/mapofrooms.css']

    def getJSFiles(self):
        return WPNotDecorated.getJSFiles(self) + self._includeJSPackage('RoomBooking')

    def _getTitle(self):
        return '{} - {}'.format(WPNotDecorated._getTitle(self), _('Map of rooms'))

    def _get_widget_params(self):
        default_location = Location.default_location
        return {'aspects': [a.to_serializable() for a in default_location.aspects],
                'buildings': default_location.get_buildings(),
                'default_repeat': '{}|0'.format(int(RepeatFrequency.NEVER)),
                'default_start_dt': datetime.combine(date.today(), Location.working_time_start),
                'default_end_dt': datetime.combine(date.today(), Location.working_time_end),
                'repeat_mapping': RepeatMapping.mapping}

    def _getBody(self, params):
        cache_key = str(sorted(dict(request.args, lang=session.lang).items()))
        html = self.cache.get(cache_key)
        if html is None:
            html = WTemplated('RoomBookingMapOfRoomsWidget').getHTML(params)
            self.cache.set(cache_key, html, 3600)
        return html
コード例 #15
class CachedReport(object):
    This class acts as a wrapper for functions which return a report object,
    by decorating the get<report> methods with the memonize function in the
    BaseStatisticsReport object, the result is wrapped here and its age
    is compared with the TTL if in the cache, either returning said item or
    allowing the method to generate a new one.

    _config = StatisticsConfig()

    def __init__(self, function):
        self._function = function

        # Cache bucket per implementation
        plugin = function.__module__.split('.')[3]
        self._cache = GenericCache(plugin + 'StatisticsCache')

    def getReport(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Ascertain if live updating first, if so disregard and continue.

        ttl = self._config.getUpdateInterval()

        if not self._config.hasCacheEnabled():
            return self._function(*args, **kwargs)

        keyParams = list(args)
        keyParams.extend([self._function.__module__, self._function.__name__])
        key = self._generateKey(keyParams)

        resource = self._cache.get(key, None)

        if not resource:
            result = self._function(*args, **kwargs)
            self._cache.set(key, result, ttl)
            return result
            return resource

    def _generateKey(self, params):
        Generates a unique key for caching against the params given.
        return reduce(lambda x, y: str(x) + '-' + str(y), params)
コード例 #16
ファイル: implementation.py プロジェクト: arturodr/indico
class CachedReport(object):
    This class acts as a wrapper for functions which return a report object,
    by decorating the get<report> methods with the memonize function in the
    BaseStatisticsReport object, the result is wrapped here and its age
    is compared with the TTL if in the cache, either returning said item or
    allowing the method to generate a new one.

    _config = StatisticsConfig()

    def __init__(self, function):
        self._function = function

        # Cache bucket per implementation
        plugin = function.__module__.split('.')[3]
        self._cache = GenericCache(plugin + 'StatisticsCache')

    def getReport(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Ascertain if live updating first, if so disregard and continue.

        ttl = self._config.getUpdateInterval()

        if not self._config.hasCacheEnabled():
            return self._function(*args, **kwargs)

        keyParams = list(args)
        keyParams.extend([self._function.__module__, self._function.__name__])
        key = self._generateKey(keyParams)

        resource = self._cache.get(key, None)

        if not resource:
            result = self._function(*args, **kwargs)
            self._cache.set(key, result, ttl)
            return result
            return resource

    def _generateKey(self, params):
        Generates a unique key for caching against the params given.
        return reduce(lambda x, y: str(x) + '-' + str(y), params)
コード例 #17
ファイル: controllers.py プロジェクト: pmart123/indico
class RHUserEmailsVerify(RHUserBase):
    flash_user_status = False
    token_storage = GenericCache('confirm-email')

    def _validate(self, data):
        if not data:
            flash(_('The verification token is invalid or expired.'), 'error')
            return False, None
        user = User.get(data['user_id'])
        if not user or user != self.user:
                _('This token is for a different Indico user. Please login with the correct account'
                  ), 'error')
            return False, None
        existing = UserEmail.find_first(is_user_deleted=False,
        if existing and not existing.user.is_pending:
            if existing.user == self.user:
                    _('This email address is already attached to your account.'
                    _('This email address is already in use by another account.'
                      ), 'error')
            return False, existing.user
        return True, existing.user if existing else None

    def _process(self):
        token = request.view_args['token']
        data = self.token_storage.get(token)
        valid, existing = self._validate(data)
        if valid:

            if existing and existing.is_pending:
                logger.info("Found pending user %s to be merged into %s",
                            existing, self.user)

                # If the pending user has missing names, copy them from the active one
                # to allow it to be marked as not pending and deleted during the merge.
                existing.first_name = existing.first_name or self.user.first_name
                existing.last_name = existing.last_name or self.user.last_name

                merge_users(existing, self.user)
                    _("Merged data from existing '{}' identity").format(
                existing.is_pending = False

            signals.users.email_added.send(self.user, email=data['email'])
                _('The email address {email} has been added to your account.').
                format(email=data['email']), 'success')
        return redirect(url_for('.user_emails'))
コード例 #18
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: fph/indico
def principal_from_fossil(fossil, allow_pending=False, allow_groups=True, legacy=True, allow_missing_groups=False,
                          allow_emails=False, allow_networks=False):
    from indico.modules.networks.models.networks import IPNetworkGroup
    from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
    from indico.modules.users import User

    type_ = fossil['_type']
    id_ = fossil['id']
    if type_ == 'Avatar':
        if isinstance(id_, int) or id_.isdigit():
            # regular user
            user = User.get(int(id_))
        elif allow_pending:
            data = GenericCache('pending_identities').get(id_)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Cannot find user '{}' in cache".format(id_))

            data = {k: '' if v is None else v for (k, v) in data.items()}
            email = data['email'].lower()

