def cleanservice(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] args = context.args if chat.type != chat.PRIVATE: if len(args) >= 1: var = args[0] if var == "no" or var == "off": sql.set_clean_service(, False) update.effective_message.reply_text( "Turned off service messages cleaning.") elif var == "yes" or var == "on": sql.set_clean_service(, True) update.effective_message.reply_text( "Turned on service messages cleaning!") else: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Invalid option", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: update.effective_message.reply_text("Usage is on/yes or off/no", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: curr = sql.clean_service( if curr: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Welcome clean service is : on", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Welcome clean service is : off", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
def cleanservice(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> str: args = context.args chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] if chat.type != chat.PRIVATE: if len(args) >= 1: var = args[0] if var in ('no', 'off'): sql.set_clean_service(, False) update.effective_message.reply_text( 'Welcome clean service is : off') elif var in ('yes', 'on'): sql.set_clean_service(, True) update.effective_message.reply_text( 'Welcome clean service is : on') else: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Invalid option", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Usage is on/yes or off/no", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: curr = sql.clean_service( if curr: update.effective_message.reply_text( 'Welcome clean service is : on', parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: update.effective_message.reply_text( 'Welcome clean service is : off', parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
def send(update, message, keyboard, backup_message): chat = update.effective_chat cleanserv = sql.clean_service( reply = update.message.message_id # Clean service welcome if cleanserv: try:, update.message.message_id) except BadRequest: pass reply = False try: msg = update.effective_message.reply_text( message, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=keyboard, reply_to_message_id=reply) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Button_url_invalid": msg = update.effective_message.reply_text( markdown_parser( backup_message + "\nNote: the current message has an invalid url " "in one of its buttons. Please update."), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_to_message_id=reply) elif excp.message == "Unsupported url protocol": msg = update.effective_message.reply_text( markdown_parser( backup_message + "\nNote: the current message has buttons which " "use url protocols that are unsupported by " "telegram. Please update."), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_to_message_id=reply) elif excp.message == "Wrong url host": msg = update.effective_message.reply_text( markdown_parser( backup_message + "\nNote: the current message has some bad urls. " "Please update."), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_to_message_id=reply) LOGGER.warning(message) LOGGER.warning(keyboard) LOGGER.exception("Could not parse! got invalid url host errors") else: msg = update.effective_message.reply_text( markdown_parser(backup_message + "\nNote: An error occured when sending the " "custom message. Please update."), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_to_message_id=reply) LOGGER.exception() return msg
def left_member(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): bot = chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user should_goodbye, cust_goodbye, goodbye_type = sql.get_gdbye_pref( if == return if should_goodbye: reply = update.message.message_id cleanserv = sql.clean_service( # Clean service welcome if cleanserv: try:, update.message.message_id) except BadRequest: pass reply = False left_mem = update.effective_message.left_chat_member if left_mem: # Thingy for spamwatched users if sw != None: sw_ban = sw.get_ban( if sw_ban: return # Dont say goodbyes to gbanned users if is_user_gbanned( return # Ignore bot being kicked if == return # Give the owner a special goodbye if == OWNER_ID: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Oi! Genos! He left..", reply_to_message_id=reply) return # Give the devs a special