def monitor(self): self.dev_manager_handler = DeviceManager() self.deviceList=self.dev_manager_handler.deviceList i=0 while (True): if time.time() > (self.garage_manager_start_time+60): if cherrypy.engine.state == cherrypy.engine.states.STARTED: log.debug("Cherrypy Web Server Thread Running") self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time = time.time() else: log.error("Cherrypy Web Server Thread Dead") if (time.time() > (self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time + 120) ): log.error("Cherrypy Web server thread not running, force exit of garage processes for crontab restart !") os._exit(-1) elif (time.time() > (self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time + 30) ): # 15sec to allow for cherry pi web server to start log.error("Cherrypy Web server thread not running, sending alert SW001 !") # status_text = self.alarm_mgr_handler.addAlert("SW001", "RASPBERRY_PI") status_text = self.addAlert("SW001", "RASPBERRY_PI","Cherrypy Web server thread not running") log.error(status_text) else: log.debug("Cherrypy Web server thread monitoring off for 1 min after GarageManager thread startup") for key in self.deviceList: sensor_status_str = "" obj = self.deviceList[key] if isinstance(obj, GarageDoor): obj.updateSensor() obj.determineGarageDoorOpenClosedStatus() self.checkGaragePolicy(obj) if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) or i % 100000 == 0: tmplog = "%s Device: %s" % (obj.get_g_name(), obj.get_serialdevicename()) # else: # if self.error_message_count % 1000 == 0: #"No Garage configured!") # self.error_message_count = self.error_message_count + 1 self.alarm_mgr_handler.processAlerts() if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) or i%10000==0:"** garageManager heart beat %d **" % (i)) self.dev_manager_handler.listDevices() self.alarm_mgr_handler.status() sleep(float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("GARAGE_MANAGER","GARAGE_MANAGER_LOOP_TIMEOUT"))) i=i+1 pass
def __init__(self, dispatch: Queue): log.debug("init mitzonURLCmdProcessor...") #self.deviceList = {} self.dispatch = dispatch # Read Building Config '''Create new device hanlder and connect to USB port for arduino''' self.config_handler = ConfigManager() self.config_handler.setConfigFileName("config/mitzon_backend.config") self.dev_manager_handler = DeviceManager() self.alert_manager_handler = AlertManager() self.NBR_QUEUE = 2 self.server_socket_host = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "SECURITY", "SERVER_SOCKET_HOST") self.server_socket_port = int( self.config_handler.getConfigParam("SECURITY", "SERVER_SOCKET_PORT")) self.server_ssl_module = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "SECURITY", "SERVER_SSL_MODULE") self.server_ssl_certificate = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "SECURITY", "SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATE") self.server_ssl_private_key = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "SECURITY", "SERVER_SSL_PRIVATE_KEY")
class mitzonURLCmdProcessor(metaclass=SingletonMeta): def __init__(self, dispatch: Queue): log.debug("init mitzonURLCmdProcessor...") #self.deviceList = {} self.dispatch = dispatch # Read Building Config '''Create new device hanlder and connect to USB port for arduino''' self.config_handler = ConfigManager() self.config_handler.setConfigFileName("config/mitzon_backend.config") self.dev_manager_handler = DeviceManager() self.alert_manager_handler = AlertManager() self.NBR_QUEUE = 2 self.server_socket_host = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "SECURITY", "SERVER_SOCKET_HOST") self.server_socket_port = int( self.config_handler.getConfigParam("SECURITY", "SERVER_SOCKET_PORT")) self.server_ssl_module = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "SECURITY", "SERVER_SSL_MODULE") self.server_ssl_certificate = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "SECURITY", "SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATE") self.server_ssl_private_key = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "SECURITY", "SERVER_SSL_PRIVATE_KEY")'text/plain') #'') def _cp_dispatch(self, vpath): try: debugstr = ("Received vpath=%s len=%d" % (vpath, len(vpath))) log.debug(debugstr) if len(vpath) == 1: cherrypy.request.params['mything'] = vpath.pop( ) # ex: garage_door return self if len(vpath) == 3: cherrypy.request.params['mything'] = vpath.pop(0) # /myid/ cherrypy.request.params['myservice'] = vpath.pop( 0) # ex: open close cherrypy.request.params['myid'] = vpath.pop( 0) # which one 0, 1, 2... return self except Exception: log.error("_cp_dispatch error in garageURL...") traceback.print_exc() os._exit(-1) return vpath # @cherrypy.expose def GET(self):"Garage Request Received GET") return cherrypy.session['mything'] @cherrypy.popargs('myservice') @cherrypy.popargs('myid') # @cherrypy.expose def POST(self, mything, myservice=None, myid=None): cherrypy.session['mything'] = mything cherrypy.session['myservice'] = myservice cherrypy.session['myid'] = myid cherrypy.