コード例 #1
 def getMemberName(self, member):
     name = self.select_on('name', member)
     if len(name):
         return Utils.canonstr(name[0])
         return name[0]
コード例 #2
 def getMemberName(self, member):
     name = self.select_on('name', member)
     if len(name):
             return Utils.canonstr(name[0])
             return name[0]
コード例 #3
    def _setValue(self, mlist, property, val, doc):
        if property == 'real_name' and \
               val.lower() != mlist.internal_name().lower():
            # These values can't differ by other than case
            doc.addError(_("""<b>real_name</b> attribute not
            changed!  It must differ from the list's name by case
        elif property == 'new_member_options':
            # Get current value because there are valid bits not in OPTIONS.
            # If we're the admin CGI, we then process the bits in OPTIONS,
            # turning them on or off as appropriate.  Otherwise we process all
            # the bits in mm_cfg.OPTINFO so that config_list can set and reset
            # them.
            newopts = mlist.new_member_options
            if isinstance(doc, Document):
                opts = OPTIONS
                opts = mm_cfg.OPTINFO
            for opt in opts:
                bitfield = mm_cfg.OPTINFO[opt]
                if opt in val:
                    newopts |= bitfield
                    newopts &= ~bitfield
            mlist.new_member_options = newopts
        elif property == 'subject_prefix':
            # Convert any html entities to Unicode
            mlist.subject_prefix = Utils.canonstr(
                val, mlist.preferred_language)
        elif property == 'info':
            if val != mlist.info:
                if Utils.suspiciousHTML(val):
                    doc.addError(_("""The <b>info</b> attribute you saved
contains suspicious HTML that could potentially expose your users to cross-site
scripting attacks.  This change has therefore been rejected.  If you still want
to make these changes, you must have shell access to your Mailman server.
This change can be made with bin/withlist or with bin/config_list by setting
                    mlist.info = val
        elif property == 'admin_member_chunksize' and (val < 1
                                          or not isinstance(val, int)):
            doc.addError(_("""<b>admin_member_chunksize</b> attribute not
            changed!  It must be an integer > 0."""))
        elif property == 'host_name':
                Utils.ValidateEmail('user@' + val)
            except Errors.EmailAddressError:
                doc.addError(_("""<b>host_name</b> attribute not changed!
                It must be a valid domain name."""))
                GUIBase._setValue(self, mlist, property, val, doc)
            GUIBase._setValue(self, mlist, property, val, doc)
コード例 #4
ファイル: General.py プロジェクト: bdraco/mailman
    def _setValue(self, mlist, property, val, doc):
        if property == 'real_name' and \
               val.lower() <> str(mlist.real_name.lower()):
            # These values can't differ by other than case
            doc.addError(_("""<b>real_name</b> attribute not
            changed!  It must differ from the list's name by case
        elif property == 'new_member_options':
            # Get current value because there are valid bits not in OPTIONS.
            # If we're the admin CGI, we then process the bits in OPTIONS,
            # turning them on or off as appropriate.  Otherwise we process all
            # the bits in mm_cfg.OPTINFO so that config_list can set and reset
            # them.
            newopts = mlist.new_member_options
            if isinstance(doc, Document):
                opts = OPTIONS
                opts = mm_cfg.OPTINFO
            for opt in opts:
                bitfield = mm_cfg.OPTINFO[opt]
                if opt in val:
                    newopts |= bitfield
                    newopts &= ~bitfield
            mlist.new_member_options = newopts
        elif property == 'subject_prefix':
            # Convert any html entities to Unicode
            mlist.subject_prefix = Utils.canonstr(
                val, mlist.preferred_language)
        elif property == 'info':
            if val <> mlist.info:
                if 0 and Utils.suspiciousHTML(val):
                    doc.addError(_("""The <b>info</b> attribute you saved
contains suspicious HTML that could potentially expose your users to cross-site
scripting attacks.  This change has therefore been rejected.  If you still want
to make these changes, you must have shell access to your Mailman server.
This change can be made with bin/withlist or with bin/config_list by setting
                    mlist.info = val
        elif property == 'admin_member_chunksize' and (val < 1
                                          or not isinstance(val, IntType)):
            doc.addError(_("""<b>admin_member_chunksize</b> attribute not
            changed!  It must be an integer > 0."""))
            GUIBase._setValue(self, mlist, property, val, doc)
コード例 #5
ファイル: subscribe.py プロジェクト: RalfJung/ansible
def process_form(mlist, doc, cgidata, lang):
    listowner = mlist.GetOwnerEmail()
    realname = mlist.real_name
    results = []

    # The email address being subscribed, required
    email = cgidata.getfirst('email', '').strip()
    if not email:
        results.append(_('You must supply a valid email address.'))

    fullname = cgidata.getfirst('fullname', '')
    # Canonicalize the full name
    fullname = Utils.canonstr(fullname, lang)
    # Who was doing the subscribing?
    remote = os.environ.get('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR',
                            'unidentified origin')))

    # Check reCAPTCHA submission, if enabled
        request = urllib2.Request(
            url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify',
            data = urllib.urlencode({
                'secret': mm_cfg.RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
                'response': cgidata.getvalue('g-recaptcha-response', ''),
                'remoteip': remote}))
            httpresp = urllib2.urlopen(request)
            captcha_response = json.load(httpresp)
            if not captcha_response['success']:
                e_codes = COMMASPACE.join(captcha_response['error-codes'])
                results.append(_('reCAPTCHA validation failed: %(e_codes)s'))
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            e_reason = e.reason
            results.append(_('reCAPTCHA could not be validated: %(e_reason)s'))
コード例 #6
def process_form(mlist, doc, cgidata, lang):
    listowner = mlist.GetOwnerEmail()
    realname = mlist.real_name
    results = []

    # The email address being subscribed, required
    email = cgidata.getvalue('email', '').strip()
    if not email:
        results.append(_('You must supply a valid email address.'))