goodbye elif in DEV_USERS: update.effective_message.reply_text( "See you later at the Hero's Association!", reply_to_message_id=reply) return # if media goodbye, use appropriate function for it if goodbye_type != sql.Types.TEXT and goodbye_type != sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT: ENUM_FUNC_MAP[goodbye_type](, cust_goodbye) return first_name = left_mem.first_name or "PersonWithNoName" # edge case of empty name - occurs for some bugs. if cust_goodbye: if cust_goodbye == sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE: cust_goodbye = random.choice( sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE_MESSAGES).format( first=escape_markdown(first_name)) if left_mem.last_name: fullname = escape_markdown( f"{first_name} {left_mem.last_name}") else: fullname = escape_markdown(first_name) count = chat.get_members_count() mention = mention_markdown(, first_name) if left_mem.username: username = "******" + escape_markdown(left_mem.username) else: username = mention valid_format = escape_invalid_curly_brackets( cust_goodbye, VALID_WELCOME_FORMATTERS) res = valid_format.format( first=escape_markdown(first_name), last=escape_markdown(left_mem.last_name or first_name), fullname=escape_markdown(fullname), username=username, mention=mention, count=count, chatname=escape_markdown(chat.title), buttons = sql.get_gdbye_buttons( keyb = build_keyboard(buttons) else: res = random.choice( sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE_MESSAGES).format(first=first_name) keyb = [] keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb) send( update, res, keyboard, random.choice( sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE_MESSAGES).format(first=first_name))
def new_member(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): bot, job_queue =, context.job_queue chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user msg = update.effective_message should_welc, cust_welcome, welc_type = sql.get_welc_pref( welc_mutes = sql.welcome_mutes( human_checks = sql.get_human_checks(, new_members = update.effective_message.new_chat_members for new_mem in new_members: welcome_log = None res = None sent = None should_mute = True welcome_bool = True if sw != None: sw_ban = sw.get_ban( if sw_ban: return if should_welc: reply = update.message.message_id cleanserv = sql.clean_service( # Clean service welcome if cleanserv: try:, update.message.message_id) except BadRequest: pass reply = False # Give the owner a special welcome if == OWNER_ID: update.effective_message.reply_text( "My Owner has just joined your group.", reply_to_message_id=reply) welcome_log = (f"{html.escape(chat.title)}\n" f"#USER_JOINED\n" f"Bot Owner just joined the chat") # Welcome Devs elif in DEV_USERS: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Whoa, Megumi Developer just joined your chat.", reply_to_message_id=reply) # Welcome Sudos elif in SUDO_USERS: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Huh! A Megumi Moderator just joined your chat.", reply_to_message_id=reply) # Welcome Support elif in SUPPORT_USERS: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Huh! A Megumi Moderator just joined your chat.", reply_to_message_id=reply) # Welcome Whitelisted elif in TIGER_USERS: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Huh! A Megumi Moderator just joined your chat.", reply_to_message_id=reply) # Welcome Tigers elif in WHITELIST_USERS: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Huh! A Megumi Moderator just joined your chat.", reply_to_message_id=reply) # Welcome yourself elif == update.effective_message.reply_text( "Hey, I'm Megumi! Thank you for adding me. Be sure to check /help in PM for more commands and tricks!", reply_to_message_id=reply) else: # If welcome message is media, send with appropriate function if welc_type not in (sql.Types.TEXT, sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT): ENUM_FUNC_MAP[welc_type](, cust_welcome) continue # else, move on first_name = new_mem.first_name or "PersonWithNoName" # edge case of empty name - occurs for some bugs. if cust_welcome: if cust_welcome == sql.DEFAULT_WELCOME: cust_welcome = random.choice( sql.DEFAULT_WELCOME_MESSAGES).format( first=escape_markdown(first_name)) if new_mem.last_name: fullname = escape_markdown( f"{first_name} {new_mem.last_name}") else: fullname = escape_markdown(first_name) count = chat.get_members_count() mention = mention_markdown(, escape_markdown(first_name)) if