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" cherrypy.response.headers[ "Allow"] = "POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE, PUT, PATCH" caller = cherrypy.request.remote.ip logbuf = "MitzonBackend Request Received POST: %s %s %s " % ( mything, myservice, myid) log.debug(logbuf) ## Test Arduino Device # self.dispatch.put(('testConnection',"msg Hard coded pin")) ## Send all html POST commands to device through device manager self.dispatch.put(('processDeviceCommand', mything, myservice, myid)) resp_str = "" resp_array = {} sub_nbr = 0 loopstarttime = time.time() # for sub_nbr in range(0,2): # 1 only DeviceManager 2 Subscribers are DeviceManager and Alert Manager. Not while response_queue.qsize() > 0 or ( sub_nbr < self.NBR_QUEUE and (time.time() < (loopstarttime + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam("THREAD_CONTROL", "RESP_TIMEOUT"))))): try: resp = response_queue.get( True, float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "THREAD_CONTROL", "RESP_TIMEOUT"))) resp_str = resp_str + resp.getRspPropsToString() + " " resp_array[sub_nbr] = resp.getRspPropsToArray() sub_nbr += 1 except Empty: log.error("response_queue RESP_TIMEOUT=%s/%s/%s" % (mything, myservice, myid)) # resp_str=resp_str + ("RESP_TIMEOUT=%s/%s/%s" %(mything, myservice, myid)) resp_str = resp_str[:-1] #remove Trailing space # resp_str += self.alert_manager_handler.status().getRspPropsToString() if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.dev_manager_handler.listDevices() resp_json = json.dumps(resp_array) # Uncomment return statement below. return resp_json #return resp_str # @cherrypy.expose def PUT(self): cherrypy.session['myservice'] = self.myservice logbuf = "Garage Request Received PUT:" DeviceManager.listDevices(self.deviceList) # @cherrypy.expose def DELETE(self): cherrypy.session.pop('myservice', None)
def PUT(self): cherrypy.session['myservice'] = self.myservice logbuf = "Garage Request Received PUT:" DeviceManager.listDevices(self.deviceList)
log = logging.getLogger('Mitzon.mitzonURLCmdProcessor') logh = logging._handlers.get('Garage') logh.doRollover()"Starting Mitzon...") '''Subscriber - Dispatcher ''' command_queue = Queue() response_queue = Queue() try: cherrypy.config.update(server_config) # dispatch_queue = Queue() # garageHandler = mitzonURLCmdProcessor(dispatch_queue) # pub1 = Pub1(dispatch_queue) sub1 = DeviceManager() sub2 = AlertManager() thread_command_queue = Thread(target=command_queue_fn, name='cmd_queue', args=( command_queue, response_queue, )) thread_dispatcher = Thread(target=dispatcher_fn, name='dispath_queue', args=(dispatch_queue, command_queue, [sub1, sub2])) garage_manager_handler = GarageManager() thread_garage_manager = Thread(target=GarageManager.monitor,
class GarageManager(): def __init__(self): #log.setLevel(logging.INFO)"GarageManager Starting") self.garage_manager_start_time=time.time() self.config_handler = ConfigManager() self.alarm_mgr_handler = AlertManager() self.GarageOpenTriggerWarningElapsedTime = float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("GARAGE_COMMON","GarageOpenTriggerWarningElapsedTime")) self.GarageOpenTriggerCloseDoorElapsedTime = float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("GARAGE_COMMON","GarageOpenTriggerCloseDoorElapsedTime")) self.LightGarageOpenTriggerCloseDoorPreWarningBeforeClose = float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("GARAGE_COMMON","LightGarageOpenTriggerCloseDoorPreWarningBeforeClose")) self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time = time.time() self.gm_add_alert_time_by_type = {} #Key is Alert type, data is time() self.seconds_between_alerts=float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("ALERT", "TimeBetweenAlerts")) self.g_add_alert_time_by_type = {} #Key is Alert type, data is time() self.error_message_count = 0 def monitor(self): self.dev_manager_handler = DeviceManager() self.deviceList=self.dev_manager_handler.deviceList i=0 while (True): if time.time() > (self.garage_manager_start_time+60): if cherrypy.engine.state == cherrypy.engine.states.STARTED: log.debug("Cherrypy Web Server Thread Running") self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time = time.time() else: log.error("Cherrypy Web Server Thread Dead") if (time.time() > (self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time + 120) ): log.error("Cherrypy Web server thread not running, force exit of garage processes for crontab restart !") os._exit(-1) elif (time.time() > (self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time + 30) ): # 15sec to allow for cherry pi web server to start log.error("Cherrypy Web server thread not running, sending alert SW001 !") # status_text = self.alarm_mgr_handler.addAlert("SW001", "RASPBERRY_PI") status_text = self.addAlert("SW001", "RASPBERRY_PI","Cherrypy Web server thread not running") log.error(status_text) else: log.debug("Cherrypy Web server thread monitoring off for 1 min after GarageManager thread startup") for key in self.deviceList: sensor_status_str = "" obj = self.deviceList[key] if isinstance(obj, GarageDoor): obj.updateSensor() obj.determineGarageDoorOpenClosedStatus() self.checkGaragePolicy(obj) if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) or i % 100000 == 0: tmplog = "%s Device: %s" % (obj.get_g_name(), obj.get_serialdevicename()) # else: # if self.error_message_count % 1000 == 0: #"No Garage configured!") # self.error_message_count = self.error_message_count + 1 self.alarm_mgr_handler.processAlerts() if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) or i%10000==0:"** garageManager heart beat %d **" % (i)) self.dev_manager_handler.listDevices() self.alarm_mgr_handler.status() sleep(float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("GARAGE_MANAGER","GARAGE_MANAGER_LOOP_TIMEOUT"))) i=i+1 pass #Warpper for add alert def addAlert(self, id, device,extratxt=""): self.g_last_alert_time = time.time() status_text="request for Alert %s %s %s" %(id, device,extratxt) if (id in self.gm_add_alert_time_by_type): lastalerttime = self.g_add_alert_time_by_type[id] if ( time.time() >(lastalerttime+self.seconds_between_alerts)): self.gm_add_alert_time_by_type.remove(id)"%s can now be sent again for %s!" %(id,device)) else: log.debug("Skip %s" % status_text) else: self.gm_add_alert_time_by_type[id]=time.time() status_text = self.alarm_mgr_handler.addAlert(id, device, extratxt) log.warning(status_text) return status_text def checkGaragePolicy(self,gd: GarageDoor ): try: # This is how the open time