    fullname = cgidata.getvalue('fullname', '')
    # Canonicalize the full name
    fullname = Utils.canonstr(fullname, lang)
    # Who was doing the subscribing?
    remote = os.environ.get('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR',
                            'unidentified origin')))
    # Are we checking the hidden data?
        now = int(time.time())
        # Try to accept a range in case of load balancers, etc.  (LP: #1447445)
        if remote.find('.') >= 0:
            # ipv4 - drop last octet
            remote1 = remote.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
            # ipv6 - drop last 16 (could end with :: in which case we just
            #        drop one : resulting in an invalid format, but it's only
            #        for our hash so it doesn't matter.
            remote1 = remote.rsplit(':', 1)[0]
            ftime, fhash = cgidata.getvalue('sub_form_token', '').split(':')
            then = int(ftime)
        except ValueError:
            ftime = fhash = ''
            then = 0
        token = Utils.sha_new(mm_cfg.SUBSCRIBE_FORM_SECRET +
                              ftime +
                              mlist.internal_name() +
        if ftime and now - then > mm_cfg.FORM_LIFETIME:
            results.append(_('The form is too old.  Please GET it again.'))
        if ftime and now - then < mm_cfg.SUBSCRIBE_FORM_MIN_TIME:
    _('Please take a few seconds to fill out the form before submitting it.'))
        if ftime and token != fhash:
                _("The hidden token didn't match.  Did your IP change?"))
        if not ftime:
    _('There was no hidden token in your submission or it was corrupted.'))
            results.append(_('You must GET the form before submitting it.'))
    # Was an attempt made to subscribe the list to itself?
    if email == mlist.GetListEmail():
        syslog('mischief', 'Attempt to self subscribe %s: %s', email, remote)
        results.append(_('You may not subscribe a list to itself!'))
    # If the user did not supply a password, generate one for him
    password = cgidata.getvalue('pw', '').strip()
    confirmed = cgidata.getvalue('pw-conf', '').strip()

    if not password and not confirmed:
        password = Utils.MakeRandomPassword()
    elif not password or not confirmed:
        results.append(_('If you supply a password, you must confirm it.'))
    elif password <> confirmed:
        results.append(_('Your passwords did not match.'))

    # Get the digest option for the subscription.
    digestflag = cgidata.getvalue('digest')
    if digestflag:
            digest = int(digestflag)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            digest = 0
        digest = mlist.digest_is_default

    # Sanity check based on list configuration.  BAW: It's actually bogus that
    # the page allows you to set the digest flag if you don't really get the
    # choice. :/
    if not mlist.digestable:
        digest = 0
    elif not mlist.nondigestable:
        digest = 1

    if results:
        print_results(mlist, ERRORSEP.join(results), doc, lang)

    # If this list has private rosters, we have to be careful about the
    # message that gets printed, otherwise the subscription process can be
    # used to mine for list members.  It may be inefficient, but it's still
    # possible, and that kind of defeats the purpose of private rosters.
    # We'll use this string for all successful or unsuccessful subscription
    # results.
    if mlist.private_roster == 0:
        # Public rosters
        privacy_results = ''
        privacy_results = _("""\
Your subscription request has been received, and will soon be acted upon.
Depending on the configuration of this mailing list, your subscription request
may have to be first confirmed by you via email, or approved by the list
moderator.  If confirmation is required, you will soon get a confirmation
email which contains further instructions.""")

        userdesc = UserDesc(email, fullname, password, digest, lang)
        mlist.AddMember(userdesc, remote)
        results = ''
    # Check for all the errors that mlist.AddMember can throw options on the
    # web page for this cgi
    except Errors.MembershipIsBanned:
        results = _("""The email address you supplied is banned from this
        mailing list.  If you think this restriction is erroneous, please
        contact the list owners at %(listowner)s.""")
    except Errors.MMBadEmailError:
        results = _("""\
The email address you supplied is not valid.  (E.g. it must contain an
    except Errors.MMHostileAddress:
        results = _("""\
Your subscription is not allowed because the email address you gave is
    except Errors.MMSubscribeNeedsConfirmation:
        # Results string depends on whether we have private rosters or not
        if privacy_results:
            results = privacy_results
            results = _("""\
Confirmation from your email address is required, to prevent anyone from
subscribing you without permission.  Instructions are being sent to you at
%(email)s.  Please note your subscription will not start until you confirm
your subscription.""")
    except Errors.MMNeedApproval, x:
        # Results string depends on whether we have private rosters or not
        if privacy_results:
            results = privacy_results
            # We need to interpolate into x.__str__()
            x = _(str(x))
            results = _("""\
Your subscription request was deferred because %(x)s.  Your request has been
forwarded to the list moderator.  You will receive email informing you of the
moderator's decision when they get to your request.""")
コード例 #7
def main():
    global _
    doc = Document()

    method = Utils.GetRequestMethod()
    if method.lower() not in ('get', 'post'):
        title = _('CGI script error')
        doc.AddItem(Header(2, title))
        doc.addError(_('Invalid request method: %(method)s'))
        print('Status: 405 Method Not Allowed')

    parts = Utils.GetPathPieces()
    lenparts = parts and len(parts)
    if not parts or lenparts < 1:
        title = _('CGI script error')
        doc.AddItem(Header(2, title))
        doc.addError(_('Invalid options to CGI script.'))

    # get the list and user's name
    listname = parts[0].lower()
    # open list
        mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=0)
    except Errors.MMListError as e:
        # Avoid cross-site scripting attacks
        safelistname = Utils.websafe(listname)
        title = _('CGI script error')
        doc.AddItem(Header(2, title))
        doc.addError(_('No such list <em>%(safelistname)s</em>'))
        # Send this with a 404 status.
        print('Status: 404 Not Found')
        syslog('error', 'options: No such list "%s": %s\n', listname, e)

    # The total contents of the user's response
    cgidata = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=1)

    # CSRF check
    safe_params = [
        'displang-button', 'language', 'email', 'password', 'login',
        'login-unsub', 'login-remind', 'VARHELP', 'UserOptions'
        params = list(cgidata.keys())
    except TypeError:
        # Someone crafted a POST with a bad Content-Type:.
        doc.AddItem(Header(2, _("Error")))
        doc.AddItem(Bold(_('Invalid options to CGI script.')))
        # Send this with a 400 status.
        print('Status: 400 Bad Request')

    if set(params) - set(safe_params):
        csrf_checked = csrf_check(mlist, cgidata.getfirst('csrf_token'))
        csrf_checked = True
    # if password is present, void cookie to force password authentication.
    if cgidata.getfirst('password'):
        os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = ''
        csrf_checked = True

