コード例 #1
def idScene(elem):
    # <CC id = "6" Dm="0" Ds="0" Am="10" Av="21554" />
    def mkDout(i,dm,ds):
        m = 1 << i
        return cond(m&dm,(cond(m&ds,"N","F")),"I")
    def mkAout(i,am,av):
        return cond(am & (1 << i), "S"+str((av>>(i*4))&0xF), "I")
    (dm,ds,am,av) = map( compose(int,elem.getAttribute), ("Dm","Ds","Am","Av") )
    params = getParams(elem,["id"]) + ";"
    for i in range(16): params = params + mkDout(i,dm,ds)
    for i in range(4):  params = params + ";" + mkAout(i,am,av)
    return params
コード例 #2
def trigger65(trgname,opt,base):
    def mkInt(s):
        return int(s or "0")
    # Retrieve sub-element with trigger attributes
    elem = base.getElementsByTagName(trgname)[0]
    # Extract trigger parameters from Opt and B1 B2 B3 B4 attributes
    (b1,b2,b3,b4) = map( compose(mkInt,elem.getAttribute), ("B1","B2","B3","B4") )    
    # Construct result of form:
    # {A|D}<chn>;<setpt>;<action>;<dwelltime>;<udptype>;<assocval>;<b4>;<opt>
    if b2 & 0x80:
        ads    = "A"
        opchan = (b2 >> 4) & 0x7    # Analog output channel (0-7)
        setpt  =  b2       & 0xF    # Set point number (0-15)
        ads    = "D"
        opchan = b2 & 0xF           # Digital output channel (0-15)
        if b2&0x40: ads = "S"       # Digital or scene output?
        setpt  = 0                  # No set point

    udpopt = (b1 >> 7) & 0x1        # UDP (0-none,1-general)
    dwtime = 0                      # default dwell time
    action = 0

    b1 = b1 & 0x7F
    if b1 >= 0x60:
        # dwell group
        action = (b1 >> 3 ) & 0x03  # action number
        action = (18,19,6,5)[action]
        dwtime = b1 & 0x7           # dwell time, now bottom 3 bits
    elif b1 >= 0x40:
        #not used
    elif b1 >= 0x20:
        # not used
        # group 1
        action = b1 & 0x1F        # action number
    assocv = b3                     # associated value (was remote)
    result = ( ads+str(opchan)+
               ";"+str(assocv) )
    # b4 and opt are not defined for all webbricks
    # opt is used only if b4 is present (non-zero)
    if b4:
        result += ";"+str(b4)       # Add 'B4' attribute if present
        if opt: result += ";"+opt   # Add 'Opt' attribute if present
    return result
コード例 #3
def trigger(trgname,opt,base):
    def mkInt(s):
        return int(s or "0")
    # Retrieve sub-element with trigger attributes
    elem = base.getElementsByTagName(trgname)[0]
    # Extract trigger parameters from Opt and B1 B2 B3 B4 attributes
    (b1,b2,b3,b4) = map( compose(mkInt,elem.getAttribute), ("B1","B2","B3","B4") )    
    # Construct result of form:
    # {A|D}<chn>;<setpt>;<action>;<dwelltime>;<udptype>;<assocval>;<b4>;<opt>
    if b2 & 0x80:
        ads    = "A"
        opchan = (b2 >> 4) & 0x7    # Analog output channel (0-7)
        setpt  =  b2       & 0xF    # Set point number (0-15)
        ads    = "D"
        opchan = b2 & 0xF           # Digital output channel (0-15)
        if b2&0x40: ads = "S"       # Digital or scene output?
        setpt  = 0                  # No set point

    action = b1        & 0xF        # action number
    dwtime = (b1 >> 4) & 0x3        # dwell time
    udpopt = (b1 >> 6) & 0x3        # UDP (0-none,1-general,2-remote,3-alarm)

    assocv = b3                     # associated value (was remote)
    result = ( ads+str(opchan)+
               ";"+str(assocv) )
    # b4 and opt are not defined for all webbricks
    # opt is used only if b4 is present
    if b4:
        result += ";"+str(b4)       # Add 'B4' attribute if present
        if opt: result += ";"+opt   # Add 'Opt' attribute if present
    return result