コード例 #1
ファイル: Test.py プロジェクト: rohithjayarajan/HomographyNet
class Test:
    def __init__(self):
        self.ImageUtils = ImageUtils()

    def SetupAll(self, BasePath):
        BasePath - Path to images
        ImageSize - Size of the Image
        DataPath - Paths of all images where testing will be run on
        # Image Input Shape
        ImageSize = [32, 32, 3]
        DataPath = []
        NumImages = len(glob.glob(BasePath + '*.jpg'))
        SkipFactor = 1
        for count in range(1, NumImages + 1, SkipFactor):
            DataPath.append(BasePath + str(count) + '.jpg')

        return ImageSize, DataPath

    def ReadImages(self, ImageSize, DataPath):
        ImageSize - Size of the Image
        DataPath - Paths of all images where testing will be run on
        I1Combined - I1 image after any standardization and/or cropping/resizing to ImageSize
        I1 - Original I1 image for visualization purposes only

        ImageName = DataPath

        I1 = cv2.imread(ImageName)

        if (I1 is None):
            # OpenCV returns empty list if image is not read!
            print('ERROR: Image I1 cannot be read')

        # Add any standardization or cropping/resizing if used in Training here!

        Im = self.ImageUtils.PreProcess(I1, 640, 480)
        I1S, H4PtTruth1 = self.ImageUtils.CreateTrainingData(Im, 256, 256, 64)
        I2S, H4PtTruth2 = self.ImageUtils.CreateTrainingData(Im, 256, 256, 64)

        I1Combined = np.expand_dims(I1S, axis=0)

        return I1Combined, I1

    def TestOperation(self, ImgPH, ImageSize, ModelPath, DataPath,
        ImgPH is the Input Image placeholder
        ImageSize is the size of the image
        ModelPath - Path to load trained model from
        DataPath - Paths of all images where testing will be run on
        LabelsPathPred - Path to save predictions
        Predictions written to ./TxtFiles/PredOut.txt
        Length = ImageSize[0]
        # Predict output with forward pass, MiniBatchSize for Test is 1
        _, prSoftMaxS = HomographyModel(ImgPH, ImageSize, 1)

        # Setup Saver
        Saver = tf.train.Saver()

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            Saver.restore(sess, ModelPath)
            print('Number of parameters in this model are %d ' % np.sum([
                for v in tf.trainable_variables()

            OutSaveT = open(LabelsPathPred, 'w')

            for count in tqdm(range(np.size(DataPath))):
                DataPathNow = DataPath[count]
                Img, ImgOrg = self.ReadImages(ImageSize, DataPathNow)
                FeedDict = {ImgPH: Img}
                PredT = np.argmax(sess.run(prSoftMaxS, FeedDict))

                OutSaveT.write(str(PredT) + '\n')


    def ReadLabels(self, LabelsPathTest, LabelsPathPred):
        if (not (os.path.isfile(LabelsPathTest))):
            print('ERROR: Test Labels do not exist in ' + LabelsPathTest)
            LabelTest = open(LabelsPathTest, 'r')
            LabelTest = LabelTest.read()
            LabelTest = map(float, LabelTest.split())

        if (not (os.path.isfile(LabelsPathPred))):
            print('ERROR: Pred Labels do not exist in ' + LabelsPathPred)
            LabelPred = open(LabelsPathPred, 'r')
            LabelPred = LabelPred.read()
            LabelPred = map(float, LabelPred.split())

        return LabelTest, LabelPred
コード例 #2
class Stitcher:
    Read a set of images for Panorama stitching
    def __init__(self, BasePath, ModelPath, NumFeatures):
        self.BasePath = BasePath
        self.ModelPath = ModelPath
        InputImageList = []
        for filename in sorted(glob.glob(self.BasePath + '/*.jpg')):
            ImageTemp = cv2.imread(filename)
        self.NumFeatures = NumFeatures
        self.Images = np.array(InputImageList)
        self.NumImages = len(InputImageList)
        self.HelperFunctions = HelperFunctions()
        self.Model = DeepNetwork()
        self.ImageUtils = ImageUtils()
        self.ImageSize = InputImageList[0].shape
        self.ImgPH = tf.placeholder('float', shape=(1, 128, 128, 2))