    # Set the language for the page.  If we're coming from the listinfo cgi,
    # we might have a 'language' key in the cgi data.  That was an explicit
    # preference to view the page in, so we should honor that here.  If that's
    # not available, use the list's default language.
    language = cgidata.getfirst('language')
    if not Utils.IsLanguage(language):
        language = mlist.preferred_language

    if lenparts < 2:
        user = cgidata.getfirst('email')
        if not user:
            # If we're coming from the listinfo page and we left the email
            # address field blank, it's not an error.  Likewise if we're
            # coming from anywhere else. Only issue the error if we came
            # via one of our buttons.
            if (cgidata.getfirst('login') or cgidata.getfirst('login-unsub')
                    or cgidata.getfirst('login-remind')):
                doc.addError(_('No address given'))
            loginpage(mlist, doc, None, language)
        user = Utils.LCDomain(Utils.UnobscureEmail(SLASH.join(parts[1:])))
    # If a user submits a form or URL with post data or query fragments
    # with multiple occurrences of the same variable, we can get a list
    # here.  Be as careful as possible.
    if isinstance(user, list) or isinstance(user, tuple):
        if len(user) == 0:
            user = ''
            user = user[-1]

    # Avoid cross-site scripting attacks
    safeuser = Utils.websafe(user)
    except Errors.EmailAddressError:
        doc.addError(_('Illegal Email Address: %(safeuser)s'))
        loginpage(mlist, doc, None, language)
    # Sanity check the user, but only give the "no such member" error when
    # using public rosters, otherwise, we'll leak membership information.
    if not mlist.isMember(user) and mlist.private_roster == 0:
        doc.addError(_('No such member: %(safeuser)s.'))
        loginpage(mlist, doc, None, language)

    # Find the case preserved email address (the one the user subscribed with)
    lcuser = user.lower()
        cpuser = mlist.getMemberCPAddress(lcuser)
    except Errors.NotAMemberError:
        # This happens if the user isn't a member but we've got private rosters
        cpuser = None
    if lcuser == cpuser:
        cpuser = None

    # And now we know the user making the request, so set things up to for the
    # user's stored preferred language, overridden by any form settings for
    # their new language preference.
    userlang = cgidata.getfirst('language')
    if not Utils.IsLanguage(userlang):
        userlang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(user)

    # Are we processing an unsubscription request from the login screen?
    msgc = _('If you are a list member, a confirmation email has been sent.')
    msga = _("""If you are a list member, your unsubscription request has been
             forwarded to the list administrator for approval.""")
    if 'login-unsub' in cgidata:
        # Because they can't supply a password for unsubscribing, we'll need
        # to do the confirmation dance.
        if mlist.isMember(user):
            # We must acquire the list lock in order to pend a request.
                # If unsubs require admin approval, then this request has to
                # be held.  Otherwise, send a confirmation.
                if mlist.unsubscribe_policy:
                    doc.addError(msga, tag='')
                    ip = os.environ.get(
                                           'unidentified origin')))
                    mlist.ConfirmUnsubscription(user, userlang, remote=ip)
                    doc.addError(msgc, tag='')
            # Not a member
            if mlist.private_roster == 0:
                # Public rosters
                doc.addError(_('No such member: %(safeuser)s.'))
                       'Unsub attempt of non-member w/ private rosters: %s',
                if mlist.unsubscribe_policy:
                    doc.addError(msga, tag='')
                    doc.addError(msgc, tag='')
        loginpage(mlist, doc, user, language)

    # Are we processing a password reminder from the login screen?
    msg = _("""If you are a list member,
            your password has been emailed to you.""")
    if 'login-remind' in cgidata:
        if mlist.isMember(user):
            doc.addError(msg, tag='')
            # Not a member
            if mlist.private_roster == 0:
                # Public rosters
                doc.addError(_('No such member: %(safeuser)s.'))
                    'Reminder attempt of non-member w/ private rosters: %s',
                doc.addError(msg, tag='')
        loginpage(mlist, doc, user, language)

    # Get the password from the form.
    password = cgidata.getfirst('password', '').strip()
    # Check authentication.  We need to know if the credentials match the user
    # or the site admin, because they are the only ones who are allowed to
    # change things globally.  Specifically, the list admin may not change
    # values globally.
        user_or_siteadmin_context = (mm_cfg.AuthUser, mm_cfg.AuthSiteAdmin)
        # Site and list admins are treated equal so that list admin can pass
        # site admin test. :-(
        user_or_siteadmin_context = (mm_cfg.AuthUser, )
    is_user_or_siteadmin = mlist.WebAuthenticate(user_or_siteadmin_context,
                                                 password, user)
    # Authenticate, possibly using the password supplied in the login page
    if not is_user_or_siteadmin and \
       not mlist.WebAuthenticate((mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin,
                                 password, user):
        # Not authenticated, so throw up the login page again.  If they tried
        # to authenticate via cgi (instead of cookie), then print an error
        # message.
        if 'password' in cgidata:
            doc.addError(_('Authentication failed.'))
            remote = os.environ.get(
                    os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', 'unidentified origin')))
                'Authorization failed (private): user=%s: list=%s: remote=%s',
                user, listname, remote)
            # So as not to allow membership leakage, prompt for the email
            # address and the password here.
            if mlist.private_roster != 0:
                       'Login failure with private rosters: %s from %s', user,
                user = None
            # give an HTTP 401 for authentication failure
            print('Status: 401 Unauthorized')
        loginpage(mlist, doc, user, language)

    # From here on out, the user is okay to view and modify their membership
    # options.  The first set of checks does not require the list to be
    # locked.

