コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, search_string):
        self.ret = []
        self.final = {}
        self.is_system = False
        self.is_truth = False
        self.search_string = search_string
        base = None
        truth_only = False
        host_only = False
        if re.match("host:.*", search_string):
            host_only = True
            search_string = search_string.split(":")[1]
        if re.match("truth:.*", search_string):
            truth_only = True
            search_string = search_string.split(":")[1]
        if truth_only is False:
                system = System.objects.get(hostname=search_string)
                base = KeyValue.expanded_objects.filter(obj=system)
                self.is_system = True
                self.is_system = False
                base = None
        if base is None and host_only is False:
                truth = Truth.objects.get(name=search_string)
                base = TruthKeyValue.expanded_objects.filter(truth=truth)
                self.is_truth = True
                self.is_truth = False
                return None
        tmp_list = []
        #Let's start at our child node, first getting out own keys, these will not get overwritten by those of our parents
        for row in base:
            matches = re.match("\$\{(.*)\}", row.value)
            if not re.search("parent", row.key):
                if matches is not None:
                    m = MacroExpansion(matches.group(1))
                    row.value = m.output()
        ##Now we've got our base keys, lets get those of our parents
        for row in base:

            matches = re.match("(parent.*)", row.key)
            if matches is not None:
                parent_type = row.value.replace("${", "").split(':')[0]
                parent_name = row.value.replace("}", "").split(':')[1]
                tmp = self.get_parents(parent_type, parent_name, root=True)
                #Ok now i've got my own parents
                for host in tmp:
                    #tmp = {'key':host['key'], 'value':host['value']}

        #build a list of all of the parents keys as dictionary objects
        for row in tmp_list:
            if 'key' in row and 'value' in row:
                self.final[row['key']] = row['value']

        #overwrite the parents kv/store with my own
        for row in base:
            self.final[row.key] = row.value
class TruthHandler(BaseHandler):
    allowed_methods = API_ACCESS
    def create(self, request, key_value_id=None):
        n = KeyValue()
        if 'truth_id' in request.POST:
            truth = Truth.objects.get(id=request.POST['truth_id'])
            n.system = system
        if 'key' in request.POST:
            n.key = request.POST['key']
        if 'value' in request.POST:
            n.value = request.POST['value']
            resp = rc.ALL_OK
            resp.write('json = {"id":%i}' % (n.id))
            resp = rc.NOT_FOUND
            resp.write('Unable to Create Key/Value Pair')
        return resp

    def update(self, request, key_value_id=None):
        n = KeyValue.objects.get(id=key_value_id,key=request.POST['key'])
        if 'system_id' in request.POST:
            system = System.objects.get(id=request.POST['system_id'])
            n.system = system
        if 'value' in request.POST:
            n.value = request.POST['value']
            resp = rc.ALL_OK
            resp.write('json = {"id":%i}' % (n.id))
            resp = rc.NOT_FOUND
            resp.write('Unable to Create Key/Value Pair')
        return resp
    def read(self, request, key_value_id=None):
        base = Truth.expanded_objects
        if 'key' in request.GET:
            base = base.filter(key=request.GET['key'])
        if 'value' in request.GET:
            base = base.filter(value=request.GET['value'])
        if 'id' in request.GET:
            base = base.filter(id=request.GET['id'])
        if key_value_id is not None:
            base = base.filter(id=key_value_id)
        if 'truth_id' in request.GET:
                truth = System.objects.get(id=request.GET['truth_id'])
                base = base.filter(truth=truth)
            except Exception, e:
                resp = rc.NOT_FOUND
                return resp