            # check if there is not already a (pending) user with that e-mail
            # we need to check for non-pending users too since the search may
            # show a user from external results even though the email belongs
            # to an indico account in case some of the search criteria did not
            # match the indico account
            user = User.find_first(User.all_emails.contains(email), ~User.is_deleted)
            if not user:
                user = User(first_name=data.get('first_name') or '', last_name=data.get('last_name') or '',
                            address=data.get('address', ''), phone=data.get('phone', ''),
                            affiliation=data.get('affiliation', ''), is_pending=True)
            raise ValueError("Id '{}' is not a number and allow_pending=False".format(id_))
        if user is None:
            raise ValueError('User does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return user.as_avatar if legacy else user
    elif allow_emails and type_ == 'Email':
        return EmailPrincipal(id_)
    elif allow_networks and type_ == 'IPNetworkGroup':
        group = IPNetworkGroup.get(int(id_))
        if group is None:
            raise ValueError('IP network group does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return group
    elif allow_groups and type_ in {'LocalGroupWrapper', 'LocalGroup'}:
        group = GroupProxy(int(id_))
        if group.group is None:
            raise ValueError('Local group does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return group.as_legacy_group if legacy else group
    elif allow_groups and type_ in {'LDAPGroupWrapper', 'MultipassGroup'}:
        provider = fossil['provider']
        group = GroupProxy(id_, provider)
        if group.group is None and not allow_missing_groups:
            raise ValueError('Multipass group does not exist: {}:{}'.format(provider, id_))
        return group.as_legacy_group if legacy else group
        raise ValueError('Unexpected fossil type: {}'.format(type_))
コード例 #19
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: marcosmolla/indico
def principal_from_fossil(fossil, allow_pending=False, legacy=True):
    """Gets a GroupWrapper or AvatarUserWrapper from a fossil"""
    type_ = fossil['_type']
    id_ = fossil['id']
    if type_ == 'Avatar':
        if isinstance(id_, int) or id_.isdigit():
            # regular user
            user = User.get(int(id_))
        elif allow_pending:
            data = GenericCache('pending_identities').get(id_)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Cannot find user '{}' in cache".format(id_))

            data = {k: '' if v is None else v for (k, v) in data.items()}

            # check if there is not already a pending user with that e-mail
            user = User.find_first(email=data['email'], is_pending=True)
            if not user:
                user = User(first_name=data['first_name'], last_name=data['last_name'], email=data['email'],
                            address=data.get('address', ''), phone=data.get('phone', ''),
                            affiliation=data.get('affiliation', ''), is_pending=True)
            raise ValueError("Id '{}' is not a number and allow_pending=False".format(id_))
        if user is None:
            raise ValueError('User does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return user.as_avatar if legacy else user
    elif type_ == 'LocalGroupWrapper':
        group = GroupProxy(int(id_))
        if group.group is None:
            raise ValueError('Local group does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return group.as_legacy_group if legacy else group
    elif type_ == 'LDAPGroupWrapper':
        provider = fossil['provider']
        group = GroupProxy(id_, provider)
        if group.group is None:
            raise ValueError('Multipass group does not exist: {}:{}'.format(provider, id_))
        return group.as_legacy_group if legacy else group
        raise ValueError('Unexpected fossil type: {}'.format(type_))
コード例 #20
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     cache = GenericCache('task-locks')
     name = current_task.name
     if cache.get(name):
         Logger.get('celery').warning('Task {} is locked; not executing it'.format(name))
     cache.set(name, True)
         return f(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #21
    def match(self, criteria, exact=False, onlyActivated=True, searchInAuthenticators=False):
        from indico.modules.users.util import search_users
        cache = GenericCache('pending_identities')

        def _process_identities(obj):
            if isinstance(obj, IdentityInfo):
                cache.set(obj.provider.name + ":" + obj.identifier, obj.data)
                return AvatarProvisionalWrapper(obj)
                return obj.as_avatar

        results = search_users(exact=exact, include_pending=not onlyActivated, include_deleted=not onlyActivated,
                               **{AVATAR_FIELD_MAP[k]: v for (k, v) in criteria.iteritems() if v})

        return [_process_identities(obj) for obj in results]
コード例 #22
    def _getStartingRecord(self, queryHash, page):
        obj = GenericCache('Search').get((self._sessionHash, queryHash), {})

        if page == 1:
            Logger.get("search").debug("first page")
            # first page, start with 0
            return 0, None
        elif page in obj:
            Logger.get("search").debug("hit! %s %s" % (obj[page], obj))
            # cache hit!
            return obj[page], obj
            # cache miss, force first page to be loaded
            self._page = 1
            return 0, None
コード例 #23
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: dbourillot/indico
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     cache = GenericCache('task-locks')
     name = current_task.name
     if cache.get(name):
         Logger.get('celery').warning('Task {} is locked; not executing it'.format(name))
     cache.set(name, True)
         return f(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #24
class RHUserEmailsVerify(RHUserBase):
    token_storage = GenericCache('confirm-email')