threasholds are defined. refopentime is there to ensure opentime non null value. # ------- <opentimewarning>----<opentimeredcritical>--<opentimefinal>----<opentimelightingstop> refopentime = time.time() if gd.g_open_time != None: refopentime = gd.g_open_time opentimefinal = refopentime + float(self.GarageOpenTriggerCloseDoorElapsedTime) opentimeredcritical = refopentime + opentimefinal - self.LightGarageOpenTriggerCloseDoorPreWarningBeforeClose opentimewarning = refopentime + float(self.GarageOpenTriggerWarningElapsedTime) if gd.g_status == G_OPEN: #Locked Status is LOCKOPEN ! Don't allow auto close on lock open. remain_time_before_next_command_allowed = gd.g_next_auto_cmd_allowed_time - time.time() #datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") if remain_time_before_next_command_allowed > 0: tmpstr="checkGaragePolicy %s open=%s Allowed Next_Manual_Cmd=%s Next_Auto_Cmd=%s --> Remain=%d sec" % (gd.g_name, \ # datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"),\ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(gd.g_open_time).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), \ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(gd.g_next_manual_cmd_allowed_time).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), \ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(gd.g_next_auto_cmd_allowed_time).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), \ remain_time_before_next_command_allowed) if (int(time.time())%60==0 ): ) if (gd.g_open_time != None): #Is there an open time stamp ? if time.time() > opentimefinal: # " GARAGE OPEN TIME EXPIRED ALERT" #status_text = gd.g_name + " " + self.alarm_magr_handler.alertTable["G0001"]["text"] self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("GARAGE_COMMAND", gd.g_name," from checkGaragePolicy() G_OPEN opentimefinal") self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("GARAGE_OPEN", gd.g_name, " from checkGaragePolicy() G_OPEN opentimefinal") status_text = gd.addAlert("GO001", gd.g_name) gd.g_last_alert_time = time.time() log.debug(status_text) #close door when timer expires! if gd.g_next_auto_cmd_allowed_time != None and time.time() > gd.g_next_auto_cmd_allowed_time: gd.g_next_auto_cmd_allowed_time = time.time() + float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("GARAGE_COMMON", "TimeBeforeAutoRetryCloseDoor")) tmpstr = "checkGaragePolicy triggerGarageDoor %s Next Auto Cmd Allowed Time=%s --> Remain=%d sec" % (gd.g_name, \ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(gd.g_next_auto_cmd_allowed_time).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), \ remain_time_before_next_command_allowed) if (gd.g_auto_force_ignore_garage_open_close_cmd == False and gd.g_manual_force_lock_garage_open_close_cmd==False): gd.triggerGarageDoor() # return True is No Manual Overide else: tmpstr = "checkGaragePolicy %s Automatic triggerGarageDoor not allowed" % (gd.g_name) elif time.time() > opentimeredcritical : # and time.time() < (gd.g_open_time + self.GarageOpenTriggerCloseDoorElapsedTime) : #LightGarageOpenTriggerCloseDoorPreWarningBeforeClose gd.startLightFlash('RED') gd.stopLightFlash('GREEN') gd.stopLightFlash('WHITE') gd.turnOffLight('GREEN') gd.turnOffLight('WHITE') elif time.time() > opentimewarning: # status_text = gd.g_name + " GARAGE OPEN TIME WARNING ALERT" # self.alarm_magr_handler.addAlert(CommmandQResponse(0, status_text)) self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("GARAGE_COMMAND", gd.g_name," from checkGaragePolicy() G_OPEN opentimewarning") self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("GARAGE_OPEN", gd.g_name, " from checkGaragePolicy() G_OPEN opentimewarning") status_text = gd.addAlert("GO002", gd.g_name) gd.g_last_alert_time = time.time() log.debug(status_text) gd.startLightFlash('GREEN') else: gd.turnOnLight('GREEN') gd.turnOnLight('WHITE') gd.stopLightFlash('RED') gd.turnOffLight('RED') if (gd.g_status == G_LOCKOPEN): #Alert in this case every GarageLockOpenTriggerAlarmElapsedTime if (gd.g_lock_time!=None and time.time() > (gd.g_lock_time + float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("GARAGE_COMMON","GarageLockOpenTriggerAlarmElapsedTime")))): self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("GARAGE_COMMAND", gd.g_name, "from checkGaragePolicy() G_LOCKOPEN") self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("GARAGE_OPEN", gd.g_name," from checkGaragePolicy() G_LOCKLOPEN") status_text = gd.addAlert("GLO01", gd.g_name) gd.startLightFlash('WHITE') gd.startLightFlash('RED') gd.startLightFlash('GREEN') gd.g_last_alert_time = time.time() log.debug(status_text) gd.g_lock_time = time.time() else: gd.stopLightFlash('WHITE') gd.stopLightFlash('RED') gd.stopLightFlash('GREEN') gd.turnOnLight('WHITE') gd.turnOnLight('GREEN') gd.turnOnLight('RED') if (gd.g_status.find(G_CLOSED)>=0): if (gd.g_close_time != None): #Is there an open time stamp ? # Manage specific case for light when GarageManager was restarted, door lock but door not opened ! close_white_light_delay=120 opentimelightingstop = gd.g_close_time + close_white_light_delay #Change light status during the close_white_light_delay period and a little more! if time.time() <= (gd.g_close_time + (close_white_light_delay+float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("GARAGE_COMMON","GarageDoorAssumedClosedTime"))) ): log.debug("%s Turn off all lights!" % gd.g_name) gd.stopLightFlash('WHITE') if time.time() > opentimelightingstop: gd.turnOffLight('WHITE') else: gd.turnOnLight('WHITE') gd.turnOffLight('GREEN') gd.turnOffLight('RED') gd.stopLightFlash('GREEN') gd.stopLightFlash('RED') except Exception: traceback.print_exc() gd.g_auto_force_ignore_garage_open_close_cmd=True # status_text=gd.g_name + " CLOSE BY COMMAND