        for row in base:
            matches = re.match("\$\{(.*)\}", row.value)
            if matches is not None:
                m = MacroExpansion(matches.group(1))
                row.value = m.output()
        return base
コード例 #3
    def read(self, request, key_value_id=None):
        #if keystore get var is set return the whole keystore
        if 'keystore' in request.GET:
            #if key get var is set return the keystore based on the existance of this key
            if 'key' in request.GET:
                base = KeyValue.objects.filter(
                tmp_list = []
                for row in base:
                    matches = re.match("\$\{(.*)\}", row.value)
                    if matches is not None:
                        m = MacroExpansion(matches.group(1))
                        row.value = m.output()
                for r in base:
                    key_name = 'host:%s:%s' % (r.system.hostname, r.key)
                    tmp_list[key_name] = r.value
            if 'key' not in request.GET:
                tree = KeyValueTree(request.GET['keystore']).final
                return tree
        elif 'key_type' in request.GET:
            key_type = request.GET['key_type']
            tmp_list = []
            if key_type == 'dhcp_scopes':
                #Get keystores from truth that have dhcp.is_scope = True
                base = TruthKeyValue.objects.filter(key='dhcp.is_scope',
                #Iterate through the list and get all of the key/value pairs
                for row in base:
                    keyvalue = TruthKeyValue.objects.filter(truth=row.truth)
                    tmp_dict = {}
                    for kv in keyvalue:
                        tmp_dict[kv.key] = kv.value
                return tmp_list

            if key_type == 'system_by_reverse_dns_zone':