    # However, if a form is submitted for a user who has been asynchronously
    # unsubscribed, uncaught NotAMemberError exceptions can be thrown.

    if not mlist.isMember(user):
        loginpage(mlist, doc, user, language)

    # Before going further, get the result of CSRF check and do nothing
    # if it has failed.
    if csrf_checked == False:
            _('The form lifetime has expired. (request forgery check)'))
        options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang)

    # See if this is VARHELP on topics.
    varhelp = None
    if 'VARHELP' in cgidata:
        varhelp = cgidata['VARHELP'].value
    elif os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING'):
        # POST methods, even if their actions have a query string, don't get
        # put into FieldStorage's keys :-(
        qs = cgi.parse_qs(os.environ['QUERY_STRING']).get('VARHELP')
        if qs and type(qs) == list:
            varhelp = qs[0]
    if varhelp:
        # Sanitize the topic name.
        varhelp = re.sub('<.*', '', varhelp)
        topic_details(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang, varhelp)

    if 'logout' in cgidata:
        print(mlist.ZapCookie(mm_cfg.AuthUser, user))
        loginpage(mlist, doc, user, language)

    if 'emailpw' in cgidata:
        options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang,
                     _('A reminder of your password has been emailed to you.'))

    if 'othersubs' in cgidata:
        # Only the user or site administrator can view all subscriptions.
        if not is_user_or_siteadmin:
                _("""The list administrator may not view the other
            subscriptions for this user."""), _('Note: '))
            options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang)
        hostname = mlist.host_name
        title = _('List subscriptions for %(safeuser)s on %(hostname)s')
        doc.AddItem(Header(2, title))
            _('''Click on a link to visit your options page for the
        requested mailing list.'''))

        # Troll through all the mailing lists that match host_name and see if
        # the user is a member.  If so, add it to the list.
        onlists = []
        for gmlist in lists_of_member(mlist, user) + [mlist]:
            extra = ''
            url = gmlist.GetOptionsURL(user)
            link = Link(url, gmlist.real_name)
            if gmlist.getDeliveryStatus(user) != MemberAdaptor.ENABLED:
                extra += ', ' + _('nomail')
            if user in gmlist.getDigestMemberKeys():
                extra += ', ' + _('digest')
            link = HTMLFormatObject(link, 0) + extra
            onlists.append((gmlist.real_name, link))
        items = OrderedList(*[link for name, link in onlists])

    if 'change-of-address' in cgidata:
        # We could be changing the user's full name, email address, or both.
        # Watch out for non-ASCII characters in the member's name.
        membername = cgidata.getfirst('fullname')
        # Canonicalize the member's name
        membername = Utils.canonstr(membername, language)
        newaddr = cgidata.getfirst('new-address')
        confirmaddr = cgidata.getfirst('confirm-address')

        oldname = mlist.getMemberName(user)
        set_address = set_membername = 0

        # See if the user wants to change their email address globally.  The
        # list admin is /not/ allowed to make global changes.
        globally = cgidata.getfirst('changeaddr-globally')
        if globally and not is_user_or_siteadmin:
                _("""The list administrator may not change the names
            or addresses for this user's other subscriptions.  However, the
            subscription for this mailing list has been changed."""),
                _('Note: '))
            globally = False
        # We will change the member's name under the following conditions:
        # - membername has a value
        # - membername has no value, but they /used/ to have a membername
        if membername and membername != oldname:
            # Setting it to a new value
            set_membername = 1
        if not membername and oldname:
            # Unsetting it
            set_membername = 1
        # We will change the user's address if both newaddr and confirmaddr
        # are non-blank, have the same value, and aren't the currently
        # subscribed email address (when compared case-sensitively).  If both
        # are blank, but membername is set, we ignore it, otherwise we print
        # an error.
        msg = ''
        if newaddr and confirmaddr:
            if newaddr != confirmaddr:
                options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang,
                             _('Addresses did not match!'))
            if newaddr == cpuser:
                options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang,
                             _('You are already using that email address'))
            # If they're requesting to subscribe an address which is already a
            # member, and they're /not/ doing it globally, then refuse.
            # Otherwise, we'll agree to do it globally (with a warning
            # message) and let ApprovedChangeMemberAddress() handle already a
            # member issues.
            if mlist.isMember(newaddr):
                safenewaddr = Utils.websafe(newaddr)
                if globally:
                    listname = mlist.real_name
                    msg += _("""\
The new address you requested %(newaddr)s is already a member of the
%(listname)s mailing list, however you have also requested a global change of
address.  Upon confirmation, any other mailing list containing the address
%(safeuser)s will be changed. """)
                    # Don't return
                        mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang,
                        _('The new address is already a member: %(newaddr)s'))
            set_address = 1
        elif (newaddr or confirmaddr) and not set_membername:
            options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang,
                         _('Addresses may not be blank'))

        # Standard sigterm handler.
        def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist):

        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler)
        if set_address:
            if cpuser is None:
                cpuser = user
            # Register the pending change after the list is locked
            msg += _('A confirmation message has been sent to %(newaddr)s. ')
                    mlist.ChangeMemberAddress(cpuser, newaddr, globally)
            except Errors.MMBadEmailError:
                msg = _('Bad email address provided')
            except Errors.MMHostileAddress:
                msg = _('Illegal email address provided')
            except Errors.MMAlreadyAMember:
                msg = _('%(newaddr)s is already a member of the list.')
            except Errors.MembershipIsBanned:
                owneraddr = mlist.GetOwnerEmail()
                msg = _("""%(newaddr)s is banned from this list.  If you
                      think this restriction is erroneous, please contact
                      the list owners at %(owneraddr)s.""")

        if set_membername:
                mlist.ChangeMemberName(user, membername, globally)
            msg += _('Member name successfully changed. ')

        options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang, msg)

    if 'changepw' in cgidata:
        # Is this list admin and is list admin allowed to change passwords.
        if not (is_user_or_siteadmin
                or mm_cfg.OWNERS_CAN_CHANGE_MEMBER_PASSWORDS):
                _("""The list administrator may not change the
                    password for a user."""))
            options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang)
        newpw = cgidata.getfirst('newpw', '').strip()
        confirmpw = cgidata.getfirst('confpw', '').strip()
        if not newpw or not confirmpw:
            options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang,
                         _('Passwords may not be blank'))
        if newpw != confirmpw:
            options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang,
                         _('Passwords did not match!'))