	Obtain Homography using Deep Learning Model (Supervised and Unsupervised)

    def ExtractHomographyFromH4Pt(self, H4PtPred):

        pts1 = np.float32([[0, 0], [self.ImageSize[1], 0],
                           [self.ImageSize[1], self.ImageSize[0]],
                           [0, self.ImageSize[0]]])

        pts2 = np.float32(
            [[0 + H4PtPred[0][0], 0 + H4PtPred[0][4]],
             [self.ImageSize[1] + H4PtPred[0][1], 0 + H4PtPred[0][5]],
                 self.ImageSize[1] + H4PtPred[0][2],
                 self.ImageSize[0] + H4PtPred[0][6]
             ], [0 + H4PtPred[0][3], self.ImageSize[0] + H4PtPred[0][7]]])
        HPred = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2)
        return HPred

    def EstimateHomographySupervised(self, Image1, Image2):
        # Setup Saver
        H4PtPred = self.Model.HomographyNet(self.ImgPH, False)
        Saver = tf.train.Saver()

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            Saver.restore(sess, self.ModelPath)
            print('Number of parameters in this model are %d ' % np.sum([
                for v in tf.trainable_variables()

            Image1 = np.float32(self.ImageUtils.PreProcess(Image1, 128, 128))
            Image1 = self.ImageUtils.ImageStandardization(Image1)
            Image2 = np.float32(self.ImageUtils.PreProcess(Image2, 128, 128))
            Image2 = self.ImageUtils.ImageStandardization(Image2)

            Images = np.dstack((Image1, Image2))
            I1Batch = []
            FeedDict = {self.ImgPH: I1Batch}
            H4Pt = sess.run(H4PtPred, FeedDict)
            print("H4pt: {}".format(H4Pt))
            H = self.ExtractHomographyFromH4Pt(H4Pt)
            Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H)

        return H, Hinv

	Image Warping + Blending
	Save Panorama output as mypano.png

    def RemoveBlackBoundary(self, ImageIn):
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(ImageIn, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        _, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
        cnt = contours[0]
        x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
        ImageOut = ImageIn[y:y + h, x:x + w]
        return ImageOut

    def Warping(self, Img, Homography, NextShape):
        nH, nW, _ = Img.shape
        Borders = np.array([[0, nW, nW, 0], [0, 0, nH, nH], [1, 1, 1, 1]])
        BordersNew = np.dot(Homography, Borders)
        Ymin = min(BordersNew[1] / BordersNew[2])
        Xmin = min(BordersNew[0] / BordersNew[2])
        Ymax = max(BordersNew[1] / BordersNew[2])
        Xmax = max(BordersNew[0] / BordersNew[2])
        if Ymin < 0:
            MatChange = np.array([[1, 0, -1 * Xmin], [0, 1, -1 * Ymin],
                                  [0, 0, 1]])
            Hnew = np.dot(MatChange, Homography)
            h = int(round(Ymax - Ymin)) + NextShape[0]
            MatChange = np.array([[1, 0, -1 * Xmin], [0, 1, Ymin], [0, 0, 1]])
            Hnew = np.dot(MatChange, Homography)
            h = int(round(Ymax + Ymin)) + NextShape[0]
        w = int(round(Xmax - Xmin)) + NextShape[1]
        sz = (w, h)
        PanoHolder = cv2.warpPerspective(Img, Hnew, dsize=sz)
        return PanoHolder, int(Xmin), int(Ymin)

    def Blender(self):
        Pano = self.Images[0]
        for NextImage in self.Images[1:2]:
            H, Hinv = self.EstimateHomographySupervised(Pano, NextImage)
            PanoHolder, oX, oY = self.Warping(Pano, H, NextImage.shape)
            self.HelperFunctions.ShowImage(PanoHolder, 'PanoHolder')
            oX = abs(oX)
            oY = abs(oY)
            for IdY in range(oY, NextImage.shape[0] + oY):
                for IdX in range(oX, NextImage.shape[1] + oX):
                    y = IdY - oY
                    x = IdX - oX
                    PanoHolder[IdY, IdX, :] = NextImage[y, x, :]
            # Pano = self.RemoveBlackBoundary(PanoHolder)
        PanoResize = cv2.resize(Pano, (1280, 1024))
        self.HelperFunctions.ShowImage(PanoResize, 'PanoResize')
        PanoResize = cv2.GaussianBlur(PanoResize, (5, 5), 1.2)
        return PanoResize