    def _validate(self, data):
        if not data:
            flash(_('The verification token is invalid or expired.'), 'error')
            return False, None
        user = User.get(data['user_id'])
        if not user or user != self.user:
                _('This token is for a different Indico user. Please login with the correct account'
                  ), 'error')
            return False, None
        existing = UserEmail.find_first(is_user_deleted=False,
        if existing and not existing.user.is_pending:
            if existing.user == self.user:
                    _('This email address is already attached to your account.'
                    _('This email address is already in use by another account.'
                      ), 'error')
            return False, existing.user
        return True, existing.user if existing else None

    def _process(self):
        token = request.view_args['token']
        data = self.token_storage.get(token)
        valid, existing = self._validate(data)
        if valid:

            if existing and existing.is_pending:
                    _("Merged data from existing '{}' identity").format(
                merge_users(existing, self.user)
                existing.is_pending = False

                _('The email address {email} has been added to your account.').
                format(email=data['email']), 'success')
        return redirect(url_for('.user_emails'))
コード例 #25
def memoize_redis(ttl):
    """Memoize a function in redis

    The cached value can be cleared by calling the method
    ``clear_cached()`` of the decorated function with the same
    arguments that were used during the function call.  To check
    whether a value has been cached call ``is_cached()`` in the
    same way.

    :param ttl: How long the result should be cached.  May be a
                timedelta or a number (seconds).
    from MaKaC.common.cache import GenericCache
    cache = GenericCache('memoize')

    def decorator(f):
        def _get_key(args, kwargs):
            return f.__name__, make_hashable(args), make_hashable(kwargs)

        def _clear_cached(*args, **kwargs):
            cache.delete(_get_key(args, kwargs))

        def _is_cached(*args, **kwargs):
            return cache.get(_get_key(args, kwargs), _notset) is not _notset

        def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):
            if current_app.config['TESTING'] or current_app.config.get('REPL'):
                # No memoization during tests or in the shell
                return f(*args, **kwargs)

            key = _get_key(args, kwargs)
            value = cache.get(key, _notset)
            if value is _notset:
                value = f(*args, **kwargs)
                cache.set(key, value, ttl)
            return value

        memoizer.clear_cached = _clear_cached
        memoizer.is_cached = _is_cached
        return memoizer

    return decorator
コード例 #26
ファイル: cache.py プロジェクト: DavidAndreev/indico-plugins
class SudsCache(Cache):
    _instance = None

    def __init__(self, duration=DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL):
        self._cache = GenericCache("SudsCache")
        self._duration = duration

    def get(self, key):

    def put(self, key, val):
        self._cache.set(key, val, self._duration)

    def purge(self, key):
コード例 #27
ファイル: tokens.py プロジェクト: wtakase/indico
class OAuthGrant(object):
    """OAuth grant token"""

    #: cache entry to store grant tokens
    _cache = GenericCache('oauth-grant-tokens')

    def __init__(self, client_id, code, redirect_uri, user, scopes, expires):
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.code = code
        self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri
        self.user = user
        self.scopes = scopes
        self.expires = expires

    def key(self):
        return self.make_key(self.client_id, self.code)

    def ttl(self):
        return self.expires - datetime.utcnow()

    def get(cls, client_id, code):
        key = cls.make_key(client_id, code)
        return cls._cache.get(key)

    def make_key(cls, client_id, code):
        return '{}:{}'.format(client_id, code)

    def delete(self):

    def save(self):
        self._cache.set(key=self.key, val=self, time=self.ttl)
コード例 #28
ファイル: cache.py プロジェクト: Ictp/indico
class SudsCache(Cache):
    _instance = None

    def getInstance(cls, duration=None):
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = SudsCache(duration)
        return cls._instance

    def __init__(self, duration=None):
        self._cache = GenericCache("SudsCache")
        if duration is None:
            duration = 24 * 3600 # we put as default 1 day cache
        self._duration = duration

    def get(self, key):

    def put(self, key, val):
        self._cache.set(key, val, self._duration)

    def purge(self, key):
コード例 #29
ファイル: cache.py プロジェクト: pferreir/indico-backup
class SudsCache(Cache):
    _instance = None

    def getInstance(cls, duration=None):
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = SudsCache(duration)
        return cls._instance

    def __init__(self, duration=None):
        self._cache = GenericCache("SudsCache")
        if duration is None:
            duration = 24 * 3600  # we put as default 1 day cache
        self._duration = duration

    def get(self, key):

    def put(self, key, val):
        self._cache.set(key, val, self._duration)

    def purge(self, key):
コード例 #30
class IndicoSessionInterface(SessionInterface):
    pickle_based = True
    serializer = cPickle
    session_class = IndicoSession
    temporary_session_lifetime = timedelta(days=7)

    def __init__(self):
        self.storage = GenericCache('flask-session')

    def generate_sid(self):
        return str(uuid.uuid4())

    def get_cookie_secure(self, app):
        return request.is_secure

    def get_storage_lifetime(self, app, session):
        # Permanent sessions are stored for exactly the same duration as the session id cookie.
        # "Temporary" session are stored for a period that is not too short/long as some people
        # close their browser very rarely and thus shouldn't be logged out that often.
        if session.permanent:
            return app.permanent_session_lifetime
            return self.temporary_session_lifetime

    def should_refresh_session(self, app, session):
        if session.new or '_expires' not in session:
            return False
        threshold = self.get_storage_lifetime(app, session) / 2
        return session['_expires'] - datetime.now() < threshold