        # See if the user wants to change their passwords globally, however
        # the list admin is /not/ allowed to change passwords globally.
        pw_globally = cgidata.getfirst('pw-globally')
        if pw_globally and not is_user_or_siteadmin:
                _("""The list administrator may not change the
            password for this user's other subscriptions.  However, the
            password for this mailing list has been changed."""), _('Note: '))
            pw_globally = False

        mlists = [mlist]

        if pw_globally:
            mlists.extend(lists_of_member(mlist, user))

        for gmlist in mlists:
            change_password(gmlist, user, newpw, confirmpw)

        # Regenerate the cookie so a re-authorization isn't necessary
        print(mlist.MakeCookie(mm_cfg.AuthUser, user))
        options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang,
                     _('Password successfully changed.'))

    if 'unsub' in cgidata:
        # Was the confirming check box turned on?
        if not cgidata.getfirst('unsubconfirm'):
                mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang,
                _('''You must confirm your unsubscription request by turning
                on the checkbox below the <em>Unsubscribe</em> button.  You
                have not been unsubscribed!'''))

        # Standard signal handler
        def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist):

        # Okay, zap them.  Leave them sitting at the list's listinfo page.  We
        # must own the list lock, and we want to make sure the user (BAW: and
        # list admin?) is informed of the removal.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler)
        needapproval = False
            _ = D_
                                   _('via the member options page'),
            except Errors.MMNeedApproval:
                needapproval = True
            except Errors.NotAMemberError:
                # MAS This except should really be in the outer try so we
                # don't save the list redundantly, but except and finally in
                # the same try requires Python >= 2.5.
                # Setting a switch and making the Save() conditional doesn't
                # seem worth it as the Save() won't change anything.
            _ = i18n._
        # Now throw up some results page, with appropriate links.  We can't
        # drop them back into their options page, because that's gone now!
        fqdn_listname = mlist.GetListEmail()
        owneraddr = mlist.GetOwnerEmail()
        url = mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=1)

        title = _('Unsubscription results')
        doc.AddItem(Header(2, title))
        if needapproval:
                _("""Your unsubscription request has been received and
            forwarded on to the list moderators for approval.  You will
            receive notification once the list moderators have made their
                _("""You have been successfully unsubscribed from the
            mailing list %(fqdn_listname)s.  If you were receiving digest
            deliveries you may get one more digest.  If you have any questions
            about your unsubscription, please contact the list owners at

    if 'options-submit' in cgidata:
        # Digest action flags
        digestwarn = 0
        cantdigest = 0
        mustdigest = 0

        newvals = []
        # First figure out which options have changed.  The item names come
        # from FormatOptionButton() in HTMLFormatter.py
        for item, flag in (
            ('digest', mm_cfg.Digests),
            ('mime', mm_cfg.DisableMime),
            ('dontreceive', mm_cfg.DontReceiveOwnPosts),
            ('ackposts', mm_cfg.AcknowledgePosts),
            ('disablemail', mm_cfg.DisableDelivery),
            ('conceal', mm_cfg.ConcealSubscription),
            ('remind', mm_cfg.SuppressPasswordReminder),
            ('rcvtopic', mm_cfg.ReceiveNonmatchingTopics),
            ('nodupes', mm_cfg.DontReceiveDuplicates),
                newval = int(cgidata.getfirst(item))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                newval = None

            # Skip this option if there was a problem or it wasn't changed.
            # Note that delivery status is handled separate from the options
            # flags.
            if newval is None:
            elif flag == mm_cfg.DisableDelivery:
                status = mlist.getDeliveryStatus(user)
                # Here, newval == 0 means enable, newval == 1 means disable
                if not newval and status != MemberAdaptor.ENABLED:
                    newval = MemberAdaptor.ENABLED
                elif newval and status == MemberAdaptor.ENABLED:
                    newval = MemberAdaptor.BYUSER
            elif newval == mlist.getMemberOption(user, flag):
            # Should we warn about one more digest?
            if flag == mm_cfg.Digests and \
                   newval == 0 and mlist.getMemberOption(user, flag):
                digestwarn = 1

            newvals.append((flag, newval))

        # The user language is handled a little differently
        if userlang not in mlist.GetAvailableLanguages():
            newvals.append((SETLANGUAGE, mlist.preferred_language))
            newvals.append((SETLANGUAGE, userlang))

        # Process user selected topics, but don't make the changes to the
        # MailList object; we must do that down below when the list is
        # locked.
        topicnames = cgidata.getvalue('usertopic')
        if topicnames:
            # Some topics were selected.  topicnames can actually be a string
            # or a list of strings depending on whether more than one topic
            # was selected or not.
            if not isinstance(topicnames, list):
                # Assume it was a bare string, so listify it
                topicnames = [topicnames]
            # unquote the topic names
            topicnames = [urllib.parse.unquote_plus(n) for n in topicnames]

        # The standard sigterm handler (see above)
        def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist):

        # Now, lock the list and perform the changes
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler)
            # `values' is a tuple of flags and the web values
            for flag, newval in newvals:
                # Handle language settings differently
                if flag == SETLANGUAGE:
                    mlist.setMemberLanguage(user, newval)
                # Handle delivery status separately
                elif flag == mm_cfg.DisableDelivery:
                    mlist.setDeliveryStatus(user, newval)
                        mlist.setMemberOption(user, flag, newval)
                    except Errors.CantDigestError:
                        cantdigest = 1
                    except Errors.MustDigestError:
                        mustdigest = 1
            # Set the topics information.
            mlist.setMemberTopics(user, topicnames)

        # A bag of attributes for the global options
        class Global:
            enable = None
            remind = None
            nodupes = None
            mime = None

            def __bool__(self):
                return len(list(self.__dict__.keys())) > 0

        globalopts = Global()

