コード例 #1
    num_iterations = int(sys.argv[2])
    loop = 20
    per_loop = int(math.ceil((num_iterations+0.0) / loop))
    for c in range(loop):
        a = time.time()
        b = time.time()
        print("finished iteration: " + str((c+1)*per_loop) + " in " + str(int(b-a)) + " seconds")

    end = time.time()

    print("Finished burnin and " + str(num_iterations) + " iterations in " + str(int(end-start)) + " seconds.")

    folder = "plots_" + fname
    #plotting samples will also load the MAP estimates
    mcmc.plot_samples(folder + "/", str(num_iterations) + '_iterations')

    #load up test data and run predictions
    model.load_test_split(Xtest, Ptest)
    pred = model.get_predictions()
    num = model.get_num_predictions()
    mast = model.get_mastery()

    err = pred - Xtest
    rmse = np.sqrt(np.sum(err**2)/num)

    errl = np.zeros(num)
    predl = np.zeros(num)
    mastl = np.zeros(num)
    xtestl = np.zeros(num)
    i = 0