    def should_refresh_sid(self, app, session):
        if not session.new and self.get_cookie_secure(
                app) and not session.get('_secure'):
            return True
        if getattr(session, '_refresh_sid', False):
            return True
        return False

    def open_session(self, app, request):
        sid = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name)
        if not sid:
            return self.session_class(sid=self.generate_sid(), new=True)
        data = self.storage.get(sid)
        if data is not None:
            return self.session_class(self.serializer.loads(data), sid=sid)
        return self.session_class(sid=self.generate_sid(), new=True)

    def save_session(self, app, session, response):
        domain = self.get_cookie_domain(app)
        secure = self.get_cookie_secure(app)
        refresh_sid = self.should_refresh_sid(app, session)
        if not session and not session.new:
            # empty session, delete it from storage and cookie
            response.delete_cookie(app.session_cookie_name, domain=domain)

        if not refresh_sid and not session.modified and not self.should_refresh_session(
                app, session):
            # If the session has not been modified we only store if it needs to be refreshed

        if app.config['INDICO_SESSION_PERMANENT']:
            # Setting session.permanent marks the session as modified so we only set it when we
            # are saving the session anyway!
            session.permanent = True

        storage_ttl = self.get_storage_lifetime(app, session)
        cookie_lifetime = self.get_expiration_time(app, session)
        session['_expires'] = datetime.now() + storage_ttl

        if refresh_sid:
            session.sid = self.generate_sid()

        session['_secure'] = request.is_secure
        self.storage.set(session.sid, self.serializer.dumps(dict(session)),
コード例 #31
ファイル: handlers.py プロジェクト: nyimbi/indico
def handler(prefix, path):
    path = posixpath.join('/', prefix, path)
    clearCache()  # init fossil cache
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = [(key, [x.encode('utf-8') for x in values])
                       for key, values in request.form.iterlists()]
        query = urllib.urlencode(queryParams, doseq=1)
        # we only need/keep multiple values so we can properly validate the signature.
        # the legacy code below expects a dict with just the first value.
        # if you write a new api endpoint that needs multiple values get them from
        # ``request.values.getlist()`` directly
        queryParams = {key: values[0] for key, values in queryParams}
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8'))
                           for key, value in request.args.iteritems())
        query = request.query_string

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'],
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'],
                                  'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    scope = 'read:legacy_api' if request.method == 'GET' else 'write:legacy_api'
        oauth_valid, oauth_request = oauth.verify_request([scope])
        if not oauth_valid and oauth_request and oauth_request.error_message != 'Bearer token not found.':
            raise BadRequest('OAuth error: {}'.format(
        elif g.get(
        ) and oauth_request.error_message == 'Bearer token not found.':
            raise BadRequest('OAuth error: Invalid token')
    except ValueError:
        # XXX: Dirty hack to workaround a bug in flask-oauthlib that causes it
        #      not to properly urlencode request query strings
        #      Related issue (https://github.com/lepture/flask-oauthlib/issues/213)
        oauth_valid = False

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise NotFound

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if request.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
    responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
    is_response = False
        used_session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            used_session = session
            if not used_session.user:  # ignore guest sessions
                used_session = None

        if apiKey or oauth_valid or not used_session:
            if not oauth_valid:
                # Validate the API key (and its signature)
                ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp,
                                                path, query)
                if enforceOnlyPublic:
                    onlyPublic = True
                # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
                aw = buildAW(ak, onlyPublic)
            else:  # Access Token (OAuth)
                at = load_token(oauth_request.access_token.access_token)
                aw = buildAW(at, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(
                    remove=('_', 'ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp',
                            'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path,
                                          remove=('_', 'signature',
                                                  'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = request.headers.get(
                    get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if used_session.csrf_protected and used_session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', 403)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-{}_'.format(used_session.user.id)
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(
                remove=('_', 'nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa',
                        'onlyauthed', 'csrftoken'))

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', 403)

        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            ContextManager.set("currentAW", aw)
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw)
            if isinstance(res, current_app.response_class):
                addToCache = False
                is_response = True
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
            elif isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = api_settings.get('cache_ttl')
            if ttl > 0:
                cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap),
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            responseUtil.status = e.getCode()
            if responseUtil.status == 405:
                    'Allow'] = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
コード例 #32
def handler(req, **params):
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    path, query = req.URLFields['PATH_INFO'], req.URLFields['QUERY_STRING']
    if req.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict(req.form)
        for key, value in queryParams.iteritems():
            queryParams[key] = [str(value)]
        query = urllib.urlencode(remove_lists(queryParams))
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = parse_qs(query)

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()
    minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
    if minfo.getRoomBookingModuleActive():

    mode = path.split('/')[1]

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'],
    no_cache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'],
                                   'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'