        # The enable/disable option and the password remind option may have
        # their global flags sets.
        if cgidata.getfirst('deliver-globally'):
            # Yes, this is inefficient, but the list is so small it shouldn't
            # make much of a difference.
            for flag, newval in newvals:
                if flag == mm_cfg.DisableDelivery:
                    globalopts.enable = newval

        if cgidata.getfirst('remind-globally'):
            for flag, newval in newvals:
                if flag == mm_cfg.SuppressPasswordReminder:
                    globalopts.remind = newval

        if cgidata.getfirst('nodupes-globally'):
            for flag, newval in newvals:
                if flag == mm_cfg.DontReceiveDuplicates:
                    globalopts.nodupes = newval

        if cgidata.getfirst('mime-globally'):
            for flag, newval in newvals:
                if flag == mm_cfg.DisableMime:
                    globalopts.mime = newval

        # Change options globally, but only if this is the user or site admin,
        # /not/ if this is the list admin.
        if globalopts:
            if not is_user_or_siteadmin:
                    _("""The list administrator may not change the
                options for this user's other subscriptions.  However the
                options for this mailing list subscription has been
                changed."""), _('Note: '))
                for gmlist in lists_of_member(mlist, user):
                    global_options(gmlist, user, globalopts)

        # Now print the results
        if cantdigest:
            msg = _('''The list administrator has disabled digest delivery for
            this list, so your delivery option has not been set.  However your
            other options have been set successfully.''')
        elif mustdigest:
            msg = _('''The list administrator has disabled non-digest delivery
            for this list, so your delivery option has not been set.  However
            your other options have been set successfully.''')
            msg = _('You have successfully set your options.')

        if digestwarn:
            msg += _('You may get one last digest.')

        options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang, msg)

    if mlist.isMember(user):
        options_page(mlist, doc, user, cpuser, userlang)
        loginpage(mlist, doc, user, userlang)
コード例 #8
ファイル: subscribe.py プロジェクト: EdLeafe/mailman_config
def process_form(mlist, doc, cgidata, lang):
    listowner = mlist.GetOwnerEmail()
    realname = mlist.real_name
    results = []

    # The email address being subscribed, required
    email = cgidata.getvalue('email', '').strip()
    if not email:
        results.append(_('You must supply a valid email address.'))

    fullname = cgidata.getvalue('fullname', '')
    # Canonicalize the full name
    fullname = Utils.canonstr(fullname, lang)
    # Who was doing the subscribing?
    remote = os.environ.get('REMOTE_HOST',
                                           'unidentified origin'))
    # Was an attempt made to subscribe the list to itself?
    if email == mlist.GetListEmail():
        syslog('mischief', 'Attempt to self subscribe %s: %s', email, remote)
        results.append(_('You may not subscribe a list to itself!'))
    # If the user did not supply a password, generate one for him
    password = cgidata.getvalue('pw', '').strip()
    confirmed = cgidata.getvalue('pw-conf', '').strip()

    if not password and not confirmed:
        password = Utils.MakeRandomPassword()
    elif not password or not confirmed:
        results.append(_('If you supply a password, you must confirm it.'))
    elif password <> confirmed:
        results.append(_('Your passwords did not match.'))

    # Get the digest option for the subscription.
    digestflag = cgidata.getvalue('digest')
    if digestflag:
            digest = int(digestflag)
        except ValueError:
            digest = 0
        digest = mlist.digest_is_default

    # Sanity check based on list configuration.  BAW: It's actually bogus that
    # the page allows you to set the digest flag if you don't really get the
    # choice. :/
    if not mlist.digestable:
        digest = 0
    elif not mlist.nondigestable:
        digest = 1

    if results:
        print_results(mlist, ERRORSEP.join(results), doc, lang)

    # If this list has private rosters, we have to be careful about the
    # message that gets printed, otherwise the subscription process can be
    # used to mine for list members.  It may be inefficient, but it's still
    # possible, and that kind of defeats the purpose of private rosters.
    # We'll use this string for all successful or unsuccessful subscription
    # results.
    if mlist.private_roster == 0:
        # Public rosters
        privacy_results = ''
        privacy_results = _("""\
Your subscription request has been received, and will soon be acted upon.
Depending on the configuration of this mailing list, your subscription request
may have to be first confirmed by you via email, or approved by the list
moderator.  If confirmation is required, you will soon get a confirmation
email which contains further instructions.""")

        userdesc = UserDesc(email, fullname, password, digest, lang)
        mlist.AddMember(userdesc, remote)
        results = ''
    # Check for all the errors that mlist.AddMember can throw options on the
    # web page for this cgi
    except Errors.MembershipIsBanned:
        results = _("""The email address you supplied is banned from this
        mailing list.  If you think this restriction is erroneous, please
        contact the list owners at %(listowner)s.""")
    except Errors.MMBadEmailError:
        results = _("""\
The email address you supplied is not valid.  (E.g. it must contain an
    except Errors.MMHostileAddress:
        results = _("""\
Your subscription is not allowed because the email address you gave is
    except Errors.MMSubscribeNeedsConfirmation:
        # Results string depends on whether we have private rosters or not
        if privacy_results:
            results = privacy_results
            results = _("""\
Confirmation from your email address is required, to prevent anyone from
subscribing you without permission.  Instructions are being sent to you at
%(email)s.  Please note your subscription will not start until you confirm
your subscription.""")
    except Errors.MMNeedApproval, x:
        # Results string depends on whether we have private rosters or not
        if privacy_results:
            results = privacy_results
            # We need to interpolate into x.__str__()
            x = _(str(x))
            results = _("""\
Your subscription request was deferred because %(x)s.  Your request has been
forwarded to the list moderator.  You will receive email informing you of the
moderator's decision when they get to your request.""")
コード例 #9
ファイル: options.py プロジェクト: skarra/GNU-Mailman-SSO
            if user in gmlist.getDigestMemberKeys():
                extra += ', ' + _('digest')
            link = HTMLFormatObject(link, 0) + extra
            onlists.append((gmlist.real_name, link))
        items = OrderedList(*[link for name, link in onlists])
        print doc.Format()

    if cgidata.has_key('change-of-address'):
        # We could be changing the user's full name, email address, or both.
        # Watch out for non-ASCII characters in the member's name.
        membername = cgidata.getvalue('fullname')
        # Canonicalize the member's name
        membername = Utils.canonstr(membername, language)
        newaddr = cgidata.getvalue('new-address')
        confirmaddr = cgidata.getvalue('confirm-address')

        oldname = mlist.getMemberName(user)
        set_address = set_membername = 0

        # See if the user wants to change their email address globally.  The
        # list admin is /not/ allowed to make global changes.
        globally = cgidata.getvalue('changeaddr-globally')
        if globally and not is_user_or_siteadmin:
                _("""The list administrator may not change the names
            or addresses for this user's other subscriptions.  However, the
            subscription for this mailing list has been changed."""),
                _('Note: '))
コード例 #10
def process_form(mlist, doc, cgidata, lang):
    listowner = mlist.GetOwnerEmail()
    realname = mlist.real_name
    results = []

