'leadStatus': [], 'Lead_Status__c': [], 'Lifecycle_Stage_Person__c': [], 'unsubscribed': [], 'MC_Account_Blocked__c': [] } i = 4157 #all_loser_ids = [] total_count = 0 count = 0 update_leads = [''] while i < 4700: total_count = total_count + count count = 0 token = getToken() print(token) while count < 100: #len(ids): stop = False field_dict = field_dict.fromkeys(field_dict, []) final_dict = final_dict.fromkeys(final_dict, []) try: id1 = json.loads(getLead(base_url, token, ids[i], field_names))["result"][0] appendDict(field_dict, id1) except: stop = True
file_name = "/home/tyron/Downloads/" + file_name + " " + os.path.basename( __file__) file_name = file_name.replace("py", "txt") remaining = 0 limit = len(raw_list) while i < limit: time.sleep( remaining ) # if the remaining time is less than 60 secs then wait for the token to expire before getting a new one count = 0 start = time.time() temp = getToken() token = temp[0] expires = temp[1] print(token, expires) remaining = expires - (time.time() - start) while i < limit and remaining > 60: #Marketo token expires after 3600secs and give 60 sec window so token does not expire mid execution of the loop below field_dict = field_dict.fromkeys(field_dict, []) final_dict = final_dict.fromkeys(final_dict, []) appendDict(field_dict, raw_list[i]) j = i + 1 while j < len(raw_list) and (raw_list[i]['email'] == raw_list[j]['email']):