    # Disable caching if we are not exporting
    if mode != 'export':
        no_cache = True

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    func, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if func is None or dformat is None:
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
        # Validate the API key (and its signature)
        ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path,
        if enforceOnlyPublic:
            onlyPublic = True
        # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
        aw = buildAW(ak, req, onlyPublic)
        # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
        if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
            cache_key = normalizeQuery(path,
                                       remove=('ak', 'apiKey', 'signature',
                                               'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache'))
            cache_key = normalizeQuery(path,
                                       remove=('signature', 'timestamp', 'nc',
            if signature:
                # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                cache_key = 'signed_' + cache_key

        obj = None
        addToCache = True
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cache_key = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cache_key)
        if not no_cache:
            obj = cache.get(cache_key)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = func(aw, req)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAPICacheTTL()
            cache.set(cache_key, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            req.status = e.getCode()
            if req.status == apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
                    'Allow'] = 'GET' if req.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
コード例 #33
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: k3njiy/indico
class IndicoSessionInterface(SessionInterface):
    pickle_based = True
    serializer = cPickle
    session_class = IndicoSession
    temporary_session_lifetime = timedelta(days=7)

    def __init__(self):
        self.storage = GenericCache('flask-session')

    def generate_sid(self):
        return str(uuid.uuid4())

    def get_cookie_secure(self, app):
        return request.is_secure

    def get_storage_lifetime(self, app, session):
        # Permanent sessions are stored for exactly the same duration as the session id cookie.
        # "Temporary" session are stored for a period that is not too short/long as some people
        # close their browser very rarely and thus shouldn't be logged out that often.
        if session.permanent:
            return app.permanent_session_lifetime
            return self.temporary_session_lifetime

    def should_refresh_session(self, app, session):
        if session.new or '_expires' not in session:
            return False
        threshold = self.get_storage_lifetime(app, session) / 2
        return session['_expires'] - datetime.now() < threshold

    def should_refresh_sid(self, app, session):
        return self.get_cookie_secure(app) and not session.get('_secure')

    def open_session(self, app, request):
        sid = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name)
        if not sid:
            return self.session_class(sid=self.generate_sid(), new=True)
        data = self.storage.get(sid)
        if data is not None:
            return self.session_class(self.serializer.loads(data), sid=sid)
        return self.session_class(sid=self.generate_sid(), new=True)

    def save_session(self, app, session, response):
        domain = self.get_cookie_domain(app)
        secure = self.get_cookie_secure(app)
        refresh_sid = self.should_refresh_sid(app, session)
        if not session and not session.new:
            # empty session, delete it from storage and cookie
            response.delete_cookie(app.session_cookie_name, domain=domain)

        if not refresh_sid and not session.modified and not self.should_refresh_session(app, session):
            # If the session has not been modified we only store if it needs to be refreshed

        if app.config['INDICO_SESSION_PERMANENT']:
            # Setting session.permanent marks the session as modified so we only set it when we
            # are saving the session anyway!
            session.permanent = True

        storage_ttl = self.get_storage_lifetime(app, session)
        cookie_lifetime = self.get_expiration_time(app, session)
        session['_expires'] = datetime.now() + storage_ttl

        if refresh_sid:
            session.sid = self.generate_sid()

        session['_secure'] = request.is_secure
        self.storage.set(session.sid, self.serializer.dumps(dict(session)), storage_ttl)
        response.set_cookie(app.session_cookie_name, session.sid, expires=cookie_lifetime, httponly=True,
コード例 #34
ファイル: handlers.py プロジェクト: arturodr/indico
def handler(req, **params):
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    path, query = req.URLFields['PATH_INFO'], req.URLFields['QUERY_STRING']
    if req.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict(req.form)
        for key, value in queryParams.iteritems():
            queryParams[key] = [str(value)]
        query = urllib.urlencode(remove_lists(queryParams))
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = parse_qs(query)

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()
    minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
    if minfo.getRoomBookingModuleActive():

    mode = path.split('/')[1]

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'], 0, integer=True)
    no_cache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'], 'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'], 'no') == 'yes'

    # Disable caching if we are not exporting
    if mode != 'export':
        no_cache = True

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    func, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if func is None or dformat is None:
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
        # Validate the API key (and its signature)
        ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path, query)
        if enforceOnlyPublic:
            onlyPublic = True
        # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
        aw = buildAW(ak, req, onlyPublic)
        # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
        if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
            cache_key = normalizeQuery(path, query, remove=('ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache'))
            cache_key = normalizeQuery(path, query, remove=('signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache'))
            if signature:
                # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                cache_key = 'signed_' + cache_key

        obj = None
        addToCache = True
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cache_key = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cache_key)
        if not no_cache:
            obj = cache.get(cache_key)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = func(aw, req)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAPICacheTTL()
            cache.set(cache_key, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            req.status = e.getCode()
            if req.status == apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
                req.headers_out['Allow'] = 'GET' if req.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
コード例 #35
ファイル: handlers.py プロジェクト: VishrutMehta/indico
def handler(req, **params):
    logger = Logger.get("httpapi")
    path, query = req.URLFields["PATH_INFO"], req.URLFields["QUERY_STRING"]
    if req.method == "POST":
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict(req.form)
        for key, value in queryParams.iteritems():
            queryParams[key] = [str(value)]
        query = urllib.urlencode(remove_lists(queryParams))
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = parse_qs(query)

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()
    minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
    if minfo.getRoomBookingModuleActive():

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["ak", "apikey"], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["ca", "cookieauth"], "no") == "yes"
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["signature"])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["timestamp"], 0, integer=True)
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["nc", "nocache"], "no") == "yes"
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["p", "pretty"], "no") == "yes"
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["op", "onlypublic"], "no") == "yes"
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ["oa", "onlyauthed"], "no") == "yes"