    # The email address being subscribed, required
    email = cgidata.getvalue('email', '').strip()
    if not email:
        results.append(_('You must supply a valid email address.'))

    fullname = cgidata.getvalue('fullname', '')
    # Canonicalize the full name
    fullname = Utils.canonstr(fullname, lang)
    # Who was doing the subscribing?
    remote = os.environ.get(
        'REMOTE_HOST', os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', 'unidentified origin'))
    # Are we checking the hidden data?
        now = int(time.time())
            ftime, fhash = cgidata.getvalue('sub_form_token', '').split(':')
            then = int(ftime)
        except ValueError:
            ftime = fhash = ''
            then = now
        token = Utils.sha_new(mm_cfg.SUBSCRIBE_FORM_SECRET + ftime +
                              mlist.internal_name() + remote).hexdigest()
        if now - then > mm_cfg.FORM_LIFETIME:
            results.append(_('The form is too old.  Please GET it again.'))
        if now - then < mm_cfg.SUBSCRIBE_FORM_MIN_TIME:
                _('Please take a few seconds to fill out the form before submitting it.'
        if token != fhash:
            results.append(_('You must GET the form before submitting it.'))
    # Was an attempt made to subscribe the list to itself?
    if email == mlist.GetListEmail():
        syslog('mischief', 'Attempt to self subscribe %s: %s', email, remote)
        results.append(_('You may not subscribe a list to itself!'))
    # If the user did not supply a password, generate one for him
    password = cgidata.getvalue('pw', '').strip()
    confirmed = cgidata.getvalue('pw-conf', '').strip()

    if not password and not confirmed:
        password = Utils.MakeRandomPassword()
    elif not password or not confirmed:
        results.append(_('If you supply a password, you must confirm it.'))
    elif password <> confirmed:
        results.append(_('Your passwords did not match.'))

    # Get the digest option for the subscription.
    digestflag = cgidata.getvalue('digest')
    if digestflag:
            digest = int(digestflag)
        except ValueError:
            digest = 0
        digest = mlist.digest_is_default

    # Sanity check based on list configuration.  BAW: It's actually bogus that
    # the page allows you to set the digest flag if you don't really get the
    # choice. :/
    if not mlist.digestable:
        digest = 0
    elif not mlist.nondigestable:
        digest = 1

    if results:
        print_results(mlist, ERRORSEP.join(results), doc, lang)

    # If this list has private rosters, we have to be careful about the
    # message that gets printed, otherwise the subscription process can be
    # used to mine for list members.  It may be inefficient, but it's still
    # possible, and that kind of defeats the purpose of private rosters.
    # We'll use this string for all successful or unsuccessful subscription
    # results.
    if mlist.private_roster == 0:
        # Public rosters
        privacy_results = ''
        privacy_results = _("""\
Your subscription request has been received, and will soon be acted upon.
Depending on the configuration of this mailing list, your subscription request
may have to be first confirmed by you via email, or approved by the list
moderator.  If confirmation is required, you will soon get a confirmation
email which contains further instructions.""")

        userdesc = UserDesc(email, fullname, password, digest, lang)
        mlist.AddMember(userdesc, remote)
        results = ''
    # Check for all the errors that mlist.AddMember can throw options on the
    # web page for this cgi
    except Errors.MembershipIsBanned:
        results = _("""The email address you supplied is banned from this
        mailing list.  If you think this restriction is erroneous, please
        contact the list owners at %(listowner)s.""")
    except Errors.MMBadEmailError:
        results = _("""\
The email address you supplied is not valid.  (E.g. it must contain an
    except Errors.MMHostileAddress:
        results = _("""\
Your subscription is not allowed because the email address you gave is
    except Errors.MMSubscribeNeedsConfirmation:
        # Results string depends on whether we have private rosters or not
        if privacy_results:
            results = privacy_results
            results = _("""\
Confirmation from your email address is required, to prevent anyone from
subscribing you without permission.  Instructions are being sent to you at
%(email)s.  Please note your subscription will not start until you confirm
your subscription.""")
    except Errors.MMNeedApproval, x:
        # Results string depends on whether we have private rosters or not
        if privacy_results:
            results = privacy_results
            # We need to interpolate into x.__str__()
            x = _(str(x))
            results = _("""\
Your subscription request was deferred because %(x)s.  Your request has been
forwarded to the list moderator.  You will receive email informing you of the
moderator's decision when they get to your request.""")
コード例 #11
def process_form(mlist, doc, cgidata, lang):
    listowner = mlist.GetOwnerEmail()
    realname = mlist.real_name
    results = []

    # The email address being subscribed, required
    email = cgidata.getfirst('email', '').strip()
    if not email:
        results.append(_('You must supply a valid email address.'))

    fullname = cgidata.getfirst('fullname', '')
    # Canonicalize the full name
    fullname = Utils.canonstr(fullname, lang)
    # Who was doing the subscribing?
    remote = os.environ.get('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR',
                            'unidentified origin')))