                #Get keystores from truth that have dhcp.is_scope = True
                keyvalue_pairs = KeyValue.objects.filter(
                #Iterate through the list and get all of the key/value pairs
                tmp_list = []
                for row in keyvalue_pairs:
                    keyvalue = KeyValue.objects.filter(obj=row.system)
                    tmp_dict = {}
                    for kv in keyvalue:
                        tmp_dict[kv.key] = kv.value
                    tmp_dict['hostname'] = row.system.hostname
                    appendable = True
                    for the_items in tmp_list:
                        if 'hostname' not in the_items:
                            appendable = True
                        elif the_items['hostname'] == row.system.hostname:
                            appendable = False
                    if appendable is True:
                    #tmp_list = list(set(tmp_list))
                return tmp_list
            if key_type == 'system_by_scope':
                #Get keystores from truth that have dhcp.is_scope = True
                keyvalue_pairs = KeyValue.objects.filter(
                #Iterate through the list and get all of the key/value pairs
                tmp_list = []
                for row in keyvalue_pairs:
                    keyvalue = KeyValue.objects.filter(obj=row.system)
                    tmp_dict = {}
                    for kv in keyvalue:
                        tmp_dict[kv.key] = kv.value
                    tmp_dict['hostname'] = row.system.hostname
                    appendable = True
                    for the_items in tmp_list:
                        if 'hostname' not in the_items:
                            appendable = True
                        elif the_items['hostname'] == row.system.hostname:
                            appendable = False
                    if appendable is True:
                    #tmp_list = list(set(tmp_list))
                return tmp_list
            if key_type == 'adapters_by_system':
                #Get keystores from truth that have dhcp.is_scope = True
                system = System.objects.get(hostname=request.GET['system'])
                keyvalue_pairs = KeyValue.objects.filter(
                #Iterate through the list and get all of the key/value pairs
                tmp_dict = {}
                adapter_ids = []
                final_list = []
                for kv in keyvalue_pairs:
                    tmp_dict[kv.key] = kv.value
                for k in tmp_dict.iterkeys():
                    matches = re.match('nic\.(\d+).*', k)
                    if matches.group is not None:
                        if matches.group(1) not in adapter_ids:
                for a in adapter_ids:
                    adapter_name = ''
                    mac_address = ''
                    dhcp_hostname = ''
                    dhcp_filename = ''
                    ipv4_address = ''
                    if 'nic.%s.ipv4_address.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        ipv4_address = tmp_dict['nic.%s.ipv4_address.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.name.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        adapter_name = tmp_dict['nic.%s.name.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.mac_address.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        mac_address = tmp_dict['nic.%s.mac_address.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.dhcp_hostname.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        dhcp_hostname = tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_hostname.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.dhcp_filename.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        dhcp_filename = tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_filename.0' % a]
                            'system_hostname': system.hostname,
                            'ipv4_address': ipv4_address,
                            'adapter_name': adapter_name,
                            'mac_address': mac_address,
                            'dhcp_hostname': dhcp_hostname,
                            'dhcp_filename': dhcp_filename
                return final_list
            if key_type == 'adapters_by_system_and_zone':
                #Get keystores from truth that have dhcp.is_scope = True
                zone = request.GET['zone']
                system = System.objects.get(hostname=request.GET['system'])
                keyvalue_pairs = KeyValue.objects.filter(
                #Iterate through the list and get all of the key/value pairs
                tmp_dict = {}
                adapter_ids = []
                final_list = []
                for kv in keyvalue_pairs:
                    tmp_dict[kv.key] = kv.value
                for k in tmp_dict.iterkeys():
                    matches = re.match('nic\.(\d+).*', k)
                    if matches.group is not None:
                        dhcp_scope_match = 'nic.%s.reverse_dns_zone.0' % matches.group(
                        if matches.group(
                        ) not in adapter_ids and dhcp_scope_match in tmp_dict and tmp_dict[
                                dhcp_scope_match] == zone:
                            #if matches.group(1) not in adapter_ids and 'nic.%s.dhcp_scope.0' % matches.group(1) in tmp_dict and tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_scope.0' % matches.group(1)] == dhcp_scope:
                for a in adapter_ids:
                    adapter_name = ''
                    mac_address = ''
                    dhcp_hostname = ''
                    dhcp_filename = ''
                    dhcp_domain_name = ''
                    ipv4_address = ''
                    if 'nic.%s.ipv4_address.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        ipv4_address = tmp_dict['nic.%s.ipv4_address.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.name.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        adapter_name = tmp_dict['nic.%s.name.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.mac_address.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        mac_address = tmp_dict['nic.%s.mac_address.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.dhcp_hostname.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        dhcp_hostname = tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_hostname.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.dhcp_filename.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        dhcp_filename = tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_filename.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.dhcp_domain_name.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        dhcp_domain_name = tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_domain_name.0'
                                                    % a]
                        'system_hostname': system.hostname,
                        'ipv4_address': ipv4_address
                return final_list
            if key_type == 'adapters_by_system_and_scope':
                #Get keystores from truth that have dhcp.is_scope = True
                dhcp_scope = request.GET['dhcp_scope']
                system = System.objects.get(hostname=request.GET['system'])
                keyvalue_pairs = KeyValue.objects.filter(
                #Iterate through the list and get all of the key/value pairs
                tmp_dict = {}
                adapter_ids = []
                final_list = []
                for kv in keyvalue_pairs:
                    tmp_dict[kv.key] = kv.value
                for k in tmp_dict.iterkeys():
                    matches = re.match('nic\.(\d+).*', k)
                    if matches.group is not None:
                        dhcp_scope_match = 'nic.%s.dhcp_scope.0' % matches.group(
                        if matches.group(
                        ) not in adapter_ids and dhcp_scope_match in tmp_dict and tmp_dict[
                                dhcp_scope_match] == dhcp_scope:
                            #if matches.group(1) not in adapter_ids and 'nic.%s.dhcp_scope.0' % matches.group(1) in tmp_dict and tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_scope.0' % matches.group(1)] == dhcp_scope:
                for a in adapter_ids:
                    adapter_name = ''
                    mac_address = ''
                    dhcp_hostname = ''
                    dhcp_filename = ''
                    dhcp_domain_name = ''
                    ipv4_address = ''
                    if 'nic.%s.ipv4_address.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        ipv4_address = tmp_dict['nic.%s.ipv4_address.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.name.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        adapter_name = tmp_dict['nic.%s.name.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.mac_address.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        mac_address = tmp_dict['nic.%s.mac_address.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.dhcp_hostname.0' % a in tmp_dict and 'nic.%s.option_hostname.0' % a not in tmp_dict:
                        dhcp_hostname = tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_hostname.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.option_hostname.0' % a not in tmp_dict:
                        dhcp_hostname = tmp_dict['nic.%s.option_hostname.0' %
                    if 'nic.%s.dhcp_filename.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        dhcp_filename = tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_filename.0' % a]
                    if 'nic.%s.dhcp_domain_name.0' % a in tmp_dict:
                        dhcp_domain_name = tmp_dict['nic.%s.dhcp_domain_name.0'
                                                    % a]
                        'system_hostname': system.hostname,
                        'ipv4_address': ipv4_address,
                        'adapter_name': adapter_name,
                        'mac_address': mac_address,
                        'dhcp_hostname': dhcp_hostname,
                        'dhcp_filename': dhcp_filename,
                        'dhcp_domain_name': dhcp_domain_name
                return final_list
        elif 'key' in request.GET and request.GET['key'] > '':
            tmp_list = {}
                base = KeyValue.objects.filter(key=request.GET['key'])
                for row in base:
                    matches = re.match("\$\{(.*)\}", row.value)
                    if matches is not None:
                        m = MacroExpansion(matches.group(1))
                        row.value = m.output()
                for r in base:
                    key_name = 'host:%s:%s' % (r.system.hostname, r.key)
                    tmp_list[key_name] = r.value
            except Exception, e:
                base = TruthKeyValue.objects.filter(key=request.GET['key'])
                for row in base:
                    matches = re.match("\$\{(.*)\}", row.value)
                    if matches is not None:
                        m = MacroExpansion(matches.group(1))
                        row.value = m.output()
                for r in base:
                    key_name = 'truth:%s:%s' % (r.truth.name, r.key)
                    tmp_list[key_name] = r.value
            except Exception, e:
コード例 #4
                        row.value = m.output()
                for r in base:
                    key_name = 'truth:%s:%s' % (r.truth.name, r.key)
                    tmp_list[key_name] = r.value
            except Exception, e:

            return tmp_list
        elif 'value' in request.GET:
            tmp_list = {}
                base = KeyValue.objects.filter(value=request.GET['value'])
                for row in base:
                    matches = re.match("\$\{(.*)\}", row.value)
                    if matches is not None:
                        m = MacroExpansion(matches.group(1))
                        row.value = m.output()
                for r in base:
                    key_name = 'host:%s:%s' % (r.system.hostname, r.key)
                    tmp_list[key_name] = r.value
            except Exception, e:
                base = TruthKeyValue.objects.filter(value=request.GET['value'])
                for row in base:
                    matches = re.match("\$\{(.*)\}", row.value)
                    if matches is not None:
                        m = MacroExpansion(matches.group(1))
                        row.value = m.output()
                for r in base:
                    key_name = 'truth:%s:%s' % (r.truth.name, r.key)
コード例 #5
 def test_key_value_found(self):
     m = MacroExpansion('host:fake-hostname2:ip_address')
     self.assertEqual(m.output(), '')
コード例 #6
    def get_parents(self, parent_type, parent_name, root=False):
        #ret = []
        if parent_type is not None and parent_name is not None:
            obj = None
            if parent_type == 'host':
                obj = System.objects.get(hostname=parent_name)
                base = KeyValue.expanded_objects.filter(obj=obj).exclude(
                base_parents = KeyValue.expanded_objects.filter(
                    obj=obj, key__contains='parent')
                parent_compare = obj.hostname
            elif parent_type == 'truth':
                obj = Truth.objects.get(name=parent_name)
                base = TruthKeyValue.expanded_objects.filter(
                base_parents = TruthKeyValue.expanded_objects.filter(
                    truth=obj, key__contains='parent')
                parent_compare = obj.name

            if base is not None and obj is not None:
                for host in base:
                    if host.value is not None and host.key is not None:
                        matches = re.match("\$\{(.*)\}", host.value)
                        if not re.search("parent", host.key):
                            if matches is not None:
                                m = MacroExpansion(matches.group(1))
                                host.value = m.output()
                    if host.key is not None and host.value is not None:
                        if self.search_string != parent_compare:
                            host.key = "%s:%s:%s" % (parent_type, parent_name,
                        tmp = {'key': host.key, 'value': host.value}
                for row in base_parents:
                    parent_type = row.value.replace("${", "").split(':')[0]
                    parent_name = row.value.replace("}", "").split(':')[1]
                        self.get_parents(parent_type, parent_name, root=False))
                """for host in base:
                    if host.value is not None and host.key is not None:
                        matches = re.match("\$\{(.*)\}", host.value) 
                        if not re.search("parent", host.key): 
                            if matches is not None: 
                                m = MacroExpansion(matches.group(1))
                                host.value = m.output()
                    if host.key is not None and host.value is not None:
                        #Not sure if i'll keep this or not, but display the parent's name in ()
                        if self.search_string != truth.hostname:
                            host.key = "truth:%s:%s" % (parent_name, host.key)
                        tmp = {'key':host.key, 'value':host.value}

                base_parents = TruthKeyValue.expanded_objects.filter(truth=truth,key__contains='parent')
                for row in base_parents:
                    parent_type = row.value.replace("${","").split(':')[0]
                    parent_name = row.value.replace("}","").split(':')[1]
                    self.ret.append(self.get_parents(parent_type, parent_name, root=False))"""

            return self.ret
            return None