DISABLED" # self.alarm_magr_handler.addAlert(CommmandQResponse(0, status_text)) self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("GARAGE_COMMAND", gd.g_name) self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("GARAGE_OPEN", gd.g_name) status_text = gd.addAlert("GCD01", gd.g_name) gd.g_last_alert_time = time.time() log.debug(status_text) sleep(5) os._exit(-1) def addAlert(self, id, device,extratxt=""): self.g_last_alert_time = time.time() status_text="request for Alert %s %s %s" %(id, device,extratxt) if (id in self.g_add_alert_time_by_type): lastalerttime = self.g_add_alert_time_by_type[id] if ( time.time() >(lastalerttime+self.seconds_between_alerts)): try: del self.g_add_alert_time_by_type[id] except KeyError: pass"%s can now be sent again for %s!" %(id,device)) else: log.debug("Skip %s" % status_text) else: self.g_add_alert_time_by_type[id]=time.time() status_text = self.alarm_mgr_handler.addAlert(id, device, extratxt) log.warning(status_text) return status_text
def monitor(self): self.dev_manager_handler = DeviceManager() self.deviceList = self.dev_manager_handler.deviceList i = 0 lastlogprint = time.time() while (True): self.isRainForecast = self.weather_mgr_handler.isRainForecasted() logstr = "is Rain Forecasted Direct: " + str(self.isRainForecast) log.debug(logstr) if time.time() > (self.valve_manager_start_time + 60): if cherrypy.engine.state == cherrypy.engine.states.STARTED: if i % 1000 == 0: log.debug("Cherrypy Web Server Thread Running") self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time = time.time() else: log.error("Cherrypy Web Server Thread Dead") if (time.time() > (self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time + 120)): log.error( "Cherrypy Web server thread not running, force exit of valve processes for crontab restart !" ) os._exit(-1) elif (time.time() > (self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time + 30)): # 15sec to allow for cherry pi web server to start log.error( "Cherrypy Web server thread not running, sending alert SW001 !" ) # status_text = self.alarm_mgr_handler.addAlert("SW001", "RASPBERRY_PI") status_text = self.addAlert( "SW001", "RASPBERRY_PI", "Cherrypy Web server thread not running") log.error(status_text) else: if i % 5 == 0: log.debug( "Cherrypy Web server thread monitoring off for 1 min after ValveManager thread startup" ) for key in self.deviceList: sensor_status_str = "" obj = self.deviceList[key] if isinstance(obj, Valve): obj.updateSensor() obj.determineValveOpenClosedStatus() self.ScheduleValve(obj) self.checkValvePolicy(obj) if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and i % 10000 == 0: tmplog = "%s Device: %s" % (obj.get_vlv_name(), obj.get_serialdevicename()) self.alarm_mgr_handler.processAlerts() if i % 10000 == 0 or time.time() > (lastlogprint + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "VALVE_MANAGER", "VALVE_DISPLAY_ALL_STATUS_INTERVAL"))):"** valveManager heart beat %d **" % (i)) lastlogprint = time.time() self.dev_manager_handler.listDevices() self.alarm_mgr_handler.status() if self.isRainForecastPrev != self.isRainForecast: #For a print on rain forecast change logstr = "is Rain Forecasted: " + str(self.isRainForecast) self.isRainForecastPrev = self.isRainForecast sleep( float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "VALVE_MANAGER", "VALVE_MANAGER_LOOP_TIMEOUT"))) i = i + 1 pass
class ValveManager(): def __init__(self): #log.setLevel(logging.INFO)"ValveManager Starting") self.valve_manager_start_time = time.time() self.config_handler = ConfigManager() self.alarm_mgr_handler = AlertManager() self.notif_mgr_handler = NotificationManager() self.email_sender = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "EMAIL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION", "USER") self.email_recipient = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "EMAIL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION", "RECIPIENTLISTINFO") self.weather_mgr_handler = WeatherManager() self.isRainForecast = False self.isRainForecastPrev = False self.ValveOpenTriggerCriticalElapsedTime = float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "VALVE_COMMON", "ValveOpenTriggerCriticalElapsedTime")) self.ValveOpenTriggerWarningElapsedTime = float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "VALVE_COMMON", "ValveOpenTriggerWarningElapsedTime")) self.ValveHardwareResponseTime = float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam("VALVE_COMMON", "ValveHardwareResponseTime")) self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time = time.time() self.gm_add_alert_time_by_type = {} #Key is Alert type, data is time() self.seconds_between_alerts = float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam("ALERT", "TimeBetweenAlerts")) self.vlv_add_alert_time_by_type = { } #Key is Alert type, data is time() self.error_message_count = 0 self.valve_last_info_log = {} #use as heart beat ! self.last_schedule_process_time = { } #Avoid closing the valve at every loop self.endtime_null = "19990101-00:00:00" self.weekdays_name = [ 'MONDAY', 'TUESDAY', 'WEDNESDAY', 'THURSDAY', 'FRIDAY', 'SATURDAY', 'SUNDAY' ] self.valve_run_end_time_dict = {} #Track end time for valve self.last_alert_closed_sev3_checkvalvepolicy = { } #Avoid closing the valve at every loop self.last_alert_open_sev3_checkvalvepolicy = { } #Avoid closing the valve at every loop self.default_language = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "NOTIFICATION_COMMON", "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE") self.valveconfigfilename = self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "VALVE_CONFIG_DEFINITION_FILE") self.valvesConfigJSON = {} self.valves_by_id = {} self.loadValveConfig(self.valveconfigfilename) def loadValveConfig(self, valveconfigfilename): try: f = open(self.valveconfigfilename) self.valvesConfigJSON = json.load(f) #self.valvesConfigJSON=json.dumps(tmpcfg, indent=2, sort_keys=True) f.close() self.processValveConfig() except IOError: log.error("Config file " + self.valveconfigfilename + " does not exist ! ") log.error("Exiting...") os._exit(-1) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() log.error("Exiting...") os._exit(-1) def processValveConfig(self): try: valve_ordered_array = [] for keysv in self.valvesConfigJSON: id = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv]["TimeProperties"]["id"] self.valves_by_id[ id] = keysv #hash to sort valve by id. No lamda working! for id in sorted(self.valves_by_id, key=int): keysv = self.valves_by_id[id] valve_ordered_array.append(keysv) valve_ordered_array_length = len(valve_ordered_array) for vlvidx in range(valve_ordered_array_length): keysv = valve_ordered_array[vlvidx] keysvprevious = None logtxt = keysv + " " cfg_start_time_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["start_time"] cfg_duration_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["duration"] cfg_calendar_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["calendar"] previous_cfg_start_time_field = None previous_cfg_duration_field = None previous_cfg_calendar_field = None previous_cfg_duration_field_array = None previous_cfg_duration_field_array_len = 0 previous_cfg_calendar_field_array = None previous_cfg_calendar_field_array_len = 0 previous_flag = False if cfg_start_time_field == "PREVIOUS": previous_flag = True logtxt = " PREVIOUS keyword found." log.debug(logtxt) if vlvidx == 0: log.error(keysv + " Cannot be set to previous with id") log.error(keysv + "Config error for cfg_start_time in " + self.valveconfigfilename) os._exit(-1) keysvprevious = valve_ordered_array[vlvidx - 1] previous_cfg_start_time_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[ keysvprevious]["TimeProperties"]["start_time"] previous_cfg_duration_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[ keysvprevious]["TimeProperties"]["duration"] previous_cfg_calendar_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[ keysvprevious]["TimeProperties"]["calendar"] previous_cfg_duration_field_array = previous_cfg_duration_field.split( ',') previous_cfg_duration_field_array_len = len( previous_cfg_duration_field_array) previous_cfg_calendar_field_array = previous_cfg_calendar_field.split( ',') previous_cfg_calendar_field_array_len = len( previous_cfg_calendar_field_array) logtxt = str( vlvidx ) + ") PREVIOUS value for " + keysvprevious + " from " + keysv + " st=" + previous_cfg_start_time_field log.debug(logtxt) if previous_flag == True: cfg_start_time_field_array = previous_cfg_start_time_field.split( ',') else: cfg_start_time_field_array = cfg_start_time_field.split( ',') cfg_start_time_field_array_len = len( cfg_start_time_field_array) cfg_duration_field_array = cfg_duration_field.split(',') cfg_duration_field_array_len = len(cfg_duration_field_array) cfg_calendar_field_array = cfg_calendar_field.split(',') cfg_calendar_field_array_len = len(cfg_calendar_field_array) if (cfg_start_time_field_array_len != cfg_duration_field_array_len or cfg_start_time_field_array_len != cfg_calendar_field_array_len): # Different valve configs, only use 1st entry by default. logtxt = logtxt + " - Different valve configs, start_time, calendar or duration array len unequal (" + str(cfg_start_time_field_array_len) \ + "/"+str(cfg_duration_field_array_len) + "/"+str(cfg_calendar_field_array_len) +") " log.debug(logtxt) if (cfg_start_time_field_array_len <= 0 or cfg_duration_field_array_len <= 0): logtxt = logtxt + "start_time & duration array len unequal (" + str(cfg_start_time_field_array_len) + "/"+str(cfg_duration_field_array_len) \ + "/"+str(cfg_calendar_field_array_len) +") " raise Exception(logtxt) logtxt2 = keysv + " " + " previous_flag:" + str(previous_flag) logtxt2 = " cfg_start_time_field:" + cfg_start_time_field + " cfg_duration_field:" + str( cfg_duration_field ) + " cfg_calendar_field:" + cfg_calendar_field for idx in range(cfg_start_time_field_array_len ): #Look in json field separated by commas cfg_start_time = cfg_start_time_field_array[idx] if idx > 0: if (cfg_duration_field_array_len - 1) < idx: # cfg_duration = 0 cfg_duration_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["duration"] cfg_duration_field = cfg_duration_field + ",0" cfg_duration_field_array = cfg_duration_field.split( ',') cfg_duration_field_array_len = len( cfg_duration_field_array) self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv]["TimeProperties"][ "duration"] = cfg_duration_field # else: # cfg_duration = cfg_duration_field_array[idx] if (cfg_calendar_field_array_len - 1) < idx: # cfg_calendar = 0 cfg_calendar_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["calendar"] cfg_calendar_field = cfg_calendar_field + ",OFF" cfg_calendar_field_array = cfg_calendar_field.split( ',') cfg_calendar_field_array_len = len( cfg_calendar_field_array) self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv]["TimeProperties"][ "calendar"] = cfg_calendar_field # else: # cfg_duration = cfg_duration_field_array[idx] if previous_flag == True: # If previous start time is previous + duration if previous_cfg_duration_field_array_len == cfg_start_time_field_array_len: previous_cfg_duration = previous_cfg_duration_field_array[ idx] else: previous_cfg_duration = 0 log.error( "previous_flag=True with previous_cfg_duration_array len > idx" ) now = tmpstartdatetime = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") + "-" start_datetime_str = tmpstartdatetime + cfg_start_time + ":00" # 0s to remove ambiguity logtxt = logtxt + " start_datetime #" + str( idx) + "=" + start_datetime_str log.debug(logtxt) start_datetime_init = datetime.datetime.strptime( start_datetime_str, "%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S") start_datetime = start_datetime_init + datetime.timedelta( minutes=int(previous_cfg_duration)) start_datetime_str = start_datetime.strftime("%H:%M") if idx > 0: start_datetime_str = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"][ "start_time"] + "," + start_datetime_str self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv]["TimeProperties"][ "start_time"] = start_datetime_str cfg_start_time_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["start_time"] cfg_duration_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["duration"] log.debug( str(idx) + ">processValveConfig " + keysv + " st=" + cfg_start_time_field + " dur=" + cfg_duration_field + " id=" + id) self.valve_last_info_log[keysv] = time.time() + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "VALVE_MANAGER", "VALVE_DISPLAY_OPEN_STATUS_INTERVAL")) self.last_schedule_process_time[keysv] = time.time( ) # Initial time for schedule self.last_alert_closed_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ keysv] = time.time() - float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY3_REPEAT_INTERVAL") ) # Initial time for schedule self.last_alert_open_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[keysv] = time.time( ) - float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY3_REPEAT_INTERVAL") ) # Initial time for schedule #os._exit(-1) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() log.error("Exiting...") os._exit(-1) emailsub = "Valve Config Summary" emailstr = "*** " + emailsub + " ***\n" for vlvidx in range(valve_ordered_array_length): #Print summary keysv = valve_ordered_array[vlvidx] cfg_start_time_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["start_time"] cfg_duration_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["duration"] cfg_calendar_field = self.valvesConfigJSON[keysv][ "TimeProperties"]["calendar"] logtxt = keysv + " start_time:" + cfg_start_time_field + " duration:" + str( cfg_duration_field) + " calendar:" + cfg_calendar_field emailstr = emailstr + logtxt + "\n" #os._exit(-1) try: self.notif_mgr_handler.send_email(self.email_sender, self.email_recipient, emailstr, emailsub) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() errtxt = self.email_sender + " " + self.email_recipient + " " + emailstr + " " + emailsub log.error(errtxt) #os._exit(-1) def monitor(self): self.dev_manager_handler = DeviceManager() self.deviceList = self.dev_manager_handler.deviceList i = 0 lastlogprint = time.time() while (True): self.isRainForecast = self.weather_mgr_handler.isRainForecasted() logstr = "is Rain Forecasted Direct: " + str(self.isRainForecast) log.debug(logstr) if time.time() > (self.valve_manager_start_time + 60): if cherrypy.engine.state == cherrypy.engine.states.STARTED: if i % 1000 == 0: log.debug("Cherrypy Web Server Thread Running") self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time = time.time() else: log.error("Cherrypy Web Server Thread Dead") if (time.time() > (self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time + 120)): log.error( "Cherrypy Web server thread not running, force exit of valve processes for crontab restart !" ) os._exit(-1) elif (time.time() > (self.cherryweb_server_last_run_time + 30)): # 15sec to allow for cherry pi web server to start log.error( "Cherrypy Web server thread not running, sending alert SW001 !" ) # status_text = self.alarm_mgr_handler.addAlert("SW001", "RASPBERRY_PI") status_text = self.addAlert( "SW001", "RASPBERRY_PI", "Cherrypy Web server thread not running") log.error(status_text) else: if i % 5 == 0: log.debug( "Cherrypy Web server thread monitoring off for 1 min after ValveManager thread startup" ) for key in self.deviceList: sensor_status_str = "" obj = self.deviceList[key] if isinstance(obj, Valve): obj.updateSensor() obj.determineValveOpenClosedStatus() self.ScheduleValve(obj) self.checkValvePolicy(obj) if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and i % 10000 == 0: tmplog = "%s Device: %s" % (obj.get_vlv_name(), obj.get_serialdevicename()) self.alarm_mgr_handler.processAlerts() if i % 10000 == 0 or time.time() > (lastlogprint + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "VALVE_MANAGER", "VALVE_DISPLAY_ALL_STATUS_INTERVAL"))):"** valveManager heart beat %d **" % (i)) lastlogprint = time.time() self.dev_manager_handler.listDevices() self.alarm_mgr_handler.status() if self.isRainForecastPrev != self.isRainForecast: #For a print on rain forecast change logstr = "is Rain Forecasted: " + str(self.isRainForecast) self.isRainForecastPrev = self.isRainForecast sleep( float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "VALVE_MANAGER", "VALVE_MANAGER_LOOP_TIMEOUT"))) i = i + 1 pass def getWeekdays(self, day): i = self.weekdays_name.index(day) # get the index of the selected day return i ################################################# # Is this a day to run ################################################# def isDayRun(self, vname, cal, idx): caldx = 0 #Take calendar 0 i.e. 1st element of array as default. # calendar: OFF,EVEN,MONDAY,EVERYDAY calname = "OFF" isdayrun = False dt = wd = cal_array = cal.split(',') nbrcal = len(cal_array) if (idx <= (nbrcal - 1)): calname = cal_array[idx].upper() else: calname = cal_array[0].upper() if calname == None or calname == "OFF": log.debug(vname + " OFF") isdayrun = False elif calname == "EVERYDAY": isdayrun = True elif calname == "EVEN": if % 2 == 0: isdayrun = True elif calname == "ODD": if % 2 == 1: isdayrun = True elif calname in self.weekdays_name: day = self.getWeekdays(calname) if (day == wd): isdayrun = True tmplog = vname + " #" + str( idx) + " Weekday check " + calname + " day=" + str( day) + " wd=" + str(wd) + " " + str(isdayrun) log.debug(tmplog) else: log.error("Unsupported Calendar Name:'" + calname + "' for " + vname) isdayrun = False tmplog = vname + " #" + str(idx) + " isdayrun=" + str( isdayrun) + " cal=" + cal + " nbr calendars=" + str(nbrcal) log.debug(tmplog) return isdayrun ################################################# # Schedule valvle method ################################################# def ScheduleValve(self, vlv: Valve): logtxt = "ScheduleValve: " + vlv.vlv_name + " " + vlv.vlv_status + " " logtxt2 = logtxt now = motime = "None" try: if time.time() < ( self.last_schedule_process_time[vlv.vlv_name] + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "VALVE_COMMON", "SCHEDULE_CHECK_INTERVAL_MIN"))): return logtxt #last_alert_closed_sev3_checkvalvepolicy updated in check policy if time.time() > ( self.last_alert_closed_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[vlv.vlv_name] + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY3_REPEAT_INTERVAL"))): log.debug(logtxt) self.last_schedule_process_time[vlv.vlv_name] = time.time() # debug messages & events handling start if vlv.vlv_manual_mode == True: if vlv.vlv_manualopen_time != None: motime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( vlv.vlv_manualopen_time).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") logtxt = logtxt + "Skip Scheduler. Manual Mode enabled " log.debug(logtxt) return logtxt logtxt2 = logtxt2 + "Manual Force Status:%s - Last Manual Open Time:%s" % ( vlv.auto_force_close_valve, motime) + " - " if time.time() > ( self.last_alert_closed_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[vlv.vlv_name] + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY3_REPEAT_INTERVAL"))): log.debug(logtxt2) # debug tmpstartdatetime = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") + "-" if vlv.auto_force_close_valve == True: #Skip scheduling logtxt = logtxt + " auto_force_close_valve enabled. Skip Scheduling." log.debug(logtxt) vlv.vlv_manual_mode = False self.vlv_close_time = time.time() vlv.triggerValve("close") vlv.close() return logtxt except Exception: vlv.addAlert("SW002", vlv.vlv_name, " Error force closing") raise Exception("Bloc Messages & events or Auto Force Close") return try: if vlv.vlv_name in self.valvesConfigJSON: cfg_start_time = self.valvesConfigJSON[ vlv.vlv_name]["TimeProperties"]["start_time"] cfg_duration = self.valvesConfigJSON[ vlv.vlv_name]["TimeProperties"]["duration"] cfg_calendar = self.valvesConfigJSON[ vlv.vlv_name]["TimeProperties"]["calendar"] cfg_current_weather_ignore = self.valvesConfigJSON[ vlv.vlv_name]["TimeProperties"]["current_weather_ignore"] valve_enable = False cfg_start_time_array = cfg_start_time.split(',') cfg_start_time_array_len = len(cfg_start_time_array) cfg_duration_array = cfg_duration.split(',') cfg_duration_array_len = len(cfg_duration_array) if (cfg_start_time_array_len != cfg_duration_array_len): logtxt = logtxt + "start_time & duration array len unequal (" + str( cfg_start_time_array_len) + "/" + str( cfg_duration_array_len) + ")" raise Exception(logtxt) logtxtvalvetimetrigger = "" for idx in range(cfg_start_time_array_len): isdayrun = self.isDayRun(vlv.vlv_name, cfg_calendar, idx) logtxt2 = vlv.vlv_name + " #" + str( idx) + ">" + "start_time:" + cfg_start_time_array[ idx] + " dur:" + cfg_duration_array[idx] start_datetime_str = tmpstartdatetime + cfg_start_time_array[ idx] + ":00" #0s to remove ambiguity # logtxt = logtxt + " start_datetime #"+str(idx)+"=" + start_datetime_str start_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime( start_datetime_str, "%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S") end_datetime = start_datetime + datetime.timedelta( minutes=int(cfg_duration_array[idx])) start_datetime_str2 = start_datetime.strftime( "%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S") end_datetime_str2 = end_datetime.strftime( "%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S") isRainForecastOverride = self.isRainForecast if self.isRainForecast == True and cfg_current_weather_ignore == "True": isRainForecastOverride = False logtxt2 = logtxt2 + " Override Rain forcast! " if (isRainForecastOverride == False and isdayrun == True and now >= start_datetime and now <= end_datetime): logtxt2 = logtxt2 + " Turn VALVE_ON" valve_enable = valve_enable | True logtxtvalvetimetrigger = logtxtvalvetimetrigger + start_datetime.strftime( "%d-%Hh%Mm") + " to " + end_datetime.strftime( "%d-%Hh%Mm") else: logtxt2 = logtxt2 + " Turn VALVE_OFF" valve_enable = valve_enable | False if time.time() > ( self.last_alert_closed_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ vlv.vlv_name] + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY3_REPEAT_INTERVAL"))): logtxt2 = logtxt2 + " [s=" + start_datetime_str2 + ", e=" + end_datetime_str2 + "] " log.debug(logtxt2) #end for idx if (valve_enable): if vlv.vlv_status != G_OPEN: if self.isRainForecast == True and cfg_current_weather_ignore == "True": logtxtOver = vlv.vlv_name + " Override Rain forcast, " + G_OPEN + "!" logtxt = logtxt + "Open " + logtxtvalvetimetrigger else: logtxt = logtxt + "Already Open " + logtxtvalvetimetrigger else: if vlv.vlv_status != G_CLOSED: vlv.close() logtxt = logtxt + "Closed" else: logtxt = logtxt + "Already Closed" if time.time() > (self.last_alert_closed_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ vlv.vlv_name] + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY3_REPEAT_INTERVAL"))): log.debug(logtxt) else: logtxt = logtxt + " not defined in " + self.valveconfigfilename log.error(logtxt) raise Exception(logtxt) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() vlv.auto_force_close_valve = True vlv.vlv_manual_mode = False #self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("VALVE_COMMAND", vlv.vlv_name) #self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("VALVE_OPEN", vlv.vlv_name) status_text = vlv.addAlert("SW002", vlv.vlv_name, logtxt) vlv.vlv_last_alert_time = time.time() log.error(status_text) #Do all to close! self.vlv_close_time = time.time() vlv.triggerValve("close") vlv.close() # Display Status at fixed interval if vlv.vlv_status != G_CLOSED and time.time( ) > self.valve_last_info_log[vlv.vlv_name]: # limit number of logs ! self.valve_last_info_log[vlv.vlv_name] = time.time() + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "VALVE_MANAGER", "VALVE_DISPLAY_OPEN_STATUS_INTERVAL")) #Valve policy should take precedence over schedule in case something goes wrong def checkValvePolicy(self, vlv: Valve): logtxt = " checkValvePolicy: " + vlv.vlv_name + " " tmpstr = "" try: # This is how the open time threasholds are defined. refopentime is there to ensure opentime non null value. # ------- <opentimewarning>----<opentimeredcritical>--<opentimefinal>----<opentimelightingstop> refopentime = time.time() if vlv.vlv_open_time != None: refopentime = vlv.vlv_open_time opentimehw = refopentime + float(self.ValveHardwareResponseTime) opentimecritical = refopentime + float( self.ValveOpenTriggerCriticalElapsedTime) opentimewarning = refopentime + float( self.ValveOpenTriggerWarningElapsedTime) event_active_time = refopentime + float( 30) #Alarm hardocoded 30 sec if vlv.vlv_status == G_OPEN: #Locked Status is LOCKOPEN ! Don't allow auto close on lock open. if (vlv.vlv_open_time != None): #Is there an open time stamp ? if time.time() > opentimecritical: logtxt = logtxt + " Open Time Exceeded " log.debug(logtxt) # self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("VALVE_COMMAND", vlv.vlv_name) # self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("VALVE_OPEN", vlv.vlv_name) if (time.time() > vlv.vlv_last_alert_time \ + float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY1_REPEAT_INTERVAL"))): log.critical(logtxt) self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertID( "VO001", vlv.vlv_name) self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertID( "VO002", vlv.vlv_name) self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertID( "VO003", vlv.vlv_name) status_text = self.addAlert("VO001", vlv.vlv_name, logtxt) log.debug(status_text) vlv.vlv_last_alert_time = time.time() self.vlv_manual_mode = False vlv.auto_force_close_valve = True #disable scheduler for some time because of manual mode to false and auto close impacts self.last_schedule_process_time[ vlv.vlv_name] = time.time() + 90 vlv.close() elif time.time() > opentimewarning: logtxt = logtxt + " Open Time Warning!" log.debug(logtxt) #self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("VALVE_COMMAND", vlv.vlv_name) #self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice("VALVE_OPEN", vlv.vlv_name) if (time.time() > vlv.vlv_last_alert_time \ + float(self.config_handler.getConfigParam("INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY2_REPEAT_INTERVAL"))): log.warning(logtxt) self.last_alert_open_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ vlv.vlv_name] = time.time() status_text = self.addAlert("VO002", vlv.vlv_name) vlv.vlv_last_alert_time = time.time() log.debug(status_text) #self.vlv_manual_mode = False elif time.time() > opentimehw: if time.time() > ( self.last_alert_open_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ vlv.vlv_name] + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY3_REPEAT_INTERVAL"))): logtxt = logtxt + " open HW time expired. nothing to do. OK! " log.debug(logtxt) self.last_alert_open_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ vlv.vlv_name] = time.time() else: logtxt = logtxt + vlv.vlv_status + " " + tmpstr if time.time() > (self.last_alert_open_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ vlv.vlv_name] + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY3_REPEAT_INTERVAL"))): log.debug(logtxt) self.last_alert_open_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ vlv.vlv_name] = time.time() if vlv.vlv_status == G_CLOSED: if time.time() >= ( vlv.vlv_close_time + 2 * float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "NOTIFICATION_MANAGER", "NOTIFICATION_MANAGER_LOOP_TIMEOUT")) ): # Dont clear alarm right away. give time to notification manager self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice( "VALVE_OPEN", vlv.vlv_name, logtxt + " G_CLOSED") self.alarm_mgr_handler.clearAlertDevice( "VALVE_COMMAND", vlv.vlv_name, logtxt + " G_CLOSED") logtxt = logtxt + " G_CLOSED. clearAlertDevice/VALVE_COMMAND/VALVE_OPEN Alert." if time.time() > ( self.last_alert_closed_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ vlv.vlv_name] + float( self.config_handler.getConfigParam( "INTERNAL", "LOG_SEVERITY3_REPEAT_INTERVAL")) ): #reduce load, dont clear forever log.debug(logtxt) #vlv.vlv_last_alert_time = time.time() self.last_alert_closed_sev3_checkvalvepolicy[ vlv.vlv_name] = time.time() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() vlv.auto_force_close_valve = True status_text = vlv.addAlert("SW101", vlv.vlv_name) vlv.vlv_last_alert_time = time.time() log.error(status_text) self.vlv_close_time = time.time() vlv.triggerValve("close") vlv.close() sleep(5) os._exit(-1) def addAlert(self, id, device, extratxt=""): self.vlv_last_alert_time = time.time() status_text = "request for Alert %s %s %s" % (id, device, extratxt) try: self.vlv_add_alert_time_by_type[id] = time.time() status_text = self.alarm_mgr_handler.addAlert(id, device, extratxt) log.warning(status_text) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() logtxt = "ValveManager AddAlert Exception:" + str( traceback.format_list( traceback.extract_stack())) + " sys.excInfo:" + str( sys.exc_info()) log.error(logtxt) return status_text