    # Check reCAPTCHA submission, if enabled
        request = urllib2.Request(
            url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify',
            data = urllib.urlencode({
                'secret': mm_cfg.RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
                'response': cgidata.getvalue('g-recaptcha-response', ''),
                'remoteip': remote}))
            httpresp = urllib2.urlopen(request)
            captcha_response = json.load(httpresp)
            if not captcha_response['success']:
                e_codes = COMMASPACE.join(captcha_response['error-codes'])
                results.append(_('reCAPTCHA validation failed: %(e_codes)s'))
        except urllib2.URLError as e:
            e_reason = e.reason
            results.append(_('reCAPTCHA could not be validated: %(e_reason)s'))

    # Are we checking the hidden data?
        now = int(time.time())
        # Try to accept a range in case of load balancers, etc.  (LP: #1447445)
        if remote.find('.') >= 0:
            # ipv4 - drop last octet
            remote1 = remote.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
            # ipv6 - drop last 16 (could end with :: in which case we just
            #        drop one : resulting in an invalid format, but it's only
            #        for our hash so it doesn't matter.
            remote1 = remote.rsplit(':', 1)[0]
            ftime, fhash = cgidata.getfirst('sub_form_token', '').split(':')
            then = int(ftime)
        except ValueError:
            ftime = fhash = ''
            then = 0
        token = Utils.sha_new(mm_cfg.SUBSCRIBE_FORM_SECRET +
                              ftime +
                              mlist.internal_name() +
        if ftime and now - then > mm_cfg.FORM_LIFETIME:
            results.append(_('The form is too old.  Please GET it again.'))
        if ftime and now - then < mm_cfg.SUBSCRIBE_FORM_MIN_TIME:
    _('Please take a few seconds to fill out the form before submitting it.'))
        if ftime and token != fhash:
                _("The hidden token didn't match.  Did your IP change?"))
        if not ftime:
    _('There was no hidden token in your submission or it was corrupted.'))
            results.append(_('You must GET the form before submitting it.'))
    # Was an attempt made to subscribe the list to itself?
    if email == mlist.GetListEmail():
        syslog('mischief', 'Attempt to self subscribe %s: %s', email, remote)
        results.append(_('You may not subscribe a list to itself!'))
    # If the user did not supply a password, generate one for him
    password = cgidata.getfirst('pw', '').strip()
    confirmed = cgidata.getfirst('pw-conf', '').strip()

    if not password and not confirmed:
        password = Utils.MakeRandomPassword()
    elif not password or not confirmed:
        results.append(_('If you supply a password, you must confirm it.'))
    elif password <> confirmed:
        results.append(_('Your passwords did not match.'))

    # Get the digest option for the subscription.
    digestflag = cgidata.getfirst('digest')
    if digestflag:
            digest = int(digestflag)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            digest = 0
        digest = mlist.digest_is_default

    # Sanity check based on list configuration.  BAW: It's actually bogus that
    # the page allows you to set the digest flag if you don't really get the
    # choice. :/
    if not mlist.digestable:
        digest = 0
    elif not mlist.nondigestable:
        digest = 1

    if results:
        print_results(mlist, ERRORSEP.join(results), doc, lang)

    # If this list has private rosters, we have to be careful about the
    # message that gets printed, otherwise the subscription process can be
    # used to mine for list members.  It may be inefficient, but it's still
    # possible, and that kind of defeats the purpose of private rosters.
    # We'll use this string for all successful or unsuccessful subscription
    # results.
    if mlist.private_roster == 0:
        # Public rosters
        privacy_results = ''
        privacy_results = _("""\
Your subscription request has been received, and will soon be acted upon.
Depending on the configuration of this mailing list, your subscription request
may have to be first confirmed by you via email, or approved by the list
moderator.  If confirmation is required, you will soon get a confirmation
email which contains further instructions.""")

        userdesc = UserDesc(email, fullname, password, digest, lang)
        mlist.AddMember(userdesc, remote)
        results = ''
    # Check for all the errors that mlist.AddMember can throw options on the
    # web page for this cgi
    except Errors.MembershipIsBanned:
        results = _("""The email address you supplied is banned from this
        mailing list.  If you think this restriction is erroneous, please
        contact the list owners at %(listowner)s.""")
    except Errors.MMBadEmailError:
        results = _("""\
The email address you supplied is not valid.  (E.g. it must contain an
    except Errors.MMHostileAddress:
        results = _("""\
Your subscription is not allowed because the email address you gave is
    except Errors.MMSubscribeNeedsConfirmation:
        # Results string depends on whether we have private rosters or not
        if privacy_results:
            results = privacy_results
            results = _("""\
Confirmation from your email address is required, to prevent anyone from
subscribing you without permission.  Instructions are being sent to you at
%(email)s.  Please note your subscription will not start until you confirm
your subscription.""")
    except Errors.MMNeedApproval, x:
        # Results string depends on whether we have private rosters or not
        if privacy_results:
            results = privacy_results
            # We need to interpolate into x.__str__()
            x = _(str(x))
            results = _("""\
Your subscription request was deferred because %(x)s.  Your request has been
forwarded to the list moderator.  You will receive email informing you of the
moderator's decision when they get to your request.""")
コード例 #12
ファイル: options.py プロジェクト: jurov/gnu-mailman
            if user in gmlist.getDigestMemberKeys():
                extra += ', ' + _('digest')
            link = HTMLFormatObject(link, 0) + extra
            onlists.append((gmlist.real_name, link))
        items = OrderedList(*[link for name, link in onlists])
        print doc.Format()

    if cgidata.has_key('change-of-address'):
        # We could be changing the user's full name, email address, or both.
        # Watch out for non-ASCII characters in the member's name.
        membername = cgidata.getvalue('fullname')
        # Canonicalize the member's name
        membername = Utils.canonstr(membername, language)
        newaddr = cgidata.getvalue('new-address')
        confirmaddr = cgidata.getvalue('confirm-address')

        oldname = mlist.getMemberName(user)
        set_address = set_membername = 0

        # See if the user wants to change their email address globally.  The
        # list admin is /not/ allowed to make global changes.
        globally = cgidata.getvalue('changeaddr-globally')
        if globally and not is_user_or_siteadmin:
            doc.addError(_("""The list administrator may not change the names
            or addresses for this user's other subscriptions.  However, the
            subscription for this mailing list has been changed."""),
                         _('Note: '))
            globally = False