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if req.method == "POST" or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
        sessionUser = getSessionForReq(req).getUser() if cookieAuth else None
        if apiKey or not sessionUser:
            # Validate the API key (and its signature)
            ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path, query)
            if enforceOnlyPublic:
                onlyPublic = True
            # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
            aw = buildAW(ak, req, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(
                    path, query, remove=("ak", "apiKey", "signature", "timestamp", "nc", "nocache", "oa", "onlyauthed")
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(
                    path, query, remove=("signature", "timestamp", "nc", "nocache", "oa", "onlyauthed")
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = "signed_" + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            # Reject POST for security reasons (CSRF)
            if req.method == "POST":
                raise HTTPAPIError("Cannot POST when using cookie authentication", apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = "user-" + sessionUser.getId() + "_"
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(
                path, query, remove=("nc", "nocache", "ca", "cookieauth", "oa", "onlyauthed")

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError("Not authenticated", apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)

        obj = None
        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache("HTTPAPI")
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub("", cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw, req)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAPICacheTTL()
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            req.status = e.getCode()
            if req.status == apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
                req.headers_out["Allow"] = "GET" if req.method == "POST" else "POST"
コード例 #36
ファイル: cache.py プロジェクト: DavidAndreev/indico-plugins
 def __init__(self, duration=DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL):
     self._cache = GenericCache("SudsCache")
     self._duration = duration
コード例 #37
ファイル: photos.py プロジェクト: wtakase/indico
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Indico; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import posixpath
from io import BytesIO
from flask import redirect

from indico.core.config import Config
from indico.web.flask.util import send_file
from indico.modules.rb.models.rooms import Room
from indico.modules.rb.models.photos import Photo
from MaKaC.common.cache import GenericCache

_cache = GenericCache('Rooms')

def _redirect_no_photo(size):
    return redirect(

def room_photo(roomID, size, **kw):
    cache_key = 'photo-{}-{}'.format(roomID, size)
    photo_data = _cache.get(cache_key)

    if photo_data == '*':
        return _redirect_no_photo(size)
    elif photo_data is None:
コード例 #38
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: k3njiy/indico
 def __init__(self):
     self.storage = GenericCache('flask-session')
コード例 #39
def handler(prefix, path):
    path = posixpath.join('/', prefix, path)
    clearCache()  # init fossil cache
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8'))
                           for key, value in request.form.iteritems())
        query = urllib.urlencode(queryParams)
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8'))
                           for key, value in request.args.iteritems())
        query = request.query_string

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'],
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'],
                                  'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'],
                                     'no') == 'yes'
    oauthToken = 'oauth_token' in queryParams
    # Check if OAuth data is supplied in the Authorization header
    if not oauthToken and request.headers.get('Authorization') is not None:
        oauthToken = 'oauth_token' in request.headers.get('Authorization')

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise NotFound

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if request.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
    responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        used_session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            used_session = session
            if not used_session.avatar:  # ignore guest sessions
                used_session = None

        if apiKey or oauthToken or not used_session:
            if not oauthToken:
                # Validate the API key (and its signature)
                ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp,
                                                path, query)
                if enforceOnlyPublic:
                    onlyPublic = True
                # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
                aw = buildAW(ak, onlyPublic)
            else:  # Access Token (OAuth)
                at = OAuthUtils.OAuthCheckAccessResource()
                aw = buildAW(at, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(
                    remove=('_', 'ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp',
                            'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path,
                                          remove=('_', 'signature',
                                                  'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = request.headers.get(
                    get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if used_session.csrf_protected and used_session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', 403)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-' + used_session.avatar.getId() + '_'
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(
                remove=('_', 'nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa',
                        'onlyauthed', 'csrftoken'))

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', 403)

        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            ContextManager.set("currentAW", aw)
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = api_settings.get('cache_ttl')
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            responseUtil.status = e.getCode()
            if responseUtil.status == 405:
                    'Allow'] = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
コード例 #40
ファイル: rooms.py プロジェクト: pferreir/indico-backup
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     RHRoomBookingBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     self._cache = GenericCache('MapOfRooms')
コード例 #41
ファイル: handlers.py プロジェクト: k3njiy/indico
def handler(prefix, path):
    path = posixpath.join('/', prefix, path)
    clearCache()  # init fossil cache
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8')) for key, value in request.form.iteritems())
        query = urllib.urlencode(queryParams)
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8')) for key, value in request.args.iteritems())
        query = request.query_string

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'], 'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'], 0, integer=True)
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'], 'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'], 'no') == 'yes'
    scope = 'read:legacy_api' if request.method == 'GET' else 'write:legacy_api'
        oauth_valid, oauth_request = oauth.verify_request([scope])
        if not oauth_valid and oauth_request and oauth_request.error_message != 'Bearer token not found.':
            raise BadRequest('OAuth error: {}'.format(oauth_request.error_message))
        elif g.get('received_oauth_token') and oauth_request.error_message == 'Bearer token not found.':
            raise BadRequest('OAuth error: Invalid token')
    except ValueError:
        # XXX: Dirty hack to workaround a bug in flask-oauthlib that causes it
        #      not to properly urlencode request query strings
        #      Related issue (https://github.com/lepture/flask-oauthlib/issues/213)
        oauth_valid = False

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise NotFound

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if request.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
    responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        used_session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            used_session = session
            if not used_session.user:  # ignore guest sessions
                used_session = None

        if apiKey or oauth_valid or not used_session:
            if not oauth_valid:
                # Validate the API key (and its signature)
                ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path, query)
                if enforceOnlyPublic:
                    onlyPublic = True
                # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
                aw = buildAW(ak, onlyPublic)
            else:  # Access Token (OAuth)
                at = load_token(oauth_request.access_token.access_token)
                aw = buildAW(at, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('_', 'ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('_', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-Token', get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if used_session.csrf_protected and used_session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', 403)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-{}_'.format(used_session.user.id)
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                                   remove=('_', 'nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa', 'onlyauthed',