new_mem.username: username = "******" + escape_markdown(new_mem.username) else: username = mention valid_format = escape_invalid_curly_brackets( cust_welcome, VALID_WELCOME_FORMATTERS) res = valid_format.format( first=escape_markdown(first_name), last=escape_markdown(new_mem.last_name or first_name), fullname=escape_markdown(fullname), username=username, mention=mention, count=count, chatname=escape_markdown(chat.title), buttons = sql.get_welc_buttons( keyb = build_keyboard(buttons) else: res = random.choice(sql.DEFAULT_WELCOME_MESSAGES).format( first=escape_markdown(first_name)) keyb = [] backup_message = random.choice( sql.DEFAULT_WELCOME_MESSAGES).format( first=escape_markdown(first_name)) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb) else: welcome_bool = False res = None keyboard = None backup_message = None reply = None # User exceptions from welcomemutes if is_user_ban_protected(chat,, chat.get_member( or human_checks: should_mute = False # Join welcome: soft mute if new_mem.is_bot: should_mute = False if == if should_mute: if welc_mutes == "soft": bot.restrict_chat_member(,, permissions=ChatPermissions( can_send_messages=True, can_send_media_messages=False, can_send_other_messages=False, can_invite_users=False, can_pin_messages=False, can_send_polls=False, can_change_info=False, can_add_web_page_previews=False, until_date=(int(time.time() + 24 * 60 * 60)))) if welc_mutes == "strong": welcome_bool = False VERIFIED_USER_WAITLIST.update({ { "should_welc": should_welc, "status": False, "update": update, "res": res, "keyboard": keyboard, "backup_message": backup_message } }) new_join_mem = f"[{escape_markdown(new_mem.first_name)}](tg://user?id={})" message = msg.reply_text( f"{new_join_mem}, click the button below to prove you're human.\nYou have 120 seconds.", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([{ InlineKeyboardButton( text="Yes, I'm human.", callback_data=f"user_join_({})") }]), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_to_message_id=reply) bot.restrict_chat_member(,, permissions=ChatPermissions( can_send_messages=False, can_invite_users=False, can_pin_messages=False, can_send_polls=False, can_change_info=False, can_send_media_messages=False, can_send_other_messages=False, can_add_web_page_previews=False)) job_queue.run_once( partial(check_not_bot, new_mem,, message.message_id), 120, name="welcomemute") if welcome_bool: sent = send(update, res, keyboard, backup_message) prev_welc = sql.get_clean_pref( if prev_welc: try: bot.delete_message(, prev_welc) except BadRequest: pass if sent: sql.set_clean_welcome(, sent.message_id) if welcome_log: return welcome_log return (f"{html.escape(chat.title)}\n" f"#USER_JOINED\n" f"<b>User</b>: {mention_html(, user.first_name)}\n" f"<b>ID</b>: <code>{}</code>") return ""
def left_member(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] should_goodbye, cust_goodbye, goodbye_type = sql.get_gdbye_pref( cust_goodbye = markdown_to_html(cust_goodbye) if should_goodbye: reply = update.message.message_id cleanserv = sql.clean_service( # Clean service welcome if cleanserv: try:, update.message.message_id) except BadRequest: pass reply = False left_mem = update.effective_message.left_chat_member if left_mem: # Ignore gbanned users if is_user_gbanned( return # Ignore spamwatch banned users try: sw = spamwtc.get_ban(int( if sw: return except: pass # Ignore bot being kicked if == return # Give the owner a special goodbye if == OWNER_ID: update.effective_message.reply_text("RIP Master", reply_to_message_id=reply) return # if media goodbye, use appropriate function for it if goodbye_type != sql.Types.TEXT and goodbye_type != sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT: ENUM_FUNC_MAP[goodbye_type](, cust_goodbye) return first_name = (left_mem.first_name or "PersonWithNoName" ) # edge case of empty name - occurs for some bugs. if cust_goodbye: if left_mem.last_name: fullname = "{} {}".format(first_name, left_mem.last_name) else: fullname = first_name count = chat.get_members_count() mention = mention_html(, first_name) if left_mem.username: username = "******" + escape(left_mem.username) else: username = mention valid_format = escape_invalid_curly_brackets( cust_goodbye, VALID_WELCOME_FORMATTERS) res = valid_format.format( first=escape(first_name), last=escape(left_mem.last_name or first_name), fullname=escape(fullname), username=username, mention=mention, count=count, chatname=escape(chat.title),, ) buttons = sql.get_gdbye_buttons( keyb = build_keyboard(buttons) else: res = sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE keyb = [] keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb) send(update, res, keyboard, sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE)
