コード例 #1
def rev_touched_url(url, rev):
    svn = SVN()
    info = svn.info2(url)
    if info is None:
        raise Error, "can't fetch svn info about the URL: %s" % url
    root = info["Repository Root"]
    urlpath = url[len(root):]
    touched = False
    entries = svn.log(root, start=rev, limit=1)
    entry = entries[0]
    for change in entry.changed:
        path = change.get("path")
        if path and path.startswith(urlpath):
            touched = True
    return touched
コード例 #2
def svn2rpm(pkgdirurl, rev=None, size=None, submit=False,
        template=None, macros=[], exported=None):
    concat = config.get("log", "concat", "").split()
    revoffset = get_revision_offset()
    svn = SVN()
    pkgreleasesurl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, releases=True)
    pkgcurrenturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl)
    releaseslog = svn.log(pkgreleasesurl, noerror=1)
    currentlog = svn.log(pkgcurrenturl, limit=size, start=rev,

    # sort releases by copyfrom-revision, so that markreleases for same
    # revisions won't look empty
    releasesdata = []
    if releaseslog:
        for relentry in releaseslog[::-1]:
                (version, release, relrevision) = \
            except InvalidEntryError:
            releasesdata.append((relrevision, -relentry.revision, relentry, 
                version, release))

    # collect valid releases using the versions provided by the changes and
    # the packages
    prevrevision = 0
    releases = []
    for (relrevision, dummy, relentry, version, release) in releasesdata:
        if prevrevision == relrevision: 
            # ignore older markrelease of the same revision, since they
            # will have no history
        entries = [entry for entry in currentlog
                    if relrevision >= entry.revision and
                      (prevrevision < entry.revision)]
        if not entries:
            #XXX probably a forced release, without commits in current/,
            # check if this is the right behavior
            sys.stderr.write("warning: skipping (possible) release "
                    "%s-%s@%s, no commits since previous markrelease (r%r)\n" %
                    (version, release, relrevision, prevrevision))

        release = make_release(author=relentry.author,
                revision=relentry.revision, date=relentry.date,
                lines=relentry.lines, entries=entries,
                version=version, release=release)
        prevrevision = relrevision
    # look for commits that have been not submitted (released) yet
    # this is done by getting all log entries newer (greater revision no.)
    # than releasesdata[-1] (in the case it exists)
    if releasesdata:
        latest_revision = releasesdata[-1][0] # the latest copied rev
        latest_revision = 0
    notsubmitted = [entry for entry in currentlog 
                    if entry.revision > latest_revision]
    if notsubmitted:
        # if they are not submitted yet, what we have to do is to add
        # a release/version number from getrelease()
        version, release = getrelease(pkgdirurl, macros=macros,
        toprelease = make_release(entries=notsubmitted, released=False,
                        version=version, release=release)

    data = dump_file(releases[::-1], currentlog=currentlog, template=template)
    return data