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', 403)

        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            ContextManager.set("currentAW", aw)
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = api_settings.get('cache_ttl')
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            responseUtil.status = e.getCode()
            if responseUtil.status == 405:
                responseUtil.headers['Allow'] = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
コード例 #42
ファイル: cache.py プロジェクト: pferreir/indico-backup
 def __init__(self, duration=None):
     self._cache = GenericCache("SudsCache")
     if duration is None:
         duration = 24 * 3600  # we put as default 1 day cache
     self._duration = duration
コード例 #43
def handler(req, **params):
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    path, query = req.URLFields['PATH_INFO'], req.URLFields['QUERY_STRING']
    if req.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict(req.form)
        for key, value in queryParams.iteritems():
            queryParams[key] = [str(value)]
        query = urllib.urlencode(remove_lists(queryParams))
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = parse_qs(query)

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()
    minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
    if minfo.getRoomBookingModuleActive():

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'], 'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'], 0, integer=True)
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'], 'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'], 'no') == 'yes'

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if req.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
        session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            session = getSessionForReq(req)
            if not session.getUser():  # ignore guest sessions
                session = None

        if apiKey or not session:
            # Validate the API key (and its signature)
            ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path, query)
            if enforceOnlyPublic:
                onlyPublic = True
            # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
            aw = buildAW(ak, req, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = req.headers_in.get('X-CSRF-Token', get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-' + session.getUser().getId() + '_'
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                                   remove=('nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa', 'onlyauthed',

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', apache.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)

        obj = None
        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw, req)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAPICacheTTL()
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            req.status = e.getCode()
            if req.status == apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
                req.headers_out['Allow'] = 'GET' if req.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
コード例 #44
ファイル: user.py プロジェクト: NIIF/indico
    def _confirm_email_address(self, email, data_type):
        email = email.strip().lower()

        if not validMail(email):
            raise NoReportError(_("Invalid email address: {0}").format(email))

        # Prevent adding the primary email as a secondary email
        if data_type == 'secondaryEmails' and email == self._avatar.getEmail():
            raise NoReportError(_("{0} is already the primary email address "
                                  "and cannot be used as a secondary email address.").format(email))

        # When setting a secondary email as primary, set it automatically and
        # re-index the user's emails without sending a confirmation email
        # (We assume the secondary emails are valid)
        if data_type == 'email' and email in self._avatar.getSecondaryEmails():
            self._avatar.setEmail(email, reindex=True)
            return False

        existing = AvatarHolder().match({'email': email}, searchInAuthenticators=False)
        if existing:
            if any(av for av in existing if av != self._avatar):
                raise NoReportError(_("The email address {0} is already used by another user.").format(email))
            else:  # The email is already set correctly for the user: Do nothing
                return False

        # New email address
        token_storage = GenericCache('confirm-email')
        data = {'email': email, 'data_type': data_type, 'uid': self._avatar.getId()}
        token = str(uuid.uuid4())
        while token_storage.get(token):
            token = str(uuid.uuid4())
        token_storage.set(token, data, 24 * 3600)
        url = url_for('user.confirm_email', token=token, _external=True, _secure=True)

        if data_type == 'email':
            body_format = _(
                "Dear {0},\n"
                "You requested to change your account's primary email address.\n"
                "Please open the link below within 24 hours to confirm and activate this email address:\n"
            body_format = _(
                "Dear {0},\n"
                "You added this email address to your account's secondary emails list.\n"
                "Please open the link below within 24 hours to confirm and activate this email address:\n"

        confirmation = {
            'toList': [email],
            'fromAddr': Config.getInstance().getSupportEmail(),
            'subject': _("[Indico] Verify your email address"),
            'body': body_format.format(self._avatar.getFirstName(), url)

        # Send mail with template message and link
        return True
コード例 #45
ファイル: implementation.py プロジェクト: arturodr/indico
    def __init__(self, function):
        self._function = function

        # Cache bucket per implementation
        plugin = function.__module__.split('.')[3]
        self._cache = GenericCache(plugin + 'StatisticsCache')
コード例 #46
ファイル: upcoming.py プロジェクト: pferreir/indico-backup
 def _cache(self):
     return GenericCache('UpcomingEvents')
コード例 #47
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Indico; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import re

from persistent import Persistent
from sqlalchemy.orm import load_only, noload

from indico.core.config import Config
from indico.util.caching import memoize_request
from MaKaC.common import filters
from MaKaC.common.cache import GenericCache
from MaKaC.common.ObjectHolders import ObjectHolder
from MaKaC.common.Locators import Locator

_cache = GenericCache('room-mapper')

class RoomMapperHolder(ObjectHolder):
    idxName = "roomsMapping"
    counterName = "ROOMS_MAPPING"

    def match(self, criteria, exact=False):
        crit = {}
        for f, v in criteria.items():
            crit[f] = [v]
        if crit.has_key("roommappername"):
            crit["name"] = crit["roommappername"]
        f = RoomMapperFilter(_RoomMapperFilterCriteria(crit), None)
コード例 #48
ファイル: handlers.py プロジェクト: jbenito3/indico
def handler(prefix, path):
    path = posixpath.join('/', prefix, path)
    clearCache()  # init fossil cache
    logger = Logger.get('httpapi')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Convert POST data to a query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8')) for key, value in request.form.iteritems())
        query = urllib.urlencode(queryParams)
        # Parse the actual query string
        queryParams = dict((key, value.encode('utf-8')) for key, value in request.args.iteritems())
        query = request.query_string