def new_member(update, context): bot = context.args chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user msg = update.effective_message chat_name = chat.title or chat.first or chat.username should_welc, cust_welcome, welc_type = sql.get_welc_pref( cust_welcome = markdown_to_html(cust_welcome) welc_mutes = sql.welcome_mutes( user_id = human_checks = sql.get_human_checks(user_id, time_value = sql.getKickTime(str( if should_welc: sent = None new_members = update.effective_message.new_chat_members for new_mem in new_members: reply = update.message.message_id cleanserv = sql.clean_service( # Clean service welcome if cleanserv: try:, update.message.message_id) except BadRequest: pass reply = False # Ignore spamwatch banned users try: sw = sw.get_ban(int( if sw: return except Exception: pass # Ignore gbanned users if is_user_gbanned( return # Give the owner a special welcome if == OWNER_ID: update.effective_message.reply_text( "Master is in the houseeee, let's get this party started!", reply_to_message_id=reply, ) continue elif in SUDO_USERS or in SUPPORT_USERS: update.effective_message.reply_text( "*Oh no!* A Degenerate Weeb just joined your chat.", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) continue # Make bot greet admins elif == update.effective_message.reply_text( "Hey {}, I'm {}! Thank you for adding me to {}" " and be sure to check /help in PM for more commands and tricks!" .format(user.first_name,, chat_name)) MESSAGE_DUMP, "Megumi have been added to <pre>{}</pre> with ID: \n<pre>{}</pre>" .format(chat.title,, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) else: # If welcome message is media, send with appropriate function if welc_type != sql.Types.TEXT and welc_type != sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT: sent = ENUM_FUNC_MAP[welc_type](, cust_welcome) # print(bool(sent)) continue # else, move on first_name = ( new_mem.first_name or "PersonWithNoName" ) # edge case of empty name - occurs for some bugs. if cust_welcome: if new_mem.last_name: fullname = "{} {}".format(first_name, new_mem.last_name) else: fullname = first_name count = chat.get_members_count() mention = mention_html(, first_name) if new_mem.username: username = "******" + escape(new_mem.username) else: username = mention valid_format = escape_invalid_curly_brackets( cust_welcome, VALID_WELCOME_FORMATTERS) res = valid_format.format( first=escape(first_name), last=escape(new_mem.last_name or first_name), fullname=escape(fullname), username=username, mention=mention, count=count, chatname=escape(chat.title),, ) buttons = sql.get_welc_buttons( keyb = build_keyboard(buttons) else: res = sql.DEFAULT_WELCOME.format(first=first_name) keyb = [] keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb) sent = send(update, res, keyboard, sql.DEFAULT_WELCOME.format( first=first_name, chatname=escape( chat.title))) # type: Optional[Message] # User exception from mutes: if (is_user_ban_protected(chat,, chat.get_member( or human_checks): continue # Join welcome: soft mute if welc_mutes == "soft":,, permissions=ChatPermissions( can_send_messages=True, can_send_media_messages=False, can_send_other_messages=False, can_invite_users=False, can_pin_messages=False, can_send_polls=False, can_change_info=False, can_add_web_page_previews=False, until_date=(int(time.time() + 24 * 60 * 60)), ), ) # Join welcome: strong mute if welc_mutes == "strong": new_join_mem = "Hey {}!".format( mention_html(, new_mem.first_name)) msg.reply_text( "{}\nClick the button below to start talking.".format( new_join_mem), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton( text="Yes, I'm a human", callback_data="user_join_({})".format(, ) ]]), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_to_message_id=reply, ),, permissions=ChatPermissions( can_send_messages=False, can_invite_users=False, can_pin_messages=False, can_send_polls=False, can_change_info=False, can_send_media_messages=False, can_send_other_messages=False, can_add_web_page_previews=False, ), ) prev_welc = sql.get_clean_pref( if prev_welc: try:, prev_welc) except BadRequest: pass if sent: sql.set_clean_welcome(, sent.message_id)