    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()
    minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
    if minfo.getRoomBookingModuleActive():

    apiKey = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ak', 'apikey'], None)
    cookieAuth = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['ca', 'cookieauth'], 'no') == 'yes'
    signature = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['signature'])
    timestamp = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['timestamp'], 0, integer=True)
    noCache = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['nc', 'nocache'], 'no') == 'yes'
    pretty = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['p', 'pretty'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyPublic = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['op', 'onlypublic'], 'no') == 'yes'
    onlyAuthed = get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['oa', 'onlyauthed'], 'no') == 'yes'
    oauthToken = 'oauth_token' in queryParams

    # Get our handler function and its argument and response type
    hook, dformat = HTTPAPIHook.parseRequest(path, queryParams)
    if hook is None or dformat is None:
        raise NotFound

    # Disable caching if we are not just retrieving data (or the hook requires it)
    if request.method == 'POST' or hook.NO_CACHE:
        noCache = True

    ak = error = result = None
    ts = int(time.time())
    typeMap = {}
    responseUtil = ResponseUtil()
        used_session = None
        if cookieAuth:
            used_session = session
            if not used_session.user:  # ignore guest sessions
                used_session = None

        if apiKey or oauthToken or not used_session:
            if not oauthToken:
                # Validate the API key (and its signature)
                ak, enforceOnlyPublic = checkAK(apiKey, signature, timestamp, path, query)
                if enforceOnlyPublic:
                    onlyPublic = True
                # Create an access wrapper for the API key's user
                aw = buildAW(ak, onlyPublic)
            else: # Access Token (OAuth)
                at = OAuthUtils.OAuthCheckAccessResource()
                aw = buildAW(at, onlyPublic)
            # Get rid of API key in cache key if we did not impersonate a user
            if ak and aw.getUser() is None:
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('_', 'ak', 'apiKey', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache',
                                                  'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                cacheKey = normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                          remove=('_', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'nc', 'nocache', 'oa', 'onlyauthed'))
                if signature:
                    # in case the request was signed, store the result under a different key
                    cacheKey = 'signed_' + cacheKey
            # We authenticated using a session cookie.
            if Config.getInstance().getCSRFLevel() >= 2:
                token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-Token', get_query_parameter(queryParams, ['csrftoken']))
                if used_session.csrf_protected and used_session.csrf_token != token:
                    raise HTTPAPIError('Invalid CSRF token', 403)
            aw = AccessWrapper()
            if not onlyPublic:
            userPrefix = 'user-' + used_session.user.getId() + '_'
            cacheKey = userPrefix + normalizeQuery(path, query,
                                                   remove=('_', 'nc', 'nocache', 'ca', 'cookieauth', 'oa', 'onlyauthed',

        # Bail out if the user requires authentication but is not authenticated
        if onlyAuthed and not aw.getUser():
            raise HTTPAPIError('Not authenticated', 403)

        addToCache = not hook.NO_CACHE
        cache = GenericCache('HTTPAPI')
        cacheKey = RE_REMOVE_EXTENSION.sub('', cacheKey)
        if not noCache:
            obj = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if obj is not None:
                result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap = obj
                addToCache = False
        if result is None:
            # Perform the actual exporting
            res = hook(aw)
            if isinstance(res, tuple) and len(res) == 4:
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res
                result, extra, complete, typeMap = res, {}, True, {}
        if result is not None and addToCache:
            ttl = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAPICacheTTL()
            cache.set(cacheKey, (result, extra, ts, complete, typeMap), ttl)
    except HTTPAPIError, e:
        error = e
        if e.getCode():
            responseUtil.status = e.getCode()
            if responseUtil.status == 405:
                responseUtil.headers['Allow'] = 'GET' if request.method == 'POST' else 'POST'
コード例 #49
 def __init__(self):
     self.storage = GenericCache('flask-session')
コード例 #50
ファイル: cache.py プロジェクト: Ictp/indico
 def __init__(self, duration=None):
     self._cache = GenericCache("SudsCache")
     if duration is None:
         duration = 24 * 3600 # we put as default 1 day cache
     self._duration = duration
コード例 #51
ファイル: rooms.py プロジェクト: sofian86/indico-gh-test
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     RHRoomBookingBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     self._cache = GenericCache('MapOfRooms')
コード例 #52
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: pmart123/indico
from werkzeug.urls import url_parse

from indico.core import signals
from indico.core.config import Config
from indico.core.db import db
from indico.modules.events.layout import layout_settings
from indico.modules.events.layout.models.menu import MenuEntry, MenuEntryType, TransientMenuEntry
from indico.util.caching import memoize_request
from indico.util.signals import named_objects_from_signal
from indico.util.string import crc32, return_ascii
from indico.web.flask.util import url_for

import MaKaC
from MaKaC.common.cache import GenericCache

_cache = GenericCache('updated-menus')

def _menu_entry_key(entry_data):
    return entry_data.position == -1, entry_data.position, entry_data.name

def get_menu_entries_from_signal():
    return named_objects_from_signal(signals.event.sidemenu.send(),

def build_menu_entry_name(name, plugin=None):
    """ Builds